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January 2nd, 2013

[info]annatazarataz in [info]thedoorway

WHO: Zatanna Zatara & John Constantine
WHERE: random nyc bar
WHEN: Evening, December 31st [backdated!]
WHAT: Catching up over a drink.

Cloud of smoke and tan trench coat aside, John stuck out. )

[info]openbook in [info]thedoorway

New Years in New York City proved interesting. Can't say I've ever seen that many people making that many bad decisions in my life.

So, who was that cutie you were KISSING at midnight, eh?

[info]proudofyou in [info]thedoorway

Someone told me that if I used this device, it would put me in touch with the other people here. I don't know how this is works, I hope I'm doing it right. This phone looks like it's from a science fiction movie. Is it really 2013? I didn't think the future would look like this.

I'm John. Is it true we're stuck here?

[info]hazel_rah in [info]thedoorway

Network Post

I was told asked...I do not know the words. To...post? here.
My name is Hazel.
I was a rabbit until a few hours ago.
Now I have human.....things.
What is this place?

[info]acceleration in [info]thedoorway

I think I've finally recovered from last night. My feet have never hurt this bad. Happy 2013, everyone!

Pepper & Tony - the party was amazing, sorry for thank you for everything. The pain is so worth it.

Really weird seeing pictures of myself on the internet though. Totally forgot there were even cameras around. Whoops.

Filtered to Howard:
Did I thank you too? Thank you. I hope your day wasn't too rough.

[info]i_mthedoctor in [info]thedoorway

Just watched the show 'Doctor Who', brilliant show! Love the show, watched all of it--love Netflix. Brilliant thing, that Netflix. Watched some My Little Ponies... love a pony. A bit girly though.

Anyway, right! Watched Doctor Who, fantastic show; still, all the cliffhangers are a bit annoying. Especially when you already know how they're all going to go. Still... kind of like a moving photo album. Lots of nostalgia, lots of memories; some sadness, still a lot of brilliance. Well of course, I was in it...

Anyway, it's been fun; kind of enjoyable, like all the fictional stuff, love a new universe. But now I think I'm done, and about ready to get to work at fixing it all. And by it all, I mean all of this, so seems to me I've got some universes to save!

[info]hateshimself in [info]thedoorway

edward cullen vs. being away from bella when he knows she's in mortal danger: part 2.

My apologizes for not making myself formally known earlier; as you can imagine, it's been [...] an adjustment.

My name is Edward Cullen. As pleasurable as it would to live among you, I'm in a hurry to get home. Bell I'm needed there. Is anyone aware of how to make this possible? The SHIELD organization have been forthcoming with what I need to know.

[info]emsie in [info]thedoorway

Text message to Katie Fitch

[OOC: Posted very very early morning January 1st]

» Talk me out of this second bottle of champagne.

[info]newly_human in [info]thedoorway

Text to Buffy Summers

» I think I had sexual relations with Captain Hook last night.
» He only had one hand.
» But the one hand he did have was very capable in servicing my needs.

[info]archerhawke in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to women over 18]
Wow, is it awkward in my apartment this morning and since Isabella isn't here to listen and facepalm (I like that word you have here, it's so expressive! ) and tell me how I cocked this up and how to fix it, I'm going to ask all of you.

So. Last night Anders and I went to see the big glowy ball thing drop and at midnight there seemed to this whole 'kiss the person you like' thing going on so I kissed Anders. Because I like him. Quite a lot. And he started to kiss me back which I got all inwardly excited about because thank the Maker that means he does like me then he stopped and stepped back and said we couldn't do this. And I got pouty because dammit, I like him.

So, um, help? Did I ruin everything? Is he being a dunghead? If I stick my head in bucket of water, will this all get better?

Oh, in the interests of full disclosure, I may have been a little drunk last night but not so drunk I didn't know what I was doing.

[info]redridinhood in [info]thedoorway

Texts to Sam Merlotte

» So the full moon turned out fine last month.
» You still up for heading out of the city sometime to go running?

