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February 10th, 2013

[info]rachelruined in [info]thedoorway

I think it's close to a month since I've been here. As nice as having everything given to us like this, a place to stay with heat and electricity and furniture and all, there's still something that's unnerving. I was in a large battlefield, complete with the U.S. Army and spaceships with lasers attempting to kill everything in sight, and within a few seconds I'm here.

Don't get me wrong.. thank you, to whom it may concern for everything, and this has little to do with you and more to do with... my head, I guess. Somehow, all the peace and quiet (trust me, even with the protestors, this is still considered peace and quiet compared to what I experienced) is somewhat unnerving. Half of the time I feel like I'm just going to realize I'm actually in a coma or something and this is all an elaborate dream. Or worse, that someone is purposely tampering with my brain right now and putting imagines in my head.

And I don't know why I'm writing this here but hey, if this really isn't real, it doesn't matter, right? Maybe I'm just not able to adapt that quickly or something. So maybe it's just me. In any case, I just had a mini-ramble that I will probably feel embarrassed about tomorrow, so I think I might just go morph into a bird and take a cruise in the midnight air now.

[info]frellmedead in [info]thedoorway

Who: John Crichton and Aeryn Sun
When: Saturday morning
Where: the kitchen of their apartment
What: finally having a talk
Rating: Oh, who knows? TBA.

beyond hope )

[info]shadowofacat in [info]thedoorway

Today/tomorrow/Sunday/what time is it/the 10th okay there's the celebration of the Chinese New Year in Chinatown. It's pretty legendary and it goes during most of the afternoon with firecrackers and a parade. They have this amazing flower market and food you won't want to miss out on. So if anyone's interested, I'll be trekking out there around 11 am later.

Here's some cool Google pics I found about it.

[info]callmeronsan in [info]thedoorway

Whoa. It's 1AM. I think the last time I checked, it was like, 4AM and I had discovered the entire compilation of Whose Line Is It Anyway episodes on YouTube. Can I tell you have HILARIOUS those guys are?? I miss this show, man. They ought to do like, a tour or something. This is funnier than whatever is supposed to be funny these days!

have I been up for more than 24 hours? I think I have. That can't be good.

[info]weasleygirl in [info]thedoorway

I've been watching the weather report on the tv, and I think Boston might have gotten the most snow I've ever seen. Quite an accomplishment since I live in the Scottish Highlands nine months of the year. But I'm pretty sure if I stood next to a snow drift you could bury me in it, we've never gotten that much at Hogwarts.

[Filtered to Professor Lupin]
I know you are going to be shocked considering I'm not the most academically minded person, but I was wondering.......you are older now, old enough to have been our professor and all. So, would it be possible for you to keep teaching us? Well, maybe just me since I don't know if anyone else cares -- I just think its a bit rubbish that almost everyone else from home is fully trained and I'm just sitting round stuck heading into NEWTs.

If you don't want too, that's alright. I know it'd take up a lot of your time, I just thought I'd ask. Merlin knows Snape would never agree.

[info]xlharris in [info]thedoorway

Text message to Buffy Summers

»ASAP tomorrow?

[info]discowing in [info]thedoorway

Hi. Not dead. Dead tired possibl

I think I've lost track of what day it is, which is never a good sign. I also woke up at three pm and I haven't done that since I was a kid. I probably would have lay longer, but there was a voice inside my head telling me to get up that could not be silenced.

Consider this me checking in.

[info]misrule in [info]thedoorway

Your ancestors dealt with such onslaughts of snow with less fuss than this advanced civilisation does today.

It's good. It's

[info]shabbyrobes in [info]thedoorway


Good afternoon, everyone. As I've now had the time to familiarize myself with your course schedules, I'd like to meet with you individually this week. It would only need to be for a few minutes to discuss how things are going with your classes, and if there is anything I can do to help. Also, I'd like the chance to get to know those of you I have not already met.

If you could let me know a time that works best for you this week, we'll work something out.


Good afternoon, you three. I realize a Sunday is hardly the day any of you would pick to spend sitting around thinking about your schoolwork, but I wanted to address something with you. Ginny approached me about the possibility of continuing to teach her here. As you two are both underage and have yet to graduate, I'd like to extend the offer to you as well. Miss Delacour, I realize the Beaubaxtons curriculum is somewhat different from Hogwarts, but I'd be happy to help out any way that I can. You are, of course, not obligated to continue your studies here, but should you want to and I strongly suggest that you do, I'll be here. Give it some thought and let me know so we can make arrangements.

