July 2016



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July 15th, 2014

[info]metallic in [info]thedoorway

Who: Hobo Bucky Barnes, a doctor, and some NPCs
When: Today, around 2pm.
Where: A bank in Washington DC.
What: Bucky gets a little payback.
Rating: Hard R for murder.

This isn't a normal bank, though. Everyone who uses it or works in it is HYDRA. )

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

Downtime and I do not get along. That said, I ended up actually cooking. I made Lasagna and didn't screw it up. I'm actually impressed and it tastes good. So much better than stuff I'm used to. Although nothing beats a good burger.

So. We should a: get into some trouble, b: hide it from my boss, and c: what do you think about training buddies? I am feeling fat and lazy sitting around!

[info]knightmage in [info]thedoorway

How does the tesseract get these presents it gives us? Does anyone actually know? It's given me the first set of armour the elves made for and I'm incredibly grateful for that. It's just armour obviously but it was what I was wearing when I discovered I was a Knight Mage so it has sentimental value beyond its innate value as armour. But that armour was destroyed by the goblins and I had to leave it behind. How could the tesseract have brought it here intact?

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Howard Stark]
You sticking around, Sparky?
[Monty, Howard]
You know, if we're going to catch a midnight train to Paris, today might be the day to do it.

[info]resolveface in [info]thedoorway

A few days ago I found this little carved medallion on the floor. I picked it up because, you know, shiny, but once I got a good look at it I realized it's got some kind of magic. Not one I'm familiar with, but it definitely has power.

[ attached image of dog talisman ]

I know what you're thinking! "Willow, you shouldn't just pick up random magical objects you find on the floor". Don't worry, I'm a trained professional. Don't try this at home! etc.

But if anyone knows anything about it I'd be interested to learn about where it comes from. Let me know!

[info]potential in [info]thedoorway

-- You know, I've heard that it's bad form to be late to a business meeting.
-- Particularly when you were the one who promised to bring coffee and... whatever the thing was.
-- McGrendels?

[info]imengineering in [info]thedoorway

Who: Leo Fitz
When: July 15th
Where: Whothehellknows which is part of Themiddleoftheocean
What: So, basically, Fitz has some time to process how much longer he has to live.
Rating: Low!

The water rose higher against the glass. )
Tags: ,

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

VOICE-TO-TEXT FILTER TO AVENGERS TEAM E... and, added about halfway in, TONY STARK (MCU):
Hey, guys? Maybe you wanna get over here to Midtown. You know that little, unoffending building with Oscorp written on it, right? Everyone's on the same page there? 'Cause a little back-up would be aweso--

Tony, any chance you're operating the switchboard? And maybe we can hire a secretary, actually HEY. HEY, no, don't write that! Backspace!

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

Who: Max Dillon & Peter Parker (MCU)
When: July 15th, Morning
Where: Near Time Square
What: Peter saves an innocent bystander while attempting to subdue a plutonium truck hijacker
Rating: PG

You’re Not a Nobody, Max. )

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

Anybody wanna over-sized cheese grater? 'Cause today might be your lucky day.

[Avengers D-Team]
Just got clipped by a truck. Gonna clip it back, but you better get down here, looks like there's something going on.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

[Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff (both 616), Rikki Barnes & Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
Not sure if what's going down in Midtown right now is what we talked about yesterday or not. Either way, I wouldn't mind having you come down with me to check it out.

Peter Parker is already down there. It looks like we have three trucks acting strange in Midtown, which is no place for trucks, if you ask me. It's not clear yet if they were hijacked or if this is something else. Be on your guard.
[Clint Barton (616)]
Well, if you're not busy and you still want to see what kind of a "thing" the Avengers here are, I could sure use some help in Midtown at the moment.
[ETA, after saving her: Dawn Summers]
You know, you really should look both ways before you cross the street.

But honestly, you're all right now?

[info]theprotege in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Claire Wise

So, yesterday was my birthday, and I spent the entire day on tumblr. Tonight I'm going to celebrate. Who wants to drink and dance the night away with me?

