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January 14th, 2013

[info]fistsfirst in [info]thedoorway

text message! Rose Hathaway & Shane Collins!

Who: Shane Collins and Rose Hathaway
What: Text Messages
When: Monday January 14
Rating: Not high I’m assuming. R for safety though.

“text )

[info]rednecksavior in [info]thedoorway

text message! Sage & Daryl Dixon!

Who: Daryl Dixon and Sage
What: Text Messages
When: Monday January 14
Rating: Not high I’m assuming. R for safety though.

“text )

[info]fistsfirst in [info]thedoorway

text message! Claire Danvers & Shane Collins!

Who: Shane Collins and Claire Danvers.
What: Text Messages
When: Monday January 14
Rating: Not high I’m assuming. R for safety though.

“text )

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

Who: Veronica Mars & Bumblebee
What: Running into a familiar face
Where: Hallway on the 16th floor
When: Monday morning
Rating: SFW!
Status: closed; incomplete

+++ )

[info]mrswatson in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Sherlock Holmes (films)]
Was it at all necessary to have that [...] con discussion there? When the poor woman scarcely Charlie has better manners and he Joh I I've completed your hat. Please come and retrieve it, at [...] at your discretion.

[info]labrat in [info]thedoorway

» Be nice.
» He's harmless.

[info]chippedheart in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Hook )

[OOC: May contain spoilers for 2x11 in comments.]

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

For reasons I shall not explain I have baked a grand total of 30 pies. Don't ask. Really. I have a variety of Apple, Chocolate Cream, Pecan, Blueberry Elderberry, Rhubarb pie and Peach Cobbler pie.


Anyone want any?

[info]thefirehawk in [info]thedoorway

Is there anything fun to do here? I mean, from what I've managed to gather so far is that there are no hordes of Skags here. Rakks. Or anything like that. Bloody hell this place is lacking in all kinds of good excitement.

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Delivery to Ianto Jones )

[info]ofwildmoor in [info]thedoorway

I'm pretty sure the classic 'love triangle' storyline always sets someone up to be the villain. Whether it's through their own fault or the author's use of deep character flaws, the hero always needs to make a choice and in the end, it's easier if she can blame you for killing her sister.

So, I guess I'm writing all of this as an explanation to you all not so much to apologize but to give you some insight into my motivations. I've been blessed with never missing the forest for the trees. And you can make me out to be callous because of it but I've always put the needs of others (the needs of my revolution) ahead of myself.

When Primrose died, I told Katniss I didn't know if it was my bomb that killed her. I didn't know for sure that she'd be there. All I knew was that I was needed, so I did what I did because I wanted to make sure we won. They don't remember that earlier in the 'book', I'd saved her life. That when Katniss and Peeta were in the games, I kept two families alive and instigated a revolution of my own in 12.

And what the book doesn't tell you is that I spent a good ten years chasing down everything that ever hurt Katniss Everdeen -- every architect of the Capitoline persuasion -- to bring them to justice. Why? Because I, too, wanted peace. And I suppose I also wanted redemption.

So, don't believe everything you read or watch in the movies. They're water-bugs dancing across the surface of a deeper, richer story that keeps on going, even when you shut the page.

Also, regarding these protesters: Things happen. What are we doing to assure these people that we're not going to kill them, take over their world or bomb them to hell? Nothing. We're here, in this really expensive place with anything our little hearts desire. We're training. We're building weapons. I'd fucking protest, too.

[info]particlethief in [info]thedoorway

Splurged on a bed. Got most my furniture off free cycle and Craigslist. Got most my wardrobe from thrift stores. I put together my own Ant-farm. None of the ones online were right. I think I'm all set for basics. Seriously check out craigslist and free cycle and places around colleges for furniture.

[info]sherlockholmes in [info]thedoorway

I don't care what anyone says, I liked Lucy Liu's dress last night.

[Irene Adler]
Dinner tonight? Bouley. 163 Duane St. 7:00pm. Looking forward to seeing you. I've made a few special arrangements to make sure we won't be interrupted.

[Joan Watson]
Are you still getting settled? I thought we might have dinner to celebrate your arrival, should we say Am Thai Bistro, 1003 Church Ave at 7:00pm? Let's see if it's as good as we remember it, shall we? I could use a dose of lemongrass in my life, currently.

