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Sep. 4th, 2013


» Apologies about not getting back to you the other night. I made an executive decision to ignore my phone and focus on drinking.
» Anyway, it turns out pet shops (unsurprisingly) close long before the bars do.
» If you have a moment free later, you're welcome to come with me to find a replacement rodent.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


The person I'd like to blame for this is capable of many things, but probably not inter-dimensional travel. Yet.

I'm Dr. Remy Hadley, and I could use a drink or ten.

[ooc: trigger warning for character death and illness]

Aug. 29th, 2013


Text to James Wilson

>> Really.
>> Naughty Nympho Nurses III?
>> I mean, at least it wasn't the second one, bc boooooring.
>> Your taste in porn is still precious, btw.

Aug. 28th, 2013


To the true owner of Naughty Nympho Nurses III, I believe that I have mistakenly received your package. I hope that you have not been without it long, and that this error has not caused you great inconvenience. It appears that I dropped the parcel behind my couch and failed to notice its presence until this morning.

You are welcome to retrieve the package at your leisure. I have little interest in keeping it. While I have not viewed the film, the images on the box do not seem to accurately portray the realities of the nursing profession.

Aug. 23rd, 2013


Delivered to Amber Volakis, Killian Jones, Whale, & Jefferson )

Aug. 21st, 2013


[ Filtered to her OAUT Men; you know who you are ]

I'm throwing a party tomorrow night. The sort of party that you don't remember. If you're worried about having to socialize, there will be very little talking, merriment is banned, and the first person to play "Blurred Lines" will be thrown out of the sixteenth floor window.

Vodka and rum will be provided, but if you want mixers, you bring them yourself. Juice is for women ten years away from Type 2 Diabetes.

Do we want to invite Emma? Or is she too Emma?

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to James Wilson ]

Do you want to go out for coffee sometime? Real coffee. Not metaphorical coffee.

[ /Filtered ]

Aug. 15th, 2013


This isn't bloody funny. To the witch, warlock, sorcerer Regina or any other conjuring of evil responsible: fix it. Or I will run you through with my sword

Aug. 14th, 2013


Who: Amber Volakis and James Wilson
When: Backdated; June 16, 2013
Where: An oncologist's office
What: She's dead, he's possibly got cancer. What happens next?
Rating: PG-13

As a rule, Amber Volakis didn’t do nervousness. It slowed her down, it distracted her from the problem in front of her, and it was utterly useless as an emotion because it gave her nothing in return. )

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Apparently I can't keep a Lincoln Lee around to save my li Screw you, cosmic cube. Lincoln's been sent back and the least it could've done is sent me with him.

Aug. 1st, 2013


Just try and guess who I have discovered was sent back, to my extreme pleasure I think it's about bloody time I threw a proper pirate gathering.

With the 13th floor out of commission, you may all consider this an open invitation to room 1108, tomorrow evening for grog and women a good time.

Jul. 24th, 2013


All right, who's staying and who's going? I would go, but I'm fairly sure that would increase the chances of me becoming a total hermit by at least 50% and I'm hoping there'll be enough of an exodus to make the tower considerably more bearable. Fingers crossed.

[OOC Note: I'm pretty cool with anyone he talks to fairly regularly being on this filter, but if you're not sure and want to check, feel free to shoot me an email.]

Jul. 17th, 2013


Sorry protestors, as long as this world has coffee, I'm sticking around. You're going to have to pry this hot latte out of my dirty alternate universe hands.

In the meantime, I'll be busy having a love affair with the cinnamon dolce one from Starbucks.

Jul. 16th, 2013


[Filter: Everyone who helped out in the clinic on Sunday night]

Yeah. So I'm not one for making big speeches and stuff but thanks to everyone who came down and pitched in. It was nuts down there but we all pulled together and nobody died. That's always a plus.

Dude. You're pretty freakin' awesome in a crisis.

Jul. 15th, 2013


[ Filtered to Clinic People + Those Who Helped Out Yesterday ]

...is it over? Because if we get another wave of injured, I'm going to just shoot them and claim they were in the late stages of rabies.

[ /Filter ]

Jul. 8th, 2013


Given the reality of the threat we're all facing down as residents of Potts Tower, I don't think it's alarmist to make a quick request in lieu of an actual will. If I die and the following individuals survive me, I hereby give...

My hamster to Killian.
My liquor to Jefferson and Amber, divided as you see fit.

Everything else is free for the taking, barring any items Killian insists he paid for himself. If I'm dead, please defer to him. If he says he paid for everything, then you're out of luck. Thank you and good night.

Jul. 4th, 2013


And how do you three fare this day?

Jul. 3rd, 2013


I am so freaking tired of people dragging their ass in five minutes before my 14-hour shift is done and they don't have the decency to be dying of something interesting.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


So, tell the truth.

Am I creepy?

Jun. 21st, 2013


[ Filtered to Victor, Jefferson, and Killian ]

I quit this week.

[ /Filtered ]


I'm going to accept what has happened, however unlikely it seems, and move on to what we all really want to know - when is General Hospital on?

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