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Jan. 14th, 2015


Okay, I'm ready to turn this off now!

Jan. 12th, 2015


Okay, so teleporting to a new dimension is pretty crazy, but have you guys seen all the new menu items at Taco Bell? What the hell's a crunchwrap slider? I don't know but it looked good. And everything is improved, too. People are holding phones that you can touch with just your finger, no stylus needed! People thought I was crazy when I stared in awe at some of the features technology can do now. I feel so out of touch, it's embarrassing.

Anyways, hi, I'm Peter. I suppose I'm one of you guys now?

Jan. 7th, 2015


So, only a couple of days off a month here and things are most definitely changing in what I'm told is the right direction.

I think this is the point where I could do with socialising outside of my family.

I'm just not sure I remember how that works beyond, go for drinks and talk about the vaugest of topics.


I've been avoiding you. I can't deny that.

But you deserve to know the whole story. Will you meet me?


Mara's suggested I look for work with animals. Thing is I don't know if I can. If that's something I'm even really capable of anymore. Could you maybe help me? 

Also I considered a longer conversation with Obi Wan. Though I feel it might be unwise. I think we'd disagree on many things

Dec. 27th, 2014


Network Post; Anakin Solo

It's kind of Astromech Droid central around here? And I'm completely all right with that.

[Filter: Jon]

[Filter: Anya & Rikki]
So, I know you were both willing to watch films with me, and I think it's time to do that if you guys are still willing to watch with me.

[Filter: Rikki]
So, you survived Solo + Skywalker Family Christmas with minimum insanity.

Dec. 21st, 2014


I'd heard that the Tesseract delivered Christmas presents but I didn't know that I was getting one and not only that, I got something that I really wanted.

Aside from the rocks, this pretty much sums up his reaction when I picked him up )

Dec. 19th, 2014


I think I've found my new hobby. Seldom does one find a trend that combines delinquency with British humorists.

And apparently the risk of death.

Dec. 15th, 2014


Who made the creepy ass gingerbread house the youth center has on display? Because it is a work of art. I wish to follow your clearly creepy ass blog.

Death Trap made one. It's adorable. For a robot constructed to kill people in super creative ways he's got such a sensitive artistic side.


I have decided this movie they're making about my life is pretty much the biggest piece of shit ever. I can't really make up my mind if the fact that the person playing me actually looks nothing like me and that fact that there is a lot of ridiculousness in that trailer that has no resemblance to what actually happened makes it better or worse.

Either way, it's fucking ridiculous.

Dec. 9th, 2014


It's taken pretty much fiveever but I've got the apartment above my garage actually habitable. And by habitable I mean I've got a fully functional workshop going on. It's pretty nifty and pretty much the coolest found item robotics lab around.

And a microwave. Because cooking is the worst. If I can't buy it in a box/bag I don't want it!

On the note of the garage. Have any mechanics come through in the last round of tesseract pulls?

Dec. 6th, 2014


Network Post: Luke Skywalker

This amused me far more than it should have )

Nov. 12th, 2014


Believe it or not, this isn't the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. Top five, maybe, but even then it's barely making the cut.

Nov. 13th, 2014


Anyone interested in throwing themselves out of a plane at 13,500 ft?

I've found a place on Long Island that looks pretty good for skydiving. I'm heading out there this weekend but I'd be happy to take along anyone who wants to have some awesome fun with me. First-timers are fine, they do tandems for you guys. But 18 or older only. Sorry, under age peeps.

Nov. 5th, 2014


Dude did none of you show up to vote yesterday?

Russell Raleigh just put on a dick speech. Granted I don't have super powers so no skin off my back but seriously he does not like you guys.

Oct. 27th, 2014


I think if Sisyphus had a pinterest, he would have filed his boulder under "Awesome 15 minute arms & butt workout lifehack!!!" One must always question the merit of saving $50 on a Halloween costume in lieu of $20 on materials and $40 of tools.

That said, I can now add leatherworker to my growing list of accomplishments. Next to building jets, and being placed under military arrest.

[Filtered to Caroline Forbes]
But I think I am nearly done with my costume. Care to give an opinion, my Αφροδιτη Συμμαχια?

Oct. 22nd, 2014


Well, I am officially employed as a private military contractor with Leviathan Corporation. Got a couple of months of training to get through to prove that I really do know my stuff and what was in the game is real. Or was real for me.

Hey, does anyone know if there's a good place anywhere nearby where we can go wingsuit flying? Or skydiving? Or parachuting? Or hanggliding? I've found a few places online but if anyone has any recommendations, I'd love to have them. Damn but I miss throwing myself out of or off high places and flying.

Oct. 21st, 2014


I have a costume!
I'm going as Handsome Jack.
No face shooting, Gaige.


No, wait... face shooting
sounds like fun. Nerf face shooting
anyway. Well, Gaige?

Oct. 15th, 2014


Oh man the stark conspiracy boards are having a fucking field day today. This is the best.

I mean if you're going to be shady doubling down on the villains is the way to go.

Oct. 1st, 2014


Network Post: Haplo

Network? Open network? qawertyu zxnkjlga 11234 \(]?. how to erase Voice

Hello. Is there a quicker way to learn how this works than pressing letters or talking at it?

The sword said that I have a "housing assistant." Where is Captain America?


Walking into an Apple Store and bending iPhones just to show you can might be kind of wrong, but it's also kind of funny.

But here is my personal favorite in BendGate solutions: To prevent your $200 iPhone from bending, just buy this $2,000 titanium case.

Yeah, I'll get right on that.

Sep. 29th, 2014


So who is buying
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel?
I want co-op buds!

:D \o/

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