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March 29th, 2013

[info]firstrider in [info]thedoorway

Who: Reyna and Eragon
When: Wednesday, March 13
Where: Some clothing store
What: Eragon is confused about modern fashion. Reyna helps.
Rating: PG

If you think purchasing clothes for yourself is torture, be grateful you are not a woman )
Tags: , ,

[info]painandmisery in [info]thedoorway

So far, so good this week. Ah 'aven't run into anyone yet. It's rather nice.

[info]uncle_iroh in [info]thedoorway

Today I was walking the streets of this city and many people kept staring at me. Others kept saying for me to Wax on, Wax Off. I smiled politely and nodded with them, but I was unsure what they meant.

However, I have visited many nice tea houses in a place called China Town. It is quite remarkable there, and they have afforded me a chance to sit back and learn their language. It is really quite... aggressive. Though one charming lady said that their taxi drivers in the home country use the language even more so when driving.

I am at a loss though with what to occupy my time with, especially to make money and to give back. Would anyone need a retired general and tea drinker to hire?

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Turgon

Maitimo is mad at me.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

This is ridiculous - I can't decide on a single college for me to even try to apply for. Some of them have the classes I took back in NYADA, while others cover the rest. There's got to be a college in the vicinity of NYC where I can take both dance, acting and singing classes. Unless I've missed something.

And I know I've jokingly said that I should work as a personal shopping assistant for the Tower, but if you have any items that you're looking to replace and you're on a tight budget, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Santana, you're too quiet. I don't like it.

What's worse - the fact that every country that actually airs Glee now knows that I own a boyfriend arm named Bruce (still, don't judge - I bought him while on an Ambien, watching late night commercials. It's actually comforting) or that I've actually bought a new one. I've named him David.

I also think I need another ladies night. Don't let me fall into the depths of despair and stress, it doesn't look good on me. I really do miss Blaine

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Rose and the Doctors]
I've got some good news for you. Brace yourselves!

Ianto and I are getting married.


[Filtered to Rose]
Got something to ask you.


[info]feanaro in [info]thedoorway

To: Silena Beauregard
Cc: Luke Castellan
From: Octavian (octavian@pottstower.org)
Subject: Application for Employment
Attachment: payandbenefits.doc

Congratulations. I have reviewed your resume and am impressed by your qualifications. I would like to offer you the position of Fundraising Coordinator, to start immediately.

Attached is a document explaining your pay and benefits package.

I should also like to meet with you post haste to discuss your responsibilities.

I am pleased to welcome you to the team.

Business Manager
Potts Tower Youth Center

[info]scrappy in [info]thedoorway

» I need your help again.
» I need a place to eat.
» Like date-eating. All I can find is these really expensive places
» And I don't mind something yknow, nice?
» But uh, hotel restaurants are a little out of my price range
» And it can't have a dollar menu
» That part is important.

» Does this ever get easier?

[info]goodshepard in [info]thedoorway

Got a ping on our tracker. According to my omni-tool, our mystery man is only a few blocks from me. I'm in between SHIELD duties, so I'm going to go check it out. His current location is [address] if anyone wants to meet me there.

[info]ex_machine300 in [info]thedoorway

Mars seems to be the as-yet unobtainable dream here, so given how there's no satisfactory solution to how human bodies fall apart in space yet, nor any immediately appropriate hardware, I've applied for a consultancy position in a private mission to fly by the red planet by 2018.

Should be good.

[info]selfmadman in [info]thedoorway

Something was mistakenly delivered to my room.

[info]revolutionary in [info]thedoorway

Nouvelle-France (or French-Canadian History, Enjolras-style or How to become a Separatist )

Nouvelle-France (or French-Canadian History, Enjolras-style or How to become a Separatist )

By 1763, France lost what remained of Nouvelle-France, having already had many of her territories ripped from her by George Washington after the disputes in ... Pennsylvania. The beginning of the Guerre de Sept Ans...Britain's campaigns against New France succeeded in 1759,Annus Mirabilis. Fort Niagara, Fort Carillon fell...Le 21 juin , la flotte britannique arrive en vue de Québec avec une armée imposante. Dans la nuit du 12 au 13 septembre , les Britanniques réussissent à débarquer une armée dans une zone non défendue et forcent Montcalm à livrer bataille. Lors de la bataille des plaines d'Abraham , James Wolfe , le commandant britannique, est tué, mais les forces françaises sont battues et Montcalm est mortellement blessé. Michel Chartier de Lotbinière , l'aide de camp de Vaudreuil , dirige la retraite des troupes. La garnison de Québec se rend aux Britanniques.

L'espoir est resté comme une flamme brillante à Montréal....Mais l'offensive britannique en direction de Montréal et l'arrivée de la flotte britannique le long du Saint-Laurent forcent les Français à se retirer. dans le 8 septembre, (1760) les Britanniques font une offensive sur Montréal et la ville est occupée...

