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Jul. 4th, 2013


Can't stand feeling this useless.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


So, turns out I get a Padawan soon and he's a pompous little womp-fink really into rules. Don't let anyone ever tell you the Jedi Council doesn't have a sense of humor.

Watch him show up and see this now. Preferably from before he leaves the Order.

I've been going crazy sitting around watching all of this unfold without doing anything productive, so I signed up for this SHIELD business. I guess I start training tomorrow. A day's work's never finished, right?

Jul. 1st, 2013



[Filtered to the Runaways]

Now somebody, tell me what's going on or I'm running off and you can all band together to find me. So we can do this the easy way or the hard way.


network post: ben stone

Little experience though I have with it, I am helping the Phoenix Project look throughout New York City for starting community gardens. There is a remarkable amount of zoning law in New York City. Purchasing land is as expensive as one would think, which suggests looking into roof gardens. Eating locally is much more difficult in New York City than elsewhere, but it's worthwhile, as there can still be food deserts in cities so large as ours. I have never used my hands in a garden whatsoever, but I do believe I will change that once we have more here.



And may this day, like all your others, be brilliant.


How many people do we have in this outfit?

This is a very big building with a whole lotta rooms. It would be a big mistake if it was filled to the brim with interdimensional refugees...

Jun. 30th, 2013


Even though it's an adjustment to be thrust into civilian life, as a historian it is fascinating to be living through an earlier [alternate] history. I knew, of course, that relationships were not always accepted regardless of who was involved. There are still civilizations and societies in the future that have taboos about relationships outside of what is prescribed by society.

I went out to 'Pride' today, primarily as a historian and a would-be anthropologist. The mood was infectious and I count myself lucky that it has never mattered to my family, my crew, or the Federation whether I was involved with a man, a woman, or another species. That is the future I hope for.

For me, there was never an instance of 'coming out', for which I now feel incredibly fortunate. As that seems to be the custom here though, using these outdated terms, I would identify as bisexual, though much more on the homosexual side of the 'spectrum'. I have never sought to hide this, though I have rarely felt the urge to make a scene of it. In the spirit of Pride those, and to encourage those who may be struggling with that.


Even just quick research tells me that stories of our galaxy are very popular in this world. If anyone has any questions or misconceptions, I wouldn't mind clearing things up. We aren't We just didn't know, is all.

I watched them, so I guess there's no need to sneak around the subject anymore, is there?

Would you like to have dinner later? I think we'd be better served as roommates if we learned more about each other.

Jun. 28th, 2013


This is bullshit.

[Filtered to Rick Grimes]
I think it's time you learn to spar.

Jun. 27th, 2013


Well, now I'm glad that Gus and Melanie aren't here to see all of this going on. And quite frankly, I wish I was back home with them.

I know I'm just a simply artist, but I do help people, mostly with equality, but, is there anything that I can do? Or does anyone need any help with anything?


It would seem that no matter what galaxy one is in, evil is everywhere.


Is there anything to be done about all of this? Has meditation revealed much for any of you? The surgence is impossible to ignore.

So is this a normal occurrence around these parts or did I just get lucky with my arrival?

Jun. 26th, 2013


I feel I didn't properly introduce myself that last time I made an entry into this network. My name is Siri, and yes I've been informed that there's a well-known AI called the same on (in?) this world.

Anyway. After researching a bit, it seems that whatever conflict(s) is happening here is already quite established. I'm still trying to discover the clear reason as to why I was brought here, but I still want to point out that my purpose - and that of the entire Jedi Order - is to keep peace and justice abounding. We may be warriors, but we are not soldiers.

That said, I would still like to apply whatever skills I can to this society while we work on a way to reverse this...rift. Does anyone know how I can put myself to work around here? I'm going absolutely insane with boredom.

Jun. 22nd, 2013


WHO: Obi-Wan & Siri
WHEN: Saturday night, June 22
WHERE: Obi-Wan's apartment
WHAT: A reunion and explanations
RATING: Low, I'd presume.
STATUS: Complete

Of all the people Siri expected to see in this strange new place she'd been transported to, Obi-Wan was somewhere near the end of her list. )


Hello, I'd like to speak to someone with some kind of authority in this place. Or, you know, at least someone who actually prefers to be helpful when they speak. What are our coordinates? How close are we to Coruscant?

Jan. 13th, 2013


So does anyone else find it just a tiny bit disconcerting that this world has virtually unlimited information about all of ours and it's all way too readily accessible?

Jan. 6th, 2013


So they warned me already that there's people I know but things aren't the same here. You all turn to Wookiees? Do I have to plant a lot of big trees? I'm okay with Wookiees, for the record, I'd just like to know what I'm dealing with here.

Oh, right. Name. I'm not "famous" or a holochess piece Jaina Solo, Jedi Knight, call-sign Sticks. I haven't had sleep in 27 hours and I'm way too wired to try now. Somebody please point me to the nearest place that sells caf?

Jan. 5th, 2013


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker

A conflicted life with a clouded future, or a despairing life in which an unexpected future is clear. I'd like to think those aren't the only two options. The new year has provided a lot to think about. Strange as this place might be, and no matter the complications it brings, at least we aren't alone.

I'm feeling a little stir-crazy. What do you say we find somewhere safe to spar? You have your lightsaber with you, right?

Dec. 31st, 2012


After this!

Watching your own death has to be one of most disturbing and deeply troubling aspects of all of this. I don't think I care for it. I have never felt so stup

[filter: 'star wars' people]
The movies have been watched. No need to tiptoe around the subject any more.
[filter: luke & leia]
While I understand your hesitation better now, please still come tomorrow. It would mean a lot.

Dec. 29th, 2012


Now that I've comfortably familiarized myself with the surroundings, I suppose it's best to attempt to familiarize myself with the citizens of this world as well. I can only hope it turns out more informative than what I've received thus far.

My name is Siri - does anyone at least have the planetary coordinates of this place?

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