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February 9th, 2013

[info]roza in [info]thedoorway

Who: Rose Hathaway, Lissa Dragomir, Drew Tanaka, OPEN
When: Friday night, around 10pm or so
Where: Cielo (dance club)
What: Making use of their fake IDs
Rating: TBA/Ongoing

NOTE: This is totally open to anyone else who would be out and wants to jump in to interact with any of the girls and/or anyone who wants to recognize them, realize they're underage and bust them for fake ID usage! Feel free to join in on the fun!

Yeah we danced on tabletops and we took too many shots. Think we kissed but I forgot. )

[info]frellmedead in [info]thedoorway

network post: john crichton

Filter: Aeryn
I have a surprise for you.

It seems like more and more people are being taken back now with few people coming through. I wonder if the two are related? I'm glad no one I'm close to has been sent back to wherever it is people go. Being here is weird enough without having to deal with the loss of someone you love you're used to having around you.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Joan Watson.

(OOC: A notecard left with this breakfast outside Joan Watson's room. )


There was a banana here but now it is gone.

It is a mystery.

However, if you're really hung over, throw all of this out and have a bacon sandwich, which is the best remedy for a hangover. Best coupled with a diet pepsi and some Paracetamol.

You are welcome.


[info]nelyafinwe in [info]thedoorway

[Text Message to Fëanor]
» Luck is upon us, Atar!
» I have met, by no design of my own, a 'corporate' man in this Tiffany's.
» He provided a card, I am to call to schedule a meeting.

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]oftheflame in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Gabby]
Soooooo Valentine's day. Would you like to go out on Thursday, or do you want to stay in and keep it quiet? I don't know how crazy crowds and things may get. But I'm good for either! Let me know?

Is anybody else going to that ice skating party thing tonight? I'm tempted to go check it out. Although that might not be the best idea. I don't really get along with ice very well. Hrm.

What's something good to do today? I want to have some FUN!

[info]odysseys in [info]thedoorway

Who: May Castellan and Hermes
What: Discoveries! An announcement
Where: Their apartment
When: Saturday, 9 February
Rating: PG?
Status: Logged, Complete

Um. You know how I've been sick lately? )

[info]reptilsaur in [info]thedoorway

I just slept for 16 hours straight. That seems normal.

[Filter to Karolina, Mettle and Victor]
Hey guys! You might have heard by now, but there is an amazing group of Avengers and other awesome people who have been helping to train us on Sundays. I just wanted to remind you that you're more than welcome to join. Or, if you need some more time to settle in that's perfectly fine too. We usually get food after, so please at least join us for that, even if you don't want to train.

[Filter to Nico & Laura]
I don't know if you've heard about that arena thing, but even if I could kill you two I wouldn't. Not even because of our time here but from before. Just thought you should know. Or whatever

[info]jt_kirk in [info]thedoorway

I had a deep fried oreo today. I had come to believe they were only an urban legend, passed down from generation to generation as a cautionary tale in gluttony. I now know that such a thing truly exists. This time period is beautiful beyond words.

[Filter to Kitty and Christine]
Sorry for being a dick.

[info]glimmerofone in [info]thedoorway

I have decided I love how snow looks on the city and in the parks. It's rather lovely. The cold's not too bad, and I love running in the snow. It's certainly a different run than on clean, clear ground.

Filter: Cato
So I bought a goose at the butchers and am roasting it. I found a wonderful recipe.
Would you like some? Maybe after a run through the park? I see there's snow out again!

[info]anne_shirley in [info]thedoorway

So I have been talking to Hermione Granger about magic and it has gotten me curious. Is there anyone who could teach it to me? I wasn't born magical, not the way that people are in her world at least. Still it seems incredibly helpful and amazing.

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

I have a question for those who have been here, disappeared and returned. Do you know if you returned to the same time as you left and did you remember it? Two of my friends and crew mates have recently returned back to our world and I am curious as to how it works. I did see a post not that far back of someone returning and not remembering anything. Is that the norm?

Would you be interested in having an exercise partner? I understand if you would prefer not too. I enjoyed our meeting the other day.

Christine, Eve, Fred, other female friends
It is't often that I feel like doing something like this but perhaps a shopping trip or something of the sorts?

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

Some mornings you just don't ask where the glitter came from. It's just safer that way. Although really, glitter doesn't go away. I'll be finding it in my apartment for weeks. Not that I'm arguing. Last night was just a blast. Snow just made it better.

And now there's glitter on my eyelashes.

Filter: Molly Carpenter
Did you have fun while you were out? I'm pretty sure I found glitter where there should NOT be glitter. How'd the ring function? Did your brain survive?

Filter: Harry Dresden
How are you settling in?

