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April 13th, 2013

[info]greatballs in [info]thedoorway

Welp. Just saw London get blown up. #withJen

[info]alwaysfindher in [info]thedoorway

WHO: David and Mary Margaret.
WHERE: Potts Tower; 1103.
WHEN: Evening.
WHAT: Mary Margaret's been through a lot lately, and David wants to be there for his wife.
STATUS: In progress.

He had been a prince once. He'd inspired armies with his words. It would be great if he could actually use that skill with his wife. )

[info]supposedtobe in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Alex Summers (616), backdated to Friday 4/13 )

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway


To: Nathan

Did I leave a shopping list on the bench this morning?
I can't remember what I had on it.

I feel like an old lady with that.

To: Christine
Girl time soon?

To: Uhura
Hows things?

To: Bridget

Did you want to go shopping at some point?

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

It seems that I cannot speak to my brother without fighting with him. I do not mean for it to be so; I love my brother dearly.

It only seems that with him, I never know the correct thing to say.

Is this a typical problem with siblings?

Maitimo, you don't count. Fëanorians are born to fight with each other.

[info]william_pratt in [info]thedoorway

Of all the times not to be in the UK. No, I don't miss home. Don't be bloody ridiculous.

But I'd like to see her before the next apocalypse though.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Glee spoilers say that Blaine is going to propose to me in the season finale.


Everything in my life makes dreadful sense now. I knew I was at the mercy of script writers, but it's now really just sunk in. My mom, my dad, all the bullying and everything? I'M NOT FINCHEL. OMG. And I would say no. But they'll probably just ... I'm sorry, I'm dramatic. It's how I was written.

feelings illustrated in gifs )

Retail therapy stat. And I want this coat. With glitter. And I don't care if it's so 2009 because glitter is coming back, mark my words. So Julie and friend. When are we going? :D

And RIB, just because I sang this? Doesn't mean I'm going to say yes. CAN I DATE OTHER PEOPLE. Because I also sang this.

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

Heeeeeeeeeeey Kurt, I guess Julie's Operation: Gay Bar worked out. And way to spoil me about your life in that last post, I am so behind on watching your show. I need to read all the spoilers now. Can't properly commiserate or congratulate being not in the know.

Added in after this
Filtered to Elena Elena Gilbert & Bonnie Bennett
Trigger warnings: sexual assault, violence )

[info]just_this_once in [info]thedoorway

Even if I could build a TARDIS, she'd never fly, not in the way she's supposed to. She might fly here and there around this world, but she'd never leave for the stars, she'd never travel through time, never back to my home universe. It would just be a box, with no heart.

Filter: Donna

Did you travel with Jenny? I saw your earlier post.

Filter: Sally Sparrow

Do you and I know each other?

Filter: Team Time

So it would appear the only way out of this mess is through the tesseract cube. They really should let me near it. Failing that, it seems the only thing to do is to figure out who is leaving, who comes, how long they stay, if there's clues in what part of their timeline they're pulled from, etc etc. Someone else on this network has to have done the same thing - it's only logical. Anyone have ideas as to who that could be?

Filter: Metacrisis, Other Doctor

Jenny left. I was just getting used to the idea of her. I was going to get to know her.

[info]bioticimplants in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Normandy Crew and Renee Montoya

Hey Ash, you know what's important about April 14th? Nothing.

And by that I mean it's Ash's birthday tomorrow. So we should probably do something.

[info]revolutionary in [info]thedoorway


What is it we did last night, Grantaire?

[info]teslasgirl in [info]thedoorway

I interrupt your regularly scheduled Saturday to present this:

Also: I want a Bioshock Infinite t-shirt.
Alsoalso: we need a gaming night on the 13th floor one of these nights.

Lastly: My actress guest-starred on another TV show, and I look AWESOME with long curly brown hair. Do you think that's her natural hair? It's killer. I think I'm actually jealous. Jinks, if I did a hairstyle change, would that be too creepy? Art imitating life imitating art imitating life?

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway


To: Moya
You up for some company?

To: Lee
How are you?

To: Obi-Wan
So not sure if you saw. Bill's here.
He's forty years younger than I remember him.

[info]imallright in [info]thedoorway

Don't forget, poker night. Got plenty of beer, this'll be the last one I hold in the tower. Next one'll be at my ranch. Details on that later.

If you ain't already signed up, now's the time. No last minute showin up at the door. And no cheatin. Anyone at your table thinks you are and has some proof, I let Jayne shoot you. And if you got some kinda bullet proof power, we get creative. Game's in fun, so cheats ain't welcome.

[info]hihon in [info]thedoorway

Some days I really do miss Satchmo more than others. Today is one of those days I miss the fellow.

Otherwise, I seem to be keeping very busy.

[info]jennasommers in [info]thedoorway

Alright, this paper is killing me. I need a distraction.

[info]smilekatie in [info]thedoorway

I'm starting to get used to the city, it's a little slow going, but I'm getting there. Considering this city has always had the reputation of not being friendly, everyone has been really friendly. It's been a little surprising, but a good surprise.

[info]thetowelgirl in [info]thedoorway

Plaid or stripes? Been arguing with a co-worker about it. He takes it so seriously I can't stop laughing.

