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March 28th, 2013

[info]makethemgoaway in [info]thedoorway

Really shouldn't have watched that. Didn't think I had the balls to go through with it.

Kind of glad I'm here and not at home at the moment. I'm really not looking forward to going back to being a rookie though.

Kenzi, you didn't actually watch that right? Because.. I don't know what to say for myself.

[info]william_pratt in [info]thedoorway

» You got enough blood to tide you over?
» Or should I get you some more?

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

It would appear that Mallory & Carpenter is now just Mallory.

Hell's Bells and Empty Night. I have a few choice words for the Tesseract... none of them are pretty.

Filter: Jason Todd
Please hang a sign on my office & Molly's door. I'm going to spend the day in my room.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

One alternate-reality friend in each of the last departures. Now I know how that feels, and it's crappy. I'm sorry to those of you who've lost your loved ones.

I've been putting off saying this for a while now, but I've gotten to the point where I want to stay. Not because I don't want to go home, or because I don't want to face my future (although I'd rather that some of you didn't have to face yours), but because I like it here. I like having all of you around and actually feeling like you'll probably be safe as long as you're here. And as hard as it was to shift gears, I like not being in danger myself, either.

I'm thinking about trying to go back to school. I know that I probably won't be here long enough to get all the way through it, and that it'll be difficult without any of my school records from home, but maybe I'll be here long enough just to get into law school, and then I'll know that I could've done it. I wouldn't mind if I actually got the chance to go, either, but depending on how much of my education I have to make up that might be a really long time from now. I'm just going to try to get as much out of this place as I can while I'm here.

Anyway. I just figured you all should probably know that. Everyone alright?

Have you ever thought about trying a normal human life? I don't mean actually ripping out your Grace and becoming a person, but just... living like one.

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

I still am enjoying the stacks of forms and paperwork. The exercise and the workouts.

Filter: Fury (616)
So. How's things? I can't find anyone I feel I can depend on here. And I don't want super heroes. Or X-Man. Maybe I'll steal an X-Man. That would be fun, wouldn't it? I even thought about taking up Deadpool's offer to spar. Although I felt it was more shock value and joke than real offer.

Sorry. I may be bored. This place isn't like home and I don't enjoy doing paperwork. I've spent an hour laying my head on it as a pillow hoping to just finish it by osmosis.

[info]iskierka in [info]thedoorway

Umm... I might have burned some things...

[info]fractile in [info]thedoorway

“It’s not a love of poetry readings that attracts those who do come to them but theater: to see what the beast looks like in person.”
It is not simply poetry that puts the beast on parade, I think. Poetry is good for the expression of the beastly but in order to see him pace the bars, you've got to trap him in a novel and watch him look for the escape.

Painting's a medium too fluid; there is nothing good or bad or set in stone when a touch more poppy oil sets it free again. I'm glad I'm not a painting. I pity my subjects even if they are mostly poor shades of chickadees, cityscapes and goat sallow.

[Filter: Isabel/Septimus]
Now you know all.

And, so. Do I dare?

[info]ofwildmoor in [info]thedoorway

Given the technology in this world, it's pretty interesting that all you have to do (usually) is engage the GPS in someone's phone to find them. It's also interesting that many people are alright with having traffic cameras and different surveillance functions regularly keep track of their whereabouts. I read that Google had a car with a camera on it going everywhere taking pictures of people ... and the Bing "bird's eye" view really isn't much better.

Sure there's a part of it that keeps you safe, that lets you know where you are and where you're going but here's something I don't understand. What do you do when you don't want to be found anymore? How do you go off the grid? Or do people not want to 'go off the grid' anymore ... ? I haven't been much outside of New York yet so I don't actually know if it's possible. Your cell towers seem to reach in all the places. If I had GPS to locate the war criminals I was after, my job would have been done much sooner and I could have gone home.

It's a fine line to walk, giving up certain freedoms for certain protections.

But I'm learning the train systems. And I got a driver's license so I can rent a jeep.

[info]rumiko in [info]thedoorway

I know what they told me, but Tony told me never to trust SHIELD if I could help it. So could someone explain to me WHAT THE HELL THIS IS?

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

[Albus Dumbledore]


could you sign something for me???

[info]noxenomorphs in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone know what the deal is for one of us getting a driver's licence here? Specifically a heavy vehicle licence? I had both types of licence back home but 'back home' is another universe and a century in the future so I'm not sure how I'd go about proving all of that or whether I have to start from the beginning again.

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Hey, you two. First of all, I'm really sorry about Susan. I know she meant a lot to both of you. If you want to take a couple days off from school, that's fine with me. We'll figure the rest out together. I promise you I'm not going anywhere.

