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Feb. 8th, 2016


image, NO FILTER )

I think that explains it quite well.

Feb. 6th, 2016


There's a girl at the Barnes & Noble Starbucks who gives me free chocolate peanut butter cookies whenever I come in. And yesterday she just wouldn't stop talking about something called Serial. (Which I thought was called Sirial because then it made sense that she'd be telling me about it. But no, it is not.)

And it's about a fellow who maybe killed somebody, and he had a trial. And now he's having a miniature trial to determine whether or not he gets another trial.

I can't work out whether or not she was taunting me.

Feb. 4th, 2016


Hold up. You can buy girl scout cookies online?


Jan. 30th, 2016


Looks like JK Rowling is just telling the muggles everything about the magical world. It feels a bit awkward almost. Although, I must say, I don't think I've ever met a student from Castelobruxo.

[Severus Snape]
How are the batches I've brewed holding up, Severus? I'd like to have some idea of what my success rate looks like. After all, if I'm going to poison a werewolf, it would be such a waste to do it accidentally.

I might come by your shop and pester you tomorrow, once I'm finished my shift - if that's all right with you?
[Sirius Black]
Right, you've had a few days to mope around now, that's enough. Either you're out of bed in the next ten minutes, or I'll send you a Howler enchanted to sound like our dear mother
[Remus Lupin]

Jan. 22nd, 2016


I have spent the last three days watching the Big Fat Quiz.

I now know everything.

Jan. 8th, 2016


I bought myself a travel tea infuser... thing. I don't know what it's called, but mine is pink.

I'm not sure I really understand why anyone would want to drink tea with the leaves in it all the time, but I do feel as though I'm taking a worthy step towards modernity.

[Severus Snape]
It was nice catching up with you the other night. It was ... must less exhausting than the company I usually keep. Not that I'm complaining exactly. It was just different to seem ... actually appreciated.

Anyway, when do you want to start lessons and how long do you expect this will take? Oh - and I came across a book you might like to read.
[Ethan Chandler]
How would you define Loyalty, if you were asked to?
[Sirius Black]
What happened to the television?

[Remus Lupin]
I was about to ask you when the next full moon is, but if the books are any indication, you're bollocks at keeping track. Anyway, I might have something to help you either this month or next, depending on how long it takes. Can I come see you a bit, tonight?

Jan. 14th, 2016


image )

Jan. 7th, 2016


I'm glad Potts Network seems to be working okay. Seems the internal network at Stark Industries has been finicky all day today, it's weird.

Jan. 13th, 2016


It is good to be home. It still seems strange to call an apartment in New York home, even after three years here, but having been back to England, I believe I am happy to do so. The England of this world is just similar enough to have all the differences be quite jarring and unsettling, the major one of which being no wizarding world. Walking through London, going to Scotland and not finding what my mind says should be there was... unusual.

However returning home did have its interesting moments. My thanks to those who sent me gifts for Christmas and if you are very lucky, Tonks, I may share the results of your present with you. The tesseract's gift was somewhat less welcome. I am not certain I needed the Headmaster's portrait, especially as it has retained its magic. Still, I suppose I have been lacking someone to have intelligent arguments with and the Headmaster was always good for that much at least.

Jan. 11th, 2016


Network post; Abigail Brand

Filter: SWORD, cut for image )

Jan. 8th, 2016


There's a website for quotes that match the Hogwarts Houses.

I found this one to be my favorite.
no filter, just image )

[filter: NEWT]
Can I bring my dogs to meet your kaiju, Dave?

(I'm kidding I know it's not Dave).

Jan. 7th, 2016


If any of these clubs were real, I'd have a difficult time choosing just one to attend. Especially the author visit.

Jan. 5th, 2016


Okay seriously.

I think I'm the reason this little kaiju is here.

I should name it.


[Filtered to Harry Potter Universe]
Did one of you remove the Great British Bake Show from the special television box?

I can't find it, and I really need to know how Martha balances the Pie challenge with finishing her A-Levels.

Jan. 1st, 2016


Oi, you lot, who has the apartment that's bigger on the inside?

Hermione would like to see it.

Dec. 28th, 2015


I thought at first these were a bit too small, but they look quite functional really. Though I imagine these would work best in cities like this one, or London -- anywhere else would be a bit much, I think.

    I'm sorry for what I said to you when I was...frustrated the other night. I don't really want to turn you into a toad, I hope you know that.

    I hope I'm not bothering you, Mr. Stark, but I wanted to let you know that I finished the engine you asked for. Actually I don't think you REALLY asked, only I wasn't sure if you were joking and I wanted to be absolutely certain my grade wouldn't be -- I know it's the holidays and classes haven't started again yet but I left the engine as well as an outline detailing everything I did. There was plenty that I could apply from previous lessons, naturally, but there were still a few things I had to research elsewhere (I expect that's alright, and of course I notated and referenced each instance). Also I feel it's important to note that magic was not used to make it functional. I did use magic to manage organizing the parts before I put it all together, but as I said, it wasn't used for the actual engine itself.


Well, this was quite possibly the first time I've ever experienced such a balmy Christmas. Not that it really mattered, given that I was indisposed for much of the occasion. And not that I'm complaining, of course. I'll take a warm New York over a frozen York any day. Or flooded, for that matter. Shame about that.

    Come with me to the library, Black.

    I a I wante Thank you, by the way.

    Have a good Christmas, Harry?

Dec. 27th, 2015


I guess it's that time we're all supposed to decide what we're going to change about yourselves for 2016, right?

[Nymphadora Tonks, May Parker]
I know that Stark gave us Monday off, but if you two are available at all, I'm going to be in the lab, and could use a hand on Tuesday.
[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
I'm particularly interested in your New Years Resolutions

Dec. 20th, 2015


Is anyone missing a baby kaiju?

Because I found it.

Dec. 18th, 2015


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