[info]thewinterknight in [info]thedoorway

Who: Harry Dresden & Molly Carpenter
What: Talking
Where: Heading toward Burger King
When: Backdated - after this
Warnings | Status: Mentions of death | complete

Her tone heavily implied that perhaps he should have inquired sooner. )

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

The problem with working with young children is they get sick easily and you do as well. At least until your immune system builds up again. Mine hasn't been that good in a long time unfortunately so combined with the cold weather I keep coming down with colds and the flu. It isn't at all fun. Still I wouldn't stop for the world, I'll just keep going until my body is used to it again.

I discovered the movie Mary Poppin's the other day and I have to say it was quite amusing. The ability to fit so much into such a small area would be incredibly helpful. The amount of times I have run out of space to carry/put everything I need is ridiculous.

[info]lmartin in [info]thedoorway

Please please please tell me summer is much warmer than this. While snow is fascinating it is far too cold.

Star Wars peeps
Mara had a brilliant idea. Use the force on the tourists to get them to ignore us. I mean it might not be right but it would be helpful yes? I'm sick of being stopped all the time.

[info]tuosheng in [info]thedoorway

Who: Malcolm Reynolds and Zoe Washburne
When: Saturday, February 9, 2013
Where: A loading dock in Queens
What: Zoe and Mal go for a drop, she drops a bomb
Status: low.

Sorry to break up this lovely exchange, but I have appointments to keep. )

[info]starkeeper in [info]thedoorway

Who: Oliver Wood and Rainbow Dash
When: Backdated to Friday, February 8th
Where: Apparating somewhere warm. Let's say Charleston South Carolina
What: Hot air balloon ride! And then broomstick flying
Rating: PG/PG-13 -- Maybe a curse word here and there

The Brightly Colored Pony and the Quidditch Star )

[info]scrappy in [info]thedoorway

So this might sound like a stupid question but.. what now?

I mean, college wasn't a choice back home and getting a job was out of the question. Here, I don't really know what I'm doing and I'm still trying to catch up. I don't really have any useful job-related skills and I'm pretty sure I'd be way behind on college classes.

I'm used to just being alone but I started actually liking being around people aga I might've already started to go a little stir-crazy being alone in an apartment. Sooo, what now?

[info]darkclawrising in [info]thedoorway

A flake of snow in flurry thro’ the air
Had landed as a kiss upon my cheek:
A secret message, just for me to share;

The snow is lovely. The city sparkles in glittery crystals and it's beautiful to look at. I have enjoyed, immensely, the change of scenery the snow gives to us. It is a lovely thing.

I've been reading a lot since I got here. There are just so many books we did not have back home. I've decided that this quote, by I do not know who, is probably the best in reference to books:

"The art of the written word is timeless."

Filter: Regulus Black

My dear, I have a gift for you.

[info]mollycarpenter in [info]thedoorway

As Valentine's Day approaches, and my office overflows with selfishness and stupidity, I find it necessary to make a Public Service Announcement:


First of all, it is incredibly, stupidly, colossally WRONG to alter another person's mind. Good wizards don't do that.

Second of all, WHY WOULD YOU EVER THINK THAT IS OKAY? I mean honestly, do you REALLY think that if you make someone fall in love with some other person as a hilarious Valentine's Day joke, that they're going to just have some smooches and call it a day? THINK. THINK about the CONSEQUENCES of your ACTIONS. LOGIC, PEOPLE.

cut, not filtered; trigger warning: mention of rape )


Thank you. I feel better now.

Now, if you want something FUN and NOT STUPID OR EVIL for Valentine's Day, by all means pay a call to the offices of Mallory & Carpenter. Want adorable kittens to play the violin at your fancy dinner? Blue roses? Your girlfriend's name written in glitter in the sky? Chocolates that taste amazing but aren't real and therefore don't make you fat? Chocolates that taste like brussels sprouts (because THAT is a prank that's actually FUNNY)? For the right price, we can do all this and more. Check out our website at www.mallorycarpenter.com for more ideas and some sample rates.

[info]childofthor in [info]thedoorway

Is there something about tall females and males can't handle? I don't know what it is, but I keep getting comments like "What do you parents feed you?" and "You should never wear heels."

Today I got "You're taller than me. Why are you so tall?"

So I responded with "To make you feel inadequate. Is it working?"

[info]sugar_plum in [info]thedoorway

Ty Lee
What do you think happened to Azula?
Tags: ,

[info]fiverhrairoo in [info]thedoorway

Who: Fiver and OPEN
Where: Central Park
When: Mid afternoon
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )
Tags: ,

[info]braidsnbowties in [info]thedoorway

Someone needs to pinch me. I simply can not believe that I'm in New York City for fashion week! Even the people on the street look like they're strutting down a runway. It's fabulous.

