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Jan. 26th, 2013



To: [Susan Sto Helit]
From: [Remus Lupin]
Subject: Interest in teaching

you have 1 new message )

Jan. 18th, 2013


Filtered to Logan, Ororo, Peter Parker, Alaric, Charles X., Silas, Padme, and Leia

At tonight's Faculty Meeting, we shall be meeting a new Curriculum Advisor: Leia Organa. We are lucky to have her, as this week's influx of students has been quite high.

Leia will be taking most of the new arrivals, but Alaric, you do have one more of your much loved Problem Children: Carrie White. This one is less a trouble-maker and more sweet but fragile.

Ororo, one of yours (Stiles Stilinski) was among the disappeared this week. Let us know if any students have issues because of that, so their other teachers can be made aware.

Finally: I am still having some trouble maintaining visibility to anyone but dogs, children, wizards, and Sherlocks. I will be at the faculty meeting tonight, but you may forget that I exist partway through. An old teacher of mine used to find it handy to write herself a note to remind her that she was speaking to me. If one of you could do that and then let me know that I've dimmed so I can do something noticeable to counteract it, I would find it most helpful.

Jan. 12th, 2013



Oh that I would. OH THAT I WOULD.

We need more villains up in this joint "to take care of" these protestors. I'd do it myself, but Hippocratic Oath, blah blah blah.


To: [Ororo Munroe]
From: [Susan Sto Helit]
Subject: Anne Shirