July 2016



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November 1st, 2014

[info]thelittleguy in [info]thedoorway

Who: Steve Rogers (and Peggy)
When: ehhh backdated to. earlier this week, or last week.
Where: 80th Street Residence.
What: Well, Steve goes to visit Peggy, but she is sleeping, so. He sticks around.
Rating: This is G, but, you know, it's sad? Dawn's response was "FUCK YOU AND THE SAND YOU THREW IN MY EYES" so.

He has to carry her legacy forward. It’s what she would want. )

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

Next month will mark my being here two years, however it is today that is a very special day for me. Exactly one year ago, Kate Beckett became my wife, after a couple of years being her annoying sidekick and a couple of years of dating. It was a wonderful day that I shared with two of the most important women in my life, with the other one being my daughter whom I hope will return one day. Kate is an amazing wife and she will be an amazing mother when our son is born in a couple of months. I look forward to many happy, sometimes bizarre, years together. Happy anniversary, Kate.

[info]ocorellia in [info]thedoorway

I wanted to thank everyone who came out for poker night last week. It was great to see some new faces. We'll definitely be trying something similar for next month, so keep your calendars open.

[Filtered to Star Wars People]
All of this makes me wish Chewie were here to see it. He'd have a good laugh at me being respectable, don't you think?

What do you miss most about home?

[info]ladyofsummer in [info]thedoorway


When I decided to fly to the other side of the world, I knew there was one experience I absolutely had to have.

Cut for Picture Spam )

[info]thornedroza in [info]thedoorway

This is the best time of year. Half priced Halloween candy anyone?

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

First of all, I would like to make sure that everyone who came to Fangtasia is okay. So far as I can tell, the magic protecting the club worked and prevented harm from coming to anyone, beyond that of a major headache. If none of you would like to come again, I understand. But you each have free entry and a free drink another night at Fangtasia if you would like it. Please let me know if any of you made it outside the doors of the club and came to harm, where there wasn't magic to protect you.

Also, my thanks to the younger heroes and tower denizens who left their own party at the Potts Tower Youth Center to help out. Trick or treat, indeed. It was very much appreciated, though the level heads of some people's costumes are very much appreciated. Perhaps next time I shall choose Athena, goddess of wisdom.

Fangtasia itself sustained little physical damage, all things considered.

Filtered: Albus Dumbledore
It was a pleasure to see you yesterday. But as the city and state don't look at magic to determine someone's age, I must ask that in the future you restrict yourself to the restaurant and private rooms portion of Fangtasia, where those under twenty-one are welcome. I doubt anyone noticed much once you became Merlin.
Filtered: Hank McCoy
So that wasn't a complete disaster, my god of war.
Filtered: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
How was it being James Bond? He was more useful to have around than Aphrodite that's for certain. Even though she wasn't particularly put off by the dragon. And the spell worked, thank God. Or that would have been a catastrophe, and I very likely wouldn't have even had a club left standing. I'll need to run much more thorough background checks from now on. I've steered clear of compulsion, for ethical reasons, when doing so. But sheesh. It makes me question myself.

[info]furrybluefriend in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Abigail Brand & Carol Danvers]
I'm not certain how much you've heard about the events at Fangtasia last night. But there was an incident following a magic show wherein everyone in attendance turned into their costumes.

The event was fairly well contained and Fangtasia has a sanctuary spell on it which kept violence to a minimum, but I've pulled what footage I could, and wrote a preliminary report on it, which I emailed. But, I know my girlfriend the club owner would prefer if we could be as inobtrusive to normal business as possible.
[Filtered to Rachel Summers, Kaiden Alenko, & Luke Skywalker]
There was an incident at Fangtasia, the night club, last night. Major Danvers has ordered us to look into it. It may be tied to the carnival we'd been dealing with previously?

I've sent along the preliminary report on it, we can meet there, I suppose?

Rachel, we can split cab fare :)

[info]audreynathan in [info]thedoorway

Instead of a TIL, I have a TWIL (This Week I Learned).

TWIL that my phone warranty does not cover ghosts or zombies. I had to ask about the zombies as a just in case, since it was the ghost who shattered the screen when it was ripped from my hand the other night. Luckily, I was able to pay the insurance, so for around $200 my phone was replaced. Excellent. Because I can really afford that right now.

ETA:All right, who's with me? Someone's gotta watch a re-run of Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever with me, since I won't be able to watch it on the night it first airs. #firstchairproblems

[info]80sreference in [info]thedoorway

network post: peter quill

Best Halloween ever. That's what it's about. And it would be fun to do that every year. Kevin Bacon next time, maybe. My costume was good, but nothing's as good as the real thing. I would have loved that as a kid. Candy you can get anywhere today. Easily tops trick or treating. If I'd known ahead of time, no, actually I'd pick the same costume. Terran holidays have gotten better.

Filtered: Cora
You make a gorgeous magnificent beastie.

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

I think that Halloween might rank up there as one of my favorite holidays -- it was such fun dressing up, and a much-needed distraction from recent events. Bringing one of my new favorite books to life was an added bonus, especially since I was able to do so with two of my favorite people in the world.