But the people, the people of Quebec were not content beneath their British rule. They were beaten, but they were not broken and they made their demands, their choices, and held ground. In 1774, the French civil courts were re-established. My heart soared as a boy when I read of Richard Montgomery who in 1775, lead the America armies North to capture Montreal, to take Quebec City to return them home, release the control of the English where she did not need her hands.

Endless, I did not see the armed rebellions in 1837, 1838 lead by the Parti patriote, looking to extinguish the power of the English minority of the French majority. (850 arrested at defeat, 12 hanged, 58 to Australia). The union of Upper and Lower Canada could not ease or heal the wounds. When Parliament was moved to Montreal -- We burned it down!

Dans 1867, la Confédération canadienne nommée Québec.

Montreal expanded, as Canada's largest city it embraced the displaced, feeling so herself. The Irish Catholics found a home there.

cut for image )

Quebec remained outspoken against the British requests for for Canadian (Canadienne) conscription in the Second Boer War, WWI, WWII.

Expo 67, the Olympics 76. Révolution tranquille. Mouvement souverainiste du Québec.

Mouvement souverainiste du Québec.

Le Gouvernement du Québec a fait connaître sa proposition d’en arriver, avec le reste du Canada, à une nouvelle entente fondée sur le principe de l’égalité des peuples ; cette entente permettrait au Québec d'acquérir le pouvoir exclusif de faire ses lois, de percevoir ses impôts et d’établir ses relations extérieures, ce qui est la souveraineté, et, en même temps, de maintenir avec le Canada une association économique comportant l’utilisation de la même monnaie ; aucun changement de statut politique résultant de ces négociations ne sera réalisé sans l’accord de la population lors d’un autre référendum ; en conséquence, accordez-vous au Gouvernement du Québec le mandat de négocier l’entente proposée entre le Québec et le Canada? (The Question from the 1980 Referendum)

Mais, bien sûr. Vive le Québec Libre.

mon but est trouvée

We are so close to her. Montreal, I wish to go. Come with me?


[[OOC Translation & Disclaimer: First, excuse my Quebecois and not Parisian French. Second, most of this French-block of text there is about the Seven Year War, specifically about the loss of Quebec and Montreal to the British in 1759-1760. The British army arrived in Quebec on the 21st of June, battles and siege followed, on the 12th and 13th os September, Wolfe lead the English forces through unprotected Montcalm (Battle of the Plains of Abraham) -- and he was killed. The French retreated, on September 18th they surrendered to the British. But, (Some Enjolras embellishments here) The winter was hard on the British and the flame of hope burned stronger and brighter in Montreal, etc. It took a year for Montreal to belong to the British.

As an Anglophone living in Quebec, Enjolras' views do not reflect my own]]

[info]thewinterknight in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered; Mr. Albus Dumbledore]
I have questions from a purely scientific and academic standpoint. Your magic works differently from mine and I'm interested in learning about the differences and commonalities therein.

Your world's magic is a lot smaller than mine but longer lasting, I think. I also think that you have some better understanding of your magic than others, but I could be wrong. I'd like to compare certain aspects if you're willing, with actual experiments.

Hi. Sorry. My name's Harry Dresden.

[info]gigidee in [info]thedoorway

Belly dancing classes. Who's in? I'm looking at you, Fitz.

And does anyone here play tennis?

[info]wisdomsdaughter in [info]thedoorway

As much as I've been enjoying my classes here, I'm really just wanting to get my diploma now. So I've started looking into the requirements to take the GED test here in New York.

If you're over the age of 16 by the testing date and have valid forms of identification (I checked with the testing offices, and they are willing to accept documentation from SHIELD.) you are eligible to take the test.

The next testing days are just under a month away on April 20th and 21st, and after that the next test isn't given until the first of June.

I'm planning to study for and take the exam next month if anyone else wants to join me.

[info]tawnyeyes in [info]thedoorway

» There's a flower show going on
» I thought you might enjoy it
» We could go this weekend
» I know you always liked the Institute's garden
» The more time we have together the easier this will get
» Valentine was wrong

[info]seesred in [info]thedoorway

I'm going to start out with an apology. There's nothing to excuse the fact that I haven't been actively taking part in any of the discussions or planning sessions. The reasons for it don't matter. I'm sorry for being dead weight. It's stopping now.

I did read Ororo's proposal about bringing all the X-Men into a group. Ororo and Logan, you're both on point with this? Is that moving forward?

Feel free to shoot this down, but I was thinking we should spend some time together. I don't know how to phrase that in a way that isn't completely awkward, so just cut me a small break. I also don't know what to suggest doing because I didn't get to know you back home, but it struck me that there's time here to fix that.

