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April 14th, 2013

[info]letusbebad in [info]thedoorway

Who: Ivy Lynn and Bridget Jones
When: Sunday March 31 (backdated)
Where: Their apartment
What: Ivy moves in and meets her roommate
Rating: Low

I bet I'm the only one who threw up on Thor )

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

RP Log; Christine Chapel & Fox Mulder

Who: Fox Mulder & Christine Chapel
What: Waking up next to each other.
Where: Mulder’s Apartment
When: April 2 (Backdated)
Rating: Moderate-ish.

Whatever else happened today, he was going to imprint this moment on his mind so that he could hold onto it all day long. )

[info]woodscommaelle in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered away from Julie Power]

So. I left this post broad because I don't want to leave anyone out, but as Julie pointed out, her birthday's coming up soon. So who wants to help plan a party Party?

I was thinking something like a luau could be total fun.

Also we should totally make a chart for lobby or thirteenth floor or something that has everyone's birthday on it so it doesn't come as as much of a surprise. I mean we're all away from home, but it'd be nice to have people remember that sort of thing.

[info]shoeshinist in [info]thedoorway

I just had the CRAZIEST dream. All of the things that Ron and April said just happened in my brain. There was a wedding and a three-legged dog named Champion and me going to COLLEGE. After I find April and tell her that she is the best wife ever and make a wedding band out of a chain of daisies, I am going to find a college and try for a P-Plus.

I have also learned through my secret dream investigations that Chris is NOT an evil person who wants to take away Leslie's happiness. Sorry, Chris. You are a cool dude.

In unrelated news, Bert Macklin is the best FBI agent because he solved the Mystery of the Pie. If you would like to congratulate him on his amazingosity, I happen to know how to contact him.

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

It's already the middle of the month. I'm getting worse at keeping track of time than I thought. I guess it's for the best I don't have to remember rent checks here.

Time is a funny thing though. Without some all important deadline looming over my head I guess it just doesn't seem as important. There's so much of it too and yet still.

[Filtered to Bucky and Bennett]

Can you get a year older after you've already died? None of us have been here long enough to see if we actually age normally. Logically we would, there's no reason our bodies would not continue to breakdown and recreate themselves as they would normally. Still it's not as if any of this has a precedent.

I might start getting wrinkles.

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Clint Barton (616) and Jessica Drew
WHEN: Sunday morning, April 14 2013
WHERE: Clint's apartment (Room 707)
WHAT: Jess wakes up with newer memories and learns how good of a boyfriend Clint was (will be?). Drama to ensue!
STATUS: In progress

Despite the daze and not being a hundred percent sure on where she was, Jessica knew for certain she had just woken up crying.  )

[info]repobarbie in [info]thedoorway

There are worse views to wake up to.

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

» Having a best friend emergency of the boyfriend variety.
» So I'll probably be AWOL for the day.
» Try not to get into too much trouble.
» (Says the person just barely holding onto the small thread of self-control to not crush Clint Barton's face with my fist)

[info]thislooksbad in [info]thedoorway

✉ Well, as everyone already knew, I'm still a worthless fuck-up.
✉ I need you to come out with me.
✉ I plan on drinking and that will probably end badly if you're not there to keep an eye on me.
✉ God, this is such a mess.

[info]singletonjones in [info]thedoorway

Text to Ivy Lynn

[Text to Ivy Lynn]
>> I don't suppose you play board games do you?
>> Anya was talking about starting up a game night.
>> It seemed like it could be fun, but it didn't look like many people were interested.

[info]stackedhouse in [info]thedoorway

Just saw me on tv. It was a short commercial and I don't like it.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

I almost dared to forgot how subtly heartbreaking an empty space next yours in the bed is. Just an observation that might not be so healthy. Maybe I should switch to a single bed? Or move to a 2 bedroom and get a roommate? Questions, questions.

Julie, sorry for disappearing on you last night. I even forgot to text you.

But on to more pressing concerns. I didn't dream up the honorary Weasley part? And more pressingly, how did my TV move up in the hall?

[info]wormtailings in [info]thedoorway

Why are films so expensive here? I really love going to see films, especially action ones. I just saw the dinosaur movie -- Jurassic Park? -- in 3D! It felt like the dinosaurs were right there going to come out at me. It's so cool to see how Muggles figure those sorts of things out too, even if normal photographs are still unmoving. 3D movies are pretty cool.