Also, is anyone going ice skating tonight? It sounds like a fun time.

[info]greglestrade in [info]thedoorway

I finally went and did it.

Actually, I did a few things. I bought an Ebook from Barnes and Nobles and downloaded a copy of those stories I'm supposed to be in and then I read one. Can't watch the show. I got as far as after the credits in the first one with the press conference and it was just as annoying as shut it off, but I thought I'd read the book, maybe.

Read one called Six Napoleons and it was -- I don't know. I didn't feel all that weird about it at all, actually. I'm in a book, something like sixty actors have played me in different things. It's not surreal so much as it's just not something I'll ever get my head around -- so why, right? It's all just rubbish.

[info]vampirenow in [info]thedoorway

network post: vicki donovan

Filter: GOB & Rebekah
We're still on for tonight, right? Did we ever settle on a time?

I swear, if it wasn't for Rebekah, I would die of boredom around this place. That's sad considering it's New York, but it's true. Doesn't anyone else in this place know how to have a good time?

[info]bambilbi in [info]thedoorway

network post: bumblebee

My conversation with Catty made me curious. I've done some research and there seems to be a lot of different flavors of pizza out there. I think I'm going to have to try a few of them before I can decide, but I'm taking suggestions.

So, what's your favorite kind of pizza?

[info]filialunae in [info]thedoorway

network post: vanessa cleveland

My roommate got taken back. I guess maybe it'll be nice having the apartment to myself, but she was really nice and I liked her a lot. I'm sad she isn't here anymore. I'd ask Catty to move in, but she has that roommate, too

In other news, Catty and I are on a hunt for an all ages club. Does anyone know if they have one here? I really want to go dancing!

[info]sijevoulais in [info]thedoorway

We had our share of hard winters back home - and let's be serious, compared to the fucking miracle of central heating and high-pressure running hot water, every winter was a solid-frozen hell - but snow there was a patch, a cover, a nice, neat drop cloth over the misery that's always been February. A man could look out his window, if he was lucky enough to have one, and delude himself for a few minutes that he lived in a place that wasn't swimming in filth (even if it was a familiar, endearing sort of filth). For men who enjoy deluding themselves - like me - it was a nice rite of winter, a little reprieve, a day or two when people kept themselves and all their mess inside for once and left the streets to nature, which everyone seems to think can do a better job than centuries of human -

Anyhow, it often took a full half a week for the white to get churned up and brown and impossibly mixed with ash. Here it hasn't lasted twelve hours. I stepped out this morning (damned early, too, because even up on the twenty-fifth floor the sound of old, pitted metal scraping on asphalt is pretty hard to miss) and it was every last bit of it piled, grey, efficiently set aside in favor of the newspapers and tire tracks we laid down two days ago. The only decent slice of oblivion a storm can give you around here is the blackout while the stuff's coming out of the sky, the obstruction of the lights and the skylike by the sheer physical solidity of the precipitation. And then, it can't hide even the Brooklyn Bridge as cleanly as it blacks out the stars.

I was looking forward to pretending this city had never happened, but it got up earlier than I did. Go figure.

[info]sailor_pluto in [info]thedoorway

There is nothing better on a snowy day than a cup of tea and honey. I've been curled up in a chair at work all day watching people come in and out of the snowy city. It reminds me of the times I watched from the Gates, keeping an eye on everyone and enjoying the serenity of the place. Snow has a timeless quality to it.

[info]pianoandcoke in [info]thedoorway

i am alive

best time ever i love you all you people are the best


[info]ihaveashotgun in [info]thedoorway

I've made six prototype versions of my snow removal device, if anyone wants to sign up to test it for me. I have an electronic form to fill out for questions and requirements on how often it needs to be used. It's perfect for people who walk around the city a lot or are going to be outside a fair amount, and I'd love some feedback and testing!

Garrus and I are going to Disney World on Tuesday! As um, a belated honeymoon? Vacation? Escape from snow? Anyway, we'll be back on Sunday, so expect us to be quiet for a week or so. (You're welcome, Shepard)

We don't have any pets or anything to take care of while we're gone so this is just a "if we're missing, that's why" information-type post.

Requests for souvenirs now or forever hold your peace!

[OOC: Anyone can be on the filter if Tali's talked to the character/knows them/they're from space/future, that's fine with me!]

[info]barton in [info]thedoorway

Oh crap, it's my 35th birthday tomorrow, isn't it.

I'm starting to think that the laundry service across from my apartment is a mob front.

Either that, or they just deal primarily with huge Eastern European guys who dress like Tony Montana.

