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April 7th, 2015

[info]ginitup in [info]thedoorway

network post; ginny weasley

Filtered to Potters
So, thanks for letting me spend Easter with you. It's still weird being the only Weasley in this dimension here.

I'm officially signed up for summer term. Here's hoping Muggle maths isn't as complicated as the internet makes it out to be, or I'm going to be in a world of trouble.

[info]harvelle in [info]thedoorway

Everytime I wake up on a birthday, I always pause to see if I feel any older and really it just feels like another day.

But I think it's a good day to go job hunting.

[info]everymansdream in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Jacen Solo]

[info]mysteryofset in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Did I do something wrong? Are we going to be hiring another intern?
[Filtered to Rikki Barnes]
If you leave, who is in charge of the allies?

[info]yogammagamma in [info]thedoorway


We can't do it Captain! We need more power! )

[info]dalishpariah in [info]thedoorway

Not too long ago, I needed some shoes to go to the park. I found a pair of boots in the hallway and took them. It's been brought to my attention that that is considered stealing. I never meant to steal them. If they are yours, I would like to return them.


I heard that you run an apothecary. I was wondering if you needed any extra help. Where I'm from, I often made potions and salves out of things found in nature. I think I could be of great help.

[info]byronsully in [info]thedoorway

Text Message to Penelope Featherington

[Text Message to Penelope Featherington]
-- If I'm not very mistaken you have a birthday coming up.
-- Coincidentally, so do I
-- I'm thinking we should celebrate being over a century old & looking as damn fine as we do.

[info]inpavidus in [info]thedoorway

network post: tris prior

cut, not filtered )

I could get used to a view like this.

and apparently I can climb trees, like weirdly well, but I probably shouldn't

( Mikasa )
Something weird happened.

[info]hertruecolors in [info]thedoorway

I need money. I guess I'll just be a waitress.

Is there anyone protecting the white event people? What happened with the little girl and her butterflies?


Why don't you live in the tower?

[info]lostprincess in [info]thedoorway

If the zombie apocalypse comes, I'm ready.

cut, not filtered )

[info]movingspeeches in [info]thedoorway


[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

I might...be related to Captain Levi? I don't understand. I might be connected to a Military Police officer, too.

And I can't believe they...how can...

[Sam Winchester]

You are probably tired of hearing this information now, but I learned something new again about the Titans. Something quite disturbing.

[Added in a moment later, filtered message to Tony Stark [MCU]]

I have learned some frightening news about the Titans, if you're interested in knowing.

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway


I never want to leave!

cut, not filtered )

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

Be careful in the rain out there. Though I suppose at least it's not snow.

[Bennett, Tony Stark (MCU), Pepper Potts (MCU)]

Given the news of the Stark Expo, Bennett and I have been discussing our own participation in the event.

However in addition to this we wanted to bring up a possibility. MIND would be willing to put forward the money to sponsor a symposium of the EXPO to be devoted to showcasing the work of female scientists and what contributions they could bring. It's a unique opportunity to give a voice on a global stage that many might not have had the ability to.

[Gwen Stacey]

I know we haven't spoken since the world was ending, but you did good work over those few days.

You've mentioned previously that you're still in school. Have you been looking into any specific employment opportunities?

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

cut, not filtered )

That was my view this morning. We were up early enough to take a walk on the beach and watch the sun rise.

Filter to Walter Blythe
Do you remember when I applied and interviewed for the teaching position at Poplar Academy? They called me yesterday. They're giving me the position, which is wonderful, but they also would like me to be a long-term substitute for that teacher for the rest of the year. He's been diagnosed with cancer. It's only stage 1, but he would rather focus solely on getting well over the next few months, and I really can't blame him.

They need me to give an answer by the end of the week. I'm inclined to say yes.

Filter to Mary Margaret, Laura Roslin
As you both know*, I've applied and interviewed for a position at Poplar Academy. It was originally going to start this autumn, but due to circumstances beyond his control, he is electing to take a leave of absence for May and June. They have decided to hire me regardless, but they are offering me the chance to take on his classes for the remainder of the school year. They've asked me to let them know of my decision by the end of this week, and as soon as I know, I will be sure to let the both of you know as soon as possible.

*Alex, let's say that Anne informed her of this when she let MM know?

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

Time flies so very quickly here, it seems. Tomorrow's my birthday, and I shall be veritably ancient at 29. Only that sounds very young when compared to my actual age. If we look at that, then I am positively radiant for 219! I believe that I shall, just because I can, gift myself with a volume of Lord Byron's poems. I wasn't ever allowed to read his works at home, so I shall make up for it now.

[info]everymansdream in [info]thedoorway

Who: Georgina Kincaid and Jacen Solo
Where: A luxury hotel
When: Around now
What: Pillow talk
Rating: Medium for mentions of nudity and sex

Who has to know when we live such fragile lives? It's the best way we survive. I go around a time or two, just to waste my time with you. )

[info]madeusbrutal in [info]thedoorway

Just now as the power flickered, I thought I saw something in the doorway.

I know better than to just ignore things like this. Most will say that it was my imagination, or a trick of the light as the electricity wavered. I know what I saw.

Nothing good can come of this.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Jasper Sitwell]
You don't have any plans for Thursday, right?

[info]lokiofasgard in [info]thedoorway

Thor, stop fucking around.

I'm trying to watch last night's Better Call Saul, and it's going to be hard if the electricity keeps going in and out.

[info]lastliving in [info]thedoorway

-- this rain is freaking me out
-- can i have company
-- will you come over

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

Dear wonderful people of the network.

This is just a reminder that in THREE DAYS, Stark Solutions is going to have its first Robot Decathlon. If you didn't enter before, there's still some time to enter now. All contest planning is done by yours truly that even Tony doesn't know what I have planned. Eeeeeveryone is invited. Also, FYI, the actual robot-building is going to happen during the decathlon to give everyone an even playing field. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE! :D

Filtered against anyone that is competing
Aaand one more thing, I need volunteers for Saturday at 10am to test run the robots being built. One of the task calls for someone not involved in any competition to guide the robots through an obstacle course to test out the usability and that's where you come in. I promise you some really great cheesecake if you volunteer!

[info]featherington in [info]thedoorway

I... saw something in my window earlier. It looked like the outline of a man, just black as ink. It was when the electric went out and there was lightning and I saw it and I haven't been brave enough to look out the window again. And now I'm huddled under my blankets and I'm very warm because I'm afraid to stick my head out of the bedclothes. Help? I feel like an absolute widgeon, but it was quite startling.