Second, there's a girl who just arrived, Tinker Bell. She's 11, and they're going to put her in with you since there aren't a whole lot of kids your age. I didn't want you to be surprised when she shows up. She's a sweet girl. Energetic. You'll like her. I know it's not the same, but give it a chance, please.
Is this world big enough for two Captain Americas?

[info]singletonjones in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Bridget Jones

Somebody made the bloody sun go away please.

[info]thewinterknight in [info]thedoorway


Molly left a dog - Rajah, giant Saint Bernard. Real sweet, patient, a little old. He needs a place to live out his life that's not, you know, in a shelter.

Thomas? Elaine?

I mean I guess I could keep him but
Have you seen the size of this dog's shit? Hell's bells I need a shovel. He's like Mouse.

[info]the_minstrel in [info]thedoorway

Oh! My lords and Lady! I have discovered the greatest thing. You qualify as 'old' in this realm on the basis of your ages alone. They give you benefits and things for being as old, you ought to find out what exactly.


I also qualify for this thing.

Speaking of

I helped this dear old grandmother across the road today. She thanked me for being chivalrous but truly I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have the poor dear run down by automobiles. They don't seem to stop for me and I have been clipped far more times than I might otherwise admit.

Anyway, so the grandmother presses a bit of that green paper into my hand and we sit and have a conversation.

She asked me how old I was and I told her, "Grandmother, I am 857 years old" and she looked at me quite like no woman has ever looked at me before. It's blush worthy if I were attuned to that, and then she asked me if I was an angel.

I told her no, and that the Vala Castiel was indeed an angel. But it was very sweet and we quite enjoyed our afternoon.

I ate a hotdog. She said it would give her heartburn. I would hate to burn my heart, whatever that means.

[info]ofvengeance in [info]thedoorway

All this talk about shows that I used to watch has got me a lotta nostalgic. I was probably a little too excited when a coworker e-mailed me this after we got into a discussion over how Digimon was infinitely better than.

More of David Schwen's work can be found here and here. I've got to admit that I'm kind of a fan of the Poké Banana.

[Filtered: to Nick]
Have you ever wondered what happened when you strapped buttered toast to a cat? Yahoo!Answers is like Radio Shack for the Internet.

You're allowed to comment judgingly only once about what I find on the Internet.

Also, I did I was wondering when are you not working next week? Do you want to go to the autoshow with me?

[info]amber_waves in [info]thedoorway

It'S 5:06Pm on a thuRsday night and i can't feel my face. Quesstionable lifestyle choices I grant thee that, but you can stuff it because you're all fictional anyway. DID I WRITE ABOUT MY DATE? I dont remember writing about my date. My date was two nights ago with a guy who claimed to be 6'1 and an engineer; he was 5'8 INCLUDING the vertically-ambittious hairpiece and he worked on cars sometimes and I remember looking at him dead in the eye and saying "is this really what my life is corking up to be" and then i left him whimpering mid-sentence because i hate charity. not that I don't date short guys but just goddamn be a man and own it; i date danglers for a FREAKING REASON and I didnt get my MD in being your psychologist/sex doll/mother.

[info]particlethief in [info]thedoorway

I need to get back to volunteering. I'd like to find somewhere to volunteer with the children of imprisoned convicts I think. I'd need to find the time, between everything but I think I finally have time for it again. I looked for the one that I used to volunteer with but I haven't found it. Any ideas?

[info]william_pratt in [info]thedoorway

Okay, I bloody have to ask - those daylight rings, would they work for me?

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

So, earlier today I made a reference to Ren & Stimpy, and my class just stared at me. Vacant looks, squinty eyes, the whole nine yards. And for one loooooong second, I was wondering if maybe there wasn't a Ren & Stimpy Show in this world.

Nope. It's just me becoming That Guy Who Faceplants into the Pop Culture Generational Divide. Oh god, it's all downhill from here, isn't it? This is the place where the Cookie Crisp mascot has always been a wolf. This is the place where my students think the craziest thing about me is that I remember a time when there wasn't an Elmo.

What's your evening looking like?

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

[Martha Jones]

Question for the lovely Nightingale and fellow Jones:

Would you do me the honor of standing up at my wedding?

[info]gambler_girl in [info]thedoorway

This is so awesome! I found it poking around an old used bookstore that had video games. It's a Rogue Squadron game, and I got the thing it's played on too. And the guy there after I told him why I was buying it gave me cheat codes. I can fly the Falcon.

There were a couple other games that were there too and he told me which ones were the best, So I have two that are called Zelda, and one that's called Goldeneye 007 and even one with Pod-racers! The controls are odd but pretty intuitive. Anyone want to fly an X-wing even if it's just on a screen?

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

Who: Maedhros and Hazel Rah
What: The elf and the rabbit have been giving each other lessons in the park.
Where: Central Park
When: Now
Warnings | Status: Low | in progress

Read more... )

[info]chippedheart in [info]thedoorway

I'm happy to announce the opening of Gold's Pawn Shop located at 325 E. 65th St on April the first. I'll be holding a special preview sale this weekend for anyone who would like to get a good deal. Your patronage is much appreciated.

