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Jul. 2nd, 2015


network post: peeta mellark

[Private: Johanna Mason]
Katniss is going into the woods tomorrow. I thought we could do something normal people do and go get a drink or something. We haven't talked much since I got here.

Jun. 15th, 2015


They're showing propos for the rebellion-- movie, whatever. I thought we escaped that. People are still watching us for fun.

Jun. 12th, 2015


Man, this is like being in Opportunity. Though I don't have to use Handsome Jack's voice so small bonus there. Very small. Like 1 in the pro column trying to offset the 1,000,000 in the con column. But hey, it's a bonus.

So what is there in this place for a former Vault Hunter to do? I'm good at shooting things, finding loot and, of course, I have my little lady with me. She's a sweetheart.

Jun. 8th, 2015


I had some profound thoughts about what it meant to be a Jedi in this world, but I'll save it for later. Right now all I can think about is how great cereal is. If it wasn't meant to be eaten all the time, I doubt they'd have made it so wonderful. Oh, and by the way. Anyone interested in buying a protocol droid?

    Hey, you. Dinner at my place tonight. You want in?

    I need to talk to you both about HK.

    I've invited Johanna to dinner tonight. And yes, that does mean I'll actually cook for once.

    How're you settling in, old man?

Jun. 2nd, 2015


    -- Hey.



Jun. 1st, 2015


Whoa, this place is so not the border worlds, let alone Pandora. Too clean and neat. And boring. I've been here for several hours and no one has shot at me or thrown an axe at me or tossed dynamite at my face. Okay, that last one was just Tina and I totally deserved it.

So, I'm Axton.

May. 21st, 2015


Oh my gosh. There are so many little cuties around the tower! I love this!

May. 17th, 2015


network post: peeta mellark

I've been told I was here before, but I don't remember it.

My name is Peeta.

[Private: Johanna Mason]
I think I'm doing this right Hey. Katniss told me you were here.


    HK's saying he searched for me for 300 years. Found a my red lightsaber. He's a little banged up, but I checked his systems and he's fully functional. No errors I could find. [...] Says I was still alive in 3642 BBY.

    You have time for a drink, Surik?

    You've been quiet lately.

May. 16th, 2015


I would like to start a morning running group again. Who would be interested? Jaina, are you in?

May. 13th, 2015


Well, that was awful. I move for immediate action of wilful ignorance of the past 72 hours.

The good news is no one is hurt; the bad news is I have an excess of junk I stole acquired so if you're missing stuff, let me know.

May. 4th, 2015


I feel like I can feel... everything.

It's like when you went into my mind.
I can see everyone around me.

Apr. 25th, 2015


Who: Johanna Mason and Revan
When: RIGHT NOW. Idk. TBD.
Where: Johanna's apartment.
What: Johanna gave Revan permission to access her memories with the Force. Let's see how that goes.
Rating: It's the Hunger Games. Probably should slap a Trigger Warning on this one. Talks of death/murder and torture.


Apr. 18th, 2015


I just wanted to thank everybody who has been helping out with Tristan. I appreciate it. Really.

Apr. 17th, 2015


All Star Wars
    I'll try to keep this short; I am not who I said I was when I first arrived. Since my wife showed up it's become increasingly more apparent to me that our presence here was not likely by chance. I know there's a significant gap between all of us, so I doubt many of you have much knowledge on our era. From what I understand of how the calendar years work for many of you, I come from the year 3954 BBY. My name is Revan, and though I was once known as Darth Revan, I found redemption in the light side of the Force and helped the Council defeat Darth Malak. Although where I come from I was called the Prodigal Knight, I am no longer technically considered a true Jedi by the Council of my time due to my marriage.

    I understand if there are questions or suspicions you may have, but I am willing to share what I know of the Force nonetheless. I have a feeling I may know more than many of you anyway. I apologise for the deception. I felt it was necessary to utilise a false identity until I was sure of what this world was.

Johanna Mason
    Sorry I haven't been around lately. Since Bastila showed up, I've been a little distracted.

    Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?

Bastila Shan
    Suppose I should probably look for a job now that the gizka's out of the bag, huh?

Apr. 13th, 2015


My name is Bastila Shan. I'm told that I come from a place known as a galaxy far, far away. In truth I believe that your galaxy is the one that is far, far away for it's nothing like mine.

I was also told that my husband was here and that are other Jedi also?

Apr. 10th, 2015


Sometimes people leave you halfway through the wood

Who: Revan & Johanna Mason
When: Backdated to April 7, following this conversation
Where: Johanna's flat
What: Revan is teaching her how to play pazaak and makes no promises about not mercilessly beating her at a game she's never played before.
Rating: PG-13 probably?
Others may deceive you, you decide what's good. You decide alone, but no one is alone. )

Apr. 7th, 2015


-- this rain is freaking me out
-- can i have company
-- will you come over


Thor, stop fucking around.

I'm trying to watch last night's Better Call Saul, and it's going to be hard if the electricity keeps going in and out.

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