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June 1st, 2013

[info]just_bones in [info]thedoorway

Text to Jim Kirk (AOS) )

[info]collectswallets in [info]thedoorway

E-mail to Hale



Get off your ass.

I've got us a case.

There's some kind of 'ghost' in this lady's house. I don't think it's real but you never know. Come on. Let's go have a look. Maybe she's frickin nuts.

- K

[info]laurakinney in [info]thedoorway

I never gave much importance to birthdays. I was raised from birth but my existence was not to please a loving couple or a single parent who wanted a child for whatever reason. I was cloned from a defective pair of chromosome so instead of a male I was a female. But I wasn't seen as a human being. I was a creation to be used as a weapon. So in all my seventeen years of life I did not think I deserved anything to do with birthdays and the company I was forced to keep didn't think differently either. Even after X-Force it's not like Gambit once bought me a cupcake and it caught me off guard.

So the surprise party I received last night was something brand new that I wasn't even sure how to react. And there is a chance I forgot to say this to a few people so I'm going to say it here: thank you to everyone who showed up. I do not get many chances to feel like a normal teenager, and I feel like this is the first time in an extremely long time that I have gotten that feeling again.

Also, I finally have a motorcycle! It could use some sprucing but that's something I am looking forward to doing.

[info]iseetails in [info]thedoorway

Who: Robert and Rosalind Lutece
Where: Their room
When: A bit after their last talk
What: She's checking on him for nosebleeds
Rating: G, I'd imagine
Status: Incomplete

A new and yet old routine. )

[info]comptometress in [info]thedoorway

This place. Busy for a few days and look what happens.

Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Gray. I'm thrilled; you don't know how much I love having complex relationships with other people's marriages.

[info]tictic_boom in [info]thedoorway

Who: Tabby and Open
When: Saturday morning
Where: Pott's Tower Lobby
What: Tabby waits for the perfect victim person to bother on what would be an otherwise very boring Saturday.
Rating: PG-13 for her possible cussing

She had cash to blow but no real dedication as to how and where to do that. )

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]daretodobetter in [info]thedoorway

Apparently the internet thinks the difficulty of life in Starfleet is fascinating. facepalm appreciation post )

[info]17sir in [info]thedoorway

network post: pavel chekov

Gif-cut )

That is supposed to be the cast who played us, but it sounds like us, I think.

[info]aurortonks in [info]thedoorway

No. Not Teddy. Not my son. Please.

[info]scrappy in [info]thedoorway

Are you freaking kidding me? He wasn't even here two weeks!

[info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

network post: moya

Cut, not filtered, talk of sex/body parts )

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Who: Sam Winchester & Sookie Stackhouse
What: random closing time shenanigans
When: Saturday night.
Where: Sam's Bar & Grill
Warnings: TBD.

... )

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

Attn. Science lovers:

If anyone is still planning on going to the science street fair tomorrow at Washington Square Park (spilling into the NYU campus), you've got one more day to register here for a ticket. (Yes, I know the admission is free anyway but I assume they want people to register for a head count.) And I hope those of you who said you were actually coming (and those of you who gave me puppy gifs and sad faces to get me to come) still have this penned down in your schedule.

Not that I've ever been to one before but I'm ridiculously excited for this because all the stuff there looks really interesting.

Filter: Ben and Peter (616)
Added bonus: we get to hear James Watson talk! Yes, the Watson from Watson and Crick.

[info]humansparkler in [info]thedoorway


[info]nogloves in [info]thedoorway


I really don't know what to say. Knowing the point in his life he's returned to...I'd like to go home now. I ain't the type to want to relive my past or watch others get tossed back into theirs. This all is starting to feel like a mighty big joke to someone and I am not the woman to start pissing off.

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

An obituary.

