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Oct. 2nd, 2013


Voice to Text

Oh, the glories of a part time job turned into something full time turned into overtime.

Not that I think anyone has missed my mug around here, but that is where I've been if anyone was wondering.

Sep. 16th, 2013


Filter: 616-Avengers and other friends
I have a full fridge with groceries, pots and pans in the cabinets, and printed recipes for some very easy recipes off of the Martha Stewart website. Oh and guardianship over a spider kid (lol sorry, Miles). Guys, what? I think... I think I'm growing up!

Quick. Someone plan a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's again.

Sep. 13th, 2013


Who: Matt and Lilah
When: Friday evening
Where: Starts in the lobby, goes into town.
What: Matt takes Lilah to his usual haunts that are actually in this version of the city. Is it a date? He isn't sure he wants to call it that considering he thinks his dates are all essentially cursed to be doomed.
Rating: TBD, likely low.

You can't miss me, I'm the tall, ruggedly handsome redhead you'll see. )

Sep. 12th, 2013


network post; erik lehnsherr

Please remind me how anyone could enjoy the particular pastime of swimming. It seems to lead to terrible consequences. My name is Erik and I don't want to be here. I'm told I'm not alone here.

Sep. 11th, 2013


Voice Post

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a job.

Granted, I was told I didn't get the job before I was given the job, but being able to talk more legal jargon than their paralegal that's apparently leaving was more than enough to convince them to consider me anyway.

And I'll be honest, not being able to actually represent anyone in court was where I was before I got here so it's almost nothing new.


I think I'm starting to prefer New York over Los Angeles.

Sep. 7th, 2013


Who: 616: Carol Danvers, Jessica Drew, Cassie Lang, Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Ben Reilly, Kaine Parker, Thor, Jan Van Dyne, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts; MCU: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson; Sookie Stackhouse, Johnny Storm, Sue Storm, Jean Grey, Gaige, Jo Harvelle.
What: Baby shower invites! Please assume they all have plus ones. There's also a note to say that when you RSVP to let MJ know if there's any special dietary needs for you or your plus. It's going to be a Brunch theme, so there will be eggs, pancakes, doughnuts, quiches, etc.

Also! If you think you should be on the list, hit me up please! <3

Baby shower! )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


Filter: Marvel-Verse
I am so sorry.


Ingredient for Life More Plentiful on Ancient Mars Than Earth

David Bowie was already aware of this in the 70's.

I honestly don't know what else to say. The whole ... gas situation AND THOR BEING AFFECTED AUGH and it being tied to the Tesseract is making me really stressed and I just want to roll around in science articles like an angry little chinchilla. I feel like it's my fault somehow? Our fault? The science team? Did we drop the ball?


VOICE-TO-TEXT TO Natasha Romanova (616):
» I am in need of entertainment.
» And also I need help shopping for baby items. That is not my idea of entertainment, however.

Sep. 1st, 2013


[Voice Post, meant to be private but filter fail.]

Convince someone to go with me to shop for baby things. Note to self: save the encyclopedia set for college, ha ha.

Get job. Easier said than done, investigate potential listings for paralegals to start.

Find someone who can sew. Talk to T'challa about training and teaching position.

[/end (fail) private post.]

Aug. 29th, 2013


network post: sookie stackhouse

The internet's wrong. I bought clothes, knowin' my sizes and all, and the internet says I got them. But I most definitely have not. If you have something with the name Sookie Stackhouse on it, please let me know. It better not have been sent to Eric fucking Northman.


posted early Friday Morning

How do you get rid of a black eye? Make up or magic or frozen peas?

Just asking.

Also: don't come into my room.

Double also:
Mom & Dad, are you cool with me going to Six Flags with Gwen?


Did you see?? WILLOW IS BACK! :D? This pleases you? Yes?

Aug. 28th, 2013


I need a crib.


Oh god I can't do this


I dont know what i was thinkking what Luke was thinikin OH GOD


Hey, how're you settling in? Good? Can't get over the fancy coffee makers that come with the apartments? Get yelled at by the upstairs neighbors for walking on the ceiling? How about a patrol tonight? Just you and me? Is this too many questions?

I am pretty sure I just left my teaching job in a leap of faith. If you wanna sock me in the shoulder for it, everyone gets one free swing. That's it, that's all.

Aug. 27th, 2013


All right! So we're going to make the absolute best baby shower here for September. I figured that would give Jessica enough time to get things that might be on her list that didn't make it during the shower. Something I wi

Jess, I'll need to get with you on a list immediately. I'd like to send out invitations really soon.
I've got some fun ideas for this shower, including everyone bringing a book to start baby's first library.

You two - Matt & Peter? You have to be as gungho as I am about this to everyone you talk to about it. (Especially YOU, Peter, since you volunteered me). I will not take anything less, and yes, I will know. And yes, I will come after you for it. Don't make me glower.

Aug. 20th, 2013


Voice Post

Whoever is playing that god awful Europe song is about to-

I think I am getting a migraine.

Aug. 19th, 2013


Despite my teaching duties, I find myself burdened with time. There is a building location within Hell's Kitchen that constantly draws my eye as suitable for a training facility. Martial arts is indeed a specialty of mine and I feel my time could be spent leaving a positive mark on this world. Should anyone wish to join me in teaching combat to various skill levels and ages, I would be honored to continue pursuing this goal with you. I only require that you are a master of your art and are capable of showing patience and compassion to the students.

Is your evening occupied tomorrow?

I am fully situated in the adjoining room. Should you require anything from me, merely ask. I shall respect any rules in place as far as the living situation.


And here I thought this week couldn't get any worse. Hello, I'm Susan Storm, and I was told my brother is here.

Aug. 16th, 2013


[Voice Post private to Peter Parker and Natasha Romanova, 616]

Karen is in my room.

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