Text to August Booth

» Hey, didn't see you last night. Not a party person?

[info]timetorun in [info]thedoorway

I hear these new years mean you have to make resolutions, so I'm making one! I want to see every landmark in New York City, and maybe to be ambitious every part of it I can get to by the end of the year!

What's one you've lot made?

[info]the_doctordonna in [info]thedoorway

Brand new year. I was a little sad that it was rather uneventful only because I do miss traveling with the Doctor. Though, I do enjoy being here and I like my administrative job a lot. Here's to a great year!

[info]humansparkler in [info]thedoorway

I know several of you were worried about my caffeine intake. NEVER FEAR! This girl just got a job at Java Moment.

Now that I'm employed and responsible and all that junk, I should proooooobably start training again. I'd hate to be sent back and have Scott bash his head against the wall since I forgot how to throat punch a bitch. Who wants to fight me? Powers allowed. My powers, not yours.

[info]bmuggled in [info]thedoorway

I got asked for my autograph just now. But the girl asking thought I was someone else.

I had to explain that I wasn't Billie Joe whatshisname. When she heard who I really was she pulled out a massive book called Goblet of Fire and asked me to sign that instead. On page 351, chapter twenty three, The Yule Ball.

She got a photo with me on her phone and then legged it. Strange lass.

Great party for Hogmanay, wasn't it?

[info]porsches in [info]thedoorway

Hello everyone, my name is Alice Cullen from Twilight. I believe some of you have spoke to my brother, Edward. Please don't be shy to say hello to me, I won't be of harm to any of you for the foreseeable future.

Also, if anyone has an inclination to purchase lottery tickets this week, I suggest holding off. The winner has already been chosen.

I'll be by shortly, don't run off looking for me. We're going to be roommates!

[info]repobarbie in [info]thedoorway

» We're going to be adults about this, right Caffrey?
» We could pretend it never happened, but that'd be pointless.
» Let's just chalk it up to bad decisions on New Years Eve and agree it's not going to happen again. Because I can't do that ag

[info]sirius_business in [info]thedoorway

I just woke up. Had to turn the computer on to figure out what day it is. New Year's Eve celebrations turned into Sirius Black's old-man birthday celebrations and a lot of us forgot to sleep until a couple of hours ago. I'm not sure what all happened, but my place is trashed so I guess we had a good time? Anyone get pictures?

Should I be concerned I woke up in my boxers? I'm almost afraid to look in the mirror. James, if you drew a penis on my face you're fired.

[info]peacekeeper in [info]thedoorway

Text to John Crichton

» Are we going to talk about the kiss or continue to pretend it didn't happen?
» Just so we're clear.

[info]trackinganklet in [info]thedoorway

Well, now that that’s over...

Can I just say how very disheartening it is to have potential employers be able to Google you when they’re going over your application? First of all - application. Really? Really? I can’t even do the patriotic thing and stretch the truth on it. And while I usually check that little box that asks if you’ve been convicted of a crime, I think it’s really just tasteless that HR is all "Oh yeah, Neal Caffrey. Love the show. Like hell I’m hiring you, but good luck." I’ve been turned down for a job and then asked out on a date in the same breath. And don’t get me started on the headhunter who tried to talk me into dancing at a meat market because he’d seen that stripper movie that I was emphatically not in.

At least I have a job doing art restoration, but ever since I started using my real name they don’t let me near the good stuff anymore. I don’t generally do emoticons, but :(

You people who’ve known what you wanted to be since the age of two and then grew up to be that – I used to think you were creatively-stunted, but these days, I think you’re pretty lucky. In addition to being stagnant, I mean.

[ Filtered to Bucky Barnes (616) ]

You’re someone with a past, complete with people wanting to get even with you/kill you/etc! What are you doing with yourself job-wise? Feel free to lie.

[ /Filter ]

[info]purpleshorts in [info]thedoorway

A chemist was working in his lab when his young assistant came running, clearly in the throws of great excitement and very little sleep.