One hundred and eighty-one years ago today, there died (of cholera, one notes with a nagging suspicion that such an observation tramples upon the dignity of the deceased) one of those popular heroes who make a fellow wonder whether the populace's right hand ever knows what its left hand is doing. General Jean Maximilien Lamarque fought and did credit to himself under Napoleon (Bonaparte, Buonaparte, Buonaparté, a man, please note, whom some largeish slice of the populace was inclined to credit only with being a provincial, priggish traitor), nursed obsolete grudges for a few years, became a politician (in which post he displayed a level of courage one might expect from, say, a particularly reckless goose, but men do grow old), fell in line with the new king, and spent his final years promoting, as military men past and present are wont to do, military intervention in affairs beyond the national borders. He was loved because he was a triumphant warrior, even when his chief fell out of favor, because we don't much care who's rattling the sword as long as he does it handsomely. He was loved for arguing in faint echoes of radical leftist politics, even when he swore his allegiance to a man who probably never stood anywhere but in the center of a room his entire life, because people do love nice words. As an institution General Lamarque made little enough sense.

But he was loved, and that was all that mattered. Popular heroes aren't men - they're shared fantasies, an observation so obvious as to be trite. Jean himself, whoever the hell he might have been, was not loved, except perhaps by accident. But The Man he was made out to be spoke to and filled some collective emptiness, and in so doing served a purpose, and then had the bad manners to die when the people who loved him were quite understandably already irritable from waking up in a stifling summer city that smelled like shit.

As decidedly less than a man myself, I suppose I can sympathize with someone who at the time of his death was just a word (although I doubt if he knew it - a politician and a general, there's a recipe for pompousness). But neither can I sneer too steeply at the silly crowds that loved him. Love's honest regardless of its object, and regardless of whether its object exists. I'm coming to the opinion that the best thing any man can hope for on his tombstone is the simple report that he was loved, and even that stands in memorial less to the individual than to the people who did him the honor. No one's ever left anything else behind that did man any good.

[info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway

» Just saw the notice.
» You all right?
» No, of course you're not.
» Really sorry, mate.

[info]widowsting in [info]thedoorway

I'm on my sixth hour of Beyond Scared Straight. Call me a cynic, but I don't believe it's as effective as they want you to believe.

[Clint MCU]
I think this might be my cry for help. Feel like a side mission that involves warm weather?

[info]shinytomato in [info]thedoorway

Maybe turning my heart to ice is not a bad idea after all? Because why bother having feelings when people get yanked away left and right?

Not having the crew here means not being hurt.

But at the same time I want them here.

[info]theboywhois in [info]thedoorway

Is this some kind of joke? Really.

I wish I knew how the fuck this is all supposed to go.

Filter: Gin, James Sirius, Albus

Your sister's gone. So's Teddy.

I don't

How's everyone holding up? I know Hugo and Rose just left too.

[info]boswell in [info]thedoorway

On this day, in 1889 -- Holmes and I found ourselves entangled in the attempted robbery of Mawson & Williams, the attempted suicide of a would-be accomplish and the self-sabotage of one poor Hall Pycroft.

I already believed human nature is a strange mixture -- I'd seen more than any man's share of proof -- but nothing could prepare me for the things I've read about here.

[info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway

» hey, gin
» I'm sorry about Lily
» Are you all right?
» Anything I can do?

[info]tookthestupid in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Nastasha Romanoff (MCU) & Bucky Barnes (MCU)
WHERE: Tower
WHEN: 31 May, 2013
WHAT: Natasha finds Bucky in the dungeon basement punching a bag, there's tension and then, well, making out. What are we, 12?
RATING: Let's go with R for Bucky's mouth and some making out.

''I get the impression you wish I was more involved with this project, so here I am.'' )

[info]ex_tenfold188 in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jamie Madrox and Jessica Drew
When: evening, 5-30
Where: Brooklyn Bridge
What: Jamie is a little upset about his dupes causing him a spot in SHIELD and Jess offers to cheer him up.
Rating: PG-13 for possible cussing, whatever. And for smooches.

Being this high up he was glad the X-factor Dupe wasn't around to do damage like he almost did to Rictor. )

[info]wasatree in [info]thedoorway

And I was just getting used to having a big sister figure.

[info]cerebricity in [info]thedoorway

To all the students and teachers here, congratulations on the successful completion of exams. To my advisees, you should find a gift card to Barnes and Noble delivered to your door. I am always available should you want to discuss the past or impending academic year.

The success that comes with May's conclusion is made a bittersweet by a certain Sean Cassidy's departure. I hope to see him when I eventually return home.

[Filter to Emma and Erik]

Are you available for a trip to the pub this evening? Nothing against Sam, but I should like to leave the Tower for a while.

