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November 2nd, 2014

[info]razorclaws in [info]thedoorway

I don't know if there's anyone else here that celebrates it these three days but.. Feliz Dia de los Muertos for those who do. Back home, I'd have a small altar set up with pictures, but I got none of that here. So a part of me feels like I'm missing a good chunk of the tradition while the other part basically tries to remind myself that as long as I remember loved ones who have passed, I'm already participating. Don't ask me which voice is louder though.

Also, I didn't even have to ruin this holiday by ripping up someone's cultural-appropriating costume last night. It's like people are learning!

[info]theboomstick in [info]thedoorway


Looks like the politicians are actually useful for something.

I've been going over the bases here with the locals that we'll have in charge. Skeleton crews all around, but at least they're somewhat safer than they were last week.


Guess who can legally come back into the country.

[info]bythefiber in [info]thedoorway

network post: beverly katz

Filtered: Lily Potter
I heard you too are interested in getting Severus to agree to be tracked by magic. He had his time of spying here, and I know he deceived everyone about that. But that time should be over. And no doubt that put you through enough. So what do you say we join forces and convince him together? He's not a loner any more.
Filtered: Alana Bloom
I don't know if you've seen James Potter's post about magically tracking friends and loved ones here, with their consent. But I'd like to have you on my watch, and I'd be up for being on yours, if you wish to get one. A little peace and certainty perhaps.
There's an election in two days, and my the two candidates for the New York senate seat have different views on people with powers. I don't know how much anyone here pays attention to politics, with everything going on. And it's too simple to make everything a one issue vote, but if you're interested in it, consider voting on Tuesday. Our voting precinct is
PS 89
201 Warren Street
New York, NY 10282
It's not more than a five minute walk from Potts Tower. And if you didn't register to vote by October 5th, there's always next time.

Filtered: Severus Snape
This last week my best friend disappeared, or so Alana and I concluded given he abandoned his dog. As much as he's the type to go to most any lengths for something he believes in or just... to be by himself, he'd never abandon his dogs. He had a whole pack of them back home, mutts and strays so ugly or ratty that they'd likely never get adopted. That's as good as anything to determine his return through the tesseract. If spoilers are any indication, he'll live through getting gutted, which is the last we know in detail.

But there's nothing like that for you, or Alana, as there was Will. Nothing old-fashioned out of my world. Well, that's in play. SHIELD certainly was keeping track, as we all know now. But that's not happening anymore. So that leaves magic. I'm getting one of the watches made, and you should be on it. You're the person I'm closest to here after Alana, and I'll be damned if you pull a disappearing act on me. If you want to logic it out, I'll meet you for it every step of the way, but the heart of it's emotional. And there's no real argument against that. Friends deserve to be treated right.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

This Halloween was a lot more fun than last Halloween! Last Halloween, I'd only been here like a week so I didn't dress up but I ate a lot of candy. This year I ate a lot of candy and dressed up as a Pink Power Ranger. I thought about going as myself and then I saw the cute Pink Ranger outfit and I just had to wear it.

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

That's a Halloween I won't be forgetting anytime soon.


I do believe someone has a birthday today. What do you want to do?

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

I guess he liked his anniversary present.

All weekends should be spent with pillow forts, scary movies and light saber battles, but it's far nicer when you do it after having navigated a year of marriage. Still seems crazy I've been here this long. Nearly fifteen months.

(yes that is Joss Whedon in the photo. I made him blurry on purpose.)

[info]theotherparker in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Friends:
Cut for pictures )

[ooc: most photos taken from escalando.net]

[info]everymansdream in [info]thedoorway

[Dean Winchester]
So I spent Friday night after midnight as a genuine pirate. How was your Halloween?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

(ooc: sent earlier in the day)
-- I'll be back in about a half hour
-- We should do something when I get back. Just us.
-- It might be a weird thing to say, but I've missed you. And I don't mean just because I've been away today.

[info]logicarrest in [info]thedoorway

Ashley Williams and Jane Shepard
Hey, Ash. I'm off to space for a mission soon, so if you're coming back again, you won't find me here. Just a head's up.

It'll be nice to get back out there, however different it'll be.

You know, New York is supposed to have everything, but since I started living in this city, I still haven't found a place that serves poutine up to a Canadian standard. Hit me with recommendations?

[info]ooooshiny in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Kaylee Frye

I'd never heard of Halloween before I got here but it was fun! How can you not like a holiday that's all about candy?

Simon Tam
I'm gonna be leaving on a mission Friday. I'm not sure how long we're gonna be gone but would you wanna do something before I leave?

[info]iceslides in [info]thedoorway

I said I hated time travel once. I probably still do. But I have realized I hate dimension-hopping even more. Anyone seen any time-displaced X-Men around here? Scott? Hank? Jeannie?

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway

(there are potentially Doctor Who spoilers in the comments!)

FILTER: Rose Tyler
When was the last time we went on an adventure? Africa?

FILTER: Donna Noble
Is it alright if I check up on you

Oddest thing happened to me at the shop today. Some girl started making kissy faces toward me and laughing. No idea what that was about. Have I missed something?

[info]partsaregone in [info]thedoorway

I already saw a Christmas commercial.

Yes. I watch television.


I have something for all of you.