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March 4th, 2014

[info]doctorfun in [info]thedoorway


Am I to understand Rose and I've been briefly made into My Little Ponies?

[info]yerawiz in [info]thedoorway

All right. Who the hell is Percy Jackson and why do people thing I look like him.

Filtered: Ginny
So, er

Apparently when we were here before, we had plans to go to Disney World.

You, me and my parents.

I know things haven't be great with us, but do you want to come with us?

In other words, I should probably think about getting a job. I, er, have experience fighting dark wizards? I'm not sure that's really a useful skill in Muggle New York.

[info]cosmicflame in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Rachel Summers

Jean is gone. She was so scared of So if you're going to be at the party, maybe drink to her.

Private to Kitty and Ororo:

I can't keep doing this. So you two are officially in charge now and I'm stepping down to just teaching and advising.

[info]runawaywolf in [info]thedoorway

Was going to filter this post to just the pack but everyone else should see this picture. I don't know, I'm kind of amused by it.

What's up everyone? Yes I am aware of what time it is.

[info]deadp0ol in [info]thedoorway

Open network post

So.... to any superhero types out there:

Just sorta popped up here and I'm looking to do something good. Like... kind of a redemption thing, I guess? If anyone has a team that needs a new member, or just is looking for a partner with an ass-kicking, hot, redheaded girlfriend... HOLLA ATCHA BOY, a'ight?

If it helps, here's a short list of thigns that show how bad-ass I am:

- Was once decapitated by The Black Widow. Got over it.
- Once took a full-force punch in the face from The Hulk.
- Took an arrow through the head from Bullseye. Other than a short bout of semi-retardation, was fine.
- Sat through the entire Star Wars Holiday Special IN ONE SITTING.

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

delivery times

Identical deliveries to Rose Tyler & Handsy (the Tenth Doctor) )

[info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

[Jessica Drew (616)]
Jean is

I'm still not supposed to be in town, so that means skipping that X-Men party, but I'll be in the house if you wanna come over. My room.

[info]nitenite in [info]thedoorway

Dear SHIELD science: if it isn't your petri dish, don't touch. Those are just, I think, the rules of collaborative lab work? Perhaps even the rules of feminism?

[Doctors {10 & 11} + Fitz]
Bad girl shenanigans!

[info]pinkypinkerton in [info]thedoorway

There's two things I know for sure. That the single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place, and that the The Glenlivet 15 is in no way what it used to be.

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

Change of plans, guys. Heading out of the country for several days.

Anyone want something from Greece?

[info]runawayhayes in [info]thedoorway

Network post: Molly Hayes

There are soooooo many mutants here! It's kind of cool. Even though Doop isn't here. Or Dazzler. But that's ok.

And Gert is here and Chase and a new friend Xavin who marries Karolina. That is so crazy. And I accidentally broke the doorknob to the bathroom but that's ok because it can get fixed. I don't know by who but that's how things work.

Does anyone want to go buy superhero costumes? Last time I made my own but I want to get something cool. Or someone could make me one? That would be even awesomer.


I want to punch something!

Oh and get kit kats.

And get a hot dog.

I ate 5 bowls of lucky charms.

[info]shadowedgrace in [info]thedoorway

So I've yet to figure out a job here. I'm not really sure what I'd be suited for. Suggestions are welcomed. The more outlandish the better.

Filter: Oliver Queen
Wanna hit the city's skyline sometime soon?

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

Potterverse and Friends*she's been here forever, feel free to assume
Duty calls, don't wait up. If you're lucky, I'll bring you a souvenir.

[info]bigwolfpants in [info]thedoorway

Filtered: Kenzi
I suppose you're gonna wanna go to that party.

Filtered: Beckett
You okay?

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Work calls. Let me know if you want access to the coffee machine in the flat while I'm gone.

[Rose + Jack]
Can't promise I'll be back in time for dancing this weekend. We'll make it work though.

It's better than sitting around an office all day.

[info]arme in [info]thedoorway

Who: Allison Argent & Scott McCall
When: after these texts from Scott
Where: their apartment » Sam's » around NYC
What: hanging out, like in a friend way
Rating: TBA, but probably low

this wasn't remotely awkward )

[info]theboomstick in [info]thedoorway

[Buffy, Ianto]

Looks like we've got some overnights surveilling an at risk team. And there are worse places where we could be sent to than Greece. Details are vague but intelligence places someone possibly leaking this op. We're not to be seen or heard unless we need to extract though. Don't suppose either of you speak Greek?

Good to be working with you again Buff. And welcome aboard the U.S.S. Williams, Ianto.


Looks like I've a long trip I need to ship out for.

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

Who: Maria Hill & Peggy Carter
When: ... look, this is old. But for the sake of continuity, we're just handwaving the date unless Em has objections. It happened before and it will happen again.
Where: Housing Works Bookstore
What: Nick Fury told Peggy to get close to Maria. He also told Maria to trust Peggy. IDK, they like each other better. GET IT TOGETHER, MANSPIES.

Well, it isn’t the Nemean lion. But no less Herculean. )

[info]therealnickfury in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Maria Hill )

[info]professorxavier in [info]thedoorway

Who: EVERYONE (Who isn't busy, and wants to celebrate Mardi Gras with some Mutants!)
When: Tuesday Night, starting at 6:00pm -- going until about 2am
Where: Crack Mansion.
What: Party!
Rating: IC /OOC (You didn't have to mention to Chuck you were coming, anyone can just show up)


[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway


-- I have collated my results from the medical exams.
-- I'll send them in.
-- How diligent is your mail room in scanning various kinds of packages and gifts?
-- Summary for now?

[info]thereisanother in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Leia Organa

I'm sure that everyone is as pleased as I am that I'm no longer working in the laundry. My apologies for anything that came back shrunken or a different color than what you sent there.

[info]askxphoebe in [info]thedoorway

Popcorn is popped, got my twizzlers all in a row and other junk food type candy. Glass of wine and my chick flick collection. Sounds like a good night to me.

First up, Dear John. Love a good Nicholas Sparks movie.

[info]janebejane in [info]thedoorway

-- Can I be allowed to see Loki
-- He's going to teach me magic
-- Before you tell me this is a bad idea, It's Not

[info]artisticmother in [info]thedoorway

Well, its almost Spring Break and I think that I need a vacation and to get away. Anybody know of any great destinations? Personally somewhere that I can just lay and relax with a drink in hand.

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

I heard that IHOP had free pancakes today. I'm not one to turn down free food! It was so good!

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

[Phoebe & Paige]

Have either of you seen or talked to Prue lately?

She hasn't been here for several days. At first I thought she was busy with work. Now I think she's gone.

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway


Just a quick note to let you know I am here.

[Friends & Family of Kate Beckett]

If you don't hear from Kate, there is no need to worry. Kate is fine, she's turned her phone off. She's going through something and she just needs some space right now.