[info]nicepantiesyang in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

They're playing my song. Pretty much sums up my life right now.

[info]frozeninice in [info]thedoorway

I found this - New York City in 1939. Nothing can beat those prices.

[info]savebroom in [info]thedoorway

This is Lily.

This is her sendoff. Also being honoured: Rose & Hugo Weasley, Teddy Fucking Lupin, Dom Weasley, Fred the Second, Luc Weasley & Mols the Second.

Comment here if you want to join us and I'll probably text you the location.

[info]proudofyou in [info]thedoorway

Not sure how else to reach you right now.

I think we need to talk. I'm willing to wait as long as it takes for you to come around, but I hope I don't have to wait forever.

[info]walterblythe in [info]thedoorway

Who: Walter Blythe
When: June 1st, night of
Where: His room (forward dated to later tonight)
What: A premonition, of sorts.
Rating: PG-13 for mentions of War Violence, Shell Shock, Death - TW: PTSD

Let's die home, ferry across the Channel! Thus
Shall we live gods there. Death shall be no sev'rance.
Weary cathedrals light new shrines for us.
To us, rough knees of boys shall ache with rev'rence.
Are not girls' breasts a clear, strong Acropole?
There our own mothers' tears shall heal us whole. )

[info]purrception in [info]thedoorway


[filtered to Don Draper]

Remind me, how far away are you from dancing teenagers?

[info]deadwalker in [info]thedoorway

» Hey Lee.
» I just saw a documentary on the Amazon.
» I'd like to go there for my vacation.

[info]keephersafe in [info]thedoorway

I am picking up extra shifts at the restaurant in order to save for my motorcycle. And perhaps enough to take a bit of a vacation once I have procured it. That is something I hear my coworkers speak of with fondness.

Camping sounds like the closest to being home in this world. I think I would like to try it as a vacation.

[Filtered to Percy Blakeney and Pietro Maximoff]

It would seem that Remy has been returned through the tesseract.

However I did enjoy our game of dice at the ball. I know there is currently a card tournament that is run but perhaps you both might wish to join me again in a game of dice? It seems to be a less acknowledged way of play here.

[info]greymatter in [info]thedoorway

I could have lived without Scott getting sent back while I was just in the other room and could actually feel his mind leave this place. Not that waking up to an empty bed would have been that much better, but still.

If you're going to break hearts, Tesseract, you could at least not be an asshole about it. That's all I'm saying.

[info]proudofyou in [info]thedoorway

Who: John & Mary Winchester
When: the evening of 5/31
Where: Mary's apartment
What: Reunion time!
Rating: TBD but the only warning will be John's language.

One thing was certain, though: he planned to find out. )

[info]ladymacgyver in [info]thedoorway

Is it bad to say that while I love my job at the yard there is a part of me wishing I could be in college like someone my age should be? I also know I lost more than a few normal experiences while on the run so this is my second chance on who knows how many levels.

But on a happier note I'm looking to start a small business around the tower if anyone needs repair work done! I work with small kitchen appliances, electronics, minor car problems and things of that nature.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

[FILTER: Oliver Wood & Marlene McKinnon]
Skydiving, mid June, in case you didn't see Luke's post!

Hard to believe I've been here for almost 6 months now. I have to say, I like New York. I'd really appreciate it if the Tesseract would stop taking people I care about and the friends and family of those I care about, but considering I'd be dead back home, I'm pretty grateful to be here.

There's been a lot of sadness of the network lately, it seems, though, so how about something positive for a change.

What's your favorite thing about New York City?

[info]widowstings in [info]thedoorway

I would like to request to be put on a mission. Deep cover preferred, out of the country. Alone, if possible. Let me recon Kontar Sayed's last few months.

I realize I'm not the Natasha from your world, and you don't have the same level of trust in me, but at this time, I need to be immersed in work.
James Bucky is gone.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

So I don't want to hit you with more news while you're still reeling, but sometime you should probably re-meet my girlfriend. And before you ask, no, she isn't a werewolf or a d anything else supernatural, and no, having her here didn't stop me from trying to figure out how to get you back. Not that you gave me much time to do that anyway, which isn't a complaint.