[info]jasontoddwayne in [info]thedoorway

I would give anything for some homemade peanut butter cookies and a cup of strong proper tea. English tea.

[info]findlight in [info]thedoorway

Ai, look what I came across.

Cut, not Filtered )

How...how does this artist know what she looks like?

It is her; my love, my life. My heart breaks in yearning, and yet I cannot stop looking.

[info]turukano in [info]thedoorway

Who: Legolas & Turgon
What: Discussions of an elvish sort.
Where: Potts Tower, #2302
When: Now.
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

Read more... )

[info]roza in [info]thedoorway

network post: rose hathaway

I'm going to go play in the snow! Who's with me? C'mon, the more, the merrier!

Filter: Lissa
They're making a movie about those books we're from, but the people they got to play us don't look much like us.

And who is this Dimitri guy? Have you read our books?

Wait, I don't think I want to know. That would be weird, right? Knowing our own futures?

[info]isydyounot in [info]thedoorway

» I got invited to fashion week and said yes without really thinking about it.
» You'd have to come with me and I don't want to deal with you being difficult about it.
» So this is your chance to say no.
» If we go and you make trouble with so many civilians around, the consequences will be substantial.

[info]blaisethezabini in [info]thedoorway


I don't know how magic works in other worlds, or how open societies are with them, but in mine, we hid for a good reason. We studied the witch hunts, the men and women burned or hanged or stoned alive simply for being accused of being witches. I know a lot of those from my world here would argue that we can indeed live in peace and harmony with the Muggles non-magical folk. I would simply point them to this news story, which details how an accused witch was burnt alive. That news story does show graphic, though thankfully Muggle non-moving, photographs of the incident.

Now, you may say 'But Blaise, that occurred in a small pocket of the world, nowhere near as advanced as our illustrious 'western society' claims to be,' I would direct you to this story, which isn't graphic at all, but it absolutely disgusting in its dismissal of witchcraft as the devil's work. (The fact that our hospital is named St Mungo's seems to be lost on them.) See there? In these United States? Yea, there's a reason we're not public and it doesn't take a witch burning across the world to see why. No wonder the protesters don't take kindly to us being here.

//Filter to Pansy//
I don't want you going out by yourself.
Nor really do I want you staying in this prime target either.
We need a new plan. Staying anywhere is disadvantageous for us.

[info]theboywhois in [info]thedoorway

You know, if I wear a hat just so (and I can since it's cold as bollocks out there), no one can see my scar. Then if I'm not wearing my glasses, some people think I'm either Percy Jackson or the actor who played him Logan something or other. So that's better than the whole "OH MY GOD YOU'RE HARRY FREAKING POTTER" or something that I get whenever I go to the park and play Quidditch with the Muggles. But they at least have stopped staring. I've been playing chaser for them though, because seeking is boring when you're not playing for real.

[Filter: HP-Verse]

Now that we have brooms that fly and such (thanks, Rose, you're brilliant), I'd like to invite you all to a pick up Quidditch game. I called this place called the YMCA that has a gymnasium and it's big enough and private enough that we can do it there. Plus it'll be heated and such so we won't freeze. So if you want to play, I got the gymnasium on this Saturday morning from 9 to 1. We'll have brooms and such, and we can play. Just let me know you're coming. I have to put people's names down on a list for the people at the YMCA.

If you have a preferred position, you should let me know too...

Oh, and Dorcas, I think maybe I would be okay with going to the theme park place. Maybe we can all try and go in April? They're having a Quidditch World Cup down there. It might be really fun to go then, right?

[info]trackinganklet in [info]thedoorway

Neal Caffrey's Guide to Valentines Day

If you're from this and similar 'verses, Valentines Day is enough to make you want to hide. If you're not from this world, you're probably wondering what the big deal is. Valentines Day is, historically, a celebration of spring planting and life-giving, though our culture capitalized more on the love aspect of the holiday rather than anything having to do with planting.

If you're single, Valentines Day is impossible to ignore. This can be a good or bad thing, depending upon your attitude toward being single. If you're longing for love and human connection, your best bet is to drown yourself in a bottle of Chardonnay from the Hyde Vineyard and say "oh, I didn't even notice". If you're single and loving it, check out some of the wilder bars NYC has to offer (check out the Summit Bar in the East Village and ask for the Alchemist's Menu, if you're one for mixed drinks).