[info]ladyedith in [info]thedoorway

I've decided I'm going to see Sharon Freeman tonight in Brooklyn. And I bought two tickets, just in case any She's part of the Jazz Festival, which I'm completely unqualified to talk about; someone asked me the other day whether that sort of music made me feel at home, and I hardly knew what to say. These days a year in one part of the world is a year in another - we're all remarkably present in 2013. It wasn't the same back then, and believe me, I knew it. There's nothing like hearing reports from across an ocean that make you suspect you're still loafing around somewhere in 1899. We thought we were terribly modern with our wireless and our telephones, but really, how can you be modern when you insist on taking two hours to dress for dinner?

At any rate. I'm going. I think it will be lovely. Or maybe it won't, but I'd like to see.

Oh, and I have an extra ticket.

[info]savebroom in [info]thedoorway

I think my girl liked the early Easter basket I got her.

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

Meeting Called.

The second meeting of the DRAKR (Displaced Rebels/Revolutionaries/Republicans Against Kings and Rulers) will be held Wednesday evening at Sam's.


[info]misrule in [info]thedoorway

I have had sufficient time to think since being brought here. On my crimes, my sins. On the answers I owe to my equals, my superiors, and those beneath me. The apologies.

I have had time to think about the Allfather's lesson to my brother Thor, he who was not deemed ready for the throne and thus cast out until such a time that he would be worthy of the crown of Asgard. Perhaps I too ought to have been cast out with him, for our lessons were always shared, our hardships always borne by the pair of us. Instead, when Odin faltered, there I was, exposed to my great shame as a Jotun castoff. In my anger, I used my power as sovereign to move against Jotunheim's existence, just as my brother had before me.

I have had time to think about how I was then stopped and cast out by the Allfather. Exile -- a punishment similar to my brother's. I fell. And I continued to fall. I fell and fell. And when I thought I could not possibly fall anymore, I dropped into a corner of the universe unknown to me. I was subjugated and shown unspeakable things. Like how to                        and why                             .

Perhaps they were too impatient with me. Perhaps I was too impatient myself, too eager to get away from them. I should have done better by Midgard. Even inferior realms deserve the courtesy of a swift and glorious war, not the too brief melee of a dethroned king with a host of unskilled dogs behind him.

I have been told, by my brother, by the Allfather, by the ladies Frigga and Sif, that I ought to apologise for my crimes, my sins. That I ought to learn the lesson.

I have learned. As for offering apologies? Sorry that I cannot.

[info]daredevilmck in [info]thedoorway


» Girls! Tomorrow night!
» Mug
» gle
» Pub Crawl
» The five of us have a challenge.
» The girl who gets the most rounds bought for us wins!
» Did this go through to everyone?

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

[Private to Maedhros]

Would you like to dine with me tonight?

[info]hestikins in [info]thedoorway

It's all over the media that an actor who played in the Harry Potter movies has died after surgery. As disturbing as it is at times, people are really devoted.

I've been researching into possible bases of operations for our business idea. Are you free to go look at some soon?

[info]call_shaft in [info]thedoorway

This game is IMPOSSIBLE. Goddangit.

[info]xaphaniaeternal in [info]thedoorway

I am curious as to how many other immortal/near-immortals there are here.

In the Universe I am from, my existence as the angel Xaphania will cease when the Dust that forms my being scatters, and I once again become a part of the Universe. Since I was not scattered when the Tesseract pulled me here, Dust kept me whole for a reason. I have been trying to discover that reason, what reason could there be for placing me in a place such as this? I have been discovering the frailty and the resilience of humanity here. The city is still devastated, but its people sing. I can see their souls, and they are loud, and so very bright. There must be purpose in there, somewhere.

Filter: Castiel
How have you been fairing, dear angel-brother?

[info]ofaphrodite in [info]thedoorway

As much as I totally loved the discount at Sephora, can I just say that I'm so totally excited to be able to say: GOODBYE, RETAIL!!!

[info]hulksmash in [info]thedoorway

Everyone say "hi" to Rajah!!!!! The poor baby was left behind when his previous owner got sent back and I couldn't just let him go to the shelter or something. Besides I totally needed a new pet to replace Kitty. He's kind of old, but that's okay because he's so HUGE I don't even know how I'd be able to take him on walks and stuff if he was all young and full of energy. Mostly he just lays around. But look!!! I got him a barrel for his collar because St. Bernards need barrels around their necks, am I right?! ISN'T HE ABSOLUTELY PRESH!?

Picture under the cut )

Hey. Um. Can we talk?

[info]wormtailings in [info]thedoorway

[Filter: James Potter]

Hey, uh, happy birthday. I know I'm late but I couldn't decide if I should say it or not. Hope it was good.

