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March 2nd, 2013

[info]braidsnbowties in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jane Bennet
What: Jane watches episode 92, Goodbye Jane, for the first time, and gasssp! You get a look at what’s going on inside her head.
When: Backdated to March 1, 2013
Where: The couch in her shared apartment with Lizzie
Rating: Low for feelings, but there are some spoilers for the episode in the narrative.

Read more... )

[info]steveseekstruth in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Susan Sto Helit

Could you please keep an eye on Lyra tonight? I've upset her more than she already was, and following her myself wouldn't have been a good idea.

[info]spiritoffire in [info]thedoorway

This place is much lovelier to me now that I have my smithy. It will never be Tírion, but neither will it have the Valar's chains. There is a certain peace here, in the chaos, and I like it. This...anonymity and solitude among millions. It has been long since I have known anything resembling peace, indeed, I know not if I ever have.

Today I spent my lunch hour in the park, eating what food I could find that did not repulse me, and I could not help but watch the children, in particular a dark haired little boy with his mother. And as I watched this child of Men, so carefree and happy...I was overcome with sadness, for those years of childhood are so short, and life so quickly becomes filled with pain and loss and despair. But Men, at least, find freedom from this cage after a short time, and I envy them that. For the Children of Men there is no eternal Oath, no doom that follows them to the end of Arda. Nay, in a short lifetime there is freedom beyond the bounds of the world, and peace. Peace that the Ñoldor will never know, unless Eru himself forgives us in the Second Music.

But alas, I speak of nothing.

I found myself this evening picking up an old skill that I have not done in many years; embroidery. It is a relaxing habit, and while what I did tonight was very simple indeed, I wonder if anyone would be interested in buying it. I have no need for it, as it is a woman's garment, and I have only sons.

[info]tinygenius in [info]thedoorway

network post: claire danvers

Thanks to Spike, I have spent the last hour, at least, looking myself up on You Tube. Interesting stuff. Apparently they all think I should look like Emma Roberts. Flattering, but no, sorry.

THIS VIDEO is actually pretty good, though. It certainly portrays Morganville well. I saw another one with skyscrapers in it and that cracked me up. We definitely don't have any of those around!

I might need an intervention soon. Between You Tube and Tumblr, I seem to be glued to this computer!

Posted via Journaler.

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I have become horribly addicted to reality tv. It's hard to believe that American Idol and Survivor are still on and American Idol just isn't the same without Simon. I'll probably watch Dancing with the Stars when it comes on too. I need help.

[info]crazytacolady in [info]thedoorway

So the other night, Wes and I saw Les Miserable and if you haven't seen it yet, you must! It was very nicely done. Now, I'm looking for a stage version so we can have a comparison. And I have found a lot of plays/musicals that I want to go see. Has anyone seen Lion King on stage?

[Filtered to Wes]

I'll be randomly filtering you with movies suggestions as time goes on. They are in no particular order except for Silver Linings Playbook.

1. Silver Linings Playbook
2. Oz, The Great and Powerful
3. Jack the Giant Slayer
4. The Hobbit
5. Argo
6. Lincoln
7. Zero Dark Thirty

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

I think I'd be much happier with a horse instead of a wheelchair for getting around. Nothing quite like being astride, feeling them respond to your command, the power beneath you. It felt good to be back on a horse yesterday. Bonus was getting Nurse Chapel on a horse as well. Of course, the manouverbility of a horse compared to a wheelchair is an added benefit. Not to mention, it reminds me of home in a good way. I'd be there for hours every day if the good Doctor would allow it.

I made the mistake of not following my instincts today. And looked at things on youtube. Big mistake. Apparently people here think I have a crush on Kirk or McCoy. Or Kirk's father. Honestly.

Though some of what I've found is interesting - about the alternate versions of myself, Spock and the others. I might even be interested in watching that.

Filtered to Barbara Gordon
I can't wait for you to come riding with me.

[info]gladtobealive in [info]thedoorway

[ooc: forward dated to later tonight!]

Text to John Watson )

[info]shadowofacat in [info]thedoorway

No matter how many times I watch this I still laugh. With that in mind, dance class, we have the room for tomorrow at 6. We'll be doing Swing, I got inspired by the video. Everyone's welcome though to learn a few moves if they want.

[info]phoeniceous in [info]thedoorway

After so many years of getting question on how come I wasn't on the Quidditch team when my parents had, during their school years, I finally found a gif that portrays what happened when I tried.


I think I have been on this website all day that it's really starting to get pitiful. I need a job.