If you're in a relationship, however defined or undefined, Valentines Day is always, always something upon which to tread lightly. You can go all out, but it'd better not look like it takes much effort unless your sweetie's into that sort of thing ("pity love", I believe that's called). Burning down the kitchen may be endearing, but it's temporarily so, and if you don't have something else up your sleeve, you run the risk of being cute and not romantic. However, on the flipside, don't expect to toss a bear and some chocolates at your SO and get away with it. Lazy. Lazy. Get personal. "Classic" isn't necessarily the way you want to go. Consider if your lover is actually into whatever you're getting him or her. Sky-diving may be memory-making, but would they actually like it, or is that something you're into? Does your sweetie want to go out on the town to the most expensive, exclusive restaurant, or would they be happier at home with their favorite horror movie and you making your world-famous scrambled eggs? Make it count, if you want to do it.

If you're in a relationship that hates Valentines Day, well, too bad. You need to do something for it, even if it's a "We Hate Valentines Day" dinner at the local dive diner. Because you can hate the holiday, and you can be that self-congratulatory couple who high-fives each other and makes fun of their friends for taking it seriously, but if you make a fumble and don't acknowledge it at all when the SO is quietly hoping for something... well, you're just going to be that jerk who didn't even try.

The bottom line? Valentines Day is about showing someone you care, once you get beyond the capitalist hoorah. Do that.

[ Filtered to Sara ]

I discovered a restaurant. This may have been when I was casing the art gallery next door, but the menu was more interesting than the 17th Century prints.

[ /Filter ]

[info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway

network post: ron weasley

[Filter: Hermione Granger]
This is going to sound horrible, but I barely know how to talk to Harry - the Harry who's here, I mean. He just [...] I dunno, Hermione, he's different, you know? He hasn't lived through any of it and I don't think he [...] I don't know what I'm trying to say. I guess it just feels like he doesn't get me it.

It's awful to say, I know, but I wish we had our Harry back

It's complete rubbish the drinking age is so high here. Back home, I'm considered of age by over a year. Hell, I just got done fighting in a bloody war. Here, even though I guess I'm technically an adult, I can't go into a pub and order a drink. Rubbish.

I have to admit that I'm enjoying sampling all of the food, though.

[info]amber_waves in [info]thedoorway

There really needs to be more homeless shelters in this city, because I'm getting tired of having to step over the people that should be in them.

[ Filtered to Killian, Victor, and Jefferson ]

So do you fairy tale types do anything for Valentines Day? Or are you planning on trolling bars for women with low self-esteem and/or drinking yourself to death?

I've got some red wine that I will not be sharing and I'm making macaroni and cheese that I might.

[ Filter ]

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

So I was linked to Think Geek the other day and I was still on it at three in the morning which I am blaming for my late night shopping spree.

For a laugh I bought this t-shirt as well as the phaser. Then again in the show I am depicted with phaser's a lot so perhaps that isn't all that surprising.

I'm blaming the time.

[info]thislooksbad in [info]thedoorway

( unintentional voice to text ; trigger!warning - talk of spousal abuse in comments )

( clearly, Clint hits a button in the middle of talking to himself when he hits a button and starts posting what he's saying. )

So, I was just thinking...it could be good if...you know...damn it. God, you sound like a jackass, Barton. Let's try this again. Seriously. How hard can this be?

Uh...so...Jess. I was thinking. And Kate thinks it's a good idea too...so...obviously that means it's not one of my terrible ideas. I know we haven't been dating forever or anything...but you're great. Really great. Awesome even. And I care about you. A lot. And stuff. I mean...I love...nope. Not going there. No sir.

So, Jess...I was thinking...if you wanted to...you know...entirely up to you and all...there's enough room for three people here. And then we wouldn't have to have that awkward "your place or mine" thing...because it would be our place. And really, Katie doesn't mind, so you don't need to worry about that. She thinks it's about time I pulled my head out of my ass. But...what do you think? Want to maybe move in?

Okay...that was just stupid. It can't be that hard to ask a girl to move in.

[info]fiverhrairoo in [info]thedoorway

I decided to sign up for a couple more classes. Specifically Modern Culture, Cooking and Introduction to Present Day and Place Technology. I don't know what to think but they should be helpful? I mean Being Human is a good class too.

I tried sugar the other day. It was odd, I don't know what to make of it. Not sure if I like it. It's not lettuce or other vegetables. I might stick with those for now.

