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Jul. 19th, 2014


»» Helena!
»» Do you remember when I suggested we adopt a ferret?
»» And name her Giselle?
»» We were gifted with Trailer instead
»» Now we have two dogs.

Jul. 2nd, 2014


I feel that this is as good a day as any to bring the Youth Center's summer plans to everyone else! I'm particularly excited, because it really isn't summer for me without a concert or two to look forward to. Now, this came up in the meetings, so I am going to explain. My idea of a concert and YOUR idea of a concert might be different. To me, it is several people entertaining by reciting poems and stories, singing, and any other sort of talent that is to offer. It's very similar to a variety show, I understand. And that's what we will be doing! A variety show, with the proceeds to go to the Potts Tower Youth Center, to fund our activities this fall and into the new year.

The children have had several days to choose what they will be doing, but now I give it to you, Potts Tower. Which of your has a talent that you are willing to showcase for the benefit of the Youth Center?

The Pride Parade was one of those experiences that I think that everyone should experience at least once. I was warned that it would be shocking, but once over that it was, quite frankly, an amazing experience, and one that I look forward to next year.

Filter to Steve
You remember when you volunteered to do some art things for the youth center? There is one scheduled for the 23rd of this month, and its yours if you want it.

I should have asked his a long time ago, but what do you want for your birthday?

Filter to adult female friends
I feel like I'm actually an old woman, staying in most nights with a book or one of the shows I've discovered on Netflix, and I feel like I need to change this. After all, I am still relatively young.

Jun. 30th, 2014


Filter: Housing Assistant Floors 22 & 23 (Richard Castle*), Housing Assistant Floors 9 & 10 (Bruce Banner) and Helena G. Wells
Good evening, Mr. Castle and Mr. Banner, my name is Myka Bering. Mr. Banner, my partner and I, Helena Wells, are currently in a two bedroom apartment. 1009 to be exact. We spoke about and agreed upon moving up to the 23rd floor if there is a one bedroom apartment available, which is why I’ve added Richard Castle onto this filter. Neither of us were sure what steps needed to be taken for this move to be possible. I’d like to reassure you that our decision to move into a one bedroom on another floor has nothing to do with you as a housing assistant. We both were looking for a change of scenery and to be closer to friends.

*OOC: Dee, while its technically a filter to Castle I don't see any reason why Kate can't answer as I'm sure the two of them share the responsibility of housing assistant in some way. So if you wanted her to answer I say go right ahead

Filter: Eleventh Doctor
Helena and I talked and came to the decision that we would move higher than the 17th floor. If this move goes through we’d still like to have you over for tea sometime.

Filter: Helena G. Wells
With everything lately I forgot to mention that I may have found someone willing to be our assistant until she passes her licensing exam

Jun. 29th, 2014


Happy Pride, New York. Let's get this party started. I'm keeping track of how many times people mistake me for one of the grand marshals of the parade.

You're coming with me, honey. Get ready.

Jun. 26th, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Myka and I were lucky enough to miss the worst of things by happily being on holiday when things were going mad here. I see, however, that the Rising Tide has started taking further steps to make things unpleasant for us. Should we expect further demonstrations?

I, for one, will be going to much more enjoyable demonstrations. If anyone else is interested in the Pride kickoff rally tomorrow and the subsequent events, we can go as a group as we did last year.

Jun. 7th, 2014


FILTER: WHOVERSE + FRIENDS* (*As usual, if he's said he likes you--you are a friend!)

You lot all right? Unpleasant bunch of people out there, if you need help getting around... Suppose I could be a taxi until they realise they've better things to do with their time. Like crochet! Does anyone still do that? Brilliant hobby.  Much better than the manufacturing of Dalek merchandise.

I seem to have a penchant for teaching. Languages, they are brilliant, aren't they? More of you ought to study them, especially if I'm teaching them. Only saying.

May. 28th, 2014


Network Post: Myka Bering

Filter: Helena G. Wells
We should make our final decision soon. Then we can begin packing everything so we can move it.

... But how do we decide which Doctor to move closer to?

May. 20th, 2014


who ten & helena
what talking about kids
where the TARDIS
when 5/16, shortly after their conversation on the network
warnings child loss, angst, will add as needed

... )


Network Post: Myka Bering

Last night was the 'series finale' of the show I'm from. I was so sure that I was going to find myself confused and at a loss for what was next but all I feel is relief. Relief that it's over and that the future is what I make of it and not what the writers say it is. For those whose source material has ended how did you feel about that once you found out? Did it leave you with more questions than answers? Or give you a sense of peace?

Filter: Helena G. Wells
Do you think Serena would mind if we adopted a ferret and named her Giselle?

May. 16th, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

[TRIGGER WARNING: Reference to losses/deaths of children, birth issues, and other child and birth-related triggers] )

May. 11th, 2014


Network Post: Myka Bering

Filter: Helena G. Wells:
I know Mother's Day is hard for you. But I'm here and willing to listen if you want to talk about Christina.

