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Nov. 11th, 2015


Posted Earlier - Veteran's Day

Today has become one of those -- you know, controversial days. Remembering veterans, remembering those that fought and died - that's important. But I don't think, in 2015 we should overlook the imperial and colonial implications of war, and the crimes against humanity committed by even the winning sides.

So we're right to be conflicted. But wars have always had a very, very human face. And as much as today is about peace, ending war, it's also got to be about the individuals who fought because it was right, because they were called upon to do so, and because it was their duty. Looking back, gaining perspective, it's not always kind to those soldiers, but today, let's do a little, give a little, and support a little a community of men and women that need it and who are all too often forgotten, no matter their sacrifice.

With that in mind, today I've got a few things lined up with the NYCVA. They're be a few talks, and you're all invited, as well as some workshops out at the Legion in Brooklyn with some of the local vets.

Tonight though, I'm going to be back at Sam's Bar, holding a get together for refugees, particularly those who've been in wars or conflicts that aren't known to this universe. It'll be a place to talk, to share experiences and to to remember the people who were important to you.

[Warning: Some conversation about actual wars and the implications of colonialism and colonial conflicts in the comments]

Nov. 8th, 2015


Oh, sure. Yeah, just drop me off anywhere, freaky space magic. Better than a garbage boat but it could've been a warm beach.

Soooo...what's going on, Other NYC?


network post: sunday morning

I need help. I came home from the shelter yesterday with two dogs instead of one. They were curled up together when I came in and they came to greet me together and so they came home together.

cut for image )

That's not the part I need help with, obviously. The problem is, only one of them has a name. The little girl on the left (the black one) is Liberty. I'm calling her Libby for short. But the boy doesn't have a name. I need suggestions. Any ideas?

Oct. 19th, 2015


It's oddly freeing to not be considered canon anymore. That's strange, right? There's so much Star Wars stuff going on right now I'm starting to think of myself as a character more and more. But I was named the most popular Halloween costume in North Carolina, so I've got that going for me.

Oct. 18th, 2015


network post: peeta mellark

There is something called Master Chef on the television. I suggest eating before watching it. Same for Cake Boss.

Oct. 16th, 2015


I've got some time today. Do you want to go shopping for Halloween costumes?

I'm going to take Prim and Rue to get costumes. Want to come?

Oct. 10th, 2015


text messages

Johanna Mason )

Katniss Everdeen )


With Stark Expo coming up in two weeks, Stark Industries is looking to hire some temporary site security officers. Contract'll start Monday, for a two-week training period and end after the convention. If you're interested, please let me know immediately.

[Joanna & Katniss]
Are you two ladies ready for how insane Stark Expo is going to be? It's a lot of people, and I don't want to jinx it, but...

Oct. 2nd, 2015


network post: friday morning

It gets cold here earlier than at home. I might have to start living indoors like normal people. The technology here is still so weird to me. Fancier than I'm used to, but not as advanced as the highest end stuff from home. There are these little packets you bend and they get warm. Useful.

Oct. 1st, 2015


network post: peeta mellark

What exactly is Halloween? It's everywhere but I don't understand it.

Sep. 24th, 2015


I was really hoping that after I woke up, I would be in my bed and thinking, "Wow, what a weird dream." But no, I'm still in this strange apartment in New York.

I was also told to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Beca and I am very confused right now.

Sep. 23rd, 2015


No one died, right?

Sep. 18th, 2015


I know you're in the tower. I can't get in.

Are you in the tower?

Where are you?

Aug. 24th, 2015


I want to buy a car.

How the hell do I buy a car?

I need someone rich to talk me through this.

Aug. 11th, 2015


network post

At least we can finally go outdoors.

Heya sis,
No alien flu, but that sure was weird.
I need to get outside. Come with me.

Jul. 29th, 2015


I have something for you, little duck.

Are you busy this weekend?

Gale and Prim and I are going to have lunch tomorrow.

And I asked Johanna if she wants to go for a drive this weekend. Maybe with Prim, too.


gale learned how to text!

Prim )

Katniss )

Johanna )

Jul. 24th, 2015


Who do we talk to about the puppy place on the ground level floor?

[Filtered to Steven Universe]
What's your world like?

Jul. 19th, 2015


So is this a bad time to mention the protocol droid I built is still up for sale? And, no, it doesn't know how to do anything that would hurt anyone. Although I do have one of those.

    Does anyone else feel like we should be putting ourselves to some use around here, or is it just me?

    Alright, you're not allowed to leave the apartment for a while, buddy.

Jul. 5th, 2015


Are the cannons fireworks over yet?

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