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February 5th, 2014

[info]pgarcia in [info]thedoorway

It looks like my to-do list is growing by the second. Thanks to Penelope F I have some options about clothes and meeting Charlie and Hardison made me feel less alone, geeks do speak a common language I think.

But now I'm job hunting so anyone need a technical analyst or even a general tech while I look into getting back with the feds or into NYPD? I just don't think I can simply sit around for too much longer if I'm being honest.

[info]partlighter in [info]thedoorway

I have a day off tomorrow! I'm spending it enjoying the sun. In Florida. Because I really can't stand this cold weather anymore and it's helpful that I can teleport anywhere within seconds. Who wants to join me? It's 77 degrees in Miami.

[info]mulderitsme in [info]thedoorway

TEXT TO Mulder:
-- Your 3 days are up, Mulder.
-- Where are you?
-- If you don't answer this I'm going to start raising hell.
-- And you know what kind of hell I can raise.
-- And I will report you as a missing person.
-- Don't think that I won't.
-- Do you really want the internet to be full of real speculation as opposed to TV speculation?

TEXT TO Christine Chapel:
-- Have you heard from Mulder?
-- I told him I'd give him 3 days.
-- So if he doesn't contact either me or you today, I'm officially raising hell.

[info]gossipmagnet in [info]thedoorway

So, as much as I like having minions, I do miss Little J. I mean, not as much as I miss Serena and Nate, because honestly, she was such a drag, but it was fun bossing her around. Although I wonder if she felt the same way about Serena as I did... maybe that's why I hated her so much

And I miss Vanessa, too. It still surprised me I ended up friends with her, but I do miss her. I am SO BORED waiting to hear back from Columbia.

[info]daisywillrocku in [info]thedoorway

Filter: (Fury's) Angels
How's everyone handling this fun?
Just checking in.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam to Mulder, left via voicemail
When: Wednesday
Rating: nah

I don't really know where to start looking for you, but if you're MIA for much longer I'm going to try anyway. )

[info]liljewprincess in [info]thedoorway

Let me tell you, being stuck on the subway for an hour may be part of the New York experience, but my ice cream almost melted. Good thing it was still cold out. I personally don't mind the cold, or snow, especially here.

And we had warm chili.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

I did not know you could get a bruise on your ear.

[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Everything hurts. Like. Muscles I didn't know I had hurt, and I'm very familiar with my own anatomy. But I mean, don't tell Steve.

And hey, if mayhaps my bones knit by next Friday, I made reservations for us.

[info]peggycarter in [info]thedoorway

Look at that. Snow. I'm glad I've got my fox fur boots.

[Howard Stark*, Steve Rogers*, Tony Stark*, Sharon Carter, Bucky Barnes EMH, Steve Rogers EMH]
Sharon's in. No leaks, you lot. You're all spies now. And the ones of you who are spies, please also note that should you leak any of this information to affiliates without the proper group discussion or notification, it isn't just artists I have a habit of breaking. (Is that a metaphor? Oh good God.)

Here's our information thusfar:
  • Intel from SHIELD indicated Cross' complicity in leaking intel to compromise field agents; at the request of FOXTROT handlers, we brought him in and he's in custody

  • Since Fury's been deposed, refugee agents are going through a long battery of 3rd party interrogations. Sharon, chime in? Mine own lasted a few hours, questions ran the gauntlet of lipstick brand to known associations with multiple Starks, Rogerses and my feelings regarding the new trajectory of SHIELD. I think they're unsuspecting unless of course the telepaths are on their side, then we're all royally fucked unless you know a telepath

  • Have we got any telepath friends?

  • Tesseract notifications are down as the project is severely understaffed and given that field agents are being sent out on increasingly fewer and fewer missions, it suggests to me that budgets are being slashed. The hangars are empty as sin, too

  • Hand & Hill are so by the book - so hunkered down - it makes my teeth hurt

  • What did I miss?

    [Bucky Barnes MCU]
    Are you on this fool's errand to Russia?

    * These being Peggy's boys, & MCU being *~her oeuvre~*

    [info]xlharris in [info]thedoorway

    What's the saying, something like... You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. Is that right? That's how I'm feeling. Just trying to reconcile these memories with everything else. I think I need a drink.

    Anyone up for a lunch time beer or something?

    [info]agent13 in [info]thedoorway

    [Bucky Barnes (616)]

    You know how I said we should get together when we're both state-side. How's that looking for sometime this weekend? I've been kind of a mess busy lately, but if you've got a couple hours, maybe we could grab some burgers?

    [info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway

    Message left for Mulder

    Who:Christine Chapel and Fox Mulder
    When:Wednesday February 5 around 2:00 PM

    Hey, it's me )

    [info]irishstabler in [info]thedoorway

    These DD5s are going to kill me... I'll be here all day till I get them done. But the good news is for two days I'll have free to myself. That's the best thing. I have a Skype date with this chick I met at the farmer's market, but I'm not getting too serious about it, mostly because I'm fine with casual.

    [info]gcooper in [info]thedoorway

    Today is quickly turning into an I should have stayed in bed kind of day.

    *Filter: NYPD*

    Got sent home after lunch, just a stomach bug by the looks so should be fine by Monday depending on how long this sticks around.

    *Filter: Torchwood*

    Got dragged into an interrogation early this morning. Jack's crash course paid off but the bad vibes are off the charts.

    I've also got the migraine from hell and nasty stomach bug to boot. And if you need a quick way to puke pick the worst looking hot dog cart, never fails.

    Today is not my day.

    *Filter: John Hart*

    Thanks for bathroom access, was not counting on getting that sick that fast along with that migraine.

    [info]liljewprincess in [info]thedoorway

    Text to Quinn

    Hey, Q, what are you up to right now?