[info]openeyed in [info]thedoorway

Finally: sunlight.

Despite living in England all my life, I still have an unending desire to bask in sunlight and warmth.

Filter to Molly Weasley I

Molly, dear, I was thinking about starting to go to a Monday morning yoga class. I've heard good things, and I know I can definitely use some relaxation. What do you think? Would you like to join me?

Filter to Frank Longbottom

Tell me you're happy here.

[info]schn_tgai in [info]thedoorway

Who: Spock
When: 13 April, mid-afternoon
Where: The streets of New York
What: Pondering on the nature of musical instruments.
Rating: PG

It would give him a tiny connection to his life back home and that would suffice for now. )

[info]drewlove in [info]thedoorway

So I don't work tomorrow, which is awesome, and that means tonight I will take full advantage of the opportunity and I'm heading to 80's Night at Culture Club.

Who is coming with me? Octavian? Silena? Vicky? Annabeth? Anyone? It should be fun! I even went out and found an awesome costume:

Cut not filtered )

See? Awesome, right??

Filtered: Annabeth

Omg hun, I just wanted to say I am SO SORRY about Percy being gone and you should totally come out with me! It will be like a quest but the monsters are just drunk idiots who try to slip things in drinks. You're way to smart for them. Don't say no!

[info]grandiloquence in [info]thedoorway

I've been missing butter beer something terrible. I've seen places around that claim to offer it, but it's not quite the same. Maybe it needs a witch or wizard touch to get just right. I was thinking of having a little to do for any of the people from our world who might be missing treats that are less common here, but then I thought...what if we made it larger and anyone who was missing a treat from their world that isn't common here could bring something to share and we could get to know other worlds a bit more?

I was planning on making butter beer, pumpkin pasties and maybe treacle tart. Anyone interested?

Filtered to: Ginny Weasley

I have a potentially embarrassing question, but I'm not sure who else to ask....

Filtered to: Ron Weasley

I've been thinking about some things.

...it's not bad, just for the record.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

» So, I have this funny story. Wanna hear it?

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

Humberto, did you want to tell us something?

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway


do we have a batman?

cause i found the joker.

and he's awesome.

[ooc: let's just pretend the deadpool-guy is built more like deadpool would actually be built, yes? :D]

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

After four days I suppose that I should introduce myself as I was instructed to do. My name is Myka Bering and I've been told that I was briefly here once before.

Filter: Helena G. Wells
We need to go out and pick up more of our necessities and groceries tomorrow. But tonight I think we should introduce you to a New York style pizza.

[info]supposedtobe in [info]thedoorway

Two more days of sandwich duty. If you've missed your chance to point and laugh, you'd better get moving.

[Filtered to Clint Barton (616)]

I've been informed that you could use a kind shoulder. We'll see. What happened, Clint?

[Filtered to Logan (616)]

Have enough days passed for me to take you out for a non-birthday-related drink?

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

Today I looked into the possibility of auditing some coursework particularly in history and archaeology. I suspect what is true in my reality is not necessarily true in this one, and additionally even if it were, I suspect I have not covered what is true in this one in nearly as much detail as what I could.

I have also been thinking - we used to have talent nights and shows aboard the Enterprise. While I am aware of a karaoke night I am wondering if there are those here who sing or play instruments or do drama in their own reality who might be interested in entertaining us, should such a thing be set up.

[info]helpmeobwan in [info]thedoorway

Who: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Laura Roslin
When: Saturday April 13
Where: Obi-Wan's apartment
What: Laura needed to talk to someone, Obi-Wan offered to listen
Rating: Most likely low

He had come to enjoy her company )

[info]theboywhois in [info]thedoorway

Fuck me, what day is it even?

[info]greymatter in [info]thedoorway

ugh. my power control is a little shaky when i'm sick. sorry. taking enough medicine to knock out an elephant after i talk to someone at work. hopefully most of you won't even know what i'm talking about.

[OOC: 12th floor and adjacent floors will be getting an occasional shake from now through tomorrow night, when she'll recover enough to cut it out. Yay flu! No serious damage to report.]

[info]forgivingtype in [info]thedoorway

I'm beginning to think I should stay away from all forms of media from now on. Never needed it before.

If anyone should be worried about becoming a burden, it's me.