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Oct. 21st, 2013


Is a cyberpunk too cliché for Halloween? Because I have no idea what to wear for the party.

Oct. 13th, 2013


I am Mako Mori.

I have had a very long day. I think you have already heard about it from the people I know.

Thank you to the SHIELD agents, Miss Potts, and Mister Stark. The thread-count on these sheets seem astronomically high.

Oct. 12th, 2013


Braving NYCC was way too much fun!

Most actually believed I was simply cosplaying my teen self, only odd comment was that my hair was off but understandable given her haircut (and I actually did have short hair then).

I think I would do this again but anime does not seem to be a huge thing for some reason. Sure people know the major ones (odd to think Cowboy Bebop is one of them) but that was about it.

Oct. 11th, 2013


I got my ass kicked. I still won. Good training. Compared to the fourteen hour sessions we used to get into, it was A little short though. We never had it so easy.

Enough tough guy talk. Ed, I found Ein for you. It's at your door.

Chuck Newt, do you want to come over for dinner? ,
Filtered to Pacific Rim:
Come over tonight and I'll fix dinner.

Oct. 10th, 2013


Anyone know where I can find a stuffed Corgi that can pass for Ein? Because I'm going to cosplay as my teen self tomorrow and its the one thing I'm missing!

Its crazy but then when have I ever passed up the excuse for a misadventure? Plus I want to get in a few more rides before I have to store my scooter for the winter (not keen on that idea).

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Oct. 8th, 2013


How many of you work in the Phsysics section of the SHIELD R&D? I submitted my resume to the HR person to see if I could work there and I am curious as to what it is like from someone who actually works in the area - or R&D in general for them.

Thank you for the delivery, they were wonderful. The Butterbeer had to be my favorite though.

I forgot to ask, how did your trip go?

Oct. 3rd, 2013


Who: Charlie & Radical Edward!
What: Random bump-in
When: 10/03, noon-ish?
Where: Radio Shack
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

...she looked the item over and weighed the options of buying it now or later. )

Oct. 1st, 2013


Happy October, everyone. I'd say I hope this month is quiet, but I've already had a couple kids come up to me to tell me they're dressing up as Captain America for Halloween this year. I told them to send pictures my way after Halloween. I'll probably have a full mail box, but it'll be worth it.

Anyone have good ideas for Halloween costumes? I promise I won't steal your ideas. I am thinking about dressing up as something else, though. Just haven't decided what.

FILTERED TO: Cassie Sandsmark, Radical Edward, Henry Pym Jr, Dade Murphy, Kate Libby, Daisy Johnson; + Sharon Carter & Nick Fury (616):
I'd meant to send a message last week, but hello. For those of you I haven't met, I'm Steve Rogers. Agent Carter and I would like to talk to all of you about an idea she had. I'm offering to teach you how to fight in the field, individually and as a team. This isn't going to be a walk in the park, but if you're going to be getting into trouble, you need to be able to get out of trouble too, and give 'em hell while you're at it.

Sep. 29th, 2013


I think JARVIS just suggested I take a bubble bath. Was that meant for Pepper?

Oh. I'm back. If you noticed I was gone.

Sep. 27th, 2013


In my spare time I have undertaken the project of attempting to replicate the voice command system that we used on the Enterprise. It has been a pleasant challenge as the computer systems in existence in this time are significantly inferior to the ones I am used to using. Needless to say, the first step in the project is to upgrade the computers to use trinary code so I fear the completion of this project may take some time. Nevertheless, it is a pleasant challenge that serves as an adequate way to pass the time it takes the existing computers to run programs and simulations.

[Filtered to Jim]
Have you given any further thought to moving out? Has the arrival of Doctor McCoy altered your opinion at all?



the best thing about this place so far is - aside from thinking i'm still dreaming of course - is that the food isn't rationed yet. i walked into a supermarket this afternoon and was able to anything i wanted, and more. lucky charms. i haven't had those in a dog's age. twinkies, when did those come back? tootsie rolls.

someone needs to eat them. i can't, that stuff will keep me awake all night.

hey herc. T-bone steak?

Sep. 26th, 2013


That was an exceedingly unpleasant and implausible way to travel. And my intended destination was Washington D.C., not New York City.

If the airports are being unreliable, I think I'll just rent a car.

Sep. 25th, 2013


network post: public

Okay. I am so good with making lists, because I am so bad at remembering all the stuff I need to do. This place is feeling just like home though, just keep finding things to do and I'm a happy girl.

1. Get a tech job.
Or just hack into some company and give myself a job, thank you very much. Oh? I'm getting a raise so soon? I couldn't...oh well, if you insist.
2. Cosplay - Codex, it's been decided. I shall become my actress' avatar. I will also be singing that stupid date my avatar song, because it's stuck in my head.
Hang with me in my MMO, so many places we can go. I'm better than a real-world quest; you'll touch my +5 to (s)exterity vest.
  • JoAnn Fabrics & Etsy for fabrics and prop material.
    3. Moving!
    4. Gadget building/setup.

    I want a pet, but I don't think it's fair to the animal should I pull a bibbity bobbity boo! What's small, short lived, that I will get attached to, but not too attached to that is basically self reliant and just needs some food once in a while? This sound very much like a plant, doesn't it?

  • [info]daretodobetter

    Why do we go to space?

    I've been missing it more and more lately.

    Sep. 24th, 2013


    Now that training is finally done I'm where I belong, back in the world of computers and the net. But I also love being able to share what I've picked up over the last few years too.

    Caprica: I have some ideas I would love to run by you when you have time, nothing major.

    *Filter: SHIELD R&D*

    I went official late last week but figured it was time to peek in and make the official hellos. I'm Edward but online I'm Radical Edward, I'll mostly be working with computers so that pile of gear is there for a reason. The cube grabbed me from 2080 and my source is a Japanese anime called Cowboy Bebop. But feel free to pick my brain if there are more questions.

    *Filter: Daisy*

    As discussed last week I'm keeping the side business as a tech, you reminded me its keeping me plugged in outside the tower and its a cover story at the same time. Because outside SHIELD and the tower I'm just a kooky grad student working my way through school.

    Sep. 21st, 2013


    Well damn, this wasn't what I expected when Tank and I headed out to go water skiing with the guys.

    Uh question though. If this is 2013 there is water and no comet has lead to a drought yet? That happened in 2022 but still my world didn't have this sort of thing happening. You know even if we had super soldiers that are half human and half kangaroo...

    Sep. 20th, 2013


    So... New York Comic Con is coming up. My best friend and I got to attend last year and it was pretty much the most exciting thing PSB (pre-spider bite). Gillian Anderson's going to be there, Felicia day, and even R.L. Stine will be doing autographs! Too bad I don't have any of my books here

    I made a bad decision once wearing a Spider-Man costume before, but, since this world's Peter's alive, it'd be okay, right? Or is that crossing some line again? Or maybe I'll just go as a Jedi. Or nothing my own suit? I mean.. we can do that, maybe? It'd be like some unlockable alt costume from Soul Calibur.

    Well, no matter I guess, but does anyone want to go with?


    New York isn't what I remember it.

    I hope Jack remembers to take the dogs out. I don't wa Wi

    Sep. 19th, 2013


    Walked by the Krispy Kreme at Penn Plaza today and was told since I was "dressed like a pirate" I could have a free donut.

    It might be time to re-evaluate this shirt.

    [Filtered to Daisy Johnson + Cassie Sandsmark, Radical Edward, Henry Pym Jr, Dorcas Meadowes, Dade Murphy, Kate Libby]
    0930 Saturday 637 Stanley Avenue 11207. I want to see what you've got.

    [ETA: Filtered to Valentina Allegra de Fontaine
    so Il Castile seems a bit dull. Change of plans. Bring a passport, mosquito net, and your favorite assault weaponry. Same time.


    I've been thinking about asking this question for a while.

    This building, this tower is full of a lot of heroes. Not just super powered, not just costumed, but people who do whatever they can, and sometimes more than they can, to protect others.

    And I want to ask -- why do you do it? What made you dress up in a skin-tight jumpsuit and fight crime? What made you earn a badge? Join the army? Push through medical school?

    What made you?

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