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May 22nd, 2013

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

I just decided I do not like May. Nope, May is absolutely not a good month. There's that weird thing with the weather going on where you just think, hey, it's going to get reasonably warmed because we're well into spring now, but instead the weather does this wibbly wobbly thing where it can't decide if it wants to move on into summer or revert back into April, so you have a random mix of sunshine and then rain mixed with okay weather, then chilliness, then sweltering heat. And then life reminds you of your insecurities

Or maybe that's just New York because I can't remember San Fran being like that.

Filtered: Ben Reilly
What are you up to tonight, kiddo?

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

Delivered to Ben Reilly's room, Tuesday evening )

[info]phoeniceous in [info]thedoorway

Wow. Okay. That was a good chunk of the most important people in my life, Tesseract.

[info]arseniclace in [info]thedoorway

network post: open

The more I think about it the more I become confused. Do I relish in this existence as if these next few moments are my last, or do I build up to what I will never possibly have in some crazy hope that maybe tomorrow I'll still be alive?

When you watch people you don't know have their lives turned upside down by the random vanishings of loved ones it is hard to keep pushing forward when you then start to view these strangers as possible mirrors of your own loved ones upon your own vanishing.

There is rebirth, what the fuck is redeath like?
I'm not ready to find out.
But I don't know what living means right now either.

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

Dear Tesseract, Go fuck yourself. No love, Elaine.

Filter: Jason Todd
This Tesseract sucks. I hate it. First Molly. Then Dresden. Now Thomas.

Filter: Severus Snape
Haven't heard from you in awhile.
Let's go grab dinner. Get you social. Get me social.

[info]aprilglowers in [info]thedoorway

the tesseract should totally bring in the neutral milk hotel.

edited to add: and teddy roosevelt.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Who: Christopher Pike and Jim Kirk
When: Sunday, May 19
Where: Kirk's apt
What: Pike comes by to check on Jim
Rating: PG-13/R for language, discussion of movie spoilers & difficult topics
Status: Completed log

Warning: Spoilers for STID; sucker punch right in the feels

I’m also pretty shitty, but I think you already know that. I’d ask how you are but I imagine it’s much the same. So why are you really here? )

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Oh hello little me

Never be afraid to wear pink.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway


Here's why "Elementary" is the Sherlock Holmes we never knew we always needed.

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I had spoken earlier about the idea of a Potts Tower talent show and several had indicated their interest.

After having done a bit more research I have decided that doing this towards the beginning of next month would be a possible time to give it a try and see what happens.

Thus I am throwing this out for people to sign up in a more official context.

Currently I am looking for somewhere between four to five 'acts'. These might be individual or could be a group of people. If you believe you would be interested in sharing something please indicate that below.

[Filter: Ivy Lynn]
Did we ever decide upon a scene to act out?

[Captain's Log; Filter: Private]
Captain's Log; Stardate 308998.0

Nearly four months in this reality and I have found myself becoming accustomed to the particular restrictions that it has with the one exception of the lack of space travel. To be grounded without any possibility of travel is an experience I sincerely doubt that I should ever quite get used to.

With no sign of when the tesseract will allow me to return to my own reality I have been making connections with others who were employed by Starfleet in their own realities and looking into what I may do to give something back to this community that has accepted me into its reality with a mild amount of fuss.

Right now I have been investigating places where I might be able to instruct in the fields of archaeology and it seems there are some colleges that would be willing to open up a basic class in the subject for me to do some instruction.

Additionally to something like work I am looking into the possibility of travel to France and believe I have procured the necessary documents to make this happen at the end of next month. I will look into my home town in this reality and see what 'home' is like in this reality.

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

How does one go about rooming reassignments in this place? I got married on Monday and think it might be appropriate if I were to live with my wife.

[NOTE: Sexual themes, discussions, recollections of sexual encounters, rough sex]

[info]myeu_muh in [info]thedoorway

Soo, the Tesseract sucks. No doubts about that. I'm sorry to anyone who lost someone close to them, and hope that things can work out in the end for everyone.

In the meantime, I figured we could all use a pick-me-up? And lordy knows I could use something to take my mind off of Bruce and SHIELD and Betty and alskjdalhf This Saturday I'm going to throw together a little KARAOKE PARTY on the 13th floor. Come one, come all. I'll have the machine and projector set up, and snacks and soda will be provided. BYOB. SATURDAY, MAY 25TH, STARTING AT 7 AND GOING UNTIL WHENEVER.

Karaoke Club only has one rule. IF YOU DO NOT SING, YOU CANNOT HECKLE. If you sing at least one song, you earn the right and privilege to heckle other singers. Don't be a douche, and don't be super sensitive. This is karaoke and the night is for FUN.

Anyway, come out, eat free snacks, sing terrible Bon Jovi songs until your throat is sore, have a little fun!

[info]selfmadman in [info]thedoorway

[James Bond]

Your phone's been stolen.

[info]wheezes in [info]thedoorway

You fucking bastard, you glowing piece of shit.

All plans for setting up a New York branch of WWW have been put on hold until further notice.

