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April 3rd, 2014

[info]toomuchspirit in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sydney Sage]

Hey, Syd? I'm sorry about the other day. I shouldn't have - I mean, I had to, but. You know. For causing you trouble.

Looks like Caroline roped me into hosting at her bar two nights a week two. So there's another little job to keep me out of trouble.

[Filtered to Lissa]

Hey...would you have time to maybe keep up with Spirit lessons? I know we both know quite a bit more than we did when we started, but...wouldn't hurt.

[info]themagics in [info]thedoorway

Who: Willow & Tara
What: All the sad/hurt/upset feels.
When: 04/02, evening.
Where: Tara's apartment.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.

Wrap your heart in cellophane; keep it dry when it rains and maybe that way you'll keep it safe from me. )

[info]omegajean in [info]thedoorway

Network post: Jean Grey


So, being kidnapped and put on trial in outer space for things I haven't even done wasn't enough, now I get sent by myself to an entirely different reality?

So help me God, if this is Hank's fault I'm gonna kick him square in the behind.

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

It is nice to get back to my coffee machine and beans (although Agent Sitwell does make a decent brew) and to what passes for normal.

To residents on floors 24-26, I'm Ianto Harkness-Jones and I'll be taking over as your new housing assistant for Ororo Munro. I'm in room 2605 and invite you to come by for a chat or a cup of tea or coffee if you like or have any questions. I'd like to extent a warm welcome to those who have recently joined us. I know this is late notice, but tomorrow (Friday, 4 April) I'll be doing a bit of an open house in my flat - refreshments and food and just a chance for people to get to know each other or voice any questions. Strange things can sometimes happen in the Tower, but we take them all in stride.

[Jack & Rose]
How's this weekend look for much overdue dancing?

Have to admit, it's odd being demoted again. Or well, higher security clearance but no longer a handler / team lead so perhaps it all evens out? At least life is approaching what passes for normal again? (I will admit, I was hoping "reorganizing" would lead to SHIELD seeing the benefits of you and I working together and put us on the same team.)

There's this little thing happening at the end of the month. I know it's just a date marking a year since we made things legal, Mister Harkness-Jones, but would you like do something? Second honeymoon? A night out? A night in?

[info]omegajean in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jean Grey and Rachel Summers
When: Now!
Where: 12th Floor
What: A slightly awkward family reunion. Of sorts.
Rating: G-to-PG
Status: Closed, incomplete

Hello, daughter-who's-older-than-me! )

[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedoorway

I wanted to take this moment to thank you all for your participation last night. I'm beginning to feel like the interaction is much better than the relaxing of seeing a film. We can still do those from time to time of course, but think there's been more enjoyment lately.

Why haven't both of you -- Doctors -- and all of us -- companions -- gotten together for some sort of vacationy type thing? You both have TARDIS's here, and it's not like we couldn't have a bit of fun.
Hello, you. How are things just down the hall? Is the weather any different?

[info]peppers in [info]thedoorway

What are you sulking about?
Jon looks more sullen than usual.

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Sage]
How are you doing after all the excitement?

[Filter; Lana Lazar]
I've got that book that you wanted. A copy came in today - you can keep it for a week and I can probably bring it by your apartment or if you'd like to drop by mine, I'll be here tonight.

[Filter: former VTF, Buffyverse]
if you're on this filter, you were part of the vampire task force that SHIELD had. Right now, so far as I know there is no group specifically filling the shoes that this group did outside of what SHIELD may be doing internally.

What I am curious about is which of you would be willing to help if needed outside of SHIELDs request and if there are others that have arrived recently that would be a good match for a group specifically interested in making certain the wrong sort of supernatural creatures from our worlds do not get loose in this one.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

I have decided to join the New York City Beekeeping association. The mortality rate over the last winter was, from what I can tell examining the hives, not as terrible as I'd feared. There were some cold snaps in there that I worried might take their toll. The hives are not yet active, it's still too early in the season, but I was happy to spend at least some time admiring them. I eagerly await the coming season.

TW: Mention of (N/A)A Meetings/Sponsorship )

...And something else. Cassidy has offered us a position with the detective agency that she is started here called X-Factor. I thought we might start out as freelance consultants and see if we like the facilities. I was given a tour of the building their renting out, actually. I think you might like it. I'm also going to inquire about whether or not they'll allow me to keep bees on the roof. I wouldn't mind having them closer.

Oh, and you'll be happy. Deadpool is a part of the team, so perhaps he can give you lessons with those katanas you still keep.

[info]beverlycrusher in [info]thedoorway

I would like to encourage anyone who feels the need to attend Alana Bloom's refugee group. No matter how long you've been here, it can still be difficult to adjust to life here. And when you make friends here and they disappear, that can make everything that much harder. These sort of groups provide a safe place to discuss your thoughts and feelings.

Filter to Chris Pike
I know I was gone for a little while because of the whole mess that SHIELD was in, but I still feel as if you might be avoiding me. It looks like I'll be getting out of here at a decent time today. Do you want to join me for dinner? I was thinking of chicken stir-fry.

