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Aug. 30th, 2013


WHO: Obi-Wan & Siri
WHEN: Backdated, evening of August 16
WHERE: Obi-Wan's apartment
WHAT: Obi-Wan's in distress, seeing ghosts and things; Siri tries to help
RATING: Fairly low: mentions of death, general awkward (romantic?) tension, etc.
STATUS: Logged, but still incomplete

If meditating on a normal day was difficult for Siri in this place, it was nothing compared to the difficulties she was experiencing finding inner peace this week. )

Aug. 16th, 2013


Is everything alright? I sense... something. It's familiar, but...

Is it this ghost phenomenon I've been hearing about?


Filtered: Obi-Wan, Siri, Hestia, BSG People and anyone else that would be considered a friend of Laura's (I'm pretty flexible with this)
Are any of you experience thihs phenomena? I'm not and I'm not sure if I'm grateful about that or not truthfully. There are definitely people I would love to be able to see one last time even if I might not be able to have a conversation with. Though if I did see them would it make it hurt even more than it does now?

Aug. 5th, 2013


Hard to get any meditation in when the only refuge in this building is closed off. Even harder when you can't even hear yourself think.

Is construction always so loud in this world?

You mentioned Tesseract duty. Is that this week for you?

With all of the disappearances lately, I just wanted to drop in to let you all know I'm still around. Training has been rigorous and time-consuming, as expected. Are we all still accounted for?

Jul. 23rd, 2013


Helo & Chief

I seem to have missed your arrivals which I apologise for. I hope the two of you are settling in and if you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.

Would you like to join me for coffee at some point?

Siri, Shmi, Luke, Leia, Sully, Mara, Jaina (and anyone else Obi-Wan is friends with)
I was wondering, do any of you know if Obi-Wan has chosen a date for his birthday in this world?

Jul. 20th, 2013


Who:Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi
When:Saturday night July 20
Where:Obi-Wan's apartment
What:Welcoming each other home

I missed you )

Jul. 19th, 2013


I will miss Captain Janeway. It is sad to learn of her leaving as I was enjoying getting to know her and her crew's history.

Would people be interested in discussing space exploration on a regular basis? I've been fascinated in what I've learned on my own, but it seems there are a lot of us who have varied experiences in space. I'd love the chance to just sit down and hear other people's stories.

Also, if anyone wants to read a first draft, I've finished the first two chapters of my Starfleet history which seem to remain consistent across universes.

Jul. 14th, 2013


[Filter: Star Wars]
My training is officially over. I am being sent on a mission and I am not sure when I'll be back. I wanted to let you know where I was.

[Filter: Siri]
I wish you were coming with me. A mission is not the same without you. I'll miss you while I'm gone.

[Filter: Laura]
I am leaving soon. Now that my SHIELD training is over, I'm being sent on a mission. I'm not sure when I'll be returning but I didn't want to leave without letting you know.



We've had a massive increase in heat signatures around the country.

These bombs are human beings, and they're burning hot enough to vaporize anyone near by. Containment is our top priority to minimize civilian casualties. This is not a take the target alive mission. Take them down to prevent further damage.

Cell 3-Washington, DC (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 4-Boston
Cell 5-Chicago (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 6 and 10-Los Angeles- Trainee Carter, Blythe (Multiple Signatures)
Cell 7-Philadelphia
Cell 8- NYC (Multiple Signatures)- Trainee Bond

These people are extremely dangerous. You've all seen the damage that they've done in person. I want those with powers at the forefront and I'm working on getting you the support you need otherwise outside of the resources SHIELD has at its disposal. The people of these cities don't know they're counting on us but we're going to make sure they can. So handlers, keep us updated and show these idiots why we don't tolerate going after innocent targets.

*[OOC: SHIELD trainees can request assignment, they'll be assigned as needed]
[Filtered to Non-Shield Superheroes*]

There are people that have turned themselves into high powered bombs about to go off around the country. My agents are being sent in but this is bigger than just the attack on New York. I believe that you've all been sent here for a reason, whether you want to think it or not. People needed you back home and the people here need you now.

My agents are being sent out. Most of them have no powers to speak of but they do believe in protecting the civilians of this world. So I'm asking you for back up. I want to bring as many of them home as possible.

