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February 8th, 2013

[info]welshmonk in [info]thedoorway

These tourists have been quite odd. I have had a large number of them look at me somewhat askance and call me 'The Master', others congratulated me on my performances in various plays by someone called Shakespeare and a small few recognise me for who I am and were quite interested in what it was like to live in my time.

It does however seem that the man in this world whom I resemble is very talented and I have also become curious about this Shakespeare person. He seems to have been quite prolific. Can anyone give me some advice on where to start with reading his works?

[info]nosmashing in [info]thedoorway

I have an umbrella with the periodic table on it. It's what gets me through rainy days like today.

[info]olivialt in [info]thedoorway

» Oh yeah, this is exciting.
» Mental health tests are the bane of my existence.
» I am way too jittery for this crap.
» "These are routine exams, Ms. Dunham. Why do you look uncomfortable? Why are you fidgeting? Is there something you'd like to share with us? There's no need to become defensive."
» Guess it doesn't say much for my mental health when I want to stab the guy with a fork.
» Hope this one isn't a telepath.
» I am so screwed.

[info]thewasp in [info]thedoorway

So I'm not sure if anyone's done this yet or not, but I'd like to propose a dinner - or luncheon - for Avengers from both worlds, as a way for us all to get to know one another. Usually, this is where our Steve or Tony would step in in the leadership role, but they're not here sadly so.

There's a space on 13th floor, it looks like, for cooking and seating for a dinner. We could even move to the entertainment room later for relaxing and just talking. I'm thinking something potluck, with a main dish that I could make or buy because, let's face it I'm. Get some sides, some desserts, and drinks, and it could really feel like home for us displaced Avengers.

Will I have to guilt trip anyone? I've got the saddest puppy dog face ever, and I'll be happy to remind you all that you thought I was dead for, like, six years, and some of you haven't seen me in FOREVER. Or, you know, at all.

Don't make me do it.

[info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway

network post: ron weasley

Er, I guess I was here and then I disappeared. I don't remember any of it. Sorry about that. Bloody hell, these comtuter things are weird. Right, yeah, computer. Thanks, Hermione.

So, I guess there are other people I know here. Er, hello.

[ooc: this was typed up from Hermione's directly after their reunion/her filling him in on stuff]

[info]jasonbrody in [info]thedoorway

I'm trying to figure out if being buried in ten tons of paperwork or running for my life and being shot at is a better way of starting a new, for the lack of a better word, career.

Yeah, okay, no contest on that one really.

Also, anyone playing the game I'm from gets off so easy. You get killed, you just get taken back to the nearest safe house. I wish it had been that easy. I spent way too much time in real life running from even the slightest hint of a tiger or leopard or bear being in the vicinity. And don't forget the damn cassowaries. Who'd have thought brightly colored goofy-looking birds were so frigging dangerous.

[info]ewoksrule in [info]thedoorway

network post: dorcas meadowes

Filter: Potterverse
For those of you who don't know this, there's a theme park in Florida based on our world. "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" Sirius and I thought it would be brilliant if we could all make a trip of it together.

What say you lot? Can you get away? It'll be so much more fun if we can all go!</blockqote>

[info]wearethefuture in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to X-Men: First Class people only

Hank suggested dinner.

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Turukáno]

Brother! I do beg your forgiveness for the words I spoke to you last evening. I do not know what came over me, unless it was perhaps, as I said, the medicines the healers pumped into my veins. I am humiliated, appalled, ashamed, horrified and in every way prostrate before you, desperately begging that you forgive me for the obscene and inappropriate words I spoke. You know I hold your blessed Elenwë and the sweet Itarillë close to my heart, and never in my right mind would I speak such things about them.

I do not know that anything will ever purge from me the disgust I feel at what I have spoken.

[Filtered to Maitimo]

I apologize if I acted the fool yesterday. Apparently my constitution does not well handle the Medicines of Men.


To whomever was subjected to my outbursts yesterday eve, I apologize profoundly. It appears that mortal medicines has undesired effects on the minds of even the Ñoldor.

[info]helpmeobwan in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Obi-Wan Kenobi

I find it quite disturbing to be stopped in the lobby on my way to the tea shoppe by people asking me to help them and telling me that I'm their only hope.

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

So I came across this today on the internet while searching for a bail jumper. All I could think of was, "Man, I know a lot of guys this could pertain to."