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

» Something happened.
» Can't feel my left side.
» In Babs' room.
» 612

[info]highlander in [info]thedoorway

Well now, since it seems it's going to take a bit of time for the Doctor and all the other smart ones to figure out what's what, I'd best be making myself useful. My problem is I don't know what useful is in this time and place. It does not look like there's any need for a piper and there's not a scrap of farmland as far as the eye can see. Farm boy is how I grew up, piper is what I became. I'm not afraid of hard work, I can read and write and I can handle myself in a fight but I don't have any fancy education or much that seems of use here. Can anyone help with an idea or two?

[info]phoeniceous in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: James S. Potter, Lily Luna, Hugo & Rose, Fred II
Soooo... would this be a bad time to bring up my undying love for Oliver Wood with my mom?

Considering that we work out together?

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

» Bruce!
» It's an actual emergency.
» Remember when you gave me your number and said it was for emergencies only?
» And then we had that one conversation about the origin of grilled cheese instead.
» But this is legit.
» I have this guy, might wanna look at him. Look over him. Do the doctor thing.
» Also he was exposed to that mutagen at some point some weeks ago.
» Can I bring him over?
» Meaning in my costume.
» I'll be super discreet, I swearsies.

[info]quiteprolific in [info]thedoorway

» You guys don't hate William, right?
» Because if you do...
» I'd rather know.
» Remember that one time you offered me a job and I said no?
» I've been thinking about something.

[info]alwaysaqueen in [info]thedoorway

Oh goodness, I've been so busy here lately that I fear I've lost track of so many of the comings and goings.

However! I've been thinking. How many refugees need childcare assistance? I realized a few weeks back, after Mrs Williams had posted asking about it, that there were perhaps some need in a sort of daycare setting. I do realize that we have the Youth Center, but what about those younger than school age whose parents work during the day? I'd be willing to help organize one if there is a great enough of a need.

[Susan Pevensie]
I'm moving in with Peter.

I love you.

[info]chilledtothe in [info]thedoorway

So, Amelia! What have you been doing the past week?

Why, thank you for asking, self. I have spent the past week watching "Game of Thrones" on a questionable website that had the videos available to stream but they had subtitles in a different language and the volume occasionally went out. But it was okay, because I watched it and it was brilliant and I learned three things about myself during that time:

1. My face twin lass and I share an absolutely amazing body. I know this as she truly is not shy about showing it off sans clothing. Thank Merlin I had a warning or that would have been massively shocking.

2. I love being an Auror, but I think I should have thought twice about being a dragon keeper. While in our world they probably wouldn't be tiny and adorable and would allow me to keep them close to me in the way they did on the show, I like to pretend that they would.

3. I do not handle cliff hangers with ease. The only reason I finished so quickly was because I just had to keep going. Every bloody episode! Maybe it's a good thing I don't have a telly back home. I would get nothing done.

Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the return on Sunday and for more. Although, I might go mad between the weeks (due to #3).

[info]glissement in [info]thedoorway

Say what you want, but tomorrow I'm going to the Central Park Zoo and am going to stare at the penguins when they have their brunch at 10:30. Anyone's more than welcome to join me and my coffee mug!

I had a great time at dinner tonight, and it was so nice to finally meet you face to face. Teddy's told me a lot of good things about you, Tonks and Remus, so it was nice to see firsthand.

[info]behindtheline in [info]thedoorway

I may not be much for cars (I am satisfied if they are fast) -- though jazz is very diverting -- but I will say that flying kites in Central Park and sailing model boats is a lovely way to spend a frail spring day.

[Filter: James & Steve (MCU)]
Thank you both.

[info]missedmunds in [info]thedoorway

Network post: Katherine Edmunds

I spent most of the day outside and it was absolutely gorgeous. Though it was a little chilly, especially towards the late afternoon. I managed to find my way to the park with only getting lost and turned around a couple times. I can't complain...today was a pretty good day. I even found a place that sells really great coffee.

[info]pickyourpocket in [info]thedoorway

Network post: Kenzi!

So I thought it would be fun to play around on the Internet today. I'm really interested by the things I found regarding a threesome involving my dear friends. Some people apparently ship Bo, Tamsin and Dyson. I can't really say...I disagree after what I've seen so far. I wish I could hear Bo's response!

There's also people who want me and Vex to get together. I'm sorry folks but we were totally just great buds! Me and Vex. That would be just weird.

Also I think I've spent my whole day on tumblr. That shit is addictive.

Posted via Journaler.

[info]myeu_muh in [info]thedoorway

Who: Bruce Banner & Darcy Lewis
When: March 29th, evening.
Where: Potts Tower, Darcy’s apartment.
What: Lounging around, having dinner and serious talks, only to be interrupted by Peter Parker’s insane texting.
Rating: Low!
Status: Completed!

By the time he arrived at Peter Parker’s main point, he was considering just letting Alex stop him from throttling Spiderman. Two birds, one stone. )