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January 13th, 2013

[info]ofvengeance in [info]thedoorway

Things Worth a Cold
1. Steven Patrick Morrissey LIVE!
2. Catching Hold on to Your Friends, I Am Hated For Loving, and other sings from the Vauxhall and I live.
3. Going to that concert with a friend. Even if she was probably silently judging me.
4. Everything else even though I feel like death spit in my because I'm in that much of a good mood. Because, really: Morrissey!!! He was fantastic If you could hear him [...] I still can't think in words that deser

I should probably introduce myself [...] While I'm here, I should mention if people are interested in books that they don't want to buy, research, or just some place to spend time. Take your feet, or whatever you use for travel, to the library. The card is for free and there's a bunch of other good things to do if reading isn't what you call stimulating. Come on. Check it out. Just [...] don't become one of those people who don't return books on due dates. I can promise you that nobody likes them.

Now that I've done my squeeing and public service in one day, I'm going complain about my stuffy nose

[info]basementman in [info]thedoorway

RP Thread; Fox Mulder & Christine Chapel

WHO: Fox Mulder & Christine Chapel
WHAT: A chance meeting
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: Sam's Bar & Grill
RATING/WARNINGS: None currently.
STATUS: Complete

The past month and a half had been one of the more interesting of Fox Mulder's life )

[info]starkeeper in [info]thedoorway

Signed meself up to teach Physical Education. Any and all are welcome to attend classes whether you're school aged or not. I've been doing research on the various sports this world has to offer and have a good understanding of how each is played. We'll play sports, do warmups, stretching, running, situps, pushups, weightlifting, and anything to get your heart pumping and your muscles working.

Get off the bloody sofa and come join me! Let's whip them bodies into shape.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9am.

*Edited to add Saturdays as well* Saturdays are optional.

[info]heaven_hart in [info]thedoorway

So does anybody have advice on where to go to find a job?

I ran a bar where I came from and bar work is pretty much all I've done, unless you count being part of an insurgent organisation.

[info]jasontoddwayne in [info]thedoorway

I miss trains. This is all your fault

[info]widowsting in [info]thedoorway

I realize that throwing things at protestors is tempting, but try to refrain. It only fuels them.

[James Rogers]
Are you fluent in Russian?

[info]ororo in [info]thedoorway

Who: Ororo Munroe / Storm and Sage (616)
When: January 11, 2013. Evening (backdated)
Where: Ororo's apartment (2401)
What: Tea for two ♪ ♪ ♪
Status / Rating: Thread (incomplete) / PG?

If Ororo were being honest, the past three decades had been stressful. )

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]thedoorway

Who: The Doctor and Clara Oswin Oswald
When: Sunday
Where: Clara's flat
What: The Doctor needs to talk to Clara
Rating: Rated A for awesome, but really nothing too bad.

You're impossible. )

[info]stolethelocket in [info]thedoorway

Who: Regulus Black and Morag Macdougal
When: Sunday, early morning
Where: Their apartment
What: Regulus is moving in to take the 2nd bedroom
Rating: TBD. Cautioned for swearing and Regulus being scared out of his wits.

Fucking Salazar. You should have warned me! )

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]thedoorway

People keep saying how they need jobs, do we need jobs? Never had a job before; well, no that's not true. I've been a professor, I've also been a toy sales clerk! Love a job! Always fun, never really happy when you just give stuff away though.

Still! Perhaps I need a job? It'd be fun to have one until I've fixed everything and we all go home back to our merry, and maybe not so merry, lives. Not really need one, persay, but it could be fun!

Oh! I could be a model! That always seems to be a bit of fun; still, like to eat too much. Oh! I could sell those wonderful hot dogs on the corner! With lettuce!

[info]onehandedpirate in [info]thedoorway

Whoever thought up this exercise was both brilliant and insane. My arse is freezing, but good lord is there a lovely view on the subway.

Also, much more tricky to itch exposed flesh with a hook than a hand.

