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January 10th, 2013

[info]savedthechrldr in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peter Petrelli and Claire Bennet
When: Wednesday night, 10pm
Where: Peter's room
What: Watching Heroes together
Rating: Trigger warning for: gore, mental trauma, possible talk of suicide, self harm, attempted rape

~+~+~+ )

[info]guyles in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Sunnydale (extended) group
My new roommate is a cad.

[info]ohroonil in [info]thedoorway

network post: ron weasley

What's it take to get a bloody job around here? Loads of places have adverts up, but all I get is "you don't have any experience" or "I can't count of you sticking around the way you people are disappearing" ory absolute favorite which is when people don't believe my name is REALLY Ronald Weasley!

How am I meant to get any bloody experience when NO ONE WILL BLOODY GIVE ME A SHOT?

I know I don't strictly NEED a job with the allowance they're giving me, but I've never been very good at taking handouts.

My hand is getting cramped from writing out all those applications and so far it's been a COMPLETE BLOODY WASTE OF TIME!

Oy. I need a drink. Why is the drinking age here so bloody high?

Posted via Journaler.

[info]greymatter in [info]thedoorway

TO: SHIELD HR <human.resources@shield.gov>
FROM: Jean Grey <jgrey@pottstower.com>
SUBJECT: Application for SHIELD training
ATTACHMENT: jgreyresume.doc

you have 1 new message )

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Well, this is interesting. Name's Ianto Jones and I just got here from Torchwood. Er, Cardiff that is. Which for you Yanks, is in Wales and part of the UK. Apparently many of you aren't used to Welsh vowels.

It seems, for once, that this wasn't related to the Rift through space and time that we normally deal with. Never expected to be the one travelling through it though. One minute, getting ready to fight Daleks and the next, I'm here. It was a relief not to find myself among Daleks though. Are there even Daleks here? Or Weevils?

Anyone know where I can get a good cup of coffee? And a good three piece suit?

[info]lilyofthefield in [info]thedoorway

network post; mae crawford

The people in this city aren't the friendliest bunch, are they. Don't get me wrong. I'm use to running for my life and wondering if I'm going to wake up in a strange place or under the complete control of a demon, but I feel pretty stupid for thinking right now would be different. At least the magicians everyone in our happy abode is decent. I'm not even skipping these school lessons

I'm really not a girl to be sentimental and what not, but I appreciate what you lot are giving us. It makes me miss Mum It be even better if Jamie showed his face And Alan...for Nick

Private to Nick Ryves )

[info]repobarbie in [info]thedoorway

Seven months ago, someone (names withheld for obvious insurance and legal reasons) stole The Dance of Time, Three Nymphs Supporting a Clock from the Frick Collection while it was in storage and awaiting cleaning. It was right on the heels of the attack, so they were able to get away with it much easier than they would have normally. But it also meant the city didn't have the manpower needed to hunt down a 4ft sculpture when there was cleanup to do.

Luckily, several months ago, they hired me. For those of you who don't know me, I'm an insurance investigator, and the insurance company I work for happens to be the one that insures the entire Frick Collection. So that makes it my job to hunt down and recover anything that we have insured if it happens to go "missing". This sculpture has been a top priority for me since arriving, so I'm happy to say that as of this morning, it's currently sitting in my office, awaiting a truck to return it to it's proper home -- and I only had to flirt with three cops and baton one person to get it back.

For those of you curious about what I have to stare at for the next four hours:

Cut, not filtered. (statue butt warning!) )

And once it's been safely delivered back to the museum, I get to celebrate. With a new pair of Louboutins.

[info]vespermartini in [info]thedoorway

I've about bloody well had it with this American belief that the English are all tea drinkers, tea dependant, tea experts or drink nothing but tea.

It's mud, is what it is, and utterly responsible for the downfall of the British Empire.

[info]tryingagain in [info]thedoorway

Here's your reminder, Potts Tower: Sign up for the Compitalia Games! Go to Piper's notice here: click this or send an email to Piper McLean or Octavian. Got questions? They can answer them, or I can. We've got a ton of great athletes and competitors signed up already - don't miss out on the chance to test your skills against the best in multiple universes!

Filtered to PTYC Staff:
Hey, gang! A few announcements and business items here:

First, everybody please welcome our new Education lead, Emma Frost. She's got great ideas, tons of experience with education and program management, and we're really lucky to have her.

