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April 12th, 2013

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

backdated to before the bee clean up.

[after this]

delivery(?) for don draper )

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

It was beautiful and now there's more rain. Which is pretty much standard fare, I suppose. It could be worse. could be more snow. Is it summer yet? I'm kind of dying to put on a tank top and shorts.

FILTER: DEAN winchester
You doin' alright?

FILTER: SAM winchester
Made progress. managed to walk through the SPCA without freaking out on anyone.

How's it hangin?

What's hanging Sassy Blonde One?

You want to hit the streets with me some night this week?

[info]painandmisery in [info]thedoorway

Ah think Ah'm ready ta venture back out into the City. Anyone want ta join me?

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

Spring is coming and I'm finally feeling human again. A week of depression sucked.

[info]aprilglowers in [info]thedoorway

where i can get an axe for like... super-cheap. or free.

not you ron.

edited to add: i also need an axe-sharpener.

[info]fennelstalk in [info]thedoorway

Keeping watch with mortals further illustrates that, while I have always been a friend to Midgardians, I know you not half as well as I would like.

I will be the first to admit that my nature is not one that is necessarily curious (I have a measure of it) and I am more inclined to use my spear rather than my words but despite our different perspectives, we certainly must all possess some common ground.

If you have a question about me or my life, I welcome it. Please ask it here and I will answer. But beware! If you ask a question, it is only fair that I am permitted to ask one of you in return.

[info]bamfsrsly in [info]thedoorway

[Wanda, Scott(s), Jean, Emma, Logan, and Jan]
Mini-me is dating Jubilee. I'm two parts proud, one part kind of creeped out. Because he's me. I'm him. Jubilee is like a little sister. Should I high-five him or...

I have first world problems here, don't I?

[Alex the Second]
Happy Birthday, Us! .. assuming today is your birthday too, since we're like weird alternate universe each otherses. Does that ever not get weird to try and say?

I'd like to take this moment to thank Charles Xavier, my brother Scott, and the Academy for spending my entire adult life training body and mind. Without you, this S.H.I.E.L.D. training would be completely brutal.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Cut for gifs )

Rachel Berry, tu me manques.

Not that I haven't made some fantastic and fabulous friends here, but I think this place is severely lacking in divas. Like Mercedes Jones and Tina Cohen-Chang. Why has the show forgotten about Mercedes? Shame on you, Ryan Murphy. Because I worship the ground they walk on. Tesseract, you know what to do. Elphaba would be nice too.

And a bonus.

You're welcome. (I should go into comedy.)

And yes, I have a 'type'.


And because people have asked me - I have no comment on the Glee episode that aired last night.

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

You wouldn't believe the things you find out about bees when you're stuck in a box with them overnight. I love honey, but I do not think I could survive on a diet of just that. I didn't want to break the box or hurt the bees with my stingers. They're not exactly exacting creatures. Thanks Sherlock and Joan for getting me out of here, and thanks to Sherlock (or was it Tony?) who sucked me up with the vacuum. One of you owes me a dinner. And maybe breakast.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

» How much better is this than a pager?
» Seriously.
» And it's unlimited texting, so...
» I
» Can
» Spam
» You
» But I won't.
» (Much.)
» How's it going? Did they cut you loose yet?

[info]indispensable in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered; Sherlock Characters]
I'd hope you understand the lengths to which I'm willing to go in this charade. I'll have it back now, then I might consider returning him to you.

The choice is yours, of course.

[info]gingersnappy in [info]thedoorway

I told myself I could attempt to be patient and wait til whenever to say hello, but it turns out that I lied to myself. SHOCKER!

Anyway, hello! It's me, your mum. Which is barmy to type but I'm sure you realized who I was already. The ginger tends to give it away.

I don't want you to feel obligated to talk to me or whatever, but I did want to say hi. So hello! And I'm getting repetitive and rambly. Sorry.

I think I like New York. These weather changes are throwing me for a loop, but all in all it's a pretty ace city.

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

When you are standing at your hero's grave,
Or near some homeless village where he died,
Remember, through your heart's rekindling pride,
The German soldiers who were loyal and brave.

Men fought like brutes; and hideous things were done;
And you have nourished hatred harsh and blind.
But in that Golgotha perhaps you'll find
The mothers of the men who killed your son.

Reconciliation, Seigfried Sassoon. November, 1918.

It's a troubling thing to reconcile the fact that I am not the man I was before I went to war. That life, whatever it's troubles or glories, can never go back to the way it was. There is no return to innocence. Once we've eaten from the Tree of Knowledge, it is done. And knowledge can be a personally terrible thing. It means recognising bitter truths that we ignored before. It means knowing harm, knowing death and pain and the sight of flesh burned to bone. It means knowing that you've killed men barely old enough to not be considered boys.

And it's difficult. It's difficult to accept that you cannot return -- because it's what we so wish for. It's difficult to admit that it wasn't all just a nightmare. It's more difficult still to recognise that there is nothing wrong with speaking about how terror feels. We cannot, and shouldn't keep it to ourselves, and there isn't anything wrong with...crying, if we need to. Because we cannot go back, we cannot forget, and the road ahead is uneven and filled with jagged rocks.