Cut not filtered, and hey, it's probably about you. )

[info]doesntsuck in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to DCU]
Hey, any of you know someone kind of handy with inventions? I was just talking to someone about how I have to spend a few hours every day out in the ocean and I got to thinking, Arthur (the first Aquaman) had a suit that made it to where he could stay on land indefinitely. I guess I'm wondering if that's possible for me, too.

Anyway, if you know anyone or have any ideas, I'm all ears (not gills, I can already sense Dick's coming up with a joke).
[End Filter]

[info]partycannon in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for TJ Hammond )

[info]thelittleliar in [info]thedoorway

It's very lonely here I hope we get lots and lots of snow, I do love the snow ever so much.

Filter to Guinevere
Can we go to the stores again? I'm tryin' to add pockets to this dress, but I might be doing it wrong, 'en after we go to the stores, can you help me add the pockets right?

Filter to Finrod
Is Maedhros still mad? Does he hate me? Can we read like you said earlier? All out loud and stuff?

Filter to Maedhros
Are you mad? Do you hate me? Look, I 'ent got nobody from my world here, 'en I'm glad that you do, cos it's really lonely here by myself, even if I do have Pan. It 'ent the same as having a real person or witch or bear from my world though, or even one of th'angels, 'en maybe something happened in your world that you hate all of mankind, but I 'ent them, and I like being around you, but if you're going to hate me, then that's your choice, I guess, 'en you should just tell me now, since that's the honourable thing to do, answering fair questions, at least, that's how I was taught, maybe you was taught different. 'En I'm sorry I was rude and went in on your conversation with Finrond, that wasn't right of me.

[info]bymjolnir in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, and the Lady Sif]
My friends, we have a quest!

[ooc | my kingdom for these people in game!]

[info]makeitso in [info]thedoorway

Network post; Jean-Luc Picard

My name is Jean-Luc Picard and I am captain of the USS Enterprise.

I have been told that accessing this network would allow me to easily communicate with others who live in this tower and that among the other residents I will find additional Starfleet officers whom I hope will be able to better explain what the devil is going on here.

[Filtered Private]
Captain's Log; Stardate -309279.2 - I believe.

Security on this network is - uncertain; Voice to text is - inadequate; I am currently inputting this by keyboard.

I have been told that I am currently located in New York City in the twenty-first century after having traveled through time and space via what appears to be a large blue cube maintained by an organization known as SHIELD.

I have been informed that I am 'fictional' and that there are others from Starfleet here among many other characters from other works of fiction. I suspect that Q may be behind this and will proceed with caution until I am able to gather more data about the current situation. I will also make contact with other Starfleet Officers and will continue to keep a log of the circumstances and situation as it is possible to do so.

[info]ex_machine300 in [info]thedoorway

log: kara & sam

Who: Sam Anders & Kara Thrace
When: After partying with TJ
Where: Sam's apartment
What: Fragile things
Rating: M for mushy & mature. Not explicit, but bits including language are probs nsfw. PILOTS AND THEIR FILTHY MOUTHS. :>

Shiny, cold, hard, chrome. )

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Maedhros]

Russandol, my brother has provoked your father to anger. Behold, here. I cannot long take such aspersions cast towards my brother and my father-mother, despite my love for you.

[info]ohsit in [info]thedoorway

For the last time, no! You can't touch my damn ears! What is with people in this era and ears?! It's not like I even my normal ones, which, by the way, are a hell of a lot better than these. You know what I hate about human ears? Besides that they don't hear anything, because at least that part I get to skip for some reason right now. They don't move! How the hell am I supposed to get the most out of ears that don't move? No wonder you people miss half the stuff going on around you! Can't smell, can't taste, can't hear, can't feel or smell anything worth a damn. Most of you can't even feel someone else's energy unless they zap you with it. I'm not even sure it's because you're human as much as because you just can't be bothered to pay attention.

[info]swordofjedi in [info]thedoorway

So when is the holiday for single people? Or is that just every day other than February 14th?

[info]imitosis in [info]thedoorway

For TJ, on the occasion of his Birthday )

[info]gambler_girl in [info]thedoorway

Milk here is white. That is so weird.