You might laugh when you find out who it is, if you haven't already figured it out. Also when you hear that she thinks we've got a rare and beautiful thing-- you and me, I mean. I think that might make you my unicorn.

Also. If you were wondering where I went yesterday during the day, I was in class. At the university here. You knew this when you were here before, but I'm giving the law school thing another try. And no, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop hunting or go off anywhere. For as long as I can manage it, I'm going to take advantage of everything this universe has got, just because I can. Which includes our family, of course.

Just to catch you up on where my head is at. How's yours?

Oh, and one more thing, you could probably get your job at the pie shop back if you tried. That was the job you had before, and I think Ned will understand the whole "missed work because of the tesseract" thing. But you should probably get on it quickly before someone else snatches it up.

How are you holding up with all of this, mom? Can I do anything?

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

Who: Stephen Dedalus & Septimus Smith
When: Saturday Night
Where: Sam's.
What: Stephen Dedalus went to the bar >.>
Rating: PG-13, for Modernism.

O m'anam )

[info]barbiefangs in [info]thedoorway

network post: caroline forbes

Filtered to 18th & 19th floors: Lancelot, Selina Kyle, Usagi Tsukino, May Parker, Marian Hawke, Anders, Ana Vargas, Derek Wills, Elizabeth Comstock, Drew Tanaka, Mary Winchester, Johnny Storm, Alex Summers, Kurt Hummel, Olivia Benson, TJ Hammond, Karolina Dean, Xavin, Humberto Lopez, Julie Power, Molly Weasley, Elijah Mikaelson, Laura Kinney, Nancy Drew, Luke Castellan, & Silena Beauregard
Hello lovely people of the 18th and 19th floors. I'm Caroline Forbes, your housing assistant. I'm here to help you get started, keep going, and resolve any issues that come up. I hear you're a well behaved group of people, so it should go well. About half our floor is underage, so I expect minimal frat-like parties. If you're drinking safely and we're not needing to get your stomach pumped, I'm not terribly concerning myself. Lets stay safe. If any of you are out late at night and don't feel safe (yes, I know many of you are more than capable of handling yourselves), you can call me for help, judgment free.

I am a vampire. If help is needed in your room, I will need to be invited in. I'll understand if you do not want to. It's entirely up to you. Come to me if you have any questions - about the city, this time period, the best place to buy the cutest clothes, gaining employment. And please introduce yourselves. Once all my stuff is moved up here, I will have an open door block party for us.
Filtered to: May Parker, Elizabeth Comstock, Olivia Benson & Nancy Drew
Hello ladies! I'm writing to you separately because you've all been here under two weeks, and I'd like to offer help acclimating to your new surroundings here. I've read up on the Educational Services Division, if any of you are interested in taking classes (they are't just for kids!), and I had already planned out my college applications before I came here, so I can help with that too. Or I can help you look into jobs. I plan on going on a fun shopping trip this weekend, and anyone needing clothes can join me. Don't hesitate to call me or ask for my help on any part of settling in here.
Filtered to: Elijah Mikaelson
Yes, I am your housing assistant. I hope you find it as hilarious as I do, and I'd like to dub thee my backup for voice of reason because you're always the logical one. I'm going to find some non-invite needed backup should anything bad stir up in a room. I doubt you'll need my help, as you've made it through as many centuries without any. What are you doing for employment actually? I figured none of you ever worked unless you wanted to.
Filtered to: Elena Gilbert & Bonnie Bennett
I'm going to be far up high now. I got a job!!! As a housing assistant. I'm really looking forward to it, and I had forgotten how good it felt to apply for something and win it. I feel like a fully empowered Caroline. And I've been here for over two months now. I feel single. I don't want to go looking for someone, but it's really hard to feel like I'm even dating Tyler anymore when I can't even leave him voicemails. Sad note, someone else here has his number, and I accidentally left them a voicemail message. They called me back because I 'sounded hot' so ew, blocked that random person. The point is, we're all going to make something here, and it will be good.

[info]misrule in [info]thedoorway

[FILTERED TO: Loki (616)]
It would be dangerously easy for me to slip and address you as brother.

How fares your mind? Last we spoke, you had certain significant concerns, but we were not granted a proper opportunity to address and explore them courtesy of that ageing spell and everyone who thought I would take advantage of the situation.