[info]charmspeaks in [info]thedoorway

Just a reminder, the deadline to register for The Compitalia is this Wednesday, January 16. We've had great response, especially when it comes to combat, both hand to hand and with weapons in the professional category.

We could use a few more interested people in other competitions! If you haven't registered, take a look to see if there are any events that interest you, there are lots that do not involve combat. I may have to consider canceling any event that does not have at least three participants, or collapsing the two divisions into one if all competitors agree.

Here is a list of all current competitors and competitions. If you see anything wrong with where your name is placed, please let me know.

list of competitors )

Also, don't forget to let us know if you will be attending the Victory Celebration.

While I'm at this, I have yet to introduce myself on this. I'm late on the trend, I know. I'm Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphrodite and I've been here a little over half a year. I'm currently the Recreation Lead at the Potts Tower Youth Center, where I can generally be found most days. If you have any ideas for events or activities you want to see happen in the Center, please come talk to me. I'd be happy to hear about and try to make new ideas happen.

ETA [PRIVATE; Jason Grace & Frank Zhang]
You two, have I told you how much I love the both of you? Want to do me a favor? :D

[info]oursavinggrace in [info]thedoorway

So, right. I've been here about a month and a half now, which is really hard to believe. Not sure I actually like New York, but not much I can do about that. School is...okay. But strange. I've never actually been a student like this, you know? It's always been training, and reading Roman history, and learning how to be a good Roman Citizen. I guess I'm just lucky that my dyslexia isn't all that bad. I can't imagine how hard this would all be if I were.

I feel like I haven't been out much these days. That I've kind of been hiding away in my room and being kind of useless to everyone. I'm sorry. I need to be brave, like Lupa trained me to be, and stride forth and face the things that frighten me, or make me uncomfortable. Piper, I'm sorry I've been such a bad boyfriend lately. Reyna, are you going to be participating in the Comptalia games?

Also, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, I'm thinking that we should get together once in a while, just have dinner or something, just have some Roman demigod time. What do you think? I don't want to lose track of you guys.

Yeah. And I should probably try to find a part-time job.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

I'm compiling a list of the source materials we're all from. If you could all check this list, I'd appreciate it. Let me know if you know of any that I don't have on my list, whether yours or someone else's. If I have even the wrong version (i.e. if I have the book down, but you're from the movie) or you know something more specific about your source, please let me know. There's a list at the bottom of sources I haven't been able to pinpoint.

It's important, and it should only take you a second. Thanks.

list under here. cut, not filtered )

I know we haven't met before, but I have a few questions for you, if you have a moment.

[info]alittledarkness in [info]thedoorway

I'm trying to decide if walking around a corner and spotting yourself on a billboard ten feet tall and in your laciest undergarments is awesome or weird.

I think. I'm going with awesome.

Today I saw myself.. or who looks like me but daaaaaaamn I looked good .... on a billboard. In my underwear. Of course. I had to go buy a set of what I/she was wearing.

[info]impsychicnow in [info]thedoorway

It's an underwear party in the Subway.

This has to be the best prank I've ever seen.

[info]morethanpretty in [info]thedoorway

Who: Gabby Delacour and Leo Valdez
When: Backdated to right after this thread.
Where: Gabby's room, then around town
What: Dinner and srs talk
Rating: PG for mention of eating disorders

~+~+~+~+~+ )

[info]archerhawke in [info]thedoorway

Cut for image - not filtered )

Isn't he gorgeous? His owner brought him in today to see if we could handle looking after him and I asked if I could take a photo because he was just so beautiful but he (the owner, not the dog) gave me this instead. I don't know how he keeps such a big dog in this city and I didn't ask but he (the dog, not the owner) is adorable! His name is Samson and he's so smart. He reminds me so much of my Mabari hound back home. I just wanted to keep him!

