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June 9th, 2015

[info]madeusbrutal in [info]thedoorway

I'm afraid that I keep watching the show that I'm on, and every week I tell myself to stop. But I must know what becomes of myself.

I know they aren't here, but sometimes I swear I can see the women out of the corner of my eye. They have that doll of me. And though I'm not experiencing it, only watching - sometimes I feel my sanity slipping again. I cannot let it in. I will not.

Would someone accompany me to church? I do not know where else to feel safe.

[info]anexplodingman in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Rick Jones:
Hey you. I've been thinking about where I'd be a good fit job-wise, and I figured why not here at the tower? I won't have to worry about my powers here, I don't think. Plus your job being to help me find a job is cute.

I also had a dream about you.

[info]lauriejuspeczyk in [info]thedoorway

[Edwin Jarvis]
Good morning, Mr. Jarvis.

You don't really know me, but I've heard a lot about you -- How are you finding Potts Tower, so far?

[info]faywray in [info]thedoorway

Ah, travel stories. I remember this one time, when we were at Harvard, Bruce and I decided to take the bus to New York City for a weekend. It's not a far trip, it's pretty scenery -- and it beats trying to drive into the city.

So everything was fine -- until this person gets on the bus with half a dozen balloons, including a motion-activated foil balloon that played "Happy Birthday" whenever it was tapped.

Which was always. Because we were on a fucking bus.

Eventually the driver made the person lock the balloons in the bathroom, but every time the door open, it was more 8-bit birthday wishes.

Not ideal.

So! Does anyone else have a crazy-annoying travel story? I want to know who can beat my balloons!

[Bruce Banner]
I'd ask you if you remembered that story, but I can't imagine you could forget it. Unless you've like, repressed it.

[info]asuna_yuuki in [info]thedoorway

Who: Asuna and OPEN to anyone
What: Getting adjusted to this crazy place, figuring things out
Where: Potts Tower, then elsewhere!
When: Tuesday, June 9, a day after Asuna's arrival
Status: Incomplete, OPEN for anyone to tag in please!

I'm ten years in the past, so this is what New York was... )

[info]inaraofserenity in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Inara Serra

[Filter: Kaylee]
Shall we do something this weekend perhaps? Maybe even out of the city for a few days? Are you free?

[Filter: Mal]
Have you managed to find something for yourself to keep busy?

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Princess Fluffles, c/o Castiel )

[info]malfoyheirdraco in [info]thedoorway

Who: Draco Malfoy and Maria Hill (MCU)
Where: The Hub
When: June 9, afternoon around 4 pm
What: Draco is curious to meet Maria and had a craving for tea
Status: Incomplete, threaded
Warnings: Probably none, but will update as needed

He was impressed with her resourcefulness, and respected her because of her friendship with Snape )

[info]choosefreedom in [info]thedoorway

texts: castiel → mara jade

» I think he feels better.
» Thank you.
» You're going out of town?

[info]skrullkree in [info]thedoorway

I like celebrity gossip, okay? Deal with it. But I keep seeing all this stuff about Kristen Stewart and her "gal pal." They're gay! They're gay together! Accept it!

I forgot what else I wanted to say here.

That's all.

[filter: PETER PARKER]
Hey, you still around, Webby?

[info]lilspotter in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Lily Potter

[Filter: Severus]
Are you busy?

[Filter: Harry]
Would you want to get breakfast somewhere tomorrow morning?

[info]summersgirl in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Buffy Summers

[Filter: Giles]

There are vampires here? Like in the tower? good vampires?

I hear this is a rumor of things that are true.

[info]kamala in [info]thedoorway

I think I kind of miss being older me. :( Felt more like people actually listened to you more because you weren't a teenage girl, which is crap because "teenage girl" doesn't mean that anything we have to say is frivolous and dumb.

Also, you know.. I kind of felt more stronger in general.

[info]rickjones in [info]thedoorway

I missed my birthday. I take cash, check, and tickets to see Billy Joel on the 20th.

I guess this makes me 33 now.

[info]alexishcastle in [info]thedoorway

Someone should come see Pitch Perfect 2 with me. Yes?

If any of you say no you better have a damn good reason, just saying :)

[info]speedofsass in [info]thedoorway


Time for Fuck, Marry, Kill.

I'll start you off: Sif, Captain Marvel, Falcon.

[info]specimen in [info]thedoorway

Sorry I missed the pet contests, and the adoption drive. It sounds like it went great -- and congrats to the proud new pet owners out there as well.

    We all know how it went down. Even though we managed to take back the Sandbox, Loki's Sceptre wasn't there. And there didn't seem to be many clues as to where it could have gone. If it was ever there at all, then someone did a fine job of making sure it doesn't seem like it.

    Given that we don't even have so much as a hint on where to start, I'm guessing we'll need to reach out to some outside forces -- possibly SWORD and other members of SHIELD, if they're available. But in the meantime, I'd like to take a moment for us to discuss our options. If anyone's got any suggestions, now's the time to share them.

    You doing anything tonight?

    Any luck on finding any leads from HYDRA agents? And have you heard anything about the Mason situation?

    I saw that your friend, Angie, came through a little while ago -- and Jarvis, too. You're probably pretty busy and honestly I am too but if you have some free time, I'd like to see spend t have you over for dinner sometime.