[info]theconsultant in [info]thedoorway

» You're still asleep.
» You do know you're too old for this?
» There's one of you running around. Disgustingly fresh-faced.
» Are you still asleep?
» You would have liked this woman yesterday, I think
» I'll tell you about her
» When you drag your bones out of bed
» If you ARE in bed
» We're out of coffee

» Thank you for coming along yesterday
» That was fun, wasn't it?
» You had fun.
» What are you doing tonight

[info]william_pratt in [info]thedoorway

So, some bloody bints on youtube think it's particularly fitting to pair up all the videos of the actor who portrayed me with bloody songs by Josh Groban and Whitney Houston. Or Wham!. Think I saw Ricky Martin in the mix as well.

We need to talk.

But it gave me this. I can certainly live with that.

What's the most horrible song you've found with your 'fanvids'?

[info]greglestrade in [info]thedoorway

Placeholder for Backdated thread Greg Lestrade & Regulus Black - last night :D

[info]the_minstrel in [info]thedoorway

Haymitch! I have found you a friend. He is the most marvelous creature imaginable - and by that I do not mean me, of course though I am quite wonderful if I might say so myself. I named him Aicasse or 'pinetree' in the high tongue as it was the only word I understood of his terrible speech. He is quite vapid in nature but I am sure you will do well together.

Be advised that you ought not feed him tacos. I'm fairly certain he'll die. Speaking of which, please do not eat him. It would be tragic and I think he would taste bad.

I had..

I had a story to tell. Only that I cannot now recall how I wished to begin it. Or indeed what I had fully planned to say.

I think I'm dying. Eru's green earth sickness has assailed me!


I am prepared now to share stories with you.

[info]taravata in [info]thedoorway

This guy was talking about youtube. I think I found it.


Who is Nick Stahl?

[info]elizabethshaw in [info]thedoorway

Ever since Charlie left, I've spent hours upon hours just working on my classes and researching current and recent archaeology digs to keep myself distracted. It had been fun to be able to spend time with him without the pressure of work and other commitments. Well we did work but not like the way we did before were we were on digs and missions, constantly surrounded by other people.

I've been seriously looking for another job lately but I haven't had any luck unfortunately. Perhaps another museum might work. This one just isn't working with me but I need the money ifI actually want to survive unfortunately. I am enjoying teaching my classes though for Ms Sto Helit though. The students are wonderful and my classes are quite small which allows for a better teaching environment. It took me some time to get my feet with that though.

Now that Charlie is gone as well as Chloe I have no one I can call a friend. It's lonely. Still some people are nice enough but none that I'm close too. I was never much one for having friends, especially growing up in the middle of nowhere but I always had some. Even if it was just my father. I had hoped to meet some people at Church but that was dashed by those people who didn't want me there. Somehow I wasn't surprised but at the same time I wished otherwise. At least I seem to have found one now. The person who told me about it seems quite nice too. It would be good just to have someone to talk too.

[info]thewinterknight in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered; Molly C. & Thomas]
If this thing grows back I'm going to let it burst out of my skull. Just saying. Because having my head jack-hammered with a freaking hacksaw every other day isn't conducive to anyone's health.

Not that the handful of aspirin isn't helping.

In any case. Now that monstrous-mind-Nessie isn't trying to eat its way out of my skull I may or may not be offering greasy food as payment.

Get your coats on, children. We're finding a replacement for Mac's beer tonight.

I don't know how to take this stupid thing down. We're having a conversation in two places. Deal with it.

[Filtered; Elaine]
What's it like playing for Summer during Winter?

Hi I guess I should ask you how you are.


Pawn shops are super helpful. Smartphone in exchange for cash and old-but-new-to-me cheapy phone that won't blow up on me.

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

As my cousin stated yesterday, spring is at last in the air. And it disturbs me to see so many people worrying about their deaths and dying at such a time. I understand that for Men, Death is often a preoccupation in its speed and inevitability, but I should think that at such a time as this, time could be better spent in the making of life.

I suppose that human children are made and grown in the same way as elven children, and are as precious to their parents. Are there those of you here who are planning to have children soon? Or is this something you try to prevent as much as possible?

I know my people do not have children in times of war or strife - is this true for Men as well? I fear that if they did this, with the shortness of their lives, there would be no men left at all.

[info]oursavinggrace in [info]thedoorway

So a few nights ago I was talking to a kid named Cloud, and we thought it would be fun if a group of us got together to go Ice Climbing. I know Reyna has gone several times, and I was hoping we might be able to get together a fairly large group before summer comes and it's too warm to go.

Is anyone interested? Demigods, I'm looking at you. It would be nice to get away and do something together, don't you think? Everyone else is welcome too, of course. The more the better.