I would also like to take the time to announce that the Youth Center will be hosting a baking club for all ages! We'll be having an organizational meeting tomorrow afternoon on the 13th floor at one p.m., for anyone who is interested in joining us! Keep in mind that this is for adults and children alike. I'd like for each adult who joins us to be paired with at least one young person, to be a friend and mentor outside of our endeavor, and for all of us to learn from each other. But as I said, we'll have an organizational meeting tomorrow. Hot drinks and a small snack will be provided, so please join us!

Filter to Steve:
Last night wasn't the time for me to say this, so I'll do it now. I feel the need to apologize. I was completely blindsided by everything that happened at the pumpkin patch. I discovered much about myself that I was perhaps not ready to face since that day, about the nature of love and why I chose the path I did when I came to the end of my time at Redmond. I can't say I would choose differently were I to go back now, because it would never have been a choice truly given to me. But I do know this: I love you, and I love you more deeply and fully than I could have ever imagined it was possible to love someone other than my own child. You are the gift that was waiting for me here, and I'm sorry that I wasted so much time in understanding this gift. I settled for Gilbert, but I am absolutely not settling for you. I am reaching out with both hands to grasp at this time we have together, and I promise not to squander it. Long after I have turned to dust or returned to words on a page, you will remain with me, a part of me.

Filter to Bucky:
Would you like to be my partner in the baking club?

[info]mrlilyevans in [info]thedoorway

Are you tired of not knowing what happened to your friends and family when they disappear? Tired of searching for them everywhere and then, still, never really being certain that they went back through the tesseract?

You're not the only one. But you're in luck, because Mssrs Padfoot and Prongs have solved your problem. We created a spell that shows whether or not a person still exists in this universe-- all we need is for them to sign their name. Technically even that's not strictly necessary, but that's how we're going to do it. Because nobody likes being tracked or spelled without knowing it, right?

  • You get a clock (available in large and small sizes, as a watch or a hanging clock) with a hand for each of your loved ones, which will point to one of three colors. GREEN means your loved one is safely here in this universe and GREY for when they go home (and the spell disappears with them), and RED for when they're still here, but they're in danger. Not necessarily Mortal Peril, but Generally In Danger And Someone Should Probably Do Something About It.

  • The spell does not track your exact location and is not placed upon your person (rather upon the clock hand itself). If you want a bit of extra security, you can also set your own passcode to make the spells visible-- and when it's locked, it will simply look like a regular clock.

  • Currently, the only limit on the number of hands your clock can have (or in other words, the number of people you can keep track of) is limited only by how easy it will be for you to read. If it becomes too difficult, we can discuss options to make it work.

  • Other color options and non-clock based customizations are available upon request. We'll be happy to discuss any of your particular needs with you. Current pricing is $5 for a watch and $10 for a larger wall clock, to cover the cost of our materials. You can also purchase your own materials and give them to us, if you'd prefer. If you ask us to buy special materials for you, we will charge for whatever they cost. The time, energy, and magic put into it is free, in the spirit of helping our fellow refugees cope with the situation we all find ourselves in.

Respond here, or contact James Potter or Sirius Black at any other time to place your order, or to ask any related questions. Or if you happen to have any extra Halloween candy you'd like to get off your hands, or for any other reason.

So. Hey. Got a minute for your not-so-old old man and maybe some leftover Halloween cupcakes?

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Mara Jade

I suppose now that Halloween is over the world will try to rush us head-long into snowmen and evergreens.

[Filter: Veronica]
After I spoke with Sam last week, I have a colour palette for the wedding, but I thought I should perhaps speak with the you regarding style preferences. Plus, he couldn't tell me a thing about your wedding dress because he wants to be surprised, which I respect, but isn't particularly helpful.

I'm quite flexible, including if you have something specific you'd like me to wear, but if you want me to find something, I just need an idea whether you're wanting evening gown length, cocktail length, something more casual - that sort of thing. Since I'm in New York at the moment I thought it might be easier to coordinate currently than it may be later on this month.

[Filter: Nick]
Lest I mistakenly only tell you when you're infuriating I should tell you when you're amazing too.

[info]thekaijugroupie in [info]thedoorway

[Stark Resilient]

Whoever sent this... I mean I can't say for sure because I haven't really gotten my hands on much here, but I would call this HYDRA tech.

There isn't really anything else like it in the world, at least not publicly made available. I mean maybe high experimental Stark tech, but he'd have no reason for the smoke and mirrors.

But I think I could make it work. Which means we should discuss tracking options.

[info]fereldenshero in [info]thedoorway

I liked being a dragon. I'd recommend it.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Okay, I've had it with this boss. I got so angry, I turned him into a pig at work today....the slimeball actually tossed my advice about finding love because he doesn't think that people want to read about that. Well, SCREW HIM!! But then I realized about personal gain and I turned him back. He's not asking me to write about cheaters or anything, we had a talk about. Its the fact that love advice won't get readers now? If someone were wanting advice on finding their soulmate..wouldn't you want to hear advice about that?

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Being able to lay in bed and watch movies all day is just the tip of a perfect day. This is a rarity for me.

[info]srslypads in [info]thedoorway

Lily, light of my life, how about a hangover cure potion?

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

Just for the record, that is definitely not my Iron Man doing the Walk of Shame.

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

Never thought I'd actually end up a pirate. Not even for a few hours. Kind of puts things in perspective.

Just to let you guys know, Killian and I will be gone starting tomorrow morning until next Sunday. We're taking that much needed vacation, and we want sun and beaches.

Want anything from the Bahamas?
How's your neck?