[John Watson]
I'd like to explain some things to you regarding Joan. Why don't we do it over dinner? Am Thai Bistro, 1003 Church Ave at 7:00pm? I'll see you then.

[info]bambilbi in [info]thedoorway

network post: bumblebee

I'm not really sure what just happened, but they told me I should check out this "Network" thing. Optimus, I'm told you are here, as well.

I must admit typing with human fingers is easier. There are some disadvantages compared to being able to transform into a car, but I think it will be an interesting experience all the same.

Oh, right, I should introduce myself. Forgive me, it's a lot to take it. I'm Bumblebee. It's a pleasure to meet you all!

Posted via Journaler.

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Jaina Solo/Mara Jade

I saw your note about the lightsaber training and training lightsabers. A couple of things - 1) do you need any assistance putting them together? 2) I'd like to have one myself.

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

I think I just figured it out.

It's a tulpa. Or more accurately, we are.

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Look what came today!
picture behind the cut - unfiltered )

Isn't she beautiful? Obviously I've cleaned her up a bit. Someone was selling her used so I got her at a discount. Bit of scuff on the edges, but soon I'll have good crema espresso in my flat, which will make this place feel like home.

If anyone is a fan of tea and coffee, I highly recommend McNulty's over on Christopher Street. Great selection of teas and coffees and it's basically heaven walking around there.

[Filtered to James Bond]
Your tailor is a godsend.

Also, I've got my machine and I picked up some decent coffee. Let me know when you want to come by for a cup. Also, I seem to have acquired pie. American pie - chocolate and elderberry.

[info]iskierka in [info]thedoorway

Hello world! Is this how you use this thing? It's all new, so very new. Does anyone know where Granby is? Is there a Captain anywhere out there? I've lost my Captain and I've become relatively attached to him. But I've never been without my Captain.

Also, can someone help me with clothes? There's all these buttons and zippers and I never much paid attention when Granby was dressing himself, but I don't remember zippers. I'm used to just wearing a leather harness and jewels, and now I have an extra finger and no wings and this is all rather confusing.

[info]forgivingtype in [info]thedoorway

» I'm going out.
» Hey, little duck. I'm going out for a walk. I'll be back soon, okay?
» You need anything while I'm out?

[info]onehandedpirate in [info]thedoorway

Tell me what he knows.

[OOC: Likely to be spoilers for OUAT 2x11 in comments!]

[info]not_betty in [info]thedoorway

Gotta say, my childhood cartoon watching self is FREAKING OUT about Transformers arriving!

[Filtered to Lilly Kane and Jo Harvelle]

So...Sam and I...


[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

It was worth waiting for.

But, I had something else to tell you about...last night when I was making my way back to my apartment I ran into another face twin.

He looks just like the brother of the guy who-that I told you about. From my episode. That jumped off the hotel.

[Filtered to Santana Lopez]

You know, I never thanked you for getting me a job. We've gone shopping and what not, but I thought maybe we could do something else.

You know, something New York and fun. Game?

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

I came to a startling conclusion today. Yes I dreadfully miss some people who aren't here but I don't think I want to return home. At least not with what I have in my future, perhaps if I didn't know I wouldn't say that but knowing... It gives a different perspective on things. Here I have a high chance for medical treatment that I wouldn't receive at home, in the future. I don't have to see the ones I care about suffer through the years to come. Most of them are here and they're safe and happy and that is what matters to me. Plus, if I am understanding it correctly there is still a 'me' with the Fleet.

Lee & Kara
The two of you are my family and I care about you. I need to say that more often.

[info]tawnyeyes in [info]thedoorway

NETWORK POST: Jace Wayland

For Mundanes, your sense of humor could rival the best of us Shadowhunters.

Although, I'm sure I did the world a favor by not riding the trains without my pants on. It would have caused quite the riot as my legs are immensely toned and nice to look at as I've been assured on many occasions.