[info]lmartin in [info]thedoorway

So! My boss has decided to teach me how to learn to drive. Awesome. I really can't wait to begin. He figured I know enough about cars not to be dangerous. Even if my first question was how fast I could go.

He has also put me in contact with someone who builds these computers which could be fun. Well I might have been fiddling around trying to fix a broken one at the back of the building and pretty much got it going again after it wouldn't start in years...

[info]reynaway in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jason Grace and Reyna
When: Monday, Feb 18
Where: Coffee shop
What: Catching up
Rating: Low

Perhaps she was just chasing a dream best left in the mist. )

[info]topbarrister in [info]thedoorway

As a boy, I read comic books. Thus, I have a long-standing question that I find I am now able to (perhaps) find an answer to:

What on earth were you all keeping in all those pouches?

They were strapped to every thigh, wrapped around every waist...one little pouch after another, just rows upon rows of them. So please, tell me what was in there. Then maybe I can stop imagining you all carrying 15 pagers a piece on your thigh, or stowing bullets like individually wrapped snack cakes.

[info]stormblades in [info]thedoorway

I should like very much to learn more of other worlds. In particular, I would like to learn what is known of the spiritual realm in thos worlds, and of the afterlife. It would seem that my own world is rather unique in this aspect, and concerns that would be of great importance there have little or no bearing in other realities. I find this interesting, to say the least, and perhaps also a relief that other souls need not fear the same dangers that Soul Reapers have long been charged with defending against.

[info]mollycarpenter in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Dresdenverse]
You guys.
You guys, you have got to watch "The Dresden Files" on Netflix. I had started a while back, and just picked it up again. And THIS is how they portray Warden Morgan:
Donald Morgan, Certified Hottie )

Seriously, this thing is the best.

[Filtered to Logan]
Hey, thanks for coming for beer and Flying Circus the other night. You were good company.

[info]plasticed in [info]thedoorway

network post: mickey smith

If there's one thing Beer Week has taught me, it's that American beer just isn't the same as what we had at home. No offense intended, but Europeans definitely make a better brew. While we're on the subject, I still don't understand the fascination with American football

Still, I've had a lot of fun this week. I think I'm going to have to check out Bacon Palooza, too. It sounds [...] intriguing.

[info]ofthefierce in [info]thedoorway

you aint a lyer. im sorry.

i want you wont be leaving rite miss susan?

im gonna lern to fite with a sord

[info]addling in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Mary Watson]

Mary, what are your favorite flowers? I've bought us something that I think will liven our room up.

[Filtered to Don Draper]

How are you doing?

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

Filtered to Oliver Wood )

Karaoke was pretty much brilliant. I didn't even know it was a THING before, but I'm so glad I gave it a try, because SO MUCH FUN.

In other news, Tumblr continues to be full of hilarity. Some people apparently have me as a blonde. And a Hufflepuff. I think I saw one where I was a Ravenclaw, too. Sometimes, they're actually close, though.

cut, not filtered )

Although, apparently a lot of them seem to think Remus and I were a ~thing. This amuses me.

[info]bmuggled in [info]thedoorway

Who: Kirley Duke.
When: 2nd March, mid afternoon.
Where: An apartment that isn't his own...
What: Stand alone post, the afternoon after the night before.
Rating: Medium/High? (possible trigger - mentions of substance abuse)

..... )

[info]charmspeaks in [info]thedoorway

Vegetarian Food Festival, this may be one of the best things I've found in this city to date.

[info]guyles in [info]thedoorway

I think we should be taking our time here more seriously. As such, Widdershins will be starting a group for the discussion of cross-world laws of magic. I was thinking of meeting Wednesday nights at the shop, perhaps 7 or thereabouts so as to not interfere with work. What I am envisioning is pulling together magic users from different worlds such that we can address the similarities and differences in magic across experiences, and perhaps learn from one another, brainstorm to assist those who are dealing with drastically different rules of metaphysics, and somewhat selfishly, how a magic shop can meet the sundry needs of magic users. I can provide snacks, but will suggest it be BYOB.

The address is 290 Thompson in Greenwich Village.

filtered private )

[info]coolshades in [info]thedoorway

In recent days I've begun a project to determine whether or not there are additional mutants in the population. I know that discovery will take time, as this is an investigative rather than scientific undertaking, however I wasn't prepared for the breadth of perplexing people using the internet to talk about their neuroses.

I can honestly say that the existence of "otherkin" may be the most family-friendly topic that I discovered. And mutants are supposed to be the freaks?

