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May 2nd, 2013

[info]ex_tenfold188 in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jamie Prime and a dupe or two and OPEN
When: A bit after posting his first entry
Where: Walking aimlessly around Potts Tower
What: Jamie takes to exploring and bumps into a dupe he sent out earlier who brings him tidings of omg PEOPLE.
Rating: Lowish? TBD I guess.

Oh my god, GUESS WHAT? )

[info]gingersnappy in [info]thedoorway

Harry Potter
I know […]

I know that today is hard for you. It's hard for me, too. And […] I just wanted to make sure that you know I'm here if you want or need me and that I love you.

[info]hailhale in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Hale Santiago

Well. That was certainly interesting.

Gonna' need a few drinks. And a tab. Definitely a tab.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

One sparklevamp down, how many more to go?

Seriously, though, these things are a pain. Don't try to fight one by yourself. In fact, if you see one, best best is to let SHIELD know and get the hell away from it.

Filter: Team Buffyverse/Anyone else who was there
That. Was. Brilliant. I don't think I've had that much fun since- well, before I arrived here. Thanks for having me along.

Filter: Oliver Wood
Is it true? You're back? Er, not that you'll have the foggiest who I am since no one ever remembers being here, so hello! I'm Dorcas. I'm from your world and we were friends when you were here before, so if it IS true, I'm bloody glad to see you.

You'll also probably be pleased to know some of our mates figured out how to charm brooms to fly here so we could play Quidditch. Not sure about the balls or if anything was ever properly organised, but we went with Harry to play with Muggles a bunch of times and-

I'm rambling. I missed you Welcome to New York, Oliver Wood. If you need anything, give me a shout.

Posted via Journaler.

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Must remember to not run at the man who looked like he lost to a glitter bomb. I might have gotten a bit pissed off that he was ignoring me and going after some poor innocent thing. Pretty sure that brick wall is never going to be the same. I am beginning to really hate these practically indestructible glittery fucks.

I.. am such a horrible friend.
How the hell could I forget Sam's birthday?!
I'm going to go die in a hole now of embarrassment.

[info]secrettrader in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Annie + Friends ]

The healers told me we can't leave the hospital until we name the baby.

[ /Filter ]

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

Nobody else is allowed to get hurt today. Got it?

(added in later, public)
What is it about the beginning of May that involves people dying or getting hurt? It seems like it's a bad luck time of year in at least three universes, including this one.

My sympathies to everyone that's dealing with difficult memories today.

[info]jasonbrody in [info]thedoorway

I was going to make some joke about how being a one man army is preferable to the reams of paperwork I filled out today for my SHIELD training but on the whole, I think I preferred the paperwork. It didn't shoot at me or throw me off a cliff so I think it wins so far. If it ever does start shooting at me, I'm... going to be pretty freaked out actually because gun-wielding paperwork would be very freaky.

Have to say though, the SHIELD uniform is very spiffy. It makes me look like an actual adult. My brother Grant would be pretty damn proud of me. He was always hoping I'd actually make something of myself. Too bad he's fucking dead and can't see it

[info]theboywhois in [info]thedoorway

I'm glad it's a beautiful day today.

Filter: Lily Luna, Albus Severus, James Sirius
Filter, added: Ginny

I've organized dinner tonight at my flat, all catered, etc. so no one has to worry about it. As usual, bring whomever you'd like, but especially your cousins.

Filter: George Weasley

All right? Dinner tonight, if you feel up to it.

Filter: Teddy Lupin

All right today? Anything I can do?

Filter: Lily Evans & James Potter, Sirius Black

I'm having a quiet family dinner tonight at my flat, to mark the anniversary of [...] a lot of things. I'd love it if you could come.

Filter: Severus Snape

I'd be honored if you joined me and my family for dinner at my flat tonight, sir.

Filter: Ron & Hermione

Dinner per usual tonight, though Ron I realize you might not know about that tradition. Then this weekend, we can go away, yeah?

Filter: Private

It's easier, here, because there aren't any expectations.

[info]amber_waves in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Victor ]

I'm thinking about asking you if you want to make plans for the night prom's supposed to happen that don't involve prom in the least. Haven't actually worked up to it yet. I'll let you know when I have.

[ /Filter ]

I bought a bar cart. I'm thinking I'm going to make a little metal bracelet so I can tug it along behind me wherever I go.

During my residency I was the queen of drunken Operation. The board game, not an actual operation. OR WAS IT?

[info]philanthropist in [info]thedoorway

stuck somewhere in tony & pepper's bedroom. )

[info]priestofbowflex in [info]thedoorway

Well, how about that? Sparklepires can do more than creep around little girls. I'm almost impressed.

[info]tinygenius in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Friends from the HP world.
this includes Harry, Ginny, Hermione and anyone else you'd like to say is friendly with Claire from the HP world.
I know this is a rough day for all of you and I want you to know that if there is anything I can do to make it easier, I'm here for you.