[info]_believeinmagic in [info]thedoorway

Who: Susan Pevensie and Lucy Pevensie
What: reuniting
Where: Lucy's room, 6th floor
When: Set just before this
Rating: SFW!
Status: closed; incomplete

Read more... )

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

I've hardly had a day since I arrived where I can walk unnoticed through the streets. But today has to have been the worst to date. No sooner would I have escaped a crowd of fangirls than I'd walk right into another. Most just wanted to talk about the show and where it would be going but one asked me to sign her phone. Without much thought I agreed if only to get away from them all faster to then find out that her phone case was this:

Image Inside )

[info]maybeaskyknight in [info]thedoorway


And your friendly pilots are... )

[info]bordercollie in [info]thedoorway

Just a reminder that Red and I are headed out of town for a couple days starting tomorrow. Call me if there's an emergency, but otherwise, listen to Sam Anders. He's in charge. We'll be back Thursday.

Don't burn the place down.

[info]lupas in [info]thedoorway

So I see there's a lot of people who seem to enjoy kicking each others ass with weapons and hand to hand combat. I'm not knocking it. But does anyone like to play football? Minus the piles of gear.

[info]somewhatundead in [info]thedoorway

Vegetarian vampires The ridiculousness of this universe has no boundaries

Every time I am convinced that I have seen all this world has to offer, I am proven incorrect. I suppose something profound might be said about this place teaching tolerance.

I am embarrassed for them And patience.

What's next? Spelling bee succubi? Yetis who yodel?

No matter how it strains credulity.

[info]ex_gavemepau32 in [info]thedoorway

I met a very charming young man yesterday by the name of Matty.

I wonder...who is watching out for him?

[info]heisenberg in [info]thedoorway

Juvenile pranks, graffiti, and a profusion of underunoccupied teenagers are all familiar territory, and I could never with a straight face claim that Albuquerque didn't have just as fine a selection of complete weirdos per capita as New York. That's all more or less home sweet home.

But my God, the air pollution here. It's not quite Los Angeles, but I fail to see how anyone with lungs can step outside in this morass of a city and say we're not fucking up our planet. And we just keep fucking it up, pumping cars through the streets at maximum capacity because Gordon Gekko can't be bothered to waddle himself to lunch. It's absolute hubris to perpetrate this kind of assault on the environment and expect never to have to pay for it.

Or that we aren't already, for that matter.

[info]underthesee in [info]thedoorway

You might not know it, but I'm sending you mental hugs right now.
This is really overdue, but would you possibly be free sometime over the next few days to go with me to that music store you mentioned before? I'd really appreciate it.

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

This world has so much strange food and lately I've been wanting to eat all of it. I'm not used to so many options.

Have you ever had string cheese before? I've had cheese of course but this is cheese that comes in a stick and then you kind of peel it in little pieces and it makes eating it more fun than it probably should be. But if you're really smart you'll eat it with strawberries or grapefruit because they taste really good together for some reason.

I also don't know what a sweet potato is exactly but I had sweet potato fries the other day and now they're all that I want to eat. I keep wanting to eat the weirdest things. But they're really good with cream cheese which I hadn't had before coming here too. Cream cheese is good with anything though. I keep eating it plain. With a spoon. But now we don't have any more which is probably a good thing because I probably don't need to eat that much cream cheese. Even though I guess I already ate that much since it's gone now.

But the internet said that cream cheese is in cheesecake which I had at the Cap I haven't had in a long time.

What is your favorite food?

[info]enoughsleep in [info]thedoorway

I received my first writeup at work today. Apparently it’s unprofessional to throw Flounder at a coworker's head. I still maintain that it was deserved. There are only so many ways to say ‘I don’t want to hear about that damn infuriating show about my life’. Yet, every week she insists on telling me every little detail. She’s lucky I didn’t go for a snow globe.

[info]seasonofthe in [info]thedoorway

Hello, I’m Wanda Maximoff. Some people might know me as Scarlet Witch of the Avengers, or maybe not. I’m told I don’t exist here. Can't say this is my first time in an alternate world, but it does have the best accommodations.

For the record, this reality is not my fault. Too soon?

[info]dauntlessborn in [info]thedoorway

The means are right for taking, fade to grey
Trying to be ruthless, in the face of beauty
In this matrix, it's plain to see
It's either you or me.

