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Oct. 30th, 2013


Just one more full day It's amazing how a tasting of 28 different dipping sauces can open your eyes to what you've been missing. Ketchup, you're great and you'll always have a place on our shelves, but boy, I need to get a bottle of curry ketchup to keep you company. And that mango chutney mayo.

Filtered to Spider-House + Reilly
We still all on for family dinner tomorrow?

Filtered to JD
Soooooo, how was Beantown? Did you bring us back some chowdah and lobstah? Did you survive the baseball insanity?

Oct. 28th, 2013


Jesus, people in New York sure know how to celebrate Halloween. We never would've had that kind of crowd the weekend before Halloween down in Bon Temps. Probably would've had some sort of serial killer instead, knowing our town. Or vampires would have inva Or I would've ended up with a bar full of bad imitations of vampires. I never gave into any requests to celebrate at Merlotte's before, but I'm glad I did here. It's paying off.

This Friday'll mark the bar's one year anniversary. I'll be having drink specials all month to celebrate, so come take a look starting then. Thanks to Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts for all the help. It wouldn't be here without them.

Oct. 26th, 2013


ooc: backdated to early this morning

» Hey
» Really hoping I didn't lose you completely to your new bedroom because you know, the tower is still great!
» When your pictures are not being taken at least.
» There's a Halloween party tonight, by the way

Oct. 23rd, 2013


I looked in on Sam's when I was returning to the tower.

And while I cannot say I entirely get how adolescents dance, it is safe to say that older people of this building understand the concept far less.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


We've got most of the House of Life finished! Just some finishing touches like finishing up the pool and making sure that all wards and such are in working order or whatever. Also building some more Shabti for the library! Probably some ones with like hands or something to hold books and items. Walt would have been way better at that than I am but he's not here so.

Also Carter's room is like the greyest, brownest room ever to exist. It's what would happen if beige just came into existence and beiged up the place. Maybe it's meant to be so boring that it just puts him to sleep.

[The Next Avengers]

So I know you guys aren't staying with us or anything, but there's room for each of you if you guys do ever end up spending time at the house. Plus I mean I can make bedrooms and I've gotten like a ton of practice at it lately.


You're the goddess of love and stuff too, right?

Can I ask you a question?

Oct. 18th, 2013


Thank you to everyone who hung out in the clinic or sent gifts.

I decided to go ahead and name her Danielle. It's what her dad would have wanted, and I also don't fuck with the space–time continuum.

I'm not going to post any goddamn pictures. If you want to see her, come visit. She eats a lot, so there's a lot of quiet time don't leave me alone for too long.


Finally back in town, and all I can think about is how empty the tower feels without everyone. Guess I should try to make friends outside of the ones I already had.

TJ, you still here? Wanna take a girl out for a drink?

Oct. 17th, 2013


network post: sookie stackhouse

I have a bed!

Filtered: Friends
I have a bed! I made it exist. It looks like gran's mostly. Except the blanket was all wrong, feathers on the outside not the in. They're cleaned up now, and I'm going to bring one over until I make one right side out. The walls are a warm orange color, and the carpet's got some patterns to it. There's no window yet, but I've been focusing on the bed.
Filtered: Sam Merlotte
Did you know I covered two sections a while go for most of a shift because a boss man from a video game kidnapped a waitress? That's a new one. But she wasn't scared or nothing. So I didn't stop him.

Oct. 11th, 2013


Who: Birthday Party invitees. And stragglers. MJ would never turn down party crashers, unless you're stealing.
When: 11 Oct / 7 pm +
Where: 13 floor Potts Tower!
What: SURPRISE PARTY! Comment here with what you did. I'll be fixing up the different sections here momentarily.
Rating: Probably PG, but who knows. I'll change it if it ends up being more


Oct. 6th, 2013


network post: sookie stackhouse

Filtered to Friends - Sanctum Sanctorum Friends
I may be moving out of the tower. It's nothing yet, and I'm not packing up my apartment until, I'm not sure exactly. It depends how long it takes me to build a room. I know I haven't been talking with all t'all about it, but this place is as noisy as Merlotte's on a Friday night, all the time. It's awfully draining, and being here more than a month now, I was at my wits' end until I started taking naps at Dr. Strange's house, Sanctum Sanctorum. It's a dimension of its own. So the only minds there are the people that live there. And a toaster's there, but it doesn't bother me. Dr. Strange more or less invited me to move in. He said to move in, but I also have to build a room. With magic.