[info]arebelprincess in [info]thedoorway

Canon SHIELD MCU Agents
So, three days into training the new group. Here is hoping they are semi decent.

[info]lilyluna in [info]thedoorway

I saw this and laughed for a good ten minutes. Cut, not filtered! NSFW! )

[info]bmuggled in [info]thedoorway


Did I fix this?

Never leave your netbook on the floor, I trod on mine. It couldn't take my weight and I'm not exactly heavy. The bloke at the computer shop quoted a ridiculously high price so I decided to see if magic would work. Seems to be fine at the moment.

Umm, does anyone ken the policy about bringing people back to the building? Like friends from the outside? Are we allowed?

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

Hi Luke. I've finished the hat that you asked for. Did you want to pick it up or should I drop it off?

We made this today! It only fell apart once. The instructions weren't very clear but it's nice and sturdy now. Cut, not filtered. )

Thank you to everyone that has asked for things to be knitted for them. If others are interested please let me know! I can make anything listed here and I can try making anything else if you have it in mind.

[info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway


» Harry and I are going for pizza
» Wanna come?
» Should be fun

[info]rednecksavior in [info]thedoorway


I've heard, seen, and read about our "show" coming back tonight. Been all over the tv and the internet. It was fucking weird seeing myself on the tv and seeing the rest of my group. And to see Merle on the tv. I can't believe he survived. My brother's a tough bastard though.

[info]exterminated in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Ianto]
So. Thursday. What do you think about dinner and maybe a movie?


[Filtered to Metacrisis Doctor]
Okay, how much do you know about the social stuff involved in Valentine's Day


[info]mechromancing in [info]thedoorway

In my universe there's a technology called Digistruct. It's a lot like the theory of solid light. Instead of creating an incorporeal copy of an image that can be interacted with, such as a hologram, we are actually able to create full copies of all sorts of things from blueprints. It was how I summoned Deathtrap, his blueprints are programmed into my arm and I could digistruct him at will. It was all based on ancient alien tech, a culture called the Eridians. We could even digistruct people in case of accidental death or dismemberment. Handy really. Seriously they like steal your money though. Probably better than being dead.

Anyway my point is, the tesseract shares a lot in common with the whole digistruct thing. People who have left seem to be able to come back but not remember anything. And I have to imagine that our universes aren't being changed at all by us existing here. Certainly isn't showing up in the mediums we apparently come from although that would be BOSS!

So my theory is that we're all just copies. The tesseract somehow manages to get DNA scans in our universes and can reconstruct us here. People who are scanned in their world and cannot be fully reconstructed here have their blueprints altered in order to function within the constructs of this universe.

Too bad it can't be used as an excuse here. "Sorry officer, since I'm not actually real I'm just a copy I can't be held liable for destroying that car. Even though it was ugly and totally deserved it."

As for why my digistruct tech doesn't seem to work here, I'm guessing it's cause the tesseract doesn't want me building up competition. Or maybe its version of the reconstruct process fucked it up somehow.

[info]lilyluna in [info]thedoorway

Um, hi. I'm Lily. I've talked to James Gra James a bit, but I haven't said hello to you yet and I'm really sorry for that. It's taken me a few days to really come to terms with what's going on. From what I understand, I was here for a while, but then I disappeared, and then I came back -- I don't really understand the technicalities of it, but I'm also pretty sure that if I tried to it'd just make my head hurt.

Anyway, I don't remember anything that happened while I was here last, but I came back on 2 February and just missed your birthday. So I wanted to say happy belated birthday because I've not been able to before and I feel a bit bad for having had missed it in the first place.

[info]elspethgordie in [info]thedoorway

So what is this valentines day everyone is going on about? Mardi Gras too for that matter? I still don't know many of the holidays that are celebrated here.

[info]hartright in [info]thedoorway

I left London because I wanted to be as far from the woman who broke my heart as was possible, but now that I'm here all I wish is that I could be with her or home with my mother and Sarah.

This place is so overwhelming, sterile and dark. It's nothing like I might have expected. It's lacking the colour and personality that I had always associated with this beautiful city.