I miss Shane. I'm eating the last of the leftover chili for lunch. I suppose that means I'll have to go to the store soon. My refrigerator is a little bare at the moment.

Posted via Journaler.

[info]aurortonks in [info]thedoorway

Filter to Victoire Weasley
Happy birthday, darling! I'm not sure what you have planned for today, but I would love it if you stopped by! I have a gift for you.

Filter to Lily Luna Potter
I'm so sorry that I missed your birthday dear. If you'd like to stop by sometime today, I have a gift for you.

Now today seems like a perfect day to take a walk around the park. I hope the weather stays nice like this for a while. I find myself walking through Central Park more and more these days. I'm glad I took the day off, I think I'll try to spend the day outside.

[info]aurortonks in [info]thedoorway

Small package delivered to Teddy Lupin )

[info]acryingshame in [info]thedoorway

iam not joining another diviosn



and where is my fucking leader or am i going to have to fucking look for all der fucking wafflehouses in this fucking city and stalk everyone with bloody post its?






i dont wnana be here

i'm not fucking high enoug for this shit

[info]_nightcrawler in [info]thedoorway

Voice Post

I am Kurt Wagner. In the circus, I was known as the Incredible Nightcrawler.

I feel it's right to apologize for my behavior in the Tesseract room. But you must understand, it's been a crazy few. Weeks?

Maybe open a window?

I have been told my friends are here. Hello.

But danke schön for the room. It's beautiful.

[info]snakeamonglions in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Lily Luna Potter )

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

Well, it looks like I'm in need of a prom dress anyway. Does anyone want to go shopping this weekend? (I promise I'll write about something else soon, but this question was kind of important. The clock's ticking!)

And maybe, I guess, if I'm going to buy a dress, I should just go to two so I can maximize my money spent.

[info]wyndampryce in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

A bit sore today - it almost feels like home. Admittedly, I prefer my reality's vampires to these disco Barbie super extra mega strength variety. But disco Barbie vampire is a slightly rarer acquisition today, thankfully.

[Filtered: Fred | Wesley]
We got one of them yesterday.

I'm thinking about taking a couple of ibuprofen and going and grabbing some coffee. I don't suppose you'd want to join me?

[info]venomblast in [info]thedoorway

UGH, if I wanted to throw salad in my hair, I would have done it myself. A food fight, people? Really? I can't believe I am actually saying this but I think I've been turned off from sandwiches for a good while.

A certain someone owes me pizza anyway.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

[Joan Watson]
You know that I put a great deal of emphasis on the importance of scientific discovery. That, if I think something would yield a great benefit to a case, to myself or for others, I am willing to take necessary risk. I think that is what ought to be expected of any great detective who thirst for discovery, or answers, for change and a better tomorrow.

And I want you to keep that in mind, as I ask you this question:

What are the chances you'd consider having a child with that new Watson that just showed up. I know he's married, of course, so we're speaking on purely genetic terms here -- and mostly theoretically.


Remember, this is for science.

[info]rumiko in [info]thedoorway

I've been racking my brain, trying to come up with pirate puns. So far, I've come up with...
♦Yo ho ho, and a really great bum.
♦Pirates, it does a body good.
♦It's hook-lickin' good.
♦Melts in your mouth, not on your hook.
♦Pirates Wanted.
And then I gave up, because I'd rather watch TV.

[info]sheerluckholmes in [info]thedoorway

It appears as if I will be forced to start from scratch in my studies of tobacco ash. Though given the quality of available products, it's quite unlikely that I will enjoy the process a second time.

However, this electric fire detector that produces a high-pitched shrieking sound in the presence of smoke is quite clever. If increasingly bothersome when the noise is prolonged.

[info]whipandfedora in [info]thedoorway

To: human.resources@shield.gov
From: indiana.jones@pottstower.com
Subject: SHIELD Application

To whom it may concern,

Attached are my qualifications and experience. If you require further explanation of the classified materials, good luck, but my number is [phone number].


Dr. Henry Jones Jr. (Indiana)

[info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

network post: moya

I'd like to determine the alcohol tolerance boundaries of this body, monitor what blood alcohol content leads to what levels of alcohol neural net crossover. Different brain could be different results [unknown: brain/blood barrier for my neural net and typical human]. Tomorrow evening. I'm working tonight.

[info]keep_wood in [info]thedoorway

Oi, so the white jacket blokes assure me that this is not, in fact, some elaborate Weasley prank and I am, in fact, in New York City, America, and that apparently here I'm fiction.

And there's no bloody Quidditch. Yes, that WAS the first thing I asked about.

For anyone who knows me, and I'm told there are quite a few of you, you can put down that hankie and stop your sobbing because Oliver Wood has arrived!

For those that don't know me, I'm sure you will, very soon. I'm kind of a big deal.

[info]bamfsrsly in [info]thedoorway

Wait for it....

Filtered to Wanda )

[info]stephendedalus in [info]thedoorway

Jesus Christ.