If'n I succeed, I'll let you know, so you can find me there all the time. If I can make a bed in there, that might be enough to start me, just for staying the nights.
Filtered to August Booth
Dr. Strange is one of the kindest people I've met here in the last few weeks, but I'm done trying to make a room tonight. The walls are now pink, and that's about it. But I've got pie, beer, and a quiet place to be. If you want more in a room than a pile of blankets, I can meet you at your place or mine in the tower.
If you could decorate your room however you wanted, what would you do? I'm set on having bright colors. Neutral walls aren't the memories I have. I like pink and orange and yellow. They aren't just fall colors, like dying things. Orange is peaches, like my granddaddy picked, and my mom gran gave me a beautiful pink dress when I was nine. Yellow reminds me of the sun warming my skin in the summer. That's what I want around me in my room.


Well, Tesseract, where you're concerned.. when it rains, it really does pour.


Captain's Log Ocboter 6th 2013. 11:26AM.

Still drunk.


[Filtered to Sanctum Sanctorum residents + friends ]
Maybe I'm imagining things, though that's often just as dangerous. But has something been living in the library?

Oct. 4th, 2013


Guilt is a particularly interesting emotion. The great 21st century philosopher Angelina Jolie once said that she '[doesn't] believe in guilt, [she believes] in living on impulse as long as you never intentionally hurt another person, and don't judge people in your life. [she thinks] you should live completely free.' (This may have been why I married her.)

While I agree that we should all be free of unnecessary guilt -- both in ourselves, for the things we cannot control, and when it comes to shaming others -- but I also believe that guilt, when tied to responsibility and failure is important and is an important part of process of self forgiveness.

I know there is plenty I should and do feel guilty about, I'm sure we could all say the same -- What I've done about that feeling, however, has almost never been positive. My methods of coping were always destructive to myself and my relationships with others -- I think that I am doing better with that here, and I do hope that anyone else who is here and is struggling with some stubborn thoughts, feelings and reflections, does their best to turn it into something positive for themselves and others.

I've seen it done, and while I know it's difficult I can also say that there are fewer actions that I admire more sincerely.

[Joan Watson]
Does it bother you, at times, that you can't visit him while you're here? Do you feel as though you are shirking some responsibility, I only ask because I am curious and it seemed the correct segue into an inquiry about whether or not you were all right?

[Jesse Pinkman]
I did not know you maintained such a fondness for woodworking. It's something I'd certainly like to learn more about.

Sep. 27th, 2013


text messages

» That stylish sorcerer I told you abouts holding a party tonight.
» Invitation
» You should check it out.

» I'm watching my tv show with Eric tonight.
» Watching my life on tv is not my idea of a good time, though I've seen plenty of it in people's heads.
» But he's going to watch the person he loves most die, and he's got no idea it's coming.
» I really hope this doesn't ruin any of my clothes.


[Private to Vampire population of NYC]
I have a business proposition for you.

[Private to Lafayette]
I meant what I said about offering you a job. I may have an investor.

I have to say, watching myself on television is rather amazing. I have to say, though, there's an awful lot of focus on people who aren't me. Disappointing. But I am learning so much about my friends, I must say.

Sep. 23rd, 2013


network post: sookie stackhouse

Seems like this place has got more portals and dimensions than peaches my granddaddy's picked. Hell looks an awfully lot like Fairy when you've pissed off Queen Mab. This shirt'll look clean as new once I get some bleach to it. Got a load in the washer, and I'm baking pies.


So, let me get this straight.

There are sidewalk drawings that are sucking people down to hell?

What the FRELL?

Sep. 21st, 2013


You know, I thougts peoples in big cities woulda been more tolerant than us folk from Bon Temps, but turns out ya'll are as big of biggots as the rednecks down where Is from.

I'd tell you what some asshole shouted at me from his car, but I don't wanna give that cracker the satisfaction.

Private to Sookie, Jess, Sam, friendly True Blood Folk

How are ya'll doin? I haven't seen ya'll much except at work, so Mama's curious.

Private to Eric

I gots some questions for you, and don't start none of your shit.

Sep. 20th, 2013


So... New York Comic Con is coming up. My best friend and I got to attend last year and it was pretty much the most exciting thing PSB (pre-spider bite). Gillian Anderson's going to be there, Felicia day, and even R.L. Stine will be doing autographs! Too bad I don't have any of my books here

I made a bad decision once wearing a Spider-Man costume before, but, since this world's Peter's alive, it'd be okay, right? Or is that crossing some line again? Or maybe I'll just go as a Jedi. Or nothing my own suit? I mean.. we can do that, maybe? It'd be like some unlockable alt costume from Soul Calibur.

Well, no matter I guess, but does anyone want to go with?

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