[info]deviledham in [info]thedoorway

Nothing crossing the desks here at the office that seem related to your missing friend. Any news on your end? You know, before you get TOO comfortable in Italy while some of us stay here.

Two people in the office today sick and I've been feeling a tickle in my throat. Not a good sign. I think I'm going to drown myself in orange juice this weekend and hope for the best.

I think Loverboy said it best, way back in the early 80s. We're "working for the weekend." Some time off is just the thing I need right now.

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peter Parker and Ben Reilly
When: Friday, April 12, 2013, around sun-down
Where: A rooftop a few blows from Potts Tower
What: Peter gives Ben the history lesson on the MJ situation.
Rating: PG-13? There's feels, there's sass. Trigger warning for vague references to miscarriage.

Fair warning, a lot of it is gonna really suck to hear. I know this because it's really gonna suck to say. )

[info]likeshishat in [info]thedoorway

they took my guns

mal they said you was here

[info]onehandedpirate in [info]thedoorway

Lads, I have the strongest desire to get into trouble this evening, and you're my top picks for company.

Should you be willing participants, this evening we'll be attending a lovely little place called Lace.

You're welcome.

[info]deirdreofamber in [info]thedoorway

I say, this creature would fit in at home. I think I have taken a liking to it. They're right terrors, or so I've read.. Kind of makes me wonder what they'd be like against a few of the creatures back home.

[info]letsgocannons in [info]thedoorway

» ffffrrrrrr
» eeeeeedddddd
» I'm bored as shite
» Let's go hit Albeverus with a bag full of butter
» or idk something

[info]hulksmash in [info]thedoorway

I just took Bernard out on a walk with a sippy cup of vodka in hand and nobody even questioned it. I LOVE NEW YORK!!! Now I'm just chilling at this outdoor cafe eating ALL OF THE DESERTS. Alone time with Bernard is good, but what's going on tonight?! I want to go out and have some fun!!!!

Cut for picture )

[info]supportcrumbles in [info]thedoorway

Netflix, if a gay/lesbian movie has a strong female lead you can probably call it a lesbian movie.

Also searches are weird on Netflix. I was looking up "Queer as Folk", and it came up with the British version, then "Queer as F*ck", and then "As Good as it Gets" and "White Chicks". I was curious and looked up "The L Word", I got that, "The Last Word" and then "Them". followed by "The Hunger Games".

Things you learn when you have time to use Netflix, I suppose. What are you watching?

[info]silvanprince in [info]thedoorway

I find that I must once again ask for explanation.

"This necromancer, did he have six fingers on his left hand?"

"Never go in against a Númenórean when death is on the line."

What is meant by this?

[info]humansparkler in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Alex (MCU) )

Delivery for Logan (616) )

[info]seasonofthe in [info]thedoorway

Delivery left for Alex Summers (616) )

[info]missinggrace in [info]thedoorway

you know

always considred myself an ass man but

boobs are nice.

i want to rest my face on them. is that weird? whatever idont care

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Cell Five]
Alright, team! We're up. You should all have your mission briefing packages? Lee, you've got all your flight maps? We've got a nice trip to Niganda on the cards.

Ashley, Buffy, this guy's a scientist so start with a softly, softly approach. Let's see if he'll be reasonable and just talk to us. I'll be on comms and on watch but keep me posted on anything unusual you might see.

Since we're going to have some time in the air, let's aim to be out of here by 1000 hours and we'll do the briefing en route.


[Filtered to Ianto]
My team's got a mission out of town. I shouldn't be more than a day or two, with any luck, but I'll be back when I'm back.


[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Mass texts to his Paige Matthews, Julie Power, Elena Gilbert, Elle Woods and TJ Hammond):
» i need a whole cheesecake
» like right now
» screw the calories
» & i need help
» writing a hate letter
» to the producers of glee

[info]escortof12 in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Effie Trinket
WHERE: Her room
WHEN: Friday, April 12th
WHAT: Effie ignores Haymitch's advice.
STATUS: narrative; complete.

It was time that she found out... )

[info]letusbebad in [info]thedoorway

Let's see

I've been here nearly two weeks and it's been quite an experience. My roommate is amazing and I'm really glad that we ended up together. We're having a lot of fun.

The thing that I can't used to is that I'm in New York but it doesn't feel like New York at least not New York that I come from. I went to my apartment and it's there but someone else lives in it. Some of the shows on Broadway are the same but some are different and a lot of the people I knew in the theatre world don't exist here. In fact most of them don't. Not gonna lie, that's kind of a relief. It also blows my mind when people recognize me and ask me questions about Bombshell and say things like "Wouldn't it be cool if it were a real musical?" and I want to tell them that it is but then I remember that as far as they're concerned I'm just part of a TV show.

And the bee thing? So not cool.

[info]philanthropist in [info]thedoorway

dear tesseract refugees,

cut for image size; not filtered. )

we're so happy we missed buzzgate.


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