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March 5th, 2014

[info]ex_formicida731 in [info]thedoorway

This is incredible. I really need to get my hands on one of these.
In my own universe, I could just go to the Arctic, flash an Avengers ID and get in on the study but my resources are extremely limited here. The breakthrough is entirely worth it and if anyone has any ties to the Russian or French research team involved, I would really like to contact them.

[info]professorxavier in [info]thedoorway

I rather think -- now in hindsight -- the purpose of Mardi Gras is to make sure you don't want to even look at another bottle of alcohol for the next forty days. And I didn't even drink that much. As I am a responsible person with work on Wednesday morning.


Is anyone giving up something exciting for Lent? Either for religious or personal challenge reasons?

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Peggy Carter + Howard Stark]
Here goes nothing

I need your help.

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

Where are we on securing a new and secure location for Avengers meetings? Do I need to crack the whip? There was once when

[info]cheerhappy in [info]thedoorway

Has anyone else had the weird feeling of forgetting their birthday was coming? I just glanced at the date and realized it's tomorrow. I wish my family was here It just seems strange.

[info]pprkr in [info]thedoorway

Spring break is near, woo. Snow and spandex don't mix.

I just want it to be warm enough for Coney Island.

[info]pymjr in [info]thedoorway

Casssssiiieeeeee I need your help on this thing I'm working on. Actually, I need your really really tiny hands. I also need a waaaaay more accurate inertial nav system. Um... anyone have one of those? Preferably really, really, really small?

Cut for Image, no filter )

The PSU is too big, way too big for secret missions field stuff, so I want to go in and reroute a few things to make it better, but I only have two hands :( Plus, the INS is too big but I don't know how to make it smaller! Every time I try to adjust it, the settings get all messed up and it's super inaccurate! :( :( :(

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[OOC: Pretend this was put up earlier.]

[Filtered to Dorcas and Jessica Drew]
We're off to Jakarta so bring your warm weather gear. There's a SHIELD team there that's been deemed at risk and we're to keep an eye on them. Looks like there's something dodgy going on so keep your eyes and ears open for anything that looks odd. If you're not sure if it's odd or not, tell me anyway.

Welcome aboard, Jessica. Good to have you with us.


[info]oswaldftw in [info]thedoorway

We're trying something a little different tonight. I was really enjoying those movie nights -- and we can still have them -- but I think a more active and unplugged approach might be nice for a change.

So tonight, we're inviting all youths -- and not just the ones who come to the Centre on the regular -- to join us in a game of Hide-n-Seek. I've spoken with Ms. Potts, and all common areas in the tower are available for play tonight. I've even decided to up the age for tonight to see if it gets people interested so anyone who would like to play needs only to sign up here.

Winner gets one of these. ETA: NO POWERS.

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

I've heard from Tony what happened. You and I need to talk.

[info]rubythewolf in [info]thedoorway

For those of you knew her, my friend Ashley Boyd is gone. Think I'm just going to donate some of Alex's baby clothes and toys, minus the ones she played with a lot. Don't see anything wrong with putting those into storage in case they come back.

[info]ontherhodey in [info]thedoorway

-- hide and seek tonight at the youth center
-- we're going
-- well, i'm going. you two should come with me.

-- hey
-- sup?
-- hide and seek at the youth center tonight
-- you should come play, too

-- hey awesome
-- there's hide and seek at the youth center tonight
-- you and everyone at the house of life
-- should come

[info]ex_formicida731 in [info]thedoorway

Private to Janet Van Dyne

Jan, who is the young lady our son needs an inertial nav system for?

[info]ex_ladypool494 in [info]thedoorway


Six questions:

1. Do you guys have cable?
2. I want a slurpee.
3. Where's the best chimichanga place?

I'm sorry for the typos Im typing with my nose

Hands are busy.

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to friends and family]

So, uh, my phone is back on if you need to reach me. Sorry if Castle's message, or my lack of replies, worried any of you but I just needed a couple of days to work through something. I guess the easiest explanation is that I woke up with new memories in my head and some of them were......continued under the cut )

Separate filters to Dyson and Richard Castle )

[OOC: For the near future, be aware that there are potential triggering subjects in comments and threads for Beckett. I will clearly mark all of them as they happen because the last thing I want is for someone to stumble on it and have a reaction.

[info]demiourgos in [info]thedoorway

I would love to go like, maybe six months, six months without being tossed unwittingly into another dimension. Actually. I'd take a month, even.

One month.

A week.

Three days?

Closest bid without going over?

Is Bob Barker still the host of the Price is Right here? Because that would be cool. I didn't really check, before, because I was too busy tracking down a ghost-Patriot-who-kidnapped-my-not-twin-twin-brother.

Time Travel, reality warping and figuring out fractured reincarnated souls can really cut into your daytime game show time.

Is there a place nearby that does 24 hour breakfast?

Also. Hi. I'm Billy. And the awesome one from Orange is the New Black just gave me a gift basket with scented soups and... I think this is a Gucci watch? So. Even if Bob Barker isn't the host of the Price is Right, I guess this place isn't too bad.