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam Merlotte & Ruby Lucas
When: Evening, June 30
Where: Sam’s bar
What: Talking about True Blood and Sam’s not so happy future
Rating: PG-13 for Sam's potty mouth, and also spoilers for season 7 of True Blood if anyone even cares about the show anymore ;)

Or at least that they’d go through hell and high water before they got to that happy ending. )

[info]sjw in [info]thedoorway

While it has certainly taken some time to find my footing in a world without my men and such startling innovation that makes Storybrooke look on par with the Enchanted Forest, the further I delve into this world the more familiar it seems.

For a land that claims itself to be without king, it appears this world is still at the whims of the same cruel, petty, and self-serving sort of despots that Sherwood Forest knew. But I have happened upon a group of scholars, not revolutionaries in the truest sense, but allies and idealists nonetheless.

They have caught me up to speed of the state of this land and its people and their poverty at the hands of the greedy and power-drunk. The disparity between the lords of usury and industry and the people is unsettlingly unchanged and my friends at the occupy wall street seek a redistribution of the wealth of this land. But they cannot do it through voices alone.

Here we find ourselves at the grace of our hosts' charity. But we must not become complacent that we are granted this favor while others suffer. There is a meeting this Sunday--every Sunday-wherein these scholars discuss strategy, the enemy, and the objectives.

I would urge anyone with shared concerns to join me Sunday next.

[info]ellenripley in [info]thedoorway

Now that I'm sure this is real, I'm not going crazy, and I don't have an alien growing inside of me, I feel like I should have introduced myself better before. I'm gonna claim disorientation. Hypersleep'll do that. At least it wasn't as long as the last time.

My name's Ellen Ripley. I need something useful to do around here. Doesn't matter what it is as long as it's honest work.

[info]silentlamb in [info]thedoorway

I have no idea why the tesseract thought I would want Dr Lecter's drawing of me but apparently that's the present I'm getting from it. I have no idea what message Dr Lecter was trying to send with it but I suppose whatever it was, it wasn't for me.

It's... very good though. He told me that memory was what he had instead of a view.

[info]ontherhodey in [info]thedoorway

Best day, or best day EVER? The suit Tony made me at home is here, taking up space.

Hey I have a new project for us. How'd you like to be integrated into my other suit? The one from home?

Steve Rogers (EMH)
I have a partial list of companies for you. I mean, it seems like something big went down today, but if you still need the info, I've got it, and I'm working on getting more.

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

Until I got here, I hadn't been out of work since I was a teenager. Now it's been twice. All those years and I had to get here before I stopped.

I'm not getting any better at making shapes out of pancakes, but I finished a crossword puzzle this morning. I wonder if retirement's anything like this. I might've done this earlier if I'd known. It's almost like an extended holiday. I'm going to have to do something else soon, but when you've done nearly the same thing for half your life, it's hard to know where to start looking.

So the dogs and I went on an adventure today. I took them by the house, but they refused to walk past it on either side of the street.

You sure about this?

[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sherlock Holmes]
We have a new guest.

One who has not, to my knowledge, ever tried to murder anyone.

[info]neversaidpilot in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Tony Stark (MCU)
Hey, man. You got a minute?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

[ friends & family of sam & veronica (but not veronica) ]
So, for those of you who don't know, Veronica's birthday is on August 13th. I know it seems super early to start planning, but I'm throwing her a murder mystery dinner. Which means, I need murder mystery theater actors (or some facsimile thereof). Which means I'm looking for volunteers.

Also, it's a surprise party, or at least the theme is a secret, so don't tell her about it.

[ veronica ]
Hey, you.

[info]therubyred in [info]thedoorway

Network Post-Gwyneth Shepherd

Has anyone ever made the mistake of being too curious about your source material and found reading it was a bad idea?

Or...if it was a bad idea temporarily, did it end up being a good idea in the end in the long run?

I bought the books I'm the main character of, but I haven't opened them yet. I'm not sure if I'm either too brave to, or too cowardly. Probably the latter.

It's funny, for someone who travels in time, learning about the future makes me feel a little ill.

[info]janebejane in [info]thedoorway

Who is this Rorschach guy? … and why does he paint so many pictures of my parents fighting?

(It's a joke).

[info]rlpn in [info]thedoorway

Hermione cut my hair.

Now I don't look like a vagrant from the 70's.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
Didn't expect to see you ripping up Time Square when I turned on the news today.