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June 18th, 2013

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

He may not have trusted me or anything like that, but it's disappointing that my face twin is gone. I hope he comes back. Or if not Captain Mal, then Captain Hammer.


I'm sorry about your friends. If you need anything, anything at all, I'm quite happy to help.

[info]alexcabot in [info]thedoorway

Text To Ben Stone from Alex Cabot

>> Thanks for the cannoli.
>> You're insane for walking over there. Sweet but insane.
>> Also you're probably sleeping but that's okay, better one of us is.

[info]stun in [info]thedoorway

Who: Lisbeth Salander and Henri Combeferre
When: Backdated to May 18th.
Where: Greenhouse Cafe
What: Drink, squint, hack.
Rating: PG-13 for language, vague reference of evil government conspiracies.

You owe me $20.87. )

[info]lostfaith in [info]thedoorway

Check it out, I have a job. This one's legit, no killing or maiming involved, I swear. Well, I suppose there could be maiming. I'm acting as bartender/bouncer at this bar. Place called Jake's. Had to convince the owner I could handle myself with a test run tonight. Needless to say, he was impressed.

I think this is the first real legit job I've had. Always got by without one before. Feels good.

Posted via Journaler.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

I'm sure she's back where she belongs and putting the fear into every living, breathing creature, but Mindy's been swooped back up to her world. Just passing that along.

[info]missinggrace in [info]thedoorway

Looks like I somehow missed the arrival of your b Dr. Wilson yesterday. Setting aside my default sarcasm and asshole tendencies - are you okay?

[info]taravata in [info]thedoorway

Looks like I lost that job before I even got started.

But my question is - does everyone have powers here?

[info]gwpabst in [info]thedoorway

Digital - hah. The one thing that I have noticed since being cast in this film project is that today my industry chooses (regularly it would so seem) to shoot with what is known as a digital camera. While I understand the quality is higher and the product actually safer, it takes away from the aesthetic quality of the viewer's experience.

To know this technique better, I watched the movie about John Dillinger (with your Johnny Depp) and found myself consistently pulled out of the narrative. It is a shame that celluloid is no longer much used there are some varieties which make a fine accelerant but perhaps it is my duty to look harder and dig deeper for those who still have an eye for making art.

In the meantime, I suppose the vintage Chanel will simply look very realistic on the screen when you are all treated to a film screening. Would you like that? Ms Potts -- who is taking her anger out on Malibu at this very moment -- I can organize the event and it would not put anything additional on your plate. I just thought it would be a fine event for my fellow refugees. In several months, of course.

[info]tonystark in [info]thedoorway

Toothpaste? Really?

Why would you-- What the hell am I supposed to do with this?

Not literally. Don't you dare explain how to use it.

[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway

Hi, Steve. I know that you and I haven't spent much time together outside of the context of Sherlock and casework. But I was hoping that I could talk to you about Sherlock and how he's doing. Since I spoke to him yesterday, I've been a little bit concerned.

[info]greglestrade in [info]thedoorway

So I learned it's hard to play cards against a consulting detective, even when he's not trying to win.

Anyone thinking about keeping those Poker nights going?

[info]ikoloki in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Steph ]
So, I thought I had made a new friend, and I was trying to take care of him last night, and he ended up getting the bathroom and making a mess so I tried to clean him up. And now there's... a lot more of them than I started with.

[ Filtered to Thor ]
Creatures are not supposed to multiple without the assistance of a mate, yes?

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

[Barbara Gordon]
How are you? How are the Catskills?

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

David Cannon got off on a technicality. He's free to roam the streets again. Don't worry, I've got this. I'm keeping an eye on him. And let's hope he doesn't start stalkin

[info]tuosheng in [info]thedoorway

Since folk seem impatient to wait. Yes. Malcolm Reynolds is gone. The ranch ain't. I'm Zoe Washburne, Mal's second in command, and I'm takin it over in his stead. Any deal you had with Malcolm Reynolds, you'll have with me if you speak up on it.

And since it's been asked. There'll be a poker night next Friday night out at the Ranch. You need to hitch a ride, we got some. Same rules as always. 50 dollar buy in. We'll provide some drink, but more'd be appreciated. Got places to crash if you need to stay the night. We'll see how many tables we get.

[Filtered to Serenity Crew extd ]
I know this is a rutting hard blow. But now's the time we band together and move forward, cause that's the only direction there is.

