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June 28th, 2014

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway

Filter: All friends of Teen!Rhodey
Rhodey's birthday is on Sunday so Tony and I are planning a pool party on the thirteenth floor for that day, in the afternoon. I'd saaaay about 3pm! Supposed to be a gorgeous day for it even.

There'll def be food!! And cake. :D If anyone wants to bring anything, though, I would totally not say no. It's all up to you! Just make sure to let me know what it is so we don't have like.. 50 snacks and one liter of coke lol.

But otherwise, HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

Filter: My #1 Tony
It's going to be a liiiittle hard to kidnap him and take him to the airshow without making it look suspicious so I guess we're just going to surprise him with the tickets themselves tomorrow morning?

[info]ralphcolumbo in [info]thedoorway

Oh yes. What would an adolescent summer be without listless boredom?

I'm keen on starting several discussions. Most of interest, we have refugees from all types of worlds, many of which possess magic in one respect or another. What have we, as a community of mages, wizards, sorcerers, and what have you, learnt of magic in this, our own, and other worlds. Do the systems exist in parallel or is there some merging of styles? Could one of us pick up a different school so to speak, or more, a suitably inclined native of this world utilize magic specialties of refugees? Does this world have magic in that sense?

[Filtered to Wesley Wyndham-Pryce]
So I stopped by Rare Books in the NYPL, they seem to be closed?
[Filtered to Refugee Vampire Task Force (Or whatever it's called these days)]
So seeing as I have an unnatural abundance of time on my hands, what can be done. We clearly have vampires not originating in this world, presumably from fictional sources. Do we have somewhere a list of those?

[info]provenmettle in [info]thedoorway

Someone apprise me of happenings in Midgard. I have not visited in near a week and what news I do get is always SHIELD this, SHIELD that. Surely something else of import is happening.

New friends, I hope you find yourselves well on Midgard. If there is anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable do let me know.
How is it I have not seen you most of the day? Are you hiding from me?

[info]maybeblonde in [info]thedoorway

It's hard to make friends here when people keep disappearing without any warning. And I'm not that great at making friends in the first place, so it's really a major setback.

I think Barbara Gordon's gone, by the way. Unless any of you have heard from her recently.
Hey, by the way. Thanks for following up on that bugging-the-apartments complaint. I know I've been giving you guys a pretty hard time considering you're letting me live here like rent-free. I've been a little out of my element since I showed up here.
[ GAIGE: ]
Do you know anything about Oscorp?

[info]mercilessworld in [info]thedoorway

This world is...interesting, to say the least. I am learning quite a bit already.

How safe is it here, to go exploring? I would like to venture more around, now that I don't have walls keeping me in. Is there anything that I should be aware of?

[info]imparateasa in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tatiana Ivashkov and Sydney Sage
When: Saturday, June 28, early afternoon
Where: A Russian/East European restaurant of Sydney's choosing
What: An interrogation, most likely.
Rating: PG, probably? Unless Tatiana actually kills her (jk, murder is for plebs).

On top of being thrust into another dimension, she was grappling with an existential crisis wrought by knowing the specific details and imminence of her death, and now, she had to deal with Adrian's star-crossed lover )

[info]doriangray in [info]thedoorway

[Tony Stark (616)]
Are you colouring your

Holy Mary mother of grace, there are parts of this city which are miserable as soon as it gets a bit warm, isn't there? I must tell you about my day and some of the outfits I saw. I took discreet photos, but there was a moment I nearly choked in my bubble tea over an entire group's coordinated ensemble.

Anyway I bought you something it should be delivered on Tuesday. And I feel like cheesecake. Any preference?

[info]thebanshee in [info]thedoorway

Anyone with source material here they can look up or watch... ever looked at what happened after the point at which you remember things and just thought that it was a relief to be here?

On a fairly related note, this is surprisingly the first time I'm finding out that you can have were-somethingelsebesideswolves. Anyone else who deals with the supernatural ever dealt with a were-coyote or were-jaguar?

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

Let's go out tonight.

[info]fuckingamayzing in [info]thedoorway

[Sharon Carter (MCU)]
How are you?

[Felix Blake]
Still alive?

[info]thunder_girl in [info]thedoorway

[Next Avengers]
Has Pym returned as of yet?

[info]girlwonderteen in [info]thedoorway

The team is dropping like

Just found out tonight: Babs was sent home.