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June 18th, 2015

[info]temporaryfury in [info]thedoorway

MCU Avengers

Alright boys and girls, give me a sit-rep.

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

Listen, Tesseract - bringing the car my dad got me for my birthday is awesome, but it doesn't make up for my family not coming through. kthx

[info]spiderette in [info]thedoorway

Who: Mayday Parker / Spider-Girl (MC2) and OPEN
What: May's first night in a new city, and she takes to the best way she knows to unwind.
Where: All about the city, rooftops, buzzing city streets, interacting with random people, shaking hands, saving cats, or possibly just getting spotted on patrol.
When: Late evening.
Rating: PG-13 at worst. Potential Triggers for narrative reminders of death and possible related trauma's. Baby Spider hasn't had the best run lately.
Status: Log, possible narrative
Notes: This is what happens when I pick up one of my favorite muses. Feel free to tag if you'd like. Subthreads also welcome.

Yesterday's right behind me like a loaded gun )

[info]immortalis in [info]thedoorway

This is wicked! And disconcerting, at the same time. That glowing blue object did me quite the favour, getting me out of juggling multiple eggs in the name of entertainment. Now I've had the whole explanation about why and how I'm here from those super helpful people when I arrived, but I'm much more fascinated by this item they've given me. They say its called a phone? Such a strange name. I don't suppose anybody I know is here also?

Oh, right, introducing myself would help. Hello! I'm Merlin.

[info]boygirlalien in [info]thedoorway

network post: xavin

War must be coming. Others have posted of receiving armor or weapons. And I too join that number. The tesseract is arming us. But for what?

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

Say what you will about Napoleon B(u)onapart(é). Two hundred years after his final and resounding defeat, a man puts on his hat and rides out into the field in front of thousands of cheering spectators who seem likely as not to think that Wellington is a kind of boot.

If I'd known you didn't have to martyr yourself to be eternally remembered, I'd have volunteered to get packed off to St. Helena so people could write poems about me, too. What a raw deal.

[info]thunder_girl in [info]thedoorway

I now have my previous set of armor as well as my current one. I am not sure I have need of both.

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]thedoorway

[Giles & Wes]
So I got a thing. Do I have to share Should I tell her about it? She wouldn't even know what it is right now.
Anyone fill you in on the task force yet?

[info]withoutglory in [info]thedoorway

Who: Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov
What: Dealing with avoidance issues
When: BACKDATED 6/7, after this
Where: Outside Potts Tower
Rating: PG 13 for language?
Status: Log, In Progress

You need to be done avoiding me now Dimitri... )

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

The Tesseract saw fit to take a majority of my students from me in the last three months so I am now left with quite a number of vacancies. If you are interested in taking free magic lessons, or find yourself in need of guidance with newfound abilities, enrollment at Madame Mills School of Magic is currently open.

Filter: Friends
Dinner next week? My treat.

Filter: The Locksley-Mills
Father's Day is this Sunday but I see no reason why we can't celebrate it for the whole weekend. Within minutes I can have us all transported upstate and enjoying the elements. How do you feel about that?

[info]ohsodashing in [info]thedoorway

[SWORD Miami team]

I have to say I always do enjoy a party with a heist as part of it.

[Thor, Sif]

So far no scepter. But we did find some Kree writing. Unrelated.

Just how many other realms are visiting Midgard? It seems to grow each year.

[info]caramacmanus in [info]thedoorway

2 Deliveries for Bucky Barnes (616) )

[info]anakinsolo in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Anakin Solo

Probably this won't be that useful to most of us, but I wanted to throw out that I just got a holocron via Tesseract. It's from Jedi Master Asli Krimsan, and my friend Tahiri and I recovered it when we were students. Anyway, if anyone would like to look at it, let me know.

[Filter: Obi-Wan Kenobi]
My friend Tahiri and my teacher Tionne worked together with me to recover the holocron I just got from the tesseract, but what we were really looking for on that mission was your lightsaber. Which, we found, and I used it for a while -- Before I built my own, I mean.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it was not my intention to carry on a conversation with you as if you knew me, but that is exactly what I did and I apologize for that presumption. The Jedi Order you knew and the Jedi Order I know are very different, and I held my conversation as if you would understand those differences as well and that was unfair.

I would very much like the opportunity to try another conversation sometime, and I promise to presume less and perhaps listen more. If you would be interested, I mean. And if you aren't I'll understand. I hardly made a good first impression.

[Filter: Ben & Jaina]
So, the three of us and a Lego night? Ben, have we introduced you to Legos yet?

[Filter: Rikki]
I think we should get Winter Kitty a tower thing.