[info]allshadesofred in [info]thedoorway

There's something sort of nifty about watching this city from way up high at night. Get high enough, and you eventually just see a blob light. I mean, it really kind of looks like a slow moving blob that's made up of lights.

It's also peaceful up there.

cut for mentions of blood, death, sex, and violence. )

[info]bigdeal in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peter Parker / Spider-Man (616) & Mindy Macready / Hit-Girl
When: Backdated to the morning of February 2nd, 2013
Where: Room 1105
What: Post-getting smacked around by a sign, Peter works on covering his bruises with make-up and makes Mindy breakfast. She mostly just antagonizes him in exchange.
Rating: R for swearing, only. As much as Peter tries to keep it PG, Mindy has a mouth. :P

He sighed. Superhero problems. Aaaas always. )

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Maedhros]

I am being moved to a different part of the hospital on Monday. This is a good thing, yes? I have looked into the housing assignments as well, it appears that the room to which I have been assigned is next to your room.

Are you coming by tonight?

[Filtered to Turukáno]

Brother! Great news. My condition has improved to the point I will be able to move to a different wing of the hospital on Monday. The pain is ever present, but it hurts not as much as it did when I arrived, and I can certainly bear it. Thank you for your everlasting patience, brother. I have ordered them to put me on no more of those medicines that so affected my mind and judgement.

[Filtered to Glorfindel]

Aiya, Prince of the Golden Flower. Your healing skills are beyond measure. They will not release me yet, but my condition has improved and I am being moved on Monday. My gratitude is truly beyond measure. The son of Ñolofinwë will be forever in your debt, and your deeds will not be forgotten. Your actions and loyalty towards this family (and yes, I have read the tomes that tell of our deeds, fair and foul), even to this day with my great-grand-nephew, have earned you honor and my undying love. You will be richly rewarded when I am well enough to do so.


Ai, I shall be glad to be out of the hospital, and be able to explore this strange land. I have heard and read many things about it that I am eager to see. I hear there is a large park in the middle of the city? And museums and histories and knowledge beyond measure. I do not know where I shall even start! The works of Men seldom impress me, but this city will at least offer some interest for a short time, I hope.

To those I have not met, I am Findekáno, son of Ñolofinwë, High King of the Ñoldor in Beleriand. I come here, apparently, from the hour of my death, and I have been spared by modern medicine from the Halls of the Slain. It is a reprieve that will last as long as I remain here, and I plan to enjoy it - and my dearly beloved friends - as long as I may.

[info]shadowofacat in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Kitty Pryde and Leonard “Bones” McCoy
WHERE: 24 hour diner in Tribeca area
WHEN: Sunday early birds, January 6th, a bit back dated!
WHAT: Kitty drags Bones out for promised waffles, they talk about Star Trek
RATING: Some language, nothing serious, PG-13 at very most.
STATUS: log;

If I’ve treated you like a fictional character since you got here instead of a person, I’m sorry )

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

Private to James Potter and Lily Evans
Not to start another row, but your son thinks you don't want to talk to him.

Just thought maybe you should know.

Nice weather we're having, isn't it?

[info]newly_human in [info]thedoorway

Text Message to Xander Harris

» Alright. Go on.
» Ask me

[info]imitosis in [info]thedoorway

It never snows in space.

Guard your ass, Longshot. My spies are after it with shoot on sight authorization.

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

RP Log; Jean-Luc Picard & William Riker

Who: Jean-Luc Picard & William Riker
What: Captain and First Officer try to make sense of this crazy reality they’ve landed in.
Where: Picard’s Quarters.
When: Friday evening (slightly backdated)
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete.

Jean-Luc Picard stood at the windows gazing out at New York City in the twenty-first century. )

[info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

» Why aren't you and Aeryn together?
» I never thought you'd hold it back.

[info]stilllucy in [info]thedoorway

Really it's times like this that I really appreciate living in a building with heat.

[Filtered to Julie, Nico, Humberto]

A little bit ago Julie brought up the idea of maybe doing something to commemorate our time being here. I thought it was a good idea. Things got a little pushed to the way side with the storm and super bowl and everything, but I still think it would be a good idea. And I believe that you've all had more friend come through. Which is fantastic, more people to invite.

I could start looking at possible places for reservations. Valentine's throws a bit of a wrench in it all again but avoiding the days around that should make it easier.

[Filtered to Bucky(MCU)]

A friend and I decided a little bit ago to maybe have a dinner to, well, commemorate being here. I was wondering, if it ends up going through, would you like to come?

[info]biomechanoid in [info]thedoorway

» You and John
» Not just sex
» That is what you want, right?
» You're ready?