May. 10th, 2014


Filtered away from Kenzi Malikov
Last week, I had the delightful experience of gaining a new set of memories. To say it was unsettling would be an understatement.

I understand this is a common experience around here. How do the rest of you deal with it? Specifically, what do you do when those memories involve others from your world. Do you tell them about the future? Even when it's about as horrible as it can get?

May. 8th, 2014


Hello, network. I'm in the need of a sciency person, particularly for chemistry. I'll buy you pizza. :D Or chili dogs.

Filter: Sharon Carter (616)
Why did you not tell me you broke up with Rhodey?

May. 7th, 2014


Two days late and a dollar short, I'd like to tip my hat to one Ms. Elizabeth Jane Cochran, or Nellie Bly as the world knows her, the world's foremost investigative journalist, inventor and industrialist at a time in which doors were not subtly shut in the faces of women.

Finding it all too easy to be declared insane, she had herself committed in order to report on the conditions in women's psychiatric care at the time. Of such, she writes:
What, excepting torture, would produce insanity quicker than this treatment? Here is a class of women sent to be cured. I would like the expert physicians who are condemning me for my action, which has proven their ability, to take a perfectly sane and healthy woman, shut her up and make her sit from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. on straight-back benches, do not allow her to talk or move during these hours, give her no reading and let her know nothing of the world or its doings, give her bad food and harsh treatment, and see how long it will take to make her insane. Two months would make her a mental and physical wreck.

Later, she would re-create the journey of Phileas Fogg and do it it less than 80 days. In her later years, she married and industrialist and lived quite the life. Not only did she take an interest in several less fortunate and orphaned children, but she also held patents for many an intriguing object. Though she later entered bankr

Ms. Bly also covered the Eastern Front during the Great War and the Woman Suffrage Parade of 1913.

It's reading stories of women such as Nellie Bly - women whose lives just intersected my own - that make me glad to be farsighted, and glad to give precisely zero figs regarding the opinions of those whose intention it is to railroad or malign a woman who only seeks to further herself.

So, Ms. Bly. Perhaps I was upside down in a bottle of tequila on Cinco de Mayo, but this afternoon I give thanks to your pioneering ways.


Thanks to all those who made it out last Sunday to help Jack and I celebrate our anniversary. There are many strange things about this world, but one of the things I appreciate is being able to have a future that wasn't possible in my own world.

I have to commend whoever organized the SHIELD 'garage sale'. Quite an amazing collection of items and I'm lucky enough to have acquired a new pair of cufflinks, because a man can never have too many and Jack I have a fondness for French cuffs.

I was planning to surprise you tonight - nice meal, long massage, fill in the rest - since the Angelus situation seems to have finally been resolved. I ran into a slight problem, however. I can't seem to get the cufflinks off. (And no, I'm not going to leave my shirt sleeves down and fastened with attempting to cook or giving you a massage.) Don't laugh. I don't know why they're stuck.

I'd prefer not to have to call in Philanthrobot if its a mechanical issue, so I'm hoping I just need another set of hands. Maybe it's just the angle...

Apr. 29th, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Myka and I have both been here for a year now, and we'll be away on holiday after the "show" finishes airing. I've a feeling we'll need it.

What have some of you done when your "source" ended?

[Private to Thor]
Thor, please accept my apologies for my unwarranted accusations against you. I was frustrated with my "source" for being obsessed with a particular woman's fertility lately, and I projected that onto you when I saw your earnest words about your friend. I'm sorry.

Apr. 21st, 2014


[Filtered to ladies (18+) + Fandral (cause bros)]
Maidens of Potts Tower!

I have seen many such posts these past few days, so I thought I would try my own luck. One of my comrades has been having a bit of a hard time lately and could benefit from some companionship. I seek a consort for him for this Midgardian Prom, though I do not believe my friend requires a teenager.

He is a brave warrior, and a champion of Justice who would pass along good Midgardian stock to any potential progeny you might have. He has a strong jaw, and a stronger character. He is the gentlemanly sort and enjoys music and horseback riding. He is also an avid historian.

Now, who is interested?

Apr. 2nd, 2014


Network Post: Myka Bering

[Helena G. Wells]
12 days. Are you ready for it?

[Samantha Parkington]
It's been a few weeks. How're you settling in here?

Mar. 22nd, 2014


Things I missed in the time jump. SciFi/SyFy original movies. Nothing better to put your life in perspective than a piranhaconda.

[Filter to Peter Parker (616)]
Guess who has six thumbs and isn't stuck cleaning salt and snow crud off marble floors five days a week.

Wait... something's wrong with that statement... Can't put my finger on what though.

[Filter to Buffy]
So, scale of -10 to 1, how likely would it be to talk you into this prom thing ESD is doing?

Mar. 18th, 2014


Around 1 pm Myka slips away and a couple of minutes later your deliveries begin Helena )

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