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April 2nd, 2014

[info]warningsiren in [info]thedoorway

Who: Wanda Wilson and Terry Cassidy!
When: Tonight!
Where: X-Factor Investigations!
Rating: Low, unless Wanda decides to whip out some guns.
STATUS: Thread, in progress

A scratching. A thumping )

[info]thepartinglass in [info]thedoorway

No, no, no, no, no. Please tell me that walker head is gone. Please tell me that flying walker head is gone because somebody killed it. Here I was, thinking I could go about my day without anything weird happening. And it's flying. FLYING.

Is it safe to come out from my room?

[info]rocket_raccoon in [info]thedoorway

Who: Rocket and Beth
What: Weapons training
When: Now!
Where: Beth's room to start, then moving to Rocket's room/lab (yes, lab)
Rating: PG for talk of violence
Status: Closed/ongoing

Sometimes, friends can come in odd, furry, pint-sized, gun-loving packages )

[info]chernowolf in [info]thedoorway

log: Sasha Kaidanovsky & Hercules Hansen

Who: Sasha Kaidanovsky & Hercules Hansen
When: Sunday March 23, 2014
Where: Sitwell Safehouse aka tesseract central
What: Arrival
Rating: PG?

Then Sasha looked at Hansen like he were drunk, dancing on Striker Eureka’s back and drinking kaiju piss, for one moment. )

[info]imengineering in [info]thedoorway

Just when I thought I'd gotten through April Fool's Day without one person getting the drop on me, someone rigged my chair with a whoopee cushion last night. I'd say well done, but whoever you are, you're a lousy cheat. And I have security feeds just so you know.

Is the dust settled yet?

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Mara Jade )

[info]rocket_raccoon in [info]thedoorway

Network post: Rocket

So... to any of the SHIELD folks who might be reading this:

Where I'm from, you guys have a division called SWORD, that deals with cosmic issues. Since I appear to be stuck here for now, is there any interest in putting such a thing together here? I'd be willing to contribute, and I know we have people here like Pete Quill, Rachel Summers, Tony Stark, and others that could be naturals with it.

Plus, you know.... it'd give me more of a chance to actually DO something. My trigger finger is getting itchy here, people.

Anyone reading this who'd be interested in helping out with this kind of thing?

[info]hundredtexts in [info]thedoorway


And then Tony goes and finds Mew before I can even come close. :( All that hard work FOR NOTHING!

Filter: 616 Tony & Pepper
Soooo, Pepper, you know how you once told me that I could probably do something else after finishing school that could be better than SHIELD? Lol, okay, I think I'll believe it. :| Buuut I still could use a job right now because just a thousand dollars per month isn't cutting it and I'm gonna need to spend more this month and the next for reasons.

Can I work at Stark Resilient?? I'm awesome with computers. My boys can vouch for that. And I'm a fast learner when it comes to that stuff. You can ask my Tony, he's always teaching me something new hahaha no that sounds Seriously, anything you want, I'll do!

[info]agentsitwell in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Percival Pinkerton]
So that club of yours.

When did you say it was open?
[Filtered to Phil Coulson]
command not executed

[info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to Victoria Hand]
Hey so my boss has been asking about that hard drive.

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Who: Myka Bering and Samantha Parkington
When: March 5, 2014
Where: 13th Floor
What: Myka shows Samantha how a laptop works.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete-ish

........... )

[info]ontherhodey in [info]thedoorway

Ahhh board game night. I think it's awesome that the youth center is doing it so often. But I'm a little sick of the games I keep bringing and so I'm going to go buy a few more and want to know if there's anything that anyone might want to play that I don't already have and that aren't available at the youth center.

Filter to Tony Stark (MCU)
So I was wondering if there is anything else that needs to be done at the Avengers Mansion that I could do. Or, like, at Stark Industries. Or if not, if I could use you for a reference somewhere. I'd like to sort of move out of the dog babysitting business and see about getting a job that will be closer to what I'll be studying at college when I go in the fall. You know, sort of get that sort of experience.

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Myka Bering

[Helena G. Wells]
12 days. Are you ready for it?

[Samantha Parkington]
It's been a few weeks. How're you settling in here?

[info]raresttinker in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Tinker Bell

Spring felt warmer that one time Queen Clarion allowed me to help bring it to the mainland.

[info]tylerose in [info]thedoorway

I know Mother's Day was technically on Sunday, but I thought I'd go ahead and write something about my mum.

not an ic cut )

Has anyone heard from Donna? I sent her a message today about still trying to make that ladies night happen and I haven't heard from her.

[info]xenolinguist in [info]thedoorway

[Starfleet Ladies]

Anyone up for drinks sometime when we're not all busy? My treat.

[info]stoptheclock in [info]thedoorway

Who: Herc Hansen & Mara Jade
When: backdated to early March...
What: Talking about their situation, making friends :D
Rating: G?

'I’ve got the Force to blame for prodding me into this,' she said looking over at him. 'What your excuse?' )