[info]chippedheart in [info]thedoorway

It seems I have woken up this morning with a few more memories than I had before. Living through something is quite different from watching it on a television show.

I don't want you to worry about anything. We will find you. I will never stop until I've found you again. You know that, don't you?

We should talk.

[info]sirius_business in [info]thedoorway

Anyone needs me, I'll be in the bar.

[info]supportcrumbles in [info]thedoorway

Cheese is dairy crack

[info]wouldbedoctor in [info]thedoorway

If anyone is looking for a little side work I've got $100 for anyone willing to help a Tower room move. I thought since it can be rough finding a job in this city I would offer it to the residents first before hiring movers.

[Filtered to Who!verse people minus Mickey]

Mickey asked me to move in with him! Only I couldn't move in with him because I'm a floor assistant, but he's moving in with me this weekend. It's going to be a tight fit since it's a one bedroom, but I think we can make it work. I wanted you lot to be the first to know. From now on if you want to pay Mickey a visit you'll get a Martha thrown in for free!

I really thought you were going to break up with me. This is much better.

[info]quiteprolific in [info]thedoorway

Jane Bennet
Do you have anything I can bring over to Will's for him to eat? I don't know what else to do.
Lydia Bennet
I'm really sorry about Gigi, Lyd. I know you guys were getting along so well.

And Santana, too. I saw she was sent back. Do you need anything?
William Darcy
Up for company?

[info]vespermartini in [info]thedoorway

» How much do I have to pay you
» to take me to karaoke?

[info]purebiotic in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Tali'Zorah vas Normandy]
» Hello! Trying this other method of communicating.
» Thank the Goddess for our omni-tool's text-to-voice or this would take me ages.
» Anyway, a question for you:
» Have you attempted to create or re-create your drone here? Chatika?

[info]themedusa in [info]thedoorway

» Will you be in the delivery room with me?
» You are my person.

[info]addling in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Mary Watson]

You should know... Dorian Gray and I are married.

Oh, and there's ice cream in the freezer.

[info]changetherules in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Goodness, that was odd. I was in a produce section for a bit of grocery shopping when someone crept up to me, handed me an apple, then burst into tears and ran away.

Myka and I are still seeking employment, and I thought we could use some advice. Our particular line of work doesn't seem to exist here. We'd be interested in something equivalent or that at least utilises our existing skills. If you have suggestions of what might suit and how to go about becoming employed, please do share with our thanks.

Our work back home involves researching, identifying, locating, retrieving, and ultimately neutralising and storing items with unusual and dangerous properties. In the process, we question and interrogate, defend persons under threat of these items or threatened by misuse of them by other parties, and turn over such suspects to appropriate authorities when it reaches the level that they are equipped to handle. I hope that this description suggests the skills necessary to carrying that out. Myka was recruited for this out of the Secret Service, so she also has that experience. I, of course, used to be something of an author, but I also had a love of inventing and I performed various scientific experiments. We wish to find employment as a team.

Needless to say, I did not purchase or consume that aforementioned apple.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

» So I was under the impression that nothing was going on with you and Gwen.
» So what's really going on? I already know you led her on. So don't try to weasel your way out of this.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

I couldn't remember whether or not you had plans to see the movie.

[Spock (AOS)]
Do you have time for a game of chess this week?

How are you doing, doc?

Private (STID Spoiler Alert; warning: depression talk) )


[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

Something was mentioned on set today and well I'm a little curious: someone said there are actually people who teach actors how to make theft look good on camera? Because outside of aerialist stunt work (which is keeping my inner thrill junkie very happy) I may have another option to consider.‎

Ned: I have two days of filming left so how does Monday sound?

[info]boswell in [info]thedoorway

[Mrs. Irene Gray (née Adler)]

Now what in the name of the devil's hooves are you thinking?

[info]raisingkaine in [info]thedoorway

where the fuck is the

I hate compu

What the hell?

I fucking hate New York City, and last time I checked it didn't like me either.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

» You.
» Got an open night?
» I'm calling dibs.

[info]marchaprilmay in [info]thedoorway


So, let me get this straight. My parents won't know I'm missing, right? That's what they told me, but how do we know? I mean, I don't want my dad to go after Normie Osborn, thinking that crazyhead kidnapped me or something.

Pfft, like Normie could kidnap me.

Hi. I'm May and I'm kind of pissed because I finally got that Skyrim DLC and now I'm HERE and I'm sure my Steam account doesn't work in Alternate Universes. HOWEVER OMG I THINK SAILOR MOON IS MY ROOMMATE? I'm glad she didn't see my room back home, it would be so weird when she saw my pillowcase with her face on it...

[info]greymatter in [info]thedoorway

Scott's birthday is on Saturday. He's not much of a party person (shocking, I know), so my plan is to drag him out for dinner and drinks. Somewhere low-key and relaxed, if I can find such a thing in the city on a Saturday night. If anyone wants to join us, let me know.
We're going out on Saturday. I invited, well, everyone. I'm warning you just in case more of them actually come along than I expect and it ends up vaguely resembling a party. Please don't flee the country.

Thank you. :)