    [info]tylerose in [info]thedoorway

    Filtered: Whoverse
    So since we have Adipose running around should we prepare for something worse to come through? I know I'd feel better if the Doctor's took a lead on that just in case Daleks or the Cybermen come, but I'm sure SHIELD has information on them already with the internet and all. Or has this been talked about already and I'm just late?

    Filtered: Doctor (Tenth)
    Friday night. Do you have any plans?

    Filtered: Kate Castle
    So do you think I could get your opinion on something?

    [info]jailhouserocker in [info]thedoorway

    Filter to Tony Stark (MCU)
    So I have got a bald eagle up at Hawk Mountain upstate that can be rented out, but they want you to take a seminar and have a handler for it. Or there's a zoo down in Cleveland with a golden one. Same story, but I think they were fishing for a sizeable donation or something.

    Is that kind of what we were going for? because if you're looking to buy, I met a guy at this networking thing in Zurich. And he had a monkey butler so I'd bet he has an in.

    Oh, ALSO and possibly more important than renting endangered species so I should have maybe mentioned it first, but I figured you'd understand since there was a monkey butler in the first point.

    I checked out that Generali company this weekend. They've got a bit of a bidding war going, seems there's two buyers, one's using Intesa sanpaolo for the accounts, I did a little prying and they're working on behalf of Neuberger Berman who have a headquarters in New York. But the other bids are coming through NPB Neue Privat Bank in Zurich, and those guys are wound tighter than their watches, so I couldn't tell you who they're bidding for.

    [info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

    Narrative; Fox Mulder

    Who: Fox Mulder & an NPC!Detective
    When: February 5th, shortly after noon.
    Where: Tisbury, Massachusetts
    What: It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s an X-File! ...Or it’s just a bird. (i.e., what Fox Mulder is doing instead of answering his phone)
    Rating: Low
    Status: COMPLETE.

    Besides those file cabinets are pretty good sized – I’m sure there’s stuff you never touched in your years on the X-Files. I’m right that this is odd, though? )

    [info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

    Phone Call; Dana Scully & Fox Mulder

    Who: Fox Mulder & Dana Scully
    When: Evening, February 5
    Rating: Low, depending on how angry Scully really is with him. ;)

    Scully, it’s me )

    [info]gofuckyourself in [info]thedoorway

    [616 Avengers + Friends of Logan]
    I quit SHIELD.

    [info]lachesism in [info]thedoorway


    [info]radical_hacker in [info]thedoorway

    That was an unexpected experience to say the least. Usually its me doing the brain picking.

    Only thing that'll cure it, greasy food and a night of video games.

    *Filter: Ginny Weasley*

    You get dragged into an interrogation? Because right now the not so happy feeling is off the charts and never leaving my lair when things do get better is looking better than usual.

    Fries and venting outside the tower?

    [info]notabrokendoll in [info]thedoorway

    [Filtered to Sharon Carter (616)]

    So I'm a tad bit confused.

    [info]snipe in [info]thedoorway

    Who: Director Hill & the World Security Council
    When: late
    Where: HQ
    What: Meeting

    so it begins. )

    [info]mulderitsme in [info]thedoorway

    Has anyone heard from Mulder? He went 'north' a few days ago and hasn't contacted either me or Christine since telling us that. I know he has other friends here so I'm hoping he might have contacted one of you.

    [Filtered to SHIELD - she's aiming for the higher ups but since she's in a mood to raise hell, she'll start with anyone]
    Has Mulder been returned home by the tesseract?


    [info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

    Text Messages to Sam Winchester

    [Text Message: Sam Winchester]
    -- Hey Sam.
    -- I'm fine, got stuck on a case and left my phone charger at home so ran out - had to figure something out there
    -- Sorry to worry everyone like I did
    -- I'm up in Massachusetts
    -- Probably will be up here for a day or two

    -- Got a weird situation the local PD wanted my advice on.

    [ETA Text Message: Spock (tos) after talking with Christine]
    -- Still not back in New York yet
    -- Christine told me Kirk went home
    -- When I get home we're going to do something in recognition of the Tesseracts shitastic choices in this matter
    -- something not meditating with the fish that ish

    [info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

    Boston with Hardison- Perfect.
    Finding a box of dresses with an invite for the Creatures of The Wind show tomorrow post trip- Strange but an interesting strange.

    But I think this has to be interesting, at least this time I won't crash on a runway!

    Quinn: Thank you for the help picking a dress!

    *Filter: Hardison*

    Any ideas on possible covers outside of cleaners, FBI and catering crew? I was thinking if concerts ever made the Old Nate hunt list we could always be crew members?

    Also in the words of Nate,"Let's go steal a fashion show." aka wanna tag along?

    [info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

    Who: Sam Winchester + Pamela Barnes
    What: awkward reunion
    When: Wednesday evening
    Where: SHIELD HQ -> tower
    Warnings: well. mentions of blood and demonic powers and stuff, possibly.

    ... )

    [info]byebyebourbon in [info]thedoorway

    why ared thsdaese buttons so small/

    [info]burnedbythelite in [info]thedoorway

    You know, the beer in heaven is all well and good, but there's something to be said about walking out into the middle of a dirty New York winter and getting a mess of sludge splashed all over you while putting up with a real monster of a migraine. You people should really tone it down.

    That aside, hey there New York.

    [info]spriteshadow in [info]thedoorway

    I told them I felt okay enough to go ahead and see my new apartment.

    But I'm really, really, really, really tired. And starving.

    Terribly thankful to crazy-ass magic cubes, though.

    [info]mcnair in [info]thedoorway

    theres a pack heer They sed

    They said there's a pack here.