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Mar. 14th, 2014


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

I honestly think the only thing I have to say right now is at least I don't seem to be the only one.


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Was there a cursed painting amongst the lot we recovered, or was somebody playing with magicks they shouldn't have? I have no wish-- nor have I ever had a wish-- to be a man.

Mar. 11th, 2014


FILTER: Art Heist Detective Team, ie Elementary, Sleepy Hollow, NYPD
I've analysed the soil samples from the December 10th robbery, and we got a hit.

It looks like the dirt the thieves left at the scene corresponds with the soil found on Hart Island. The place is completely run down, and pretty much shut down. The only things left standing are an abandoned Women's asylum, some old missile silos, and a grave yard. And there's really no public passage to or from the island, unless you have a family member died in prison and was buried on the island, and can arrange special visit through the DOC.

Apart from the humidity? I sounds like a pretty good place to stash some priceless artwork, if you don't want anyone to stumble onto it.

I think this would be a good time to borrow a boat.

Mar. 9th, 2014


Dear Sirs and Madams,

Although having had much practice with the typewriters in Mr. Gardner Edwards' law firm, I regret that I was unable to properly operate my computer device to communicate with my neighbors until quite recently. My many thanks to Miss Myka Bering for her continuing lessons in its use.

I have yet to venture beyond our apartment tower or even terribly far beyond my own, rather insufficient lodgings; however, I am quite eager to revisit the parts of New York City with which I am familiar. Any parties interested in accompanying me are more than welcome. I hear motor car rides are not so uncommon now, and not so expensive. Kindly reply if this invitation interests you.

Yours most sincerely,

Miss Samantha M. Parkington


Filtered to Females
Men can be such idiots at times...

Mar. 3rd, 2014


[Filter: Helena G. Wells]
What do you think about going here for our getaway?

Feb. 26th, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Perhaps I'm having a bit of cultural confusion, and perhaps someone has already pointed this out, but I find that this "Rising Tide" logo strikes me as some sort of surfing or beach community. Or perhaps one that wants to stand against "climate change".

If they're going to be so inquisitive about logos, why not consider their own?

I hear the waves are good this time of year.

Feb. 23rd, 2014


For those who died do any of you remember death? Did you come back like you left or was something damaged? Did you ever get whole again?

For those who've made the decision that killing is a last resort what would drive you to it?

[Filter DC]

It's odd. I would do anything to keep big bird or little bird from ever having to take that last resort but I wouldn't feel as broken if baby bird came back and made my choice. I think I'd just try to help him understand the magnitude of the choice instead. To be honest I think sometimes the old man should make that choice and he doesn't.

Feb. 22nd, 2014


Who: Minerva and OPEN
Where: Bookstore
When: Mid-Afternoon, Saturday
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Feb. 20th, 2014


I've misplaced my wellies. Purportedly I left them in Scandinavia

Oh god I forgot, and is this appropriate? Who
Hang the protocols, I've found you a monkey.

And the adipose, well. He may be gone by the cells I cloned aren't gone. Not at all. So, I suppose we should be thankful for that.

Feb. 16th, 2014


This is most unnerving to say the least.

Thanks to the recent problems I'm having to make repairs to a prototype and confess to falling asleep at the laptop while making adjustments to the math. But I just awoke and all the clocks read 6:66.

I think I'll be running systems checks, work on the prototype and not going to sleep anytime soon.


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

I thought we were done with this nonsense.

Not only is 6:66 o'clock not true to how we reckon time, but it's a disturbing choice of numbers. Is anyone else seeing that?

Feb. 11th, 2014


Thank goodness for hand tools right about now, had to shut down a project prototype after it chewed me out for not acting my age.

Have tools, will travel if anyone needs aid.

Feb. 2nd, 2014


[Filter: Helena G. Wells]
We should look
It would make more
Can we mo
How am I supposed
Let's move into a

I've been thinking...

Jan. 25th, 2014


PRIVATE (encrypted via wrist strap)

Being good is getting boring. I'm starting to want to go somewhere a bit dodgy, start a fight or five, and see what happened if I disappear awhile. Fucking Harkness. Time was, you could trust a partner to have your back, but I got used to being solo.

Now look at me. I can't stand it here, I want to just wade in and start shooting people until something gives.

Pull it together, John.

/end filter

If I wanted to do a bit of target practice, do I have to notify our keepers? Especially if it's not traditional weapons

And who do I have to kill for a decent cuppa round here? And if you mention Lipton, you're going to get shot a very ugly look. I'm talking about a scalded kettle and a bag of tea and a nice five-minute brew, no bloody strings on the bags, and for God's sake, use milk and not coffee cream.

THAT kind of cuppa. Is there anywhere in this Godforsaken city who does that? Or is it a lost cause?

Jan. 24th, 2014


Well, Serena gets me up earlier than I usually anticipate, but it's okay, because in the morning when I have my coffee, I've taken to watching Wings, which I never saw all of in the 90s because four kids and a job. It's really funny, actually. I kind of like Crystal Bernard, too, although blondes don't really get me anything but kids.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Bloody hell, I'm ashamed of my birth country now. As if the tabloids aren't poisonous enough as they are. I hope the legitimate journalists aren't going to do their own investigating into lives that are supposed to be protected by some level of secrecy while they protect others.

As far as other investigations, Myka and I are continuing our own investigation into last month's theft of Henri's work.

[In re: The Mirror publishes a full report on the attack on London, before it is taken down, it includes names and pictures of several SHIELD agents. The details are not far off the mark.]

Jan. 18th, 2014


I know its late but figured someone is trying to get rid of fruitcakes even now.

Anyone got any that can be spared? I'm fine tuning the cannon to use fruitcakes as projectiles. Because so far pumpkins and snowballs work perfectly!

School wise: my exam results came too late to make it into actual university classes but I did get into a couple of independent studies that will let me stay on track (plus testing out of several pre-reqs came in handy). Also looking into some options in terms of internships.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Text Messages; Myka Bering & Helena G. Wells

-- I'm meeting Elliot at Sam's for a drink or two.
-- Do you need anything?

Dec. 27th, 2013


Filter: Helena G. Wells

"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

There is no one I would rather spend my birthday with than you.

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