“I’ve done it!” crowed the assistant, pointing to the glass vial of frightening-looking green solution in his hand. “I’ve created a universal solvent! This is the most acidic substance in the world! It dissolves everything!”

The scientist chuckled to himself and returned to his work.

The assistant stared, shocked at the scientist’s indifference. “This discovery will make me a billionaire! Why aren’t you excited?”

The scientist looked up from his papers. “How are you holding it in a glass vial?”

What we think of as corrosive acid actually provides us with one of the clearest indicators that electrons, protons, and neutrons are “real”. I’m sure those of us who grew up on this version of Earth have been forced to draw an atom in science class, but the actual building blocks are so tiny that they seem almost imaginary, don’t they? Well, all acids contain a surplus of protons. The stronger the acid, the more protons. Consequently, when combined with other substances, the acid’s excess protons combine with any available electrons – essentially, they rip electrons from their original atoms.

What does this mean to you? It means that when your skin comes into contact with a strong acid and begins to burn or dissolve, what’s actually happening is that electrons are being ripped from the atoms composing your skin. The lack of electrons in your skin causes injury and eventual collapsing disaster. Bases operate much the same way, but opposite – their excess of electrons attracts protons.

Incidentally, to answer the joke above, Teflon is what is used to store corrosive acids, as it has been manufactured to be resistant.

[ Filtered to the MCU/616 Avengers ]

How do you justify being friends or clos with people who don’t have superpowers or super-weaponry?

This isn’t intended to make you defensive; I just want to know how you wrap your head around the never-ending cornucopia of dangers.

[ /Filter ]

[info]themadgirl in [info]thedoorway

There are a lot of shows on television about weddings. I found that out today. A few days ago I bought a book and some yarn and needles and taught myself how to knit because I saw people that make booties and baby blankets on the computer and I wanted to do that too. It was actually sort of easy and kind of like making nets but with needles and with smaller materials. So not anything like making nets, really but that's okay.

But I was watching these wedding shows and there was one where the women were just so terrible and mean to each other and it wasn't nice at all. They would get upset about cake and shoes and flowers and all kinds of other things that seem so silly to get mad about. Then there was another one where they would try on all of these dresses and they were all so beautiful but expensive with sparkles and ruffles and the girls would always cry. It seemed very strange to me. Things at home were very simple when it came to weddings. When it came to a lot of things compared to here. It was complicated but sometimes not.

Oh and we saw the ball drop on the last day of the year. It was very crowded and cold and loud but everyone seemed very happy to be there. It was different. A lot is different. It's taking some to get used to.

[info]keephersafe in [info]thedoorway

I have received word that I will be instructing women's self defense classes on Saturday mornings at the YMCA Emma had shown me. I am looking forward to seeing if I'm suited to teaching others to defend themselves in this city.

Though it is only one day a week so I was not remiss in accepting the position to waitress at a tea shop in the city. It would be preferable if I could eventually teach more classes instead.

Hopefully everyone returned safely from their end of the year festivities.

[info]savedthechrldr in [info]thedoorway

» Hey how'd your interview go?
» Been thinking about you

[info]jasontoddwayne in [info]thedoorway

Well, I'm here. Don't try anything, I won't be nice.

I'm Jason. I'd say do your worst but whatever you do won't be as bad as what I've put up with already. If you're part of the family and you got a problem with me here, piss off. Have Harper or Kori got here yet?

[info]charlieholloway in [info]thedoorway

A question for the new year:

Is there anybody else here that's supposed to be dead?

I haven't seen my movie yet, but others have told me about it, and death by way of poisoning and flamethrower immolation is much more exotic than I would have imagined for myself, even on a moon light-years away from earth.

[info]smallknives in [info]thedoorway

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to be more helpful in the house, so I went grocery shopping today for Aunt May. Except I got too many eggs, too much bacon (is there ever enough bacon, though?) and too many veggies.

Time to eat my way through all of this, I guess.

And a belated happy new year to you all!