Also, I have created a pinterest board for the purpose of determining potential mutants through the study of human interaction. I tell you about this pinterest board now because I don't want to hear "LOL SCOTT IS ON PINTEREST LOL" a few weeks from now from certain members of the team who know who they are.

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

I got a job! It was kind of by accident but that's okay I think. It's also only part time but that's okay too. I think she just felt bad because

But I went for a walk today to get a few groceries and when I was on the way I stopped at this flower shop that's near the grocery store. Finnick and I had seen it a few times before when we walked but we never stopped in but this time I did because the displays were just very pretty. The owner was by the counter and we got to talking and she began telling me about the flowers and so on. Anyway she asked if my name was Felicity and I said no and told her who I was and she realized that I was from the tower. But she wasn't like some of the people who stand outside and write things on the tower which was nice. I was about to leave but then she said that they had someone quit and their last day was tomorrow and she wanted to know if I needed work. So now I have to come in on Monday afternoon and she's going to teach me how to arrange flowers which is good because I don't know anything about flowers. She said that was okay though.

It's very nice! I've never had a job before or needed one and I'm kind of nervous but it will be good I think. Even if it's only for a few days a week.

[info]huntress in [info]thedoorway

Has anyone else gone out to Baconpalooza?? Holy christ on a cracker.

a) Bacon vodka.
b) Bacon burlesque.
c) Bacon vodka.
d) Did I mention bacon vodka?

Tomorrow is the bacon brunch. Three guesses where this girl's gonna be.

Nothing has to be complicated...I brought home two bottles of bacon vodka. Nothing is complicated with vodka.

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

Damn. Tomorrow is the last day of Bacon Fest. They really should have teamed up with Beer Week. I may have the opportunity to suggest this to both of them tomorrow.

Also does anyone know if that animated Batman show from like 1992 is available on Netflix? Just asking for a friend. (By which I mean the new friend I will make when I find someone who already knows the answer to this question.) I really want to watch some Batman without being forced to think about how seriously Christopher Nolan takes himself, or George Clooney's nipples. Surprisingly difficult to do.

Filtered to Janet Van Dyne (616)
I realize that everything I just mentioned probably does not sound like fun to you. But do you want to do something tomorrow? Not one of those things, maybe?

[info]spiritoffire in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Maedhros]

We are going to a festival tomorrow at 10am. Be ready.

[info]charmspeaks in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Piper McLean and Reyna
WHERE: The lobby
WHEN: 1:30pm, Friday March 1st
WHAT: Piper asks Reyna to meet her so they can talk
STATUS: log; complete

He needs you )

[info]the_mariner in [info]thedoorway

Who will be attending the bacon festival? This sounds like an amazing thing. I hope that they have some of these...or this, or even any of this.

I remember when I was but a young boy still, in the Havens of Sirion, I would often awake to the sound and smell of it frying, and these breakfasts are memories that I still savor.

[info]imitosis in [info]thedoorway

RP LOG: Lee and Kara

Who: Lee Adama & Kara Thrace
When: 2/26/13, 10 PM and onwards.
Where: The Huckleberry in Brooklyn
What: Getting some stuff on the table.
Rating: LOL R for language?

Calling it like I see it, Apollo! )

[info]redridinhood in [info]thedoorway

[ooc: please pretend this was backdated to THIS MORNING]

Filtered to Snow White, Belle, and Kate Danvers

Soooooo Sam made a move.

Filtered to Sam Merlotte

Good morning. :D

[info]uncle_iroh in [info]thedoorway

I had my first guest yesterday. Mister Picard. It was a delight to have a tea drinker of his wisdom sharing a pot of tea.

This city is such a wonderful place. Full of life and adventure. Its smells are most impressive. Though some are not for the faint of heart. Or nose.

Now that my kitchen is fully stocked, I would love to host people in my apartment and learn their stories and worlds. And to introduce my love of tea to everyone.

I also have sadly discovered that there is no Pai Sho in this world. I have set about creating a table and pieces. I hope that when it is done, there are people interested in playing.

[info]ofwildmoor in [info]thedoorway

Even if this city doesn't ever end and its modern conveniences are hard to get used to, I like that you can still get lose in the trees during the day. Of course, it's not got that same tangle as we got in 12. But green grass and trees are nice. When I was there, an old man was singing a song called "Good Hearted Woman" by someone named Waylon Jennings. It sounded like home

[Filter: Buffy Summmers]
There are some things in this box that can't have been mine. The agents suggested that I probably ought to show them to you. I've got popcorn, a movie from Netflix and beer.

There's some festivals coming up too. If you wanted to go with me for sympathy and all.

So how do I apply at Stark Industries?