We were born to lose.

I have a song stuck in my head. I have no idea if these guys are a good band or not but I found myself really liking them. The band is Placebo and the song is Bruise Pristine.

I have found that I might actually enjoy some of the classes I can take. It hasn't been all that bad and it's occupied my time. I've had fun on the subway trains, I've run through Central Park at night, I've begun working on my Parkour. This isn't too bad. New places. New things.

Gotta change my outlook and live for today and not yesterday, right?

[info]_believeinmagic in [info]thedoorway

I am looking for recommendations on novels written post-1965; I have discovered the library and would like to acquaint myself with the new literature of this time period.

My husband I did not own a television, so I'm not keen on television shows. Nor do I have the desire to watch them I'm deeply interested in British novels, though children's literature of any kind would be a delight.

I am both amused and perplexed that events of my childhood have been depicted in several novels. For those curious, clothing rationing had just ended in Great Britain in 1949 - was it any wonder I was excited about that, about looking to the future instead of the childhood folly of the past? There were so many wonderful, happy parties in '49 as we celebrated getting parts of our lives back, pieces of life the boys and girls my age had all been denied under the war, not, as the book so vapidly suggests, 'racing towards the silliest time of one's life as quick as I could.'

If that's guilty of a crime against the coward-lion Aslan, punishable by having my entire family stripped from me, than the coward-god Aslan isn't any being I want to have anything to do with.

[info]daniel_jackson in [info]thedoorway

Aeryn Sun

My name is Daniel Jackson and I hope this doesn't come over as to presumptuous. I am a friend of Moya's. I am also acquainted with John Crichton. I have been talking a lot with Moya and she told me about you and she said I should make an effort to talk to you. If you are a friend of Moya's then I am more than happy to do so.

Please do not feel pressured to respond but I thought I would reach out nonetheless.

Thank you,
Daniel Jackson

[info]lassooftruth in [info]thedoorway

This New York City is nearly the same as what I'm used to, yet there are significant differences.

My name is Diana of Themyscira, also known as Diana Prince. Regardless, Diana will suffice.

[info]partycannon in [info]thedoorway

So I think courtesy cut for length )

But so I'm sure my friends will be along soon, but in the meantime, if I can't be back in Ponyville with my friends, and you guys can't be back in um. where are you from? with your friends we should all be each other's friends and have a really big party!

Also, Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie.

[info]reynaway in [info]thedoorway

I have an extremely insipid song replaying itself in my head and I cannot rid my mind of it.

[Filtered to Jason]
In happier news, I am starting an apprenticeship at Red Rocket Tattoos. They like my artwork.

[Filtered to Deirdre]
I haven't had the chance to thank you for your present; I hope you forgive the delay. The ice climbing weekend sounds intriguing. Would you care to join me?

[Filtered to Susan]
I have reviewed the education course list and selected the following classes. What else do you recommend I take to receive a recognized education in this world?

Combat with Supernatural Beings
Human Anatomy
Small Firearms

[info]worshipfullness in [info]thedoorway

Who: Han Solo & Leia Organa
When: Sunday night, two Sundays ago [backdated]
Where: Rm. 1507; Leia’s place.
What: They have offspring, apparently. So there’s that.
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Quote )

[info]huge_mistake in [info]thedoorway

Network Post


[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Sam Winchester
Hey Sam,

Check out this. Add it to your notes.

[info]archaiclatin in [info]thedoorway

Okay, so this is weird, but. I guess it's no weirder than being surrounded by werewolves without realizing it. And then having crazy hallucinations and helping revive an alpha friends who keep certain things to themselves.

So, uh. Hi. I'm Lydia Martin, from Beacon Hills, CA. This is my first trip to New York City. And what a trip it will be.

[info]eyesupherebro in [info]thedoorway

[ Filtered to Joseph Curry ]

I'm getting Wonder Woman as a roommate.

Did my room just get more awesome, or what? :)

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Emma Frost ]

Hi! I know we talked a little about the potential that you might do some modeling for SuperSuds! I just wanted to let you know that January's scents are just about done, if you'd like to negotiate. If you're too busy now that you're teaching again, I totally understand though!