[info]arebelprincess in [info]thedoorway

Who: Maria Hill and Dorcas Meadows
What: Maria has been watching her carefully, Dorcas notices
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

[info]weasleygirl in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to [James Potter, James Sirius, Lily Evans, Lily Luna, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Oliver Wood and anyone bloody else who wants to get involved on the allegations against Sirius]

LOOK. I need all of you to calm the actual bloody hell down. I know its probably fun to pick on a 15 year old kid and act like he's stupid and doesn't have a clue in the damn world but allow me to be educational as someone who HAS a pretty damn accurate memory about Harry's relationship with his GODFATHER.

Harry loves Sirius. LOVES HIM. He is not telling any of you that you have no right to defend him. But, rather, that he is capable of filling in the information himself. I know its mental to think that he might want to help, but he does. Instead of jumping all over him and getting your knickers in a twist ove his attitude how about we take a moment to consider why it might be there.

If he has an attitude? It's because everyone is treating him like he's no better than Voldemort. That, by simply offering his help that he's immature, stupid, and a nuisance. Trust me when I tell you that Harry knows just as much as Sirius post-Azkaban as you do before.

Also, I realise this could be the CRAZIEST SUGGESTION OF ALL TIME but -- how about you all shove off and let Sirius decide who/what he wants to do about it as its HIS life. As far as I can tell, Frank Longbottom and everyone else have made an innocent mistake. They meant no harm. Other people will come through that do the same, and those of you who know information about it can work with Sirius to come up with a situation rather than pointing fingers at each other and constantly bitching about how "misunderstood" Sirius is.

I figure he probably fucking knows after 12 years in Azkaban. I also don't think he's made of glass and that, if he's avoiding his best mates, it might be because he needs space.

Sirius, feel free to tell me to fuck off. I won't be offended.

I realise this comes off as incredibly bitchy, but Harry needs someone is his corner - Ron and Hermione have been otherwise occupied so I'm filling the space. Deal.

[Filtered to Lily Evans and James Potter the first]

Lily, James -- you two DO NOT talk to him. Please, bitch about how unfair I'm being all you like (I'll sleep just fine if you don't like me, cause right now I'm not your biggest fans either) but, the hard fact is that for two people who care so damn much about what happened to Sirius and defending his honor - you certainly don't seem to care one bit about getting to know the kid that grows up without his parents. Just a wild guess here, but how friendly and full of rainbows were you at 15? Probably not very many. While we are on the subject -- let me educate you on where Harry is right now in his life:

1. At fifteen, Voldemort has tried to kill him five different times.
2. His godfather has just died.
3. He has discovered that he is part of a prophecy that explains a load about his life and why he grew up an orphan. He ALSO found out that Dumbledore withheld the information.
4. He has been publicly slandered by The Daily Prophet and the Ministry of Magic who have spent a year accusing him of being a filthily liar and a mental person because he told the truth -- that Voldemort killed Cedric Diggory and has returned to a body.

Now, THIS MIGHT BE BARKING, but I think you'd also be a bit emotional if all that had happened to you. But, what do I know. I obviously wasn't around when you made your decisions, I've only seen a kid whose dealt with them for his entire life and how much he loved his godfather. I don't know a damn thing.

[info]findekano in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Maedhros]

How was your evening with your father?

[info]pickyourpocket in [info]thedoorway


I hate Valentine's Day. Seriously the worst holiday for us single peeps. All the movies are so lovey on tv and everywhere you go is all hearts and cupids. A few more days and then that one will be over and places will be decorating for my favorite holiday.

It would be too lame of me to admit that I miss Hale Nate Hale. Makes me wish my BFF was here. It's kind of weird going out without her. Even Vex. He had quite the style. And isn't so bad now that he's as ordinary as me. We could go out and paint the town red. Any takers out there? I'm sure it'll be a bitchin' time.

Also...its SO WEIRD to see someone else who looks EXACTLY like me. I'm still not used to it.

The rash is getting worse. I don't know what to do. I wish Bo or Hale or Dyson was here. Hell I even wish the Doc was here. One of them would know what to do. One of them would know what was happening to me. I've been keeping it bandaged up but it keeps getting worse. Maybe I'll have to talk to a doctor here…but I doubt they'd know what it is or what to do. It's a fae thing.

[info]jamiewon in [info]thedoorway

» Evans and I wanted to know if you both wanted to go on a trip with us soon.
» I have a map that you can throw a dart at to choose if you want.

[info]timetorun in [info]thedoorway

Right then, with all this talk of Valentine's Day and what have you, I realized I've never been on a date before. Seems like something I should get used to if we're stuck here for now, yeah? Anyone willing to go on one with me? I'll pay and everything. It doesn't need to be on Valentine's Day, mind you. I hear that's a special one. Any day is fine.

