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June 17th, 2015

[info]speedofsass in [info]thedoorway

Violet's gone again.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
Were you going to tell me you were taking off. Or was I supposed to follow Blue's Clues?

[info]askjarvis in [info]thedoorway

[Jasper Sitwell]
I can't decide who is worse, when it comes to computers. Steve Rogers and his spyware, or the Hulk and his fists. I swear they cause about the same amount of damage. Stark gave me a fragmented server that SHIELD recovered from the castle.

At least HYDRA didn't install 180SearchAssistant.

[info]sonofthrain in [info]thedoorway

It seems the tesseract does not always take things away from me. It has returned to me my armour and coat, that was lost in the Mirkwood to the thieving elves. Since Legolas was kind enough to return Orcrist to me when he was briefly here, I find myself quite satisfied today.

[info]expelled in [info]thedoorway

You know, 2015's not so bad. Coming from 1998, there's a bit of an adjustment period, but the advances the world has made -- socially and technologically -- were far beyond what anyone from 1998 could have anticipated, I think. My mum used to say the world was moving at such a fast pace, that it wouldn't be long until we were all living like they do in Star Trek.

It was quite the funny thing to say to me when I was a little girl. People talking on mobiles seemed so ridiculous; I thought that computers could never become a device for social connections. And there's not a thing in this world that would have convinced me the steps toward equality would be taken in such larger strides.

Yet here we are, in 2015. People use their mobile phones compulsively -- even I've caught myself a few times! We use these computers and these tablets like they're part of us, because they are. And there are men and women from every walk of life whose stories are not just printed but they are heard around the world through these amazing little devices. I can look up almost anything I want without having to dig through book after book -- and while I do miss the musty, warm feeling of a good old book, I am completely in love with how quickly I can find things. I can read about anything from the statistical studies of supernova remnants, to the ever-changing political climates of the world, without worrying about digging through shelves.

Nothing is perfect, of course. 2015 is all at once terrifying and amazing. Leaving my home behind was not what I wanted, nor is it something I am entirely used to yet. I miss my family, and all my other friends. But I'm grateful to have come to a place where I can enjoy the wonders of a future I hadn't considered possible.

[info]specimen in [info]thedoorway

    We've got a hit on another base, in Bruges. Let's regroup in NY, and we'll see if we can pull anything else from what we got in Bavaria. Make sure you wrap up any other business you've got, and be ready to head back out.

[info]mr_jarvis in [info]thedoorway

The images on the news to commemorate the explosion and crash of those SHIELD helicarriers are absolutely mortifying.

I'm speechless.

[info]fereldenshero in [info]thedoorway

[Comms: Peter Quill's AoU Sceptre Hunt]

Now I know the rule is that HYDRA is crazy to begin with.

But these people were more than just a little crazy.

[info]felixblake in [info]thedoorway

A year ago today three helicarriers crashed into the Potomac and a long dormant terrorist organization sprang back to life. Fox News, MSNBC, even international news outlets are discussing what they know. But even we don't truly know the full count of how many lives were lost in this war.

But we remember those who are gone and loyal, or missing, presumed dead.

cut for picture )

[info]hertruecolors in [info]thedoorway


We'll never be the same, will we?

[info]imanavenger in [info]thedoorway

[Comms post- SWORD Miami team]

Everyone in place?

Brand and I have eyes up topside.

[info]phased in [info]thedoorway

I have a rather awkward problem, and I'm not sure who to contact about it. Um... I appear to have grown a fish tail, you see, and well... I was taking a shower when it happened, so... Help?

[info]neversaidpilot in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Jasper Sitwell
I know anniversaries aren't always the easiest things to deal with. How are you holding up?

Filter: Anne Weaver
So there's an attempt at recreating that lasagna from a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, it's probably not as good as restaurant food because I don't load my stuff with butter. But I tried my best. If you want to crash and have some while I'm out, it's right there.

[info]chapmanpiper in [info]thedoorway

Okay, can someone please confirm for me that everything I've just been told about this place is true? Because I seriously believe just about none of what I just heard. Seriously, I think I might have tuned out right after someone said "Iron Man" -- But it's not my fault, I'm just not sure what a triathlon has to do with anything that's going on here?

[info]lwyrup in [info]thedoorway

Today, we dealt a small blow to the forces of injustice. Today, the men who think broken windows are the biggest problem with the world they live in, the guys who pay lip service to the American Dream, but not in their backyards, the fat cats who think freedom of expression is your right to put whatever you want on your billboard or bend over and spread your wallet as wide as it’ll go - today, they have to eat their vegetables with the rest of us. Because my client, Janet Vallencia, is back on the street.

And that’s where she belongs. Out in the world. Doing her thing. Giving a little something to the people of this amazing city who only get to see the outside of places like 432 Park, or One 57, or the rest of billionaire’s row. The art form that she allegedly partakes in is a public art form.

And the message she’s allegedly imparting is one they can’t stamp out. They can’t just paint over change. They can pull an Ashcroft and throw a dropcloth over justice, because they’re afraid of how it makes them feel all funny deep down inside, but they can’t stop what’s happening.

The world is a place full of people that don’t fit their cookie-cutter city-grid idea of what everyone should be. It always has been! And they’re here to stay.

And now they have a GoFundMe. Please give generously so Ms. Vallencia and all the men and women she allegedly speaks for can go unmolested by the idiots who thought it was a good idea to try to take away your Big Gulp.

[info]spiderette in [info]thedoorway

So I don't think I was supposed to end up here?

So. You know those days when you finally think you've got your life pretty much figured out? You know, you're done with highshool, and you're like "Hey. Cool. I know what I'm doing now." and all the adults in your life look at you like you're crazy? They tell you you've got a lot to learn still and you just never listen? Yeah. That's totally where I was at and, I'm pretty sure, even if I had paid complete attention, the word Tesseract and the phrase "Now you might get whisked away to a totally different New York" probably never would have come up.

Bonus points? This place has nice tech and social networking is kind of the thing my generation does best. So. Yeah. I'm May Parker, my friends call me Mayday, science is my bread and butter, and, if somebody could be so kind, I could use a pointer in the direction of the best street vendor for hot dogs in this reality?

And my thanks to the people at S.W.O.R.D. for making this as easy on the awkward as is possible.

[info]americha in [info]thedoorway

Cosmic kidnapping, so not cool.

[info]extorris in [info]thedoorway

Voice is gone, hoping to not have to go find the medbay. Guessing it's called something else here, turns out habits are hard to break.