I ain't yet willin to say that this was Malcolm Reynold's last stand on Earth-that-Was. Nearly all of us have gone and come back, and if there's a way for us to speed along gettin our boys and Inara back, I sure as hell mean to find it. And he ain't comin back to a fractured crew.

That said, like I said yesterday, everyone's safe so long as they're here and with crew. And I'm takin Mal and Inara's things, and I do suppose what we've been holdin of Jayne's and Wash's out to the Ranch where SHIELD can't get their hands on them. Case any more of us go back, we do the same. I also want to revisit movin us out to the ranch. Some folk here's passable, but I wouldn't miss the most of them. More, don't seem safe bein so close to the Tesseract

[Doc Brown]
I've been lookin into some of that equipment you wanted. Might be some time on some of it, but none of it seems too impossible.

When it's in, I'm gonna need you to make me a sign.

[info]stephenmaturin in [info]thedoorway

Can anyone whose taken in one or the large-earred marmosets tell me if there has been any change? I'm concerned that

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

» How do you feel about the two of us becoming private investigators?
» I've been looking into it online as a possibility since the Warehouse isn't here and we need to find something soon.
» Speaking of online. You can find out a few things
» Can we watch this show together from now on?

[OOC: Third is just a normal txt with the picture following in a completely new txt.]

[info]beringandwells in [info]thedoorway

Who: Myka Bering and Elliot Stabler
When: Tuesday Evening
Where: Sam's
What: Random meeting
Rating: Low

But it's still just a well-executed art theft. I mean, it doesn't automatically shout ‘warehouse,’ does it? Things rarely shout ‘warehouse.’They usually whisper, ‘Hey, that's a little odd.’  )

[info]quirky_raven in [info]thedoorway

Just something that has been on my mind so figured no harm in asking right?

But would there be any interest in a freelance editor (my father works in journalism and I've helped out at the Quibbler office many times) or a freelance artist (only because one of the men who found me the morning I landed here noticed my earrings, but I create more than jewerly)? Or should I just consider a typical Muggle job? Only real downside is no experience in that world.

Of course this would be along with physical therapy and maybe school.

Maybe I am totally overthinking all this too??

*Filter: Harry Potter Crew*

I just realized something: its one thing for you guys and those in our shoes (aka people within the tower) to know what actually happened to my hand. But I need a cover story for the Muggles outside the tower so ideas? Only one coming to mind was a car accident.

But the nightmares are a whole other story.

[info]aisforaxiom in [info]thedoorway

I am very sad the man named Mal has left. He did seem very nice, even if he did not like me.

I have left my room once before to walk around the city. It is very beautiful when it is not covered in heaps of trash and stacks of trash block for incineration. Many of the people here are good, though Lexi has informed me that many seem to be interested in a form of flirtation I did not understand. I apologize if your intentions to make known your preference for me was not clear enough. I will look for the signs now, should they be made.

I wonder if EVE would ever

I miss EVE.

I hope she has completed her directive.

[info]knifebearer in [info]thedoorway

How many people here are from a different country originally? Sometimes living in New York seems even weirder than being in a different world altogether.

See? Your name's on this.

[info]ex_nancydrew941 in [info]thedoorway

I found the swindler!

And don't worry, Ms. Renee Montoya, I turned him into the cops and other than the usual cautions about meddling and being careful I had no issues because one of the detectives apparently was a big fan of my books when she was a kid. BUT they caught him red handed with the marked money the little old lady I'd found to help me had given them and once they started looking they found them linked to at least ten other unsolved cases.

And then Mrs. Redding, the first lady, was so grateful she gave me a gift certificate to an Italian Restaurant her son works at and also a pair of tickets to see Emanuel Ax at the Philharmonic in Saturday!

So who wants to be my date??

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]wmtriker in [info]thedoorway


I just got us both into a poker game for Friday night. 50 dollar buy in. Hope that's okay with you. It's been too long since we've played poker.

I'm sure you saw the notice from Zoe but would you be interesting in going to the poker game Friday night with Deanna and myself?

[info]nicepantiesyang in [info]thedoorway

Who:Cristina Yang and Thomas Raith
When: Tuesday June 18
Where: Thomas' apartment
What: Cristina gets the haircut of her life
Rating: TBD

This had to be the strangest thing she'd ever agreed to )

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

» Hey. You see about Mal?