So far the hot spots we have are:
Washington, DC- Mercenary, Dr. Strange
Boston- Wolverine, Kitty Pryde
Chicago- Wasp, The Next Avenger Team
Los Angeles- Banshee, Rictor, Aqualad
NYC- Dark Devil, Spider family.
Philadelphia- Storm, Runaways
Detroit- Trainee T'soni
Houston- Starfire, Robin, Buttercup, Bubbles and Blossom possibly.
San Francisco- Avengers Academy
Las Vegas- Moody, Shacklebolt, Jason Todd, The Kanes, Trainee Tachi
Minneapolis- Frost, Phoenix, Spinnet
Denver- Castiel, Faith, Bennett, Kent.

*[OOC: Filter is a catch-all for heroes. However these are the extremis individuals. They vaporize normal people and some of them will be detonating. So having some kind of powers is preferred because, well, dead is not an agreeable state of being really.]
[Filtered Hill and Natasha (616)]

I've a signature in Detroit. We're going. Suit up.

Jul. 10th, 2013


Who: Laura & Siri Tachi
Where: 13th floor
When: Evening
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Jul. 9th, 2013


[filter: Star Wars folks]

I've got a mission. Be gone for a couple days. Nothing dangerous.

Q: Why did the Stormtrooper start jumping up and down?
A: He stepped on Ant-hillies.

I left the conservator stocked. Leave a note on the flimsy stuck to it if you run out of anything and emergency credits in the closet. Don't need them.

Jul. 8th, 2013


I'm bored.

People who went Skydiving
We should do something again.



I heard you teach a lightsaber course here, which leads me to believe you're probably the most evenly-matched of the displaced Jedi. I'm feeling insistently stir crazy; ever up for sparring?

Oh and I'm Siri, by the way. We might've met when I was here before?

Jul. 7th, 2013


Network Post: Merlin

Cheeseburgers. I think they're my favorite thing about this strange place.

Jul. 8th, 2013


I've not a clue what to say. Debate team back in school wasn't my thing. And I haven't really been close to a computer or phone in a ... while. Let's keep it to just a 'while'. Because I don't know how much- Okay, starting over. Hello, New York! Good to see it up and about instead of nuked.

I'm Hal Mason.

Docs here really take their time. And they still didn't find But I got fancy new wheels and I'm going to put them to the test. Sidewalks look pretty even.

So, since I'm going to make myself sick eating ice cream and what not and my brothers aren't here, I figured I'd extend the invitation. Food like this, it's gotta be shared, don't you think?

Shit, money. It's been a while since I needed any of that.

And then I'm going to wake up and be back where I was. So, let's make this count.

Jul. 7th, 2013


Well, that was the best possible reaction we could have hoped for really, us costumed heros are all so hot-headed and rash thinkers, it's nice to see someone really taking time to consider the fact that there are hundreds of people depending on him to live right now and doing the right thing.

I mean, at least you didn't tell everyone to leave you alone and end up on Mars, so.

Kudos for keeping your temper, Tony Stark. Kudos. Mature reaction. Bravo.

[Howard Stark]
Scale of one to ten, how sure are you that you didn't drop your son on his head?

Jul. 6th, 2013


I have discovered the most interesting substance. I ordered something off of...online? It came to me wrapped in a plastic substance with little pockets of air trapped between two thin sheets. I accidentally popped one, and I believe it is hard to stop at just one. Googling told me this substance is called bubble wrap.

Jul. 4th, 2013


Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filtered to Star Wars People]
SHIELD has me headed out immediately. I can't give a lot of details, but I wanted you to know I'd be gone for the immediate future in case you came by looking for me.

If you need me for something immediately I'll have my phone on me so you can text or email.

Jul. 5th, 2013


WHO: Obi-Wan & Siri
WHEN: Thursday evening, July 4
WHERE: The 13th floor, outdoor patio
WHAT: Siri may or may not be struggling to reconcile the fact that the Jedi really have no given mission here
RATING: Fairly low, although there will be talk of recent attacks
STATUS: Incomplete

At least in the Republic, the Jedi had a purpose, a duty to serve the good of the galaxy. Here, it felt like she was powerless to the struggle of others. )

Jul. 4th, 2013


Quite a celebration of independence. I've always thought a fireworks display would inevitably someday prove a devisive type of cover.

I can't
This is all just
I can't accept that

Can you meet me on the outdoor patio?

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