Second - Piper and Octavian, you guys are doing an absolutely phenomenal job on the Compitalia celebration, and you should be really proud of yourselves for how well it's progressing so far. Can one of you get me an updated list of how many participants it looks like we'll have in the games? And part-timers, can you guys let us know when on that day you'll be available, if you're planning to compete in any of the events? Trying to get a schedule put together for officials and see where we've got any holes that need filling. I've got Peeta helping me out on the food front, and we've been really successful getting local businesses and farms to make donations. Speaking of which, Piper, can you get a sign-up sheet for the Victory Feast up so we know how many to expect?

Third - We got a suggestion from Maria DeLuca (Emma, she's one of our regulars here) about test-driving a PTYC open mic night. I think it's a great idea, and she's volunteered to help with organizing and MCing. Piper, can you touch base with her about scheduling that and getting it going?

[info]mollycarpenter in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to Rupert Giles:
Hey, Mr. Giles. Molly here - the wizard with the pink hair. I was in your shop looking for sage and copper last week.

Question: What have you got in the way of amethyst right now? Also, any books on protection spell theory?

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

Filtered to SHIELD/Stark/Pepper etc

Some of us who have originated from Space have been talking about possibly volunteering or knowledge and skills for NASA to use to advance their space travel techniques. We were wondering if that would be possible and if so who we would talk to about doing so?

Thank you,
Kathryn Janeway

[info]offhiscrocker in [info]thedoorway


This has to be a smoke. [...] Broke. Broke works.

So I aware and the conquistador sanction is all fiz fra fuz fudged I give up up?

Pow, oakley.


[info]susanstohelit in [info]thedoorway

Is anyone here good at finding lost people things?

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]thedoorway

Space People

I've talked to Pepper Potts about helping NASA out and she linked me to this site which looks like a good starting place if anyone is interested.

[info]lmartin in [info]thedoorway

Who: Luke Skywalker & Rose Tyloer
What: random meeting
Where: Lobby of Potts
When: Mid morning
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

[info]chapelrn in [info]thedoorway

I heard from S.H.I.E.L.D and I start my training next Wednesday which I understand is going to be a lot of paperwork. I'm okay with that though because I'm so ready to get off my ass and do something! I'll be working in their medical division which should be interesting since I've been curious about the differences between what kinds of treatments are done here versus what I'm used to.

So until then I've got a week to explore the city, figure out a little more about my fellow refugees and in general just prepare myself for what I'm sure is going to be a lot of hard word.
I sound like such a pathetic loser right now If anyone would like to do something later today or tonight, let me know. I'm always up for meeting new people.

[info]theshedevil in [info]thedoorway

I have to say, the clubs here are fantastic. I was even offered a job, but I have no interest in being a bouncer. It did get me thinking though, perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to find a job. I don't have the funds that I have back home and sure, I can play human for now. You know, minus the drinking blood bit.

I'll go out looking tomorrow, I never had a job before so I don't even know where to begin.

[Filter to: Alice Cullen]
These powers of yours, do you think you would be able to see if a certain person comes through the tesseract?

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]thedoorway

Who: Laura Roslin and Moya
Where: Sam's
What: She decided drinking at a bar was better than drinking alone
When: Not long after her network post
Rating: TBD most likely some swearing
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

[info]thebuffster in [info]thedoorway

Petey Pippa pricked a pock of pickles pepped.

Still mushed up.

[info]hazel_rah in [info]thedoorway

Who: Hazel and Lucy
When: Thursday January 10
Where: Out and about
What: Shopping for food
Rating: G

What is this tofu? )

[info]dontyouladyme in [info]thedoorway

» You haunted been whacking yourself to the boner, have you?
» Gallbladder.
» Goddamnit. Neverland.
» Nevermind.

» The obese night isn't ganging you at alt?
» I faintly hate geese things.
» Fucking

[info]ihaveashotgun in [info]thedoorway

I think I've isolated the problem on the network with the auto-correcting. I'll need two or three extra hands that are good with code for the next few hours, if you're interested. Tech types preferred, hacking knowledge required. I'll be monitoring you too, so there isn't any funny business. I just need a little help to get it cleaned up in the next few hours.

Sage, I could use your expertise if you still wanted to help?

[info]oswin_oswald in [info]thedoorway

Special delivery for Luke Skywalker. )

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Whovere types]

Some of you from Torchwood might not know me, but hello, I'm the Doctor. Brilliant, I know.