Edit: All genders and species accepted!

[info]handysparehand in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Eleven]

Jenny wants to date.

My Our daughter wants to date.

Is she allowed to date?

Is she old enough to date?

I don't think she's old enough to date.

[Filtered to Rose + (Later) Rest of Whoverse]

How do I threaten potential suitors?

[info]openeyed in [info]thedoorway

Who: Frank & Alice Longbottom
When: Sunday evening
Where: Their apartment
What: Alice just arrived
Rating: PG

He would, eventually, sit her down and tell her the serious part, of Sirius and Lily and James and Peter; of betrayal and innocence and fault and Azkaban. )

[info]imjustfrank in [info]thedoorway

filter to HPverse
Alice is here. She's with me, she's sleeping. We had a long conversation and I filled her in on everything relating to the war, and how there's people from our future here. The only thing I didn't tell her is our fate. She's coming from the middle of the war herself (August of '80), and I want her to have some time to enjoy herself before being saddled with the weight of being tortured into insanity. I'm not saying forever, but certainly you can give her a week or two of non-war ridden life to enjoy? Also, I'm an Auror. I will find you and hurt you, damn the consequences, if you don't keep fucking quiet for some reason, I'm looking at you, Dorcas

Er, does anyone know anything about how to go about perhaps opening a restaurant here? Or at least working in one as more than a waiter/busboy? Childhood dream and all, and since there's nothing holding me back, why not go for it? If I fuck it up, then I fuck it up.

[info]imitosis in [info]thedoorway

rp log: sam & kara


* * * * * * * * * *

They don't have blues like this on Earth. )

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway





[info]doctor_watson in [info]thedoorway

Who: John Watson (BBC) and Elena Gilbert (CW)
When: Tomorrow night (2/11/2013)
Where: Starting at Apt. 2105
What: The two go out after Elena's Fashion Week appearance.
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress

He didn't think it was a date. )

[info]hestikins in [info]thedoorway

You know what I can't stop laughing at? Escalators.

Why am I the only one who survives both wars
Why is Harry being such a
I miss her

So you know how we've been pitching different possible job options for us?

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

Is JK Rowling the network administrator? Or did I miss something crucial?

[info]oldparkerluck in [info]thedoorway

» Iiii...
» Have a proposal for you.
» Ready for it?

[info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway

» I need some alcohol
» Do you happen to have any?

later, after talking to Hermione

» meet me at Hermione's
» she's making sandwiches

[info]phoeniceous in [info]thedoorway

I always wanted to go to New York. I figured once I got a job after school and made enough money to make a trip here but, well, apparently destiny decided I ought to come here early.

In snow, nonetheless. I have FANTASTIC timing. Hello, world. I'm Roxanne.

[info]demmedelusive in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Deadpool]
I have spoken to a friend. There is a dance studio in the Meatpacking District which will be unused the night of the 22nd. We are welcome to it should we leave it relative unharmed.

[Filtered to Bertie Wooster]
Bertie old chap, how is the piano going or is that old hat by now? Either way, I tell you. have been itching for a good spot of this game I've learned, called squash.

Additionally, I may need to borrow the services of your man.

[Filtered to Reginald Jeeves]
I say, sir, do you fancy a bit of a game?

[info]citoyen in [info]thedoorway

I last arrived in New York in July of 1781. I'm pleased, but not surprised, to find it's changed very much for the better. Battles are fought, wars are won, all for a reason. So often in the midst of conflict men forget the greater purpose and fall to griping about inconveniences. About minor injustices. About money.

How grand to stand upon the soil of a nation that knows what it owes to war and hasn't yet shied back from it. How good to be surrounded by a people so far removed from that generation that still clung to the stupid, stubborn veneration of men who who by the mere appendage of a name could usurp the Divine.

Even if they do speak Engli

[info]adjutant in [info]thedoorway

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice

S.H.I.E.L.D. Advisory Notice to Potts Tower Network )

[info]singletonjones in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Bridget Jones

Well, it is that time of the year again. Valentine's Day, or Saint Valentine's Day, although I fail to see how there is anything remotely saint-like about making those of us who are single feel rubbish about our existence in the universe.

The only brilliant bit about this year is that I apparently have been invited to Fashion Week. Can you imagine? Me, Bridget Jones, on the front row of a Vera Wang show?