[info]pheebspower in [info]thedoorway

This whole job thing, it's working out. First, I got it, which surprised me, but I'm all of a sudden so busy. At least it's the weekend, a little relaxing is a good thing.

[Filtered to Kaidan]

Brunch tomorrow? If you're free.


[info]dinocrazy in [info]thedoorway



And this must've been you as a baby.

[info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

A reminder that tomorrow is when I'm going to kick all youse asses at paintball. Feel free to disagree, but tomorrow is judgment day.

In other news, I've had someone freak out on me because I'm literally a Grandfather Paradox. I'm no expert, but wouldn't the danger of that have dissipated now that I'm in an universe where the Mitchell clan doesn't exist at all? Or is that just more proof? Am I making it too complicated? Maybe that's the right question.

You know what, I'll stick to rounding up the bad guys and writing reports. And getting beat up. A proper leading man always needs to get beat up, overcome impossible obstacles. Save the world. I'm good at it. I've got medals in some universe that say so. And that's without any of the cool powers I've seen about, so gold star for me?

Yes? No? I'm just kidding.

Anywho, SHIELD training is AWESOME and actually makes me feel like a man of twenty again. Thank you for continually reminding what it was like. Really. Those were some of the best days of my life.

[info]sirius_business in [info]thedoorway

Have I told this network lately how brilliant Lily Evans is? She puts up with James and I and still somehow finds it in her heart to help me make my motorbike fly. We even put a sidecar on it so I can take people up with me. I accept all sorts of bribes, just so you know.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

In the four months I've been here I've developed a fondness for lattes at Starbucks. I've kept to vanilla and hazelnut but am wondering what other flavors you all would suggest.

[Filter to Archie Hopper]
I need
You broke my trust la
I'm conf

I know you have an office set up here, would it be possible for me to come in?

[info]purrception in [info]thedoorway

Here's a riddle: what goes thud and shoots sparks?

[info]steveseekstruth in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Warehouse 13 folks

We all need to meet up and figure out some things, soon. I'm assuming meeting in a public place is a bad idea.

Where should we meet, and when?

[info]sober_enough in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Effie

Just got up and you weren't anywhere to be seen. You okay?

[info]speedierthanyou in [info]thedoorway

Right. So I've been kidnapped to an alternate universe by a shiny blue box. Can't say that's something I've ever expected to happen to me.

[info]reptilsaur in [info]thedoorway

Turns out batting cages are ridiculously expensive in New York. Worth it, but not something I'm going to be doing regularly. Anyone up for throwing a ball around? I promise not to aim for your head or any other delicate areas.

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

RP Log; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce & Severus Snape

Who: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce & Severus Snape
When: 13 April, Saturday
Where: Pier 39, San Francisco
What: A conversation between travel companions.
Rating: Low-ish.

I swear I’ve not seen this much plastic rubbish since I invaded Jessalyn’s Magical Emporium a couple of years back. How many small plastic castle-like objects claiming to be Alcatraz does one town need? )

[info]cerebricity in [info]thedoorway

mental filter: charles and emma

You know the rules.

[info]firstfrost in [info]thedoorway

2am Text Message

[Text Message to Scott Summers (616)]
» Darling, I am in need of assistance.
» My legs aren't working.

[info]quiteprolific in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Gigi Darcy
I think I'm stuck.
Filtered: Jane Bennet:
What if we can't put Lydia together again?
Filtered: William Darcy
How did you do it? How did you not go insane with guilt over Gigi and Wickham?
Filtered: Lydia Bennet

[info]gingersnappy in [info]thedoorway

You never answered.


And I made Baklava. Alicia said it was delicious, so now I turn it over to you.

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Ashley Williams]

» Hey, chica, where are you at?
» Did you fall off the face of the earth or something?

» You didn't literally right?

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

» I am so embarrassed I could cry.
» So can we go to the gay bar now?
» Doubt anything else will feel that embarrassing.

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

There's a week and a half left until my birthday. You all better impress me.

I'll probably throw myself a party on the 26th, since Wednesday birthdays aren't really good for parties, so friends and anyone who wants to celebrate: keep it open!

[info]thesecondcoming in [info]thedoorway

YOUTUBE, MAN. I think it's now my favourite internet thing. I was obsessed with the TV thing and stuck mostly to the network when I got here, but now? No, step aside, it's all about 'Tube.

I found my face twin! I now understand why people shouted GLEE! JAKE! YOU BETTER NOT HURT MARLY OR I'LL KILL YOU! at me in the street. I thought they had confused me - and they had - or that Americans are crazy - which is true for quite a lot - but no! It's this guy!

I want to watch this incredible camp show now. If it wasn't already creepy enough that he looks like me, he sings like me, too. Except I sound a bit more British. Uncool, man. How do I capitalise on this?

So. Youtube, eh?

[info]borncareful in [info]thedoorway

No one should ever have to deal with months worth of memories at the same time. The seriously mixed emotions I'm feeling right now can't be good for my overall health.

[ Filtered to Clint Barton (616) ]
So. Any new memories, or am I going to be on my own out here being all future-knowing for awhile?

[ Filtered to Jessica Drew (616) }
Current feelings on one Clinton Francis Barton. And go!