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Jun. 19th, 2013


Anyone else planning on avoiding the Tower until whatever got loose this time is dealt with? I'm almost getting nostalgic for Storybrooke, and that's never a good sign.

Jun. 18th, 2013


Looks like I somehow missed the arrival of your b Dr. Wilson yesterday. Setting aside my default sarcasm and asshole tendencies - are you okay?

Jun. 16th, 2013


Well, this is... new.

I'm still not entirely convinced that this isn't a drug-induced hallucination. If it is, I have to say that the absence of dancing mops and trumpet-wielding elephants is a little disappointing. LSD is to Fantasia as [mystery drug] is to waking up in a Seinfeld episode?

If you happen to see a cantankerous, misanthropic, intolerant, self-involved, antagonistic doctor with one working leg, I suggest that you run in the opposite direction. He won't be able to catch you.

Jun. 11th, 2013


Henry's gone. I went to wake him up for school. I thought it was weird he wasn't up yet, but I went into his room, and he's gone. Everything's still there, he's just I don't know where he is. Can someone help me look for him?

Jun. 7th, 2013


Between Father's Day and Waldo, My already limited patience with people has apparently run out. Now taking suggestions for vacation spots where the population is either ridiculously small or easy to avoid. Bonus points awarded if the people that are there are mostly scantly clad women.

Judge away, I don't care. I could use the visual pick-me-up.

Jun. 6th, 2013


...Waldo can't show up in my shower, right?

May. 22nd, 2013


network post: open

The more I think about it the more I become confused. Do I relish in this existence as if these next few moments are my last, or do I build up to what I will never possibly have in some crazy hope that maybe tomorrow I'll still be alive?

When you watch people you don't know have their lives turned upside down by the random vanishings of loved ones it is hard to keep pushing forward when you then start to view these strangers as possible mirrors of your own loved ones upon your own vanishing.

There is rebirth, what the fuck is redeath like?
I'm not ready to find out.
But I don't know what living means right now either.

May. 20th, 2013


I watched Dodgeball for the first time today. That emptiness I was feeling in my soul is now filled. So much so that for a moment I contemplated suggesting a Potts Tower Dodgeball Tournament, before remembering that there might be some accidental deaths due to how many super powered people we have living here. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball thrown at you at 80+ MPH, right?


Oh what the hell, I think I want to get one going anyway. Is anyone that's actually good at organizing things interested in helping?

May. 16th, 2013


Is waking up with a bloody lot of new memories a punishment for avoiding the blasted show I come from?

Couldn't have thrown in a few more enticing dreams with them? Something that involves far less clothes than what's considered respectable? If I'm being punished, I'd at least like a little enjoyment from it.

May. 15th, 2013


in honor of the new star trek movie with a sherlock in it: who won?

i mean, i guess sherlock as a villain makes sense. what better enemy for spock?

May. 14th, 2013


Someone help me understand the rationale behind starting a family here. No, I don't mean having a relationship with another "refugee." That's between you and your partner. Take the risk, if you feel like it. Clearly that one hasn't panned out well for a number already, but go ahead. Perhaps the other person will come back, and they'll have no idea who you are, but love endures and all that.

But what possesses anyone to consider children in a place where you can't guarantee being there for them? Yes, I understand no place and no world secures your life as sacred. Enough of us are familiar with how families get torn apart regardless of being uprooted from home. How do you justify willfully risking -- accepting inevitability -- that a child born here won't have one or both parents even a year into the future? And, mind you, a year is probably a generous estimate given the revolving door this world seems affixed to.

May. 12th, 2013


Does anyone else have a completely okay relationship with their parents? Because I'm beginning to think that the Tesseract is attracted to people with mommy issues. (Winchester, add this to your weird little study.)

May. 5th, 2013


network post: pavel chekov

Three women and one man hit on me this morning. One told me I can return to her bed and be her king.


It's been a long bloody while since I could grope both at the same time.

May. 2nd, 2013


It appears as if I will be forced to start from scratch in my studies of tobacco ash. Though given the quality of available products, it's quite unlikely that I will enjoy the process a second time.

However, this electric fire detector that produces a high-pitched shrieking sound in the presence of smoke is quite clever. If increasingly bothersome when the noise is prolonged.


[ Filtered to Victor ]

I'm thinking about asking you if you want to make plans for the night prom's supposed to happen that don't involve prom in the least. Haven't actually worked up to it yet. I'll let you know when I have.

[ /Filter ]

I bought a bar cart. I'm thinking I'm going to make a little metal bracelet so I can tug it along behind me wherever I go.

During my residency I was the queen of drunken Operation. The board game, not an actual operation. OR WAS IT?


If this were my world, today - 2 May 2013 - would be the 5th anniversary of my death. I don't view this with a great deal of foreboding or despair or any such thing. When you spend twenty years dancing to the tune of two very powerful and very ruthless men, survival tends not to be too high on your list of probable future achievements. I always knew the most likely outcome of what I was doing was my death. My only hope was that the Dark Lord would be defeated. He was, so I can view my death with a certain amount of equanimity.

That being said, the tesseract has been kind enough to bring me here where I get to live. I don't know why it did so and while I admit to being curious, I am not overly inclined to look a gift horse in the mouth. Here, I am alive. At home, I am dead. While I can understand the desire of many to return to their homes, I am quite content to stay here.

May. 1st, 2013


Well, it's no Jolly Roger... But it'll work in a pinch. And it would get me out of this blasted building for more than just work

Now accepting donations.

Apr. 26th, 2013


And my day just got considerably better. Let's celebrate tonight.

Apr. 25th, 2013


Good news, otherworld Avengers.

I know you have all been sad about the loss of "Dog Cops." And while we still don't have that, early morning channel surfing revealed that we do have a show called "Animal Cops: San Francisco" on Animal Planet.

Chanel 234 if you've got Digital Cable.

You're welcome.

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