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Mar. 15th, 2015


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker

I'm with Obi-Wan, and he's dropped into a coma too. Any progress with Luke or Anakin today? How are the rest of you?

Has the "judgement plague" hit you yet? I've been wondering about you and Caroline. I assume our non-organic robot friends haven't been "found wanting" by whatever aliens want to kill us all.

Mar. 5th, 2015


So I watched Moulin Rouge! (the exclamation mark HAS to be there) with Gaige. Then I "went out" and "got" the soundtrack. Yeah, I totally obtained it legally. Sure. That's the ticket.

But I just want to apologize for singing Your Song at 3am. And Nicole Kidman's diamond song. I sing loudly and proudly. And can't sleep at night. What's good for sleeping? Could someone just hit me on the head really hard? I'd be down.

Hey, is there just the one Nick Fury? Does this place have one? Does he have one eye? How did he lose it? How did YOU lose yours? How do you just LOSE an eye?

Anyway, enough chit chat. I WANT A JOB. I NEED A JOB. GIVE ME SOMEONE TO KILL.

Mar. 4th, 2015


So hi everyone! I'm Sabine and I'm new here! They said I'm stuck here for now, and gave me this weird comm device so I might as well introduce myself and see who else is here.

I'm 16, Mandalorian, and an artist! I like long flights in small vessels, orange (today at least!), and blowing up Imperial property. Unless this is a pro-Empire place in which case, I also enjoy showing other people how it's done!

But it seems pretty cool here, except whoever designed the logo for those SWORD people, why are there sausages on it?

Mar. 3rd, 2015


network post: kanan jarrus

If a man wanted to a build a droid, anyone got suggestions where to go? Don't say Disneyland.

Mar. 1st, 2015


Today is an eat an entire frozen pizza kind of day.

[Anakin Skywalker]

Dude you are so lucky I like you otherwise I would start charging you rent. With an extra charge for manpain.

Feb. 25th, 2015


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker

You said I started working on some droids last time I was here. I could use the distraction.


Just casually asking.

Has anyone seen a guy who looks like this wandering around their floor?

He can't really open doors, or anything, but he can roll pretty good.

[Laurie Juspeczyk]
How do you know if your child is becoming a teenager? You know, when that child is a toaster?

Feb. 21st, 2015


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker (Backdated to BEFORE the Midnight Plot)

Usually beings who pull me out of my ship without warning are more aggressive about it. I wish it had brought the ship too, but this isn't bad so far. If we're going to be here for awhile, are there any good garages?

Feb. 20th, 2015


When you have a cold what do you do? This isn't a general medical question, more asking what your personal remedies are, what do you like to eat and drink, things of that nature. Do you spend all your time watching Netflix in bed? Read?

Filter: Mickey
I'm really sorry that Martha's gone. How are you holding up?

Filter: Doctor (10)
I'm not feeling well, so I'm going to go back to bed for a while.


cut for image, NO filter )

Please have these on my desk by Monday.

Feb. 14th, 2015


Feb. 12th, 2015


I want to speak to my attorney.

And I also would like an attorney.

Feb. 6th, 2015


I do not appreciate being approached by strangers who are convinced they have "romanced" me. It is disturbing.

[ Gaige ]
I can't believe I'm I understand you are the person to contact about access to this [...] "fanfiction." What must I do for the password?

Feb. 2nd, 2015


Network Post: Jaina Solo

First of all, let me say this. I was not drunk or high or under the influence of an alien dimension when this happened. And I am not at this moment either. So now that that is out of the way, let me tell you what happened to me today.

I was going downstairs to get some coffee and came across this furry.....thing just sitting in the middle of the floor. He said he was a groundhog whatever that is. Yes, he talked and no I am not kidding. Long story short, he had this really kriffin' long name and told me to set him free or he'd do something. I don't know what that would have been because I picked him up and threw him out the door and then he just went POOF!

He left behind a pile of berries though but I didn't touch them. I mean seriously they could have been some kind of bizarre groundhog berries. I don't know but they're still out on the sidewalk I guess.

Do things like this happen a lot around here?

Feb. 1st, 2015


Stark Tower, late Sunday night )


network post: caroline forbes

Filtered: Hank McCoy
Others have been preparing for the Superbowl. It's a truly quiet almost dead time in Fangtasia. Sundays are never our busiest days on less snowy football-less weekends to begin with. As such, I've been putting thought into our wedding. I want to announce it in the New York Times, which has a remarkable number of guidelines. My hometown doesn't even exist here, but given it's fully verifiable information, I'm sure they'll accept it. There is a symmetry to having our eyebrows photographed on the same level. It's aesthetically pleasing, and it would be lovely to save many copies of that issue. I don't know whether or not we'll be able to win the Vows Column, but I have already started on the second half of it.

My mind's been swirling on the date. If it's the summer, I was thinking June or September. It's so much hotter in July and August. But five months isn't that much time to plan a wedding. But it's doable, definitely manageable. What do you think? I might accidentally plan the whole thing without realizing I haven't asked you. And it is your wedding too.
Filtered: Elena Gilbert
It's been quite the Mystic Falls/New Orleans arrival party lately. More New Orleans than Mystic Falls, but Rebekah, Kol... they're originally from Mystic Falls, so it counts. But I was wanting to speak with you about options... Sire bond dealing options. We have some more, some less, than dealing with it the first time around. And we can learn from that. So, would now be a good time to discuss that?
Filtered: Fangtasia Employees
One year anniversary coming up, February 15th. And I know it's all romance and glorious times for many couples downstairs, good times for singles upstairs on the 14th. But I want to do something special for our one year anniversary. It's a Sunday, a slowish day, but that also means we can do what we want and not drive business away if it's too crazy. So while I've had some ideas for a while, none of them seem like Just the Right Thing to Do. So I'm open to suggestions.
It's really 2015. It only ever completely settles on me that it's a new year once we reach the second month. It's not as though I've been writing the wrong year until now, but it really feels like it. I've also been doing an amazing job at staying calm. No Bridezilla moments. It's almost a miracle.

Jan. 25th, 2015


1) I always feel better after some good old fashioned violence.

2) Gaige's Garage. Anyone who knows something about mechanics who wants a set up with another refugee, lemme know. No assholes. Or if you are an asshole at least be one of the amusing ones. No boring assholes.

3) Test subjects needed. If you're okay with being shot at with a 95% chance of nothing bad happening to you, come see me! I have a job for you!


RP Log; Gaige & Anakin Solo

Who: Gaige & Anakin Solo
When: January 16 (backdated slightly)
Where: Gaige's Garage
What: One Gaige, Two Anakins, even if one is just there in Gaige's memory.
Rating: Mostly low, there's some language.

The worst part really was that it would have been easier in a lot of ways if his grandfather had always ever been a horrible person, and his brother had been the same, because then Anakin could have shrugged it off as just the way they were, rather than knowing they'd meant to help the galaxy and still kriffed it up so badly. )

Jan. 24th, 2015


How can they...it's them. How could the Titans come through the Tesseract?

Please tell me no one has yet to be injured.

(ooc:Mikasa's realization comes down hard after she sees the news during this)

Jan. 21st, 2015


[Filtered to friends*]
As we grow older and realize more clearly the limitations of human happiness, we come to see that the only real and abiding pleasure in life is to give pleasure to other people.
- P.G. Wodehouse

I'd have spray-painted an engagement announcement on the side of a building, but someone already got to Potts Tower.

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