[info]thatsmustard in [info]thedoorway

[Filter to Starfire]

We need to go out shopping for a few things. I'm not comfortable going around in my uniform here. We're too recognizable, and I had a bunch of kids asking to take their picture with me when I went out the other night.

I know it's not ideal, but we can make do. And we can still wear it around the apartment if you're more comfortable.

So how do I go about getting access to the gym? There is a gym around here right?

I've signed up for some classes as apparently that's what I'm supposed to do. Thing is I got a pretty comprehensive education already, but I thought I'd go for some specialty things I've been interested in.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam Winchester & Ben Stone
What: discussing apocalypses.
When: Tuesday evening
Where: a quiet spot in the bar.
Warnings: other than the 'what', TBD.

... )

[info]brooklynspharoh in [info]thedoorway

It turns out we should be more careful when placing recordings, Sadie. That's how they got our story. The recordings you and I made. I wonder if this new short story is really in the offing. We did tell the stories well though, I'm not sure if translating the hieroglyphics is a good idea. Someone might be an unknowing descendant and even if they can't reach the Duat, they might be able to do something. Is anyone here going to go to Egypt soon and would mind a helper? I would like to visit Egypt again for personal reasons.

I suppose I will have to sign up for classes. At least they are arranged sensibly if ethnocentrically.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Kurt's friends (+18)]

[Filtered to Kurt's friends (+18)]
(If you've talked to him a few times, you're in.)

A colleague at work dragged me out for a coffee after a close draw with someone's elbow lunging for my schnoz nose. Let me dispel images of me with a splint - I managed to duck out of the way just in time and I can breathe just fine. But since my past is hardly private, we got to discussing certain things over a non-fat latte.

First thing she asked me, was the possibility of Karofsky showing up in the Tower. That's a good question, isn't it? But I wouldn't mind. In the worst instance, I've got a door and I've got places to be, people I can hide behind. In the best case, we can both stare at men in the park and wonder how to hit them up. Yep. I'm being positive with my backspace button.

Blaine's engagement ring. No. That's not happening, not for as long as I can help it. I know very well that once I end back home, I might just take one look into those puppy dog eyes of his and blurt out 'yes' like a giggly school girl, but right here and now, I've been caught between somewhere rage and doubt. It's not happening as long as I'm here. Ryan Murphy can fuck my life up when I get back. I'll be happy to have my own hand in it for now.

It comes easily, being in love with the idea of someone or the idea of the perfect love that can stand through anything. Obviously, it didn't in my case. And it's probably not true for anyone, this idea. We're not Satine and Christian, belting 'come what may'. And that's okay. That's finally okay. I can't be responsible for what happens back home, but here, it's going to be a big fat no. He can go cheat on someone else. I'm being assertive without my backspace button. Those puppy dog eyes are not going to get me this time.

And I bought a second hand piano. I'm not going to allow myself to get rusty again and I'm going to put a picture of my mom right on top. On a doily. With a flower. Some furniture's going to have t ogo.

I didn't think this through, did I? Well, I was thinking about other things.

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Oscorp Investigation Group:
So, funny story! Ben and I were out doing our thing, and...

Guys, we need some back up stat. There's something big and zany going on here. Like, unmarked-crates-with-suspicious-contents zany. Like, I-think-we-should-probably-crash-this-party-because-I-have-a-good-feeling-we're-staring-down-a-smuggling-operation-in-progress zany. I'm shooting everyone the location soon as I fire this off.

[info]muchappreciated in [info]thedoorway

Eames, I trust you haven't filled your social calendar? I might have a poker game lined up for next Friday.

[info]ofthefierce in [info]thedoorway

There's a girl, her name is Lyra.  Has anyone seen her? She left, but then I think she came back days ago and I haven't seen her anyplace, and I've been looking all day.

She's my  If she's lost, someone should find her and make sure she's all right. What if she's wandering around, not remembering anything?

I thought maybe, since you're from her world, or close to her world, or she's from close to your world, you'd know if were true. If she's come back. Have you seen her?

Hello? Can you read this?

[info]letusbebad in [info]thedoorway

Who:Ivy Lynn and Derek Wills
When:Monday June 17
Where:Derek’s apartment
What:Ivy decides to take the bull by the horns so to speak

Let's just try not to traumatize me too much, shall we? )