[info]guiseofgaius in [info]thedoorway

Oh my giddy aunt

Greetings, people of Earth. My name is Gaius Baltar. You may not know my name, but I am half of a whole, and I bore the responsibility of shepherding your prehistoric ancestor across the galaxy to this planet thousands of years ago.

And things are quite changed here now from the time I came from. Could somebody please enlighten me about the best and most wonderful things this planet now has to offer? I cannot wait to explore this world.

[Filter: Caprica Six]
And I am glad that you, of all people, are here as well.

[info]swordofjedi in [info]thedoorway

You up? I haven't figured out the sleep patterns for this world yet and everyone seems to be awake at all hours.

Which, I guess if you're not you just won't see this until later anyway, which is fine.

I gave in and searched for a few things on the internet. Probably shouldn't have.

[info]oftwominds in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Clinic Staff (John Watson, Jig, Peter Petrelli, and Jaina Solo)]

We open up tomorrow morning. If any of you would like to help with some last minute set up tonight, that would be lovely.

I may also have bought pizza to celebrate with anyone who decides to come tonight.

[info]cleanandsober in [info]thedoorway


Does anyone know how I can get in touch with Sherlock Holmes? Someone told me he was here. But then, she also said she worked for SHIELD, so. Grain of salt. Maybe point me to a CVS so I can get some contact lens solution?

Sherlock, if you can read this, please tell me you have a brilliant theory that explains exactly what we're doing here.

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

I have decided: Manicures? Oh. My. God. SO AWESOME.

Behind Cut, not filtered )

[info]thefirehawk in [info]thedoorway

THEY TOOK MY GUNS I am not happy with this. Who do I speak with to at least make sure they're properly taken care of and NOT taken apart. I wouldn't do that if I were you. I mean, they might melt you into a pile of goo. No. Really. I'm not kidding.

They did hand me this. This isn't an ECHO recorder. But it'll do. I can manage.


I'm Lilith.

Or The Firehawk. I answer to both.

[info]telempathic in [info]thedoorway

I don't like being poked and prodded by men with guns.

They should be very glad I'd just fed.

[info]tachisiri in [info]thedoorway

So does anyone else find it just a tiny bit disconcerting that this world has virtually unlimited information about all of ours and it's all way too readily accessible?

[info]bloodypromqueen in [info]thedoorway

Hello...? Um... I'm Carrie. I'm still confused about what's happening. One minute, I'm in my home, the next I'm in New York. And now I'm apparently living here and suppose to go to school here which I'm not looking forward to at all. Also, is the year really 2013? Or are people just playing a trick on me? I wouldn't be surprised if they were. People are always playing tricks on me.

[info]ex_gavemepau32 in [info]thedoorway

Well, I certainly wasn't expecting this to happen again so soon.

[info]primely in [info]thedoorway

With all the conflict, disputes and petty arguments in the world, I think we could all afford to stop and simply have a slice of cake.

[info]morelikeus in [info]thedoorway

I was told my brother is here. Where can I find Charles Xavier?

[info]letsgobats in [info]thedoorway

Bollocks, no idea how I'm to explain this one to the boss. Or mum.

Hello. I'm Rose Weasley, and apparently this is a prime example of why Time Turners aren't handed out like candy.

[info]huge_mistake in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

The *beep* is this place? What's the point in being in New York if I have to live in a crappy apartment that's half the size of my yacht and not on the OCEAN. And it's COLD. No one told me it was so cold in New York!

How the *beep* am I supposed to get clothes on 1,000.00?? My last suit cost $6,000.00, COME ON!

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to James Bond.

Delivery for Bond! )

[info]alwaysaqueen in [info]thedoorway

[Text to Peter Petrelli]

>> Susan's here.
>> My SISTER. She's really here.
>> Also. I need to apologize. Again.
>> For getting annoyed with you earlier.
>> So. I'm sorry.

[info]rednecksavior in [info]thedoorway

I don't understand people. Some dress up like zombies and then others pay to be runners and run away from the zombies. Maybe for that price the Tesseract can send them to where I came from.