[ /Filter ]

[info]telempathic in [info]thedoorway

I am...never, ever, ever ever going on the internet again.

Or leaving this building.


[info]rachelruined in [info]thedoorway

As far as alternate universes or realms go, I'm glad I at least fell into one that looks relatively normal. Not that I would really remember all of them if I fell into anything unusual but I've heard that's how they just work. You never remember the one you land in after you leave it... but as long as there's not something that's trying to kill me, I'm fine with it. Even if I missed years 2002 to 2012.

Hi, I'm Rachel and I just arrived yesterday, after getting pulled out of a suicide mission a serious predicament. Counting my blessings.

[info]locative in [info]thedoorway

I've been in this city over a month now and I'm still not sure what I think about it. Small, after space. Lacking in adequate shelters (but then I would say that). The showers and smokes, though, have my full approval.

Anyone fancy a few bouts in the ring tonight? My leg's getting as good as it'll ever be (there's another thing I like: physio).

[Kara Thrace, Sam Anders, Lee Adama]
If you don't want to join in come anyway: win some $ on an old man, or something.

How's learning small to large working for you, Moya?

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

I really want to go to Washington D.C. for the inauguration on Monday. I'm tempted to just fly there, but I think it'd be more fun with company. It's just a couple hundred miles? That's practically nothing. I bet we could manage to find a cheap ride down there.

Fun fact time! The National Archives told me that during Theodore Roosevelt's inauguration, he wore a ring containing a lock of Abraham Lincoln's hair.

... And that's all I've got. It's been a slow day for me.

[info]grandiloquence in [info]thedoorway

Does anyone know the procedures in America for entering Universities? I imagine it might be difficult for those of us who have very different credentials, though I WAS going to Cambridge before I was brought here.

Now that I've been here a bit, I miss my courses.

[Filtered to Rom Weasley]

I know I've talked to you about us being married in the future. But...as you might have seen, we have children too. I know it's a lot to process, but I realize there's a lot about your future that I don't know that you know. Or if you WANT to know. You said Ginny filled you in, but I don't know what she filled you in ON.

I love you, Ron. Whatever weird things happen here, that's true. I'm glad we have each other and so many friends and family about, yes, but I'm MOST glad that you're here.

[Filtered to Weasley/Potters]

It seems that now our little family has gotten even bigger. I was wondering if the lot of you would be up for a dinner party. Have us all sit down together and just...bond. Especially since we don't all know each other at these timelines.


[info]doctor_watson in [info]thedoorway

» So. Mind telling me what dinner was all about?
» Not that I minded, but I'm curious as to why the deception was involved.
» Really, I would have met up with Joan anyway soon.

[info]guyles in [info]thedoorway

[Warded to Sunnydale (ext) Group]

I must say, I am almost getting the hang of this.

But I digress, while the man ( https://pottstowernetworklinkgoeshere ) is clearly an idiot appears to be panicking, he does bring to mind a valid point.

There appears to be an ever increasing number of vampires coming in through the Tesseract, and while SHIELD seems to think they are fine to release upon the general population of both this building and New York, I can't help but worry how well under control some of these individuals have their urges under control. I had worried about Jasper Hale when he arrived yesterday, but if he is still threatening people, it could be worth paying a bit more attention to him.

Of anyone here, I think this would be the most suited to have a response ready. We should look into differences, strengths, and limitations of vampires across the works from which everyone has arrived and well be ready if need be.

[info]thelittleduck in [info]thedoorway

My sister brought me home a bunny!

Poor thing lost her home after the hurricane. But Katniss rescued her today and brought her home. She's just the sweetest thing, and very happy. She loves to be petted. She's curled up in my lap right now. She's an Angora Lop and her name is Cantiflas.

cut for bunny picture )

[info]singletonjones in [info]thedoorway

RP Thread; Mark Darcy & Bridget Jones

WHO: Bridget Jones & Mark Darcy.
WHAT: There is nothing like a sudden, unexpected roomie.
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: Room 307, Their room.
RATING/WARNINGS: None currently.
STATUS: In Process

A pink post-it was stuck to her bedroom door with her weight from yesterday (133lbs, v. v. bad, clearly something had attached to her on her way through the blue glowy cube). )