We all need to meet, immediately. We need to discuss how to fix all that's been going on, and I need to see this Tesseract.

Well, I suppose I've already seen it; brilliant device that. Love a shiny blue thing. Still! This device could, no should, no... it IS dangerous, and I need to study it.

What's more, Clara/Oswin; I've watched the episode you're in. I know, spoilers. YOU WERE BRILLIANT!!! Still... I'm sorry, really I am, but we NEED to talk. You're impossible.

Amelia, we're getting you back to your Rory, but first permission to hug, and we need to fix everything. One last adventure!!!

And also, absolutely love Lincoln movie, brilliant and completely inaccurate. He actually had a much deeper voice. He also may have been a bit drunk when he wrote the Gettysburg address? Brilliant drink, the fuzzy navel. I created it a bit early.

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

I left the damn building and connected to Starbuck's wireless just so I could write this without

To everyone who knew him, Graham is gone. I went to stop being a scared idiot and SHIELD was picking up his belongings.

[info]welsh_teaboy in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
When: Thursday Evening
Where: Ianto's apartment - 1205
What: Reunion
Rating: PG-13 at best.

Think about it. Lots of things you can do with a stop watch. )

[info]elizabethshaw in [info]thedoorway

I've decided I need to do more with my life here. I'm enjoying working at the museum but other than that I'm not doing much besides coming home and spending it with my boyfriend. Not that, that is a bad thing far from it at all I just feel like I could be doing more with my time than I currently am.

What do people do around here to relax anyway?

[info]daniel_jackson in [info]thedoorway

I am looking forward to hopefully starting my job as a translator for SHIELD once the training is done. I'm hoping it will be challenging though I will be teaching through Ms Holt's school as well - languages and archaeology if anyone is interested in joining me.

Over the holidays I didn't do much - I watched all of my television show though I had previously read up on it. I seemed to have a habit of dying and coming back to life, not sure what I make of that. I'm going to start on Stargate Atlantis next. A part of me wishes I had lived through all of that, it would have been an amazing experience.

If I find time and money which probably won't be for awhile, I plan to travel to some of the places in Egypt and the like to see if I can find some clues as to if the Goa'uld exist in this universe as well but haven't been discovered. For this world's sake I do hope they don't.

Are you interested in some more language material or would you like to wait a bit?

[info]firstfrost in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to those 21 and under as well as employees/volunteers of Potts' Tower Youth Center]

Hello, darlings.

As some of you might know, I have taken over the position of Education Lead for PTYC. I am excited for the opportunity to help this program grow, as well as get to know you better. I am excited to announce some upcoming services and programs PTYC will be offering.

1. Community Outreach. Eduction is about far more than books and facts. There is no better way to learn about a world and people than to be amongst it all. I have begun contacting soup kitchens, community gardens, hospitals and the like for chances to have our students go out and volunteer. I am sure you are aware of the protests going on outside. It's time we show them that we're not only a part of the community, but are willing to help improve it.

2. Seminars on practical skills. We will be offering talks and demonstrations on a wide variety of topics including CPR, budgeting, and even investments. Our stay here could be short, but we shouldn't ignore the possibility that it might be longer than we think. The more you know the better.

3. Apprenticeships/Internships. PTYC is here for all educational needs, even those outside the classroom. If there is a skill you are eager to learn and train in, talk to us and lets see if we can make it happen.

Finally, I am well aware that I might not be seem as personable as Mrs. Snow, but I always available to talk. I look forward to working with you.

[Filtered to Scott Summers (616)]
I'm on my way to becoming very important person here. I expect you to be arm candy worthy of my status.

[info]fiverhrairoo in [info]thedoorway

Jason Stackhouse

I don't know if I'm doing this write but is it possible for you to get more carrots. I don't want to go out. It looks scary out there.

Thank you,

Fiver Hrairoo

[info]particlethief in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to the Avengers]
Who put Emma Frost in charge of education? Isn't she evil? Or was that last week? Or next? Who thought this was a good idea? Why not just put Magneto in charge, at least he can't literally warp people's minds?! Or I've seen X here. He's just as creepy but he doesn't usually warp people's minds literally or go evil on days ending in Y. Can I drop out? I'll just go full hero while I'm here or get a job. Doing something where creepy people aren't going to warp my mind literally!