[info]annewithane in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Walter Blythe, Basil Hallward, Steve Rogers (EMH), Bucky Barnes (EMH)
I would like to invite you all to dinner on Sunday. I thought we could eat at two in the afternoon? There will be a roast and potatoes, of course, and whatever else I can think of.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

Whoever designed the game Outlast is going to be hearing from my lawyers. They're going to need to pay these bills from my therapist.

SO! UM, Pietro, since you're my legal guardian and stuff, I feel like that means you're the person I should go to when I need advice. Right? So can we have a real talk about something?
[Tony Stark (616)]
Teddy is here. So that happened. I don't know what to do.
[Teddy Altman]
So this Sunday is your birthday, and also the start of Game of Thrones. So unless you tell me that for your birthday you want a GoT themed viewing party, I might have to alter the space time continuum to make it so you were born on the 7th. Because I'm not sure it's fair to ask my to decide where my loyalty lies.

[info]ontherhodey in [info]thedoorway

Filter to April Ludgate-Dwyer
Hey. So I just wanted to give you a head's up and I'll be doing the paperwork when I come in today. But this is my two-week's notice. I've got a job lined up that will be great for when I start college in the fall -- I'll be working with computers and stuff. Thanks for letting have a place at the Barking Lot, I've had a lot of fun there.

[info]likeamedium in [info]thedoorway

I've been trying to think about what I'd do after I finished high school here, or whatever, and I've been coming up with a big blank. Probably because I haven't thought about what I'd do after a high school in a really long time. It's not like college was really a serious option for me.


Are we staying in the Tower then?

[info]itsdoctornow in [info]thedoorway

So far, I've been really pleased with my decision to work in the clinic. I mean, it has only been a month, but I haven't had any problems at all. It's actually been really refreshing. I do miss having a bit of adventure in my normal week, though. But I blame that all on the Doctor (not really).

I've also been very proud of myself as I've still been refusing to look into anything about the show or Google anything at all. Partly because I'm worried I'll see horrible things being said about me but

[info]harvardbound in [info]thedoorway

Dystopian novels seem to be quite popular today. I've started reading a few and they are interesting reads. Current book is Divergent and that is mostly because there is a movie out. After I finish the series, I'm going to move on to something else. I thought I'd ask everyone here if there are any books that you love and would recommend that everyone read?

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

Loving the weather today. Such a nice change from what seemed to be an endless winter.


I think I am in need of a vacation. Anyone want to join me?

[info]yerawiz in [info]thedoorway

Who: Harry, James & Lily Potter
When: February 26; after Harry's re-arrival
Where: James & Lily's flat in Pott's Tower
What: a Potter Family reunion. Again.
Rating: Low

--- )

[info]themagics in [info]thedoorway

Magic doesn't fix everything. It's a hard lesson to swallow. Guess I'm still learning; the only thing I'm missing is a teacher. Sometimes I miss Giles.

Dawnie, I'm going to lock myself in my room for a couple days. You may smell burny things, but ignore that. And lights, if you see lights, ignore those too. And any other witchy thing that may happen while I'm locked in there.

When you talk to Tara...remember that I love her and I always will. Things just...change. As you know, probably even better than me.
So, that was the hardest thing I've ever done before...and I'm going to go ahead and include this as being harder than the time Oz found out Xander and I kissed. And that was a hurty situation.

Are you busy tomorrow?

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

I want to go and see an actual movie in the theaters. Has anyone seen anything that is actually good? I kind of want to see Noah, any romantic comedies that are in theaters?

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

So got my relationship all settled. Life is pretty good and glad that she understood. Its date night tonight and I know what that means....

[info]littlestsummers in [info]thedoorway

Text to Tara Maclay

[Text to Tara Maclay]
» Hey Tara, I just wanted to check-in on you.
» See how you were settling in.
» All right Willow told me things, and I'm just worrying about you both. Are you okay?

[info]vampsdntsparkle in [info]thedoorway

Private to Dru

So.... we need to talk.

[info]hcjones in [info]thedoorway

text to jane rizzoli

>> hey sweetheart
>> what's your weekend looking like?

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Fox Mulder

[Filter: Scully]
Apparently Rising Tide thinks I ought to be working for SHIELD. I'm half tempted to apply (to SHIELD, not to Rising Tide, although that could be an interesting double agentry) and see if they'd stick me in their basement.


I'm thinking we ought to just grit our teeth and finish out the series. Get it over with. With William - there can't be anything worse than that, can there? Or maybe that's just me.

[info]grantward in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Grant Ward

[Coulson's Team]
Who moved my battleship?

[info]skrullkree in [info]thedoorway

filter: TONY STARK (mcu)

Can we (Billy and I, Teddy Altman), keep Sansa?

My mother had a Pomeranian for the first 14 years of my life. I know dogs, man.

Also, hi, big fan.

[info]cosmicflame in [info]thedoorway

Log: Rachel and Kitty

Who: Rachel and Kitty
When: Backdated 3/4/14, after Rachel has posted this (when Ultimate!Jean was sent back)
Where: The Crackhouse The X-Mansion
What: BFF tiems
Rating: Suitable for awesome audiences
Status: Complete

Frankly, it was really screwed up how many times one person could lose the SAME PERSON... )