July 2016



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July 14th, 2014

[info]avenging_son in [info]thedoorway

I need something to do. Not having to constantly train and stuff for killer robots left me with a lot of downtime and apparently the school thing is over for the summer so...yeah.

[info]livinglegend in [info]thedoorway

Recently it was brought to my attention that a group of criminals in this city are looking to procure Plutonium-238 to sell overseas. I've alerted law enforcement of our suspicions but due to the secrecy surrounding when this chemical is transported, it's impossible to know exactly when, if and how this heist will occur. We've not sure if companies or harbors will be hit, if this is a hijacking or a robbery or what to expect.

Our best guess is that this will occur sometime later this month. I could use some help tracking down other companies that may be expecting shipments of the isotope in the next few weeks.

As dangerous as this could prove to be, I need everyone to be as discreet as possible. The last thing we want to do is alert the wrong person of when plutonium will be moving, which is a real risk.

Everyone who can make a meeting this afternoon, I'd appreciate that. I'd like to go over potential strategies and our best options to stop this theft from occurring, or intercept it otherwise.

(OOC: This is happening Tomorrow. So it will catch Avengers teams by a bit of a surprise. Please check the doc. If you want to be involved, and don't have editing capabilities, let me know and I'll add you!)

[info]littlestsummers in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Dawn Summers

Presents! It's like Christmas in July. We had the snow a few weeks back, and now presents!

[Filter: Buffy]
I got a picture of all of us. The one that Mom kept on the mantle in the living room. I bet we could scan a copy if you wanted a copy of it too.

[Filter: Buffyverse]
Potentially useful, the Tesseract seems to have given me a copy of Suleman's Compendium, which, honestly, Giles I think that was yours before you left it after you went to England that first time, but I guess maybe I was the last person to use it? Anyway, I have one. I was thinking I'd put it in the workroom of Widdershins in case other people want to reference it - you don't have to worry about whether I'm at home then.

[Filter: Girl Friends]
I was talking with Hermione and I realised that it's been ages and ages since we've done a sleepover, movies all night, lots of popcorn and ice cream, cookie bake, sort of deal. Considering the stress of the summer, I'm thinking one sounds like an excellent idea right about now. This coming Saturday night maybe? I could see about rearranging my shift if it works for others.

[info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

[Howard Stark]
This has gotta be a bit weird for you, right? Secret bases, overthrowing HYDRA in the European theatre. I don't know if I'd go so far as calling it nostalgic, but I bet it's like reliving a nightmare. So you okay
[Montgomery Falsworth]
So I've been thinking. Maybe while we're scoping out the London base, one or two of us can skip over to France and close in on as many specs as we can. Je parle couramment le français, if that helps any.
[Nick Fury (616)]
Been a long time since a room full of SHIELD agents talked about whether or not they should kill someone. I'm also pretty sure HYDRA's never had the same moral dilemma about us.
[Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff (616)]
You kids safe and sound back in the land of the free?
[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]

[info]fearlesslyanna in [info]thedoorway

I suppose I should be glad that I'm not the only one who has had an unsettling dream over the weekend. And who wake up to something on my bedside table that I didn't leave there before going to sleep. I wish I knew what it meant. I mean, really, a box of matches? And that dream was not nice.

[Filtered to friends of Elsa and Anna]

Elsa's birthday is on Wednesday and I want to do something nice and festive for her. So you are all invited to a party at our apartment!

[Filtered to Penelope Featherington]

Hello! I'm Anna. I'm sorry to be a bother, but you mentioned the other day that there are positions open at the shop you manage. I was wondering if that is still the case.

[info]iseeheads in [info]thedoorway

What curious gifts the tesseract has chosen to send to me. A Silver Eagle and the brooch I offer to Elizabeth. I have never considered myself a particularly sentimental man but I find I'm quite pleased to have these little mementos of home.

[info]themanonthewall in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Howard Stark]
So. Can't take a little heat?

[info]jurassicsnark in [info]thedoorway

Open strings and line intervals. But, I guess if the fabric of time can be cut, the extension of point particles into one dimensional strings can be... combed.

So it looks like I was visited by whatever manner of dream weaver is responsible for the visions and the presents. Has anyone contacted Neil Gaiman?

[info]idonotbrood in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Cora]
Now that Wimbledon and the World Cup are over, we are left with only this cricket game to watch with our wine. At least until decisions and moves are made.

Also, "I liked the fisting one"? Really?


[Filtered to Alana Bloom]
My apologies, Dr Bloom. It occurred to me that I have not informed you as to why I have been missing my appointments and I would not care for you to think I am deliberately avoiding them. I'm afraid that my duties to my team have extended for some time. I cannot give you any concrete date when I shall return except that I hope it will be soon.


[info]rubythewolf in [info]thedoorway

So did everyone enjoy the supermoon this month? If you missed it, that's okay! Turns out you have two more chances to see one this year! August 10th and September 9th. Plan accordingly. Nothing says romance like a beautiful full moon, right?

And now my brain that's adjusted to modern living understands the joke, but I did not mean it in that way. Just so we're clear.

[info]howardstark in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Laurie Juspeczyk ]
Hi, Laurie.

I wanted to call, but I figured this was more secure.

Has Murphy started calling the refrigerator "Daddy" yet How are you?

[ Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU) ]
Are you all right?

[info]barbiebites in [info]thedoorway

I am going to assume that is normal for complete strangers to walk up to you and ask you personal questions? I wasn't expecting many people to recognize me. Perhaps these shows are more popular than I initially realised.

Filter: Hayley Marshall
I cannot believe how much I have missed. According to what I have heard and read, I am quite a few episodes behind. I know I've said this before, but I am so sorry. I should have been there for you.

[info]becauseimhappy in [info]thedoorway

I gotta change what I eat before bed.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

I don't scare easily, but whatever the hell that thing was as I was leaving work tonight, it definitely got the job done.

Creepy, shrieking shadow lurking in the dark. Next time someone wants to play a practical joke on me, just jump out from behind a door or something.

[Private to Sam, Angel, Wesley, Ten and Castle]
Freakish trick of the light, or something else? Not sure that I want to know.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Happy Hogan]

Meet me in Atlantic City. I'll need a ride home.

[info]webdesign in [info]thedoorway

[Harry Osborn]
Hey, you still want to hire Henry Jekyll? Because I'm thinking, I'm thinking maybe you should give me a tour of your facilities in the morning just to make sure it's a good fit. I mean, we are literally talking about Jekyll and Hyde here. And while Edward is -- you know, he's perfectly nice. Like a big, intelligent guard dog. He does take up some serious space. So.

How about it? I can pick up McDonalds on the way, because you should probably eat something. Like a McGriddle. Because you disappear whenever you turn sideways.