[Filtered to the new Young Avengers crowd]

Hey, going on a recon tonight. In? Meet me at the lobby in your civvies, but bring your gear.

((OOC: She means Avengers 616 but she's freaking and not filtering right so all Avengers are welcome to see it))

[info]particlethief in [info]thedoorway

Who: Young Avenger types
When: Jan 10th Evening
Where: All over NYC?
Why: Reconnaissance
Rating: SFW
Read more... )

[info]hemlock in [info]thedoorway

[ooc: post run-in with regina~]

[failed filter to arthur pendragon, public instead]
Arthur? Oh, Arthur, are you here? The most terrible thing happened and now this. You haven't succumbed to the sickness have you? Please, please let me know you are here. We can get out of this together.

[info]tawnyeyes in [info]thedoorway

» Mess me in the midnight heat
» What text hot
» Sexy Mushy tits
» By the Angel...

[info]elspethgordie in [info]thedoorway

Thank you to the woman who gave me the help with the resume. I have submitted it to a few places and have been told the Veterinary is interested in hiring me. I suppose being able to speak to animals is a good skill to have in that job.

[info]sweetjoannabeth in [info]thedoorway

Who: Jo Harvelle & Sam Winchester
When: Backdated to Jan. 8th after this
Where: Apartment then out through the City
Why: Catching up and stopping Jo from baking 298230989 more pies
Rating: Medium for swearing.

She likes whiskey with her water She starts dancing when the stars come out She ain’t your typical preacher’s daughter She’ll leave you dreamin’ yeah there ain’t no doubt )

[info]theblur in [info]thedoorway

Who: Lois & Clark
When: [backdated] Last Friday evening
Where: Their apartment ... and beyond!
What: Flying!
Rating: PG

Up up and away! )

[info]mouthymerc in [info]thedoorway




serious questions: why does no one here look like leonardo dicaprio? i want to hug them and congratulate them for being the best slave owner(s?) EVER. we have three sherlocks and not one leo. what is wrong with that picture

pair that with harvey scaring off a few kids and you've got a ~night to remember~. take that, mandy moore

hey did she die at the end of that movie?


one more thing.

c) this will be on repeat for the next 24 hours and i am not apologizing
d) more to come...

[info]nolongerperfect in [info]thedoorway

This is a very strange way to introduce oneself, I don't usually frequent web-chats, but here goes...

My name is Carlisle Cullen, I'm a doctor and I've just arrived via rather fascinating means. Though, those of you already here would have experienced the same, so I will not bore you with details. I was told that my non-human status wouldn't alarm most residents in this building. But please be assured I will not harm any of you.

Edward and Alice, SHIELD personnel informed me you were here; I hope you both are well?

[info]pheebspower in [info]thedoorway

That interview just reminded me of the job interview I had with a real-estate agency a couple of years ago.

Do I look like I'll cover up your affair?

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

Who: Regina and Morgana
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: Potts Tower 2nd Floor Hallway
Warnings/Rating: TBD
Status: Ongoing

a chance encounter )

[info]marajade in [info]thedoorway

Narrative/Thread: Mara Jade

WHO: Mara Jade (& Open)
WHAT: Not as adaptable as she'd like.
WHEN: Thursday evening.
WHERE: Sam's Bar & Grill.
RATING/WARNINGS: None currently.
STATUS: Complete narrative, open.

Patience with all of the changes having run out she was finding herself edgy and restless and the idea of returning to the room and pacing the floor or staring out of the window into a city that was just far enough away from Coruscant to be unnerving simply didn't appeal to her. . )

[info]dauntlessborn in [info]thedoorway

I need a drink.
I wish we could drink here.
This place is still so unnerving.

Music this place certainly has some AWESOME music, though.

I have to admit.
I'm jealous.

[info]savedthechrldr in [info]thedoorway

Who: Peter Petrelli and Nathan Petrelli
When: Sunday evening
Where: Bellevue Hospital
What: Peter and Nathan meet
Rating: Likely low.

~+~+~+~ )

[info]withthebread in [info]thedoorway

[late late tonight/early tomorrow morning]

» Are you up?

[info]neversurrender in [info]thedoorway

(late thursday night)

» Are you awake?

[info]celestialintent in [info]thedoorway

Network post to Loki

If I may have a word, I have several questions regarding the Tesseract. I was directed towards you by a friend.