No need to work this weekend. Only refugees are aware of the preview sale so I am not expecting many customers, but the good news is you'll have actual hours soon.

[info]repobarbie in [info]thedoorway

» Caffrey, is that you making all that noise?
» Some of us have company over, you know.

[info]everyone_dies in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered away from TVD people]
I guess it was just a matter of time before I was a goner too. I now know everything that I have to go back to and I can honestly say if I never go back to where I came from I'll be perfectly fine with that. There's not like a permanent residency list we can sign up for in the tesseract or something, is there? Yeah. Too bad.

I know everyone is probably asking for the weekend off because it's a holiday and everything, but can I bail too? I need to get away for a while even if it's just for a couple days. Spend some time with my thoughts.

[info]william_pratt in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Bonnie Bennet )

[info]tangerinetrees in [info]thedoorway

As promised (to myself), I ventured and attempted to make Vegan Cadbury Eggs today. I messed up the first batch -- and Dominique, I'm still sorry for how bad the burned vegan chocolate chips have made the kitchen smell -- but the second turned out really good! I was pleasantly surprised.

Photographic evidence! )

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

Please tell me that you're in town. I desperately need a girl's night.

[info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

Anyone else find it weird that some counterparts look alike - Steve and Steve - and some don't - me and Bucky. It's not just me? Okay, good.

[info]theboywhois in [info]thedoorway

OOC. Pretend this was posted yesterday.

Delivery for James Potter )

[info]forgivingtype in [info]thedoorway

Hey, you wanna skip school one day and go to Serenity with Cinna and me?

[info]lassooftruth in [info]thedoorway

Perhaps it is finally turning round to spring.

I snapped this photo just last evening up near Houston St.

cut for photo )

I went in search of gelato and ended up in the East Village. There is too much going on in this city.

[info]theanomaly in [info]thedoorway


This is going to sound terribly normal, which I know seems like an impossibility for us, but would the two of you be up for stopping by sometime for dinner?



Also -- and don't panic. I need you to take me shopping.


[info]raresttinker in [info]thedoorway

Accidental Voice to Text Post

Come on Tink, think. You are a tinker fairy and tinkers fix things. A lost thing is not about to get the best of you. It must be important or else they wouldn't have given it to you. So think. What happens if I push this?

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

I didn't think that animals got very much more cute and adorable than sea otters but I just found these.

Cut, not filtered! )

I don't really know anything about them but they're sloths and they're in a bucket and that's just very sweet.

[info]raresttinker in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tinker Bell Narrative or Selectively Open to Matty, Lyra and possibly MCU Steve
What: Her Arrival and Placement
When: Thursday shortly before this
Where: Potts Tower Apartment
Warnings: TBA

second star to the right and straight on til morning )

[info]jennasommers in [info]thedoorway

It is REALLY weird seeing the actress that plays me in other things. I know I have it much better off. Seeing as she hasn't really been in that much.

It's just, I don't really see myself hunting down dinosaurs.

[Filtered to Jeremy & Elena]

I was thinking we could have a weekly dinner just the three of us.

Too much? Or good idea?

[info]ex_gavemepau32 in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Matty]
She didn't leave on purpose, sweetheart. No one leaves here on purpose. It hurts though, doesn't it?

[Filtered to Emma, Red, Ella, Mulan, Aurora and Belle]
I could really use a distraction. Any ideas?

[info]ex_gavemepau32 in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Snow White, Red Riding Hood, and Cinderella of course

WHERE: Floor eleven, and then floor twenty-three.

WHEN: Ella’s first day!

WHAT: Ella’s assigned on “the wrong floor” first, so they go to grab her.


STATUS: log; complete.


[info]luxan in [info]thedoorway

I want to learn this poker game everybody talks about.

[info]widowstings in [info]thedoorway

Heading to Madripoor as we speak. No extradition. Anyone surprised? I'll enjoy the warmth, though.

Berezovsky was strangled.

[info]citoyen in [info]thedoorway

No connoisseur of the theatrical arts I, but I can tell that something - several somethings - have changed since the days when I first made a habit of making time for the stage. If I were able to speak more intelligently about music I might be able to put my finger on it. Missing out on some two hundred years of artistic growth, however, has left me a little at sea; I once was able to talk about my Gluck and Boccherini as well as the next man (which was never so very well), but these days I hardly know what isn't music. It comes from every corner (often from every neighbor) and there's no getting away from it for a minute. One longs for silence. The scratching of pens. Productivity.

Perhaps the only concrete distinction I've noticed is that today it seems much more difficult to saunter across to Le Procope, as it were, and kiss the hand of the leading actress. I've always found the conversation of the cast rather more interesting than their scripted material.

