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October 31st, 2014

[info]jekyll_hyde in [info]thedoorway

Someone left this on my desk today. I'm not certain if it was meant to be a gift, an insult or a joke. Edward, unsurprisingly, finds the inaccuracies hilarious, though he refuses to elaborate about whether the inaccuracies on his side of the figurine are funnier than the inaccuracies on my side.

[info]resolveface in [info]thedoorway


This should come as a surprise to nobody who knows me, but if you want free cupcakes drop by my room any time today. 2102. I am absolutely lousy with cupcakes and you can have as many as you want.

[info]idonotbrood in [info]thedoorway

Is it overly difficult to learn to play poker? I seem to have left my Diamondback partners back in my own world so I could do with learning a new card game. Hopefully I will have more success in winning this time.

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

Who: Fangtasia Staff + Guests (21+ or a decent fake ID) [IC/OOC]
When: October 31st, 5pm to dine, 8pm to party, after midnight is ghoul's night!
Where: Fangtasia, NYC
What: A halloween event
Rating: Variable

It's astounding. Time is fleeting.  )

[info]peterguillam in [info]thedoorway


There's nothing to make one feel old-fashioned like opening your shirt more or less in public to get an injection from a young woman who's probably passed more exams than you've been to schools.

Except, I suppose, dying of influenza. That would be quite a throw-back, wouldn't it?

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

Who: People under 21, and boring people who don't want to go out tonight. (IC/OOC)
When: October 31, 2014, 7 pm onwards
Where: Potts Tower 13th floor
What: Another Halloween party!
Rating: Varies

It was a graveyard smash )

[info]doorwaynpc in [info]thedoorway

Who: Anyone who goes to Parker's for Halloween! 18+, only 21+ allowed to drink
When: October 31, 2014, 8 pm onwards
Where: Parker's
What: Parker's is having a party too, but it's not the one with the fun stuff later.
Rating: Varies

That's our job, but we're not mean in our town of Halloween )

[info]sitwell in [info]thedoorway

[Text message to Natasha Romanoff]
-- I think I just got sexiled out of house arrest.
-- Local tonight?

[To Mara Jade, from [Burner Phone], late]
-- Attachment.gif

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedoorway

[ooc: assume this is after midnight when the plot starts]

Filter: under 21s
Ok, so I'm getting some weird chatter on the police frequencies. More than just your usual Halloween eggings and TPings. Something's going down at Fangtasia and I swear there was some mention of a dragon, pirates, and zombies. Like of the real sort, not the costume kind.

Is anyone picking up anything weird at any of the other parties?