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April 8th, 2015

[info]thefreemason in [info]thedoorway

[Refugees in the NYPD Supernatural Task Force, Vanessa Ives. Mulder & Scully]

I know the electricity has been unsteady, so I do fear you won't be able to see this message -- And if the matters were not pressing, I can assure you my call for assistance would be peppered with a deconstruction of the faults with forms of communication which rely too heavily on modern comforts.

But the dear Ms. Ives, and others about the tower have bore witness to a strange dark shadowy figure who appears when the lights flicker.

I propose a quick sweep of the tower. I dare say, it could be nothing -- but in all matters such as these, I prefer to err on the side of caution. I suggest we all do the same.

[info]sonofthrain in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Darcy Lewis )

[info]sorcerersupreme in [info]thedoorway

By the vapors of Valtorr!

The storm is over, but something tells me there is still an ill force in the winds. Though I can't say why.

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway

Who: Rick Jones, Steve Rogers & Bruce Banner (all 616)
When: Wednesday, April 8th, Where: Shake Shack, 215 Murray Street
What:While having lunch at Shake Shack, Rick, Steve and Bruce -- and all the other guests are set upon by a black creature. Which tears through the dining area and towards the back. The creature isn't interested in staying unless there's a fight. (Calendar .) Unfortunately for the black shadow creature and Shake Shake....

This means that there will be a Hulk Sighting around 12:45 - 1:00pm, and twitter, youtube & news stations light up with cellphone footage and first-hand accounts. 616 Bruce Banner has almost complete control over the Hulk, so no bystanders or restaurant patrons were hurt. But the shadowy creature was pounded around a bit because it threatened Rick, thrown out the Shake Shake’s front window and dies.

Soon after, Steve calms Bruce down, and shields him from the gathered onlookers as they make their way back to Potts Tower

Stark Industries releases a press statement late in the day, saying they’ll cover all property damage to Shake Shack.

Log Complete

Shake it off, Shake it off. )

[info]doctorbanner in [info]thedoorway

If I didn't already have a robust appreciation for the Do Not Disturb feature on my phone, I certainly would now.

Serious question: when you tweet at someone whom you believe to be trundling through the city at several times his usual size and several times his normal baseline of irritability, do you expect an answer? Do you think you're being helpful? Do you think perhaps he hasn't noticed? Do you think you're going to be the one who finally comes up with the pun he hasn't heard before? I'm curious: what's the end game?

Because - here's a tip - even if he wasn't about to spend his afternoon submitting YouTube takedown notices, the odds that he would appreciate any of that are vanishingly slim.

[info]zevran in [info]thedoorway

this google is a WONDERFUL device. you can find all sorts of naughty things on it -- even dirty poetry. for example:
    i am a fucking whore
    and that's not a metaphor
    it's the total fucking truth
    i'm a prostitute forsooth
such language! i was looking for work but it seems i have found something far more interesting indeed.

[info]movingspeeches in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Avengers (All)

I'm sure I don't need to inform most of you about this afternoon's incident at the local Shake Shack. The brief recap is that the establishment suffered serious collateral damage during an incident which we're still investigating. I'd like to assemble a team of you to assist me in a clean up operation. Any volunteers would be greatly appreciated.

[ Stephen Strange ]
I'd specifically like to tap you as I believe the creature involved in the attack is more within your realm of expertise.

[info]feelseverything in [info]thedoorway

[Bruce Banner (616)]
Hey. Should I even ask how you are? Need anything? If you'd rather be left alone, I get it.

[info]secondspectre in [info]thedoorway

Shepard's gone.

You weren't kidding when you said people appear and disappear without warning.

[info]rickjones in [info]thedoorway

Everyone can relax, I'm just fine.

[ filter: BRUCE BANNER (616) ]

Thank you.

How long had it been?

[info]sporty in [info]thedoorway

I have been quiet for long enough, I think, and my sword arm is becoming weaker by the moment. I would be glad for the chance to remedy this, should any prove up to the challenge.

[info]lwyrup in [info]thedoorway

My dream of running into Warren Buffet on the street and convincing him to fund my ten-year Fijian artist's retreat has just been downgraded to ... seriously, who has money and actually lives in this shithole? David Koch?

Time to hit the scratchcards. Fuck you too, New York.

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

Who: Teddy Altman and Peter Parker
When: Yesterday -- April 7th, just before the storm starts.
Where: A random rooftop in NYC
What: Talking about breakups.
Rating: Low.

Spring has sprung, the grass has ris )

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

Text Message to Tony Stark (MCU)
--I wonder how much his retainer is.
-- pottstowernetwork.com/5772749

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

[Joan Watson]
Can I go to Atlantic City with Saul Goodman?
[Later: Moriarty]
....Would you like to go to Atlantic City with myself and Saul Goodman
[Finally: Tony Stark (616)]
Can I borrow $50,000 to go to Atlantic City with Saul Goodman and Moriarty?

[info]hazmatup in [info]thedoorway

Now that the ink is completely dry and my new clearance is working.

You're looking Pepper Potts' new personal assistant!

[info]andrastesherald in [info]thedoorway

We should do something nice, just the two of us. I would like to take a walk, if that's all right with you.

Pancakes. We should all get some because it has been too long since we have gotten together.

[info]durinson in [info]thedoorway

Filter: LOTR/TH 'verse
It seems we've lost a few of our companions to this tesseract. If it is not too much trouble, I would like all of us to check in.

Filter: Kili
We may need to talk about what happens if one of us is sent home.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

Who: Steve Rogers (EMH) & The Lady Sif (MCU)
When -- Forward Dated: Friday Night, April 10th.
Where: Whiskey Tavern.
What: After Steve gives a valiant effort to prove that he could be a challenge for Sif (and fails) the two decide to go out for a round of celebratory drinks.
Rating: PG-13

The Sword is Mightier Than the Shield )

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

So thanks to Illyana, we've got a sketch of our mysterious werewolf. I'm sending copies of the sketch to all of you; you should have it in your inbox now.

Now that we know who to look for, hopefully it won't be long until he's caught. And if anyone recognizes him, let me know. I'd like to be able to put a name to the face.