The number of very charming amies I've made in the nights after openings - this, I miss.

[info]theboomstick in [info]thedoorway

Diet Soda Justice has been giving me an evil look all day. Which I think is Renee's fault, since I had to pick him up from the vet today. Or it could be that I've been making jokes about his cone since I picked him up as I'm pretty sure he knows what I'm saying. Still, can't have him running around trying to have little soda babies. No dead beat doggie dads on our watch.

[info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway


>>So there has been progress since we last talked.
>>He kissed me.
>>Pardon me while I act like a girl.

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

some deliveries.

Don Draper )


Harry Dresden )

[info]proudofyou in [info]thedoorway

I've been trying to decide if I want to go to that auto show I saw some people writing about, thinking I probably should for the sake of my job and trying to catch up on what's going on in the car world now, but then I saw a picture of the 2014 Chevy Impala.

This looks like every other car out there right now. I'm sure it's more aerodynamic and fuel efficient than the older versions, but they sucked all of the character out of it. There's no soul in it, no heart.

It's nothing like my baby.

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

i am sorry about the spam :|

[Filtered to Ty Lee]

hey so

could you teach me how to block someone's chi without cutting off their heads?

[Filtered to Gaige]


do you like food?

[info]thewinterknight in [info]thedoorway

I'm a wizard! I think I'm too old for Hogwarts, though.

Hey Albus, think I can sell your signature? Wonder what that's worth.

Also, owls. This thing is gone, sooo. Aren't they supposed to fly away when you take the letter from them? No? Okay. Then he's doing his job or dead.

[info]feanaro in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Luke Castellan]

I have received a resume from Silena Beauregard re: the Fundraising Coordinator position. Although she is Greek, I still think her resumé is impressive, and I would like to hire her. She seems pretty enough, and out going enough that it is likely people will throw money in her direction.

I did, however, want to be sure of the proper protocol involved in this. Is it permissible for me to tell her she is hired, or does that need to come from you?

[info]woodenleg in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Neal Cassidy
Belated congratulations on being a father.

Filtered: Jefferson, Killian, Victor
So what's the consensus on watching your own show? Is it "don't ever mention any part of it because it's private and nobody should be watching anything about our lives" or..?

[info]msadventure in [info]thedoorway

I've discovered that you can play card games online for money, and that seems so strange to me. But then, I never really was much of a gambler anyway. Not in that sense I feel like my brother would be extremely fascinated by the whole thing, though. He was always the gambler and [...] well, from what I recall of his exploits, it never seemed like he was very good at it. I don't think he'd fancy doing all of that over the internet, though. There's less opportunity for swindling socialization and the like.

...I miss him

Anyway [...] no use rambling on about my brother given that he isn't here and no one here really knows him.

Also, I found a supposed replica of the Book of the Dead: http://compare.ebay.com/like/190814797170?var=lv<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar

I can't help but wonder what's inside. If it's blank or if it also has the same incantations as the actual one. That could potentially be very dangerous! Perhaps it doesn't open at all. [...] Let's hope so. That would be safest.

[info]feanaro in [info]thedoorway

» I am sorry I have not had as much time to spend with you this month.
» I have been doing my best to show Luke Castellan that I do, indeed, care about my job and have been working extra hours to do so.
» If you have no particular religious observances this weekend, perhaps we could go out?

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Dr. Banner]

Maddy's gone. I want my blood sample destroyed.

[info]savedthechrldr in [info]thedoorway

Claire is gone.

I hate that she left, and I hate that she left before I could convince her how much she matters to me. I feel that I said some stupid things that made her feel that she didn't, and now I'm not going to have the chance to make that up to her. Maybe back home, she won't remember the stupid things I said and did. I can hope, anyway.


You don't like me. I get it. And I'm tired of trying to change your mind.

But if you really love her like you say you do? Back off. Leave her alone. Let her be happy without trying to convince her that everything she does is wrong. Because that's crap.


Nathan moved out. You...wouldn't want to move in with me, would you?

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sookie Stackhouse & Sam Merlotte
When: 3/15... afternoon-ish?
Where: Sam’s Bar & Grill
What: A first meeting... sort of.
Rating: G!

'I suppose there’s no chance this is just the weirdest dream I’ve ever had and I’ll be waking up from it soon?' )

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

I am very unsure how I feel about this, but I have found part-time employment.

I went to the animal shelter today, as is my wont, and they informed me that there was a paid position available, for approximately twenty-five hours per week. As I have contributed little to the household and my funds are running low (not to mention that my dear Maedhros is a harsh master), I accepted.

I will be working from nine to two Monday through Friday, caring for the cats.

I do not think it will be such a terrible job, actually, and I shall be able to buy true gold ribbon for my hair again.