[info]17sir in [info]thedoorway

network post: pavel chekov

So I've been thinking, as it happens, and I think we may very well ourselves be in an alternate universe, a newly created one, back when whoever first came through the tesseract from another universe. Think about it. In some of these worlds, our hosts are fictional characters, at least based on those who recognize them and go, "Oh my god! Captain America is real!" and so forth. I'll venture a guess that nowhere in said sources do characters from as diverse of sources as ours (or, say, the very source said person is from, that'd be quite a universe popper) come through and arrive from a wide range of points in time and space. So, you all faced an alien invasion last May. Just as there's another movie coming out for where I'm from, there could be another story being told about what happens after the alien invasion which includes none of this. Judging how the rest of the stories seem to pertain to actual universes, there could be a universe very much like this one except without all of us. Whether this one or that one's the 'original' isn't a point I care about. They're both just as real to the Thors, Tony Starks, and so forth living in them.

[info]handysparehand in [info]thedoorway


[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

Gift Delivery for TJ Hammond )

[info]startinganew in [info]thedoorway

I don't know how I missed hearing about this before, but I just caught a commercial for a show about my father the First W my father.

[info]the_batwoman in [info]thedoorway

Who wants to buy me a drink?

[info]cuppa_tea in [info]thedoorway

Delivery for Spock

Special Delivery for SPOCK! )

[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway

Birthday Gift for TJ Hammond )

[info]thelittleliar in [info]thedoorway

Who: Lyra and Susan Sto Helit
Where: Susan's office
What: Lyra has been summoned for her lack of academic progress
When: Friday evening
Rating: Susan might get all Voice of Deathy, but otherwise low

Lyra didn't need their education )

[info]susanstohelit in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to: Bonnie Bennett, Frank Zhang, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Elena Gilbert, James Potter, Claire Bennet, & Remus Lupin]
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce that Mr. Remus Lupin will be taking over as your curriculum advisor. His qualifications are quite impressive, and I'm sure you'll enjoy working with him.

Mr. Lupin, welcome aboard.

[Edited to add after this]
[Filtered to Peter Parker]
Due to recent departures and arrivals, you are gaining an advisee: Miss Bonnie Bennett. She has been a model student thus far and should be no real trouble. Please arrange to meet with her within the week.

[info]_believeinmagic in [info]thedoorway

After consulting with Susan Sto Helit, I've decided to add a cooking class for those who find adapting to the stoves and other equipment daunting. The class is also open to those who wish to learn how to prepare meals for themselves, instead of relying on the salty, pre-packaged meals that are so prevalent around the city.

I find my History class invigorating; I hope my students are enjoying it just as much.

ooc: sheet is here for those who want to sign up!

[info]unaskedquestion in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Ashley Williams]

» I had a great time last night.
» We should do it again.
» Give or take the trip down to the precinct.

[info]daughterofel in [info]thedoorway

For TJ on his Birthday )

[info]aurortonks in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Remus & Tonks.
WHERE: Her room.
WHEN: February 5th, shortly after this.
WHAT: They need to have a talk.
STATUS: log; complete.

Right now she had to focus on how to tell him the truth; about everything. )

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

Who: Emma Swan & Jefferson
When: Backdated to Jan 14
Where: Sam's bar.
What: Emma runs into Jefferson after his brawl with Hook.
Rating: PG13

''That looks like it's going to be hell in the morning. Run into a doorknob?'' )

[info]prizeofachilles in [info]thedoorway

Tonight was my first Friday night waitressing.

I suppose it wasn't so terribly bad. People can be very demanding, and my feet hurt terribly, but I made a good bit of money in tips, and it feels good to be starting to earn my way. I hope I won't be terribly bad at this. I think a lot of the reason things went well today is that it was my first day, and people took pity on me. I worry about what will happen when I no longer have that excuse.

Almost everybody was kind, except one man. He watched me in a way that made me very uncomfortable, and said things that made me feel even worse. And then he didn't leave me any tip at all, although he was very, very hard on me. But my coworkers say that happens sometimes, and we just have to get used to it, and keep smiling if we want to make good tips. Why is it I feel that - no, I shouldn't say that. I shouldn't think that way. Or feel that way.

I do have a question, though. I found three phone numbers written on napkins as I cleaned up my tables. Why have they left them there? Did they want me to find them?

[info]fiestyisabel in [info]thedoorway

(OOC:please note if your character would have gone out with TJ and the gang for his bday Friday, and was over 21, they'll get one. just assume! Im posting it now bc I'm going to bed shortly and will be out in the am as long as I can get out of my driveway!)

Deliveries to all who went out with TJ Hammond for his BDAY [Over 21 crowd] )