What you're looking at is not a string of green beads and golden-plated shit, but golden plastic potatoes. This is it, pride boiled dry at the bottom of the pot. Famine, fighting, dying, revolution and rebellion -- for a string of plastic fucking gold potatoes. I'll wear it like a yoke.

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

I guess at least I have prom to look forward to...

Filtered to: Jo and Lilly

It was bound to happen at some point, but Sam and I had our first fight. It's fine. I don't really want to talk about it too much. I just wanted to let you know.

Filtered to: Sam

I'm sorry about...

Well, let's make your birthday special. I know you don't want a big deal, but maybe something with family and friends? Bowling, perhaps?

And then just you and me? I just need you I have presents for you, and don't say I shouldn't have.

[info]reptilsaur in [info]thedoorway

My parents were are were palaeontologists. People always acted like it was some big exciting thing, but when I was younger I thought they were crazy. Being an Avenger was exciting, being a palaeontologist was mind numbingly boring. It was always hot. It was always dusty. I was never allowed to touch anything. Everyone was always so serious and focused. People freaked out over finding a bowl. It was absolutely miserable.

Now I miss it. I miss watching them work. I miss the heat. I miss the tape they used to section everything off. I even miss the dust and the annoying clacks that came with the digging and scraping. Maybe it’s not a career that’s full blown adrenaline, but everyone there was passionate about what they did. I have no idea what brought this up, other than thinking about how little of an impact we’ll leave on this world once the portal takes us away. That and how I wish I could spend Cinco de Mayo in California.

[Filter to Runaways, Avengers Academy, Ultimate Tony Stark & Avengers who help with Sunday training]
Cinco de Mayo is not something I celebrated until I started staying with my grandfather in California, but I have fond memories of it. Now I could feel sorry for myself for missing him, or I could spend the day eating too much with my adopted family. Guess which one I pick? I’ll do all the cooking, so if you’d like to join feel free to stop by around one to eat.

[info]humansparkler in [info]thedoorway


They’re having a sale on pixie sticks.



Hey Looooooogan.

Want to take me for a ride on your bike? Please?!?!?! I’ll wash it afterwards. :D

[info]turquoises in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Victoire Weasley

Delivery to Victoire Weasley )

[info]lilyluna in [info]thedoorway

She's beautiful.

[info]blaisethezabini in [info]thedoorway

I don't have any personal connections to the war - except being at Hogwarts before the battle, and being so relieved that I was to leave. The one thing I look back on is Pansy standing up and pointing out Potter, because she didn't want to die. Self-preservation is a strong instinct. Anyway. Everyone else was musing and it had me thinking, is all.

Filter: Bennett
It seems this prom thing is open/encouraged for adults as well. Would you like to accompany me? If it's absolutely dreadful, we'll skive off and have our own night on the town.

[info]wheezes in [info]thedoorway

Remember when we were thinking about going on that trip? I'd like to turn that into a reality after you pick the place. My finger landed on Oiadjjjsutv, Norway, so, like you said earlier, I think you can do better.

I know I don't really say this much, but I'm glad you're here, and I'll gladly hurl hexes at the Tesseract or anyone if they fuck with you.

[info]raresttinker in [info]thedoorway

Everyone is talking about this prom and making plans for it. All I can think about is that the sun is shining and it's warmer outside.

[info]hippobrooch in [info]thedoorway

Let's discuss disco. Love or hate it?

[info]deadwalker in [info]thedoorway


Aren't they cute? I just had to have them.

[info]bitterman in [info]thedoorway

If this were my world, today - 2 May 2013 - would be the 5th anniversary of my death. I don't view this with a great deal of foreboding or despair or any such thing. When you spend twenty years dancing to the tune of two very powerful and very ruthless men, survival tends not to be too high on your list of probable future achievements. I always knew the most likely outcome of what I was doing was my death. My only hope was that the Dark Lord would be defeated. He was, so I can view my death with a certain amount of equanimity.

That being said, the tesseract has been kind enough to bring me here where I get to live. I don't know why it did so and while I admit to being curious, I am not overly inclined to look a gift horse in the mouth. Here, I am alive. At home, I am dead. While I can understand the desire of many to return to their homes, I am quite content to stay here.

[info]borncareful in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered AGAINST Avengers 616 ]
Lonely bowman seeks competent woman with domineering tendencies for one night engagement. Must be willing to tolerate awkward and hapless behavior as well as the occasional bout of verbal diarrhea. Presence of disorderly teenagers during the course of the evening will be likely. Transportation and meal costs will be provided for. Anyone under 30 need not apply.

Or, in other words, is anyone interested in going to this prom with Clint? He made a deal with Francis to get him to do normal life things and managed, in this truly graceful way that he has, to get it turned back on him for his own lack of being anything close to normal, so I've been tasked with finding him an escort. Unfortunately, him taking anyone I actually know would be horrible and sketchy and just no. So, more age appropriate ladies, any takers?

He looks like that guy from Game of Thrones, if it helps.