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Dec. 20th, 2013


It seems to be the day for cars.

Dec. 19th, 2013


OMG! I just got my laptop! My precious book, I missed you so much, I almost cried thinking of how much I'd have to save up to get you again if need be but, THE TESSERACT GAVE ME MY LAPTOP!

Does this happen often? Can we possibly request more things?

I mean, I went shopping today with Pepper (she's one of the beeeeeeeest and I have something for the New Year's party!!!), but it would be nice to just, like, get two or three or four or five or six or seven things from my wardrobe at home!

And you know, sending Rhodey through would be nice too! He doesn't have to be gift-wrapped.

Oh and THE AUCTION WAS AWESOME BUT I wasn't old enough to buy a date. :((((


It took me half the night to manage compatibility with this

Afternoon, everybody.
By now I'm sure you're all used to people showing up and introducing themselves, so I'll keep this short. My name is Dorian, I'm from the year 2048 where I worked for the police force. It's work I'll probably look into continuing to do while I'm here.

It's a strange situation, sure, and nothing like anything I've ever seen or read about -- but that doesn't stop me from looking forward to finding my footing and getting to know the other residents
[John Kennex]
Hey John - they told me you arrived just before I did. It's room 2003, right?
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
I'm not sure if you're the person I talk to about requests or not.

Dec. 18th, 2013


Secret Santa for Clara Oswald

Secret Santa delivery to Clara Oswald )

Dec. 16th, 2013


No idea the cube is bringing in wheels because I got the call during lunch.

My scooter is here! Not the one I fixed up when I landed here but my actual circa 2080 wheels. I know, not a mushy thing but its been with me since the Bebop so I think it counts.

Next order of business: making sure its street legal because I'm taking it for a spin this afternoon if all goes to plan.

*Filter: Anyone that knows cars*

Can anyone give my scooter a quick once over? I know its mine because of a dented fender but I want to make sure its in working order.

*Filter: Charlie*

It looks like you won so pizza and gadget hunting? :)

Dec. 13th, 2013


This weather feels a little more space like, at least more like the moons of Jupiter. But the fancy coffee drinks have been way too much fun since I'm drinking my way through the Starbucks holiday menu!

Dec. 7th, 2013


I signed up for the date auction since it just sounded like fun and its for a good cause, so bid on me?

And if anyone on the high floors nailed by the chicken pox needs anything picked up I can help!

*Filter: SHIELD*

Anything I can do from a tech/electronics end in terms of things in Asgard?

Dec. 2nd, 2013


Okay, so, I only had experience with one portal thing that nearly ate our city, but I can TOTALLY rank this one portal as the literal best. I mean, it takes you inside SHIELD. SHIELD!! And the poking and prodding was a little annoying and the not answering my twenty-two questions was a little rude, so you could kind of work on that but. BUT. This apartment is REALLY NICE.

I can live with a bit of rudeness if I get a free apartment!

HI! I'm Pepper! Well, Patricia. But nobody calls me that except my dad no matter how many times I tell him to call me Pepper so please don't be like my dad and call me Patricia.

TONY! The SHIELD agents told me you were here!

Nov. 30th, 2013


Sure, Tony, the first thing I want to do when I come home is get online and post on this network so you can have even more places to bug me. Happy now?

I see a lot of new faces since the last time I got on here. To those of you I haven’t met yet: Colonel James Rhodes, US Air Force, liaison to Stark Industries. Welcome to New York, I hope you’re settling in okay. If there’s anything I can do for you, let me know. (And don’t ask Tony Stark -- any of them -- he’ll just give you directions to Brooklyn when you’re trying to get to the Bronx, then time how long it takes you to figure it out.)

Nov. 27th, 2013


Simmons already stepped up to say hello, so I figured I should follow suit. I never know what to write with these things. Not with the whole offer of Thanksgiving dinner, though. I don't mean that I I'll be heading to her place, same as anyone planning on going, that is, so I'll see you there in that sense. If you happen to go.

I'm Fitz, by the way. I've met a few of you before, and I'll likely see more of you around (or you'll see me) in the coming weeks. Oh, and I'm a native, or however you want to say it. Not to New York Oh, just stop and post this already.

Nov. 19th, 2013


That was a little freaky to say the least.

I think I'll slip out to the food trucks for a treat.

*SHIELD R&D and Caprica Six*

You guys get the creepy suit brigade showing up?

Nov. 18th, 2013


I keep thinking that I'm going to miss my birthday, but it's already passed (by almost a month). It's throwing me all out of whack and that's why I am going to throw a small birthday party so that my brain can calm down and breathe. I just need to decide on a day. (I missed it by two days!!!)

Tesseract, I need my Gibbs. I already designed a remote with his voice to keep me going throughout the day and it just takes a press of a button, but the real thing would be nice.

THIS MAN. Pretty please.

Private to Jenny
We need another girl's night out.

Private to Angel
Sooooooo. How was the monastery?

Private to Radical Edward
Ed, Ed! I need your help with writing out a set of Prolog predicates to generalize a case defined in terms of of constant expressions by turning those constants into variables. Or I would like some company, actually. I usually do this with McGee.

I have plenty of Mountain Dew to repay you for your troubles.

Nov. 17th, 2013


New York City! Filled with SHIELD and Asgardians. What is up with that!?

Tony Stark, I'll have my people call your people. So much tech and so much time. JARVIS, the Iron Man tech. It's one of my dreams come true.

I don't even want to go to sleep! It's a good thing the bodegas are open late.

Anyone play WoW? Daaaaaaaaaaamn, I have to start over? I better get on that tonight too.

Nov. 16th, 2013


Network Post: Caprica Six

The only ones left from my world are myself and Lee, but he recently lost his girlfriend and we just lost Laura. I wish I still had my angelic messenger with me, or some sense of God's plan in this. I feel far too unique right now and it's a lonely feeling.

I'm very uncomfortable with being the only Cylon here.

Nov. 15th, 2013


[Filtered to SHIELD R&D (Howard Stark, Ginny Weasley, Radical Edward), Jane Foster, Bruce Banner + Nick Fury & Maria Hill (MCU) ]
I'm sending some tech your way. See what you can do with it. Ideally, I want workable prototypes. Let's aim for this time next month.
[Filtered to Howard Stark, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Nick Fury (both)]
Got that book you sent back, it's uploaded on the fileserver with today's date, and Agent Stark's ownership. Auth code SQI234R. Secondary encryption has not been ruled out, but for now, congratulations on your new cookbook.

Don't bother with the solyanka recipe p 227.


This weather feels a little more normal, like the moons of Europa to name one place. But braving Bloomingdale's for a decent coat should be considered an adventure inside itself I think.

Nov. 14th, 2013


So let me get this straight.

I got zapped to a world where Captain America's real, and there's really no way to contact anyone I knew, and no way home?

Great. That's just the icing on the cake that is my life. Does anyone have any good news?


Now that I'm over the hangover from the last two months, I think it's time to get back to my real roots. I did this alone before Storybrook came along, and it's not like things were ever normal there.

That said, bounty hunting just isn't my thing anymore. I think I got a taste for detective work. Not sure I'm ready for NYPD, but maybe I can look into getting my private detective license.

Nov. 8th, 2013


Oh God. I need call blocking, email blocking - whatever. It took me three hours to clean out my inbox and it's already half full again. Maybe I just need to change my number and email. Can I do that?

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Fury/Daisy's Tiny Team [Pym, Sandsmark, Override, Edward, Burn]
How's everyone doing? How's training going? Is there anything anyone wants more specific training on? I feel... useless this week, my cell's gone, and we've pretty much delegated everyone's training to someone more experienced, stupid winter blues I know everyone's been working you pretty hard so Saturday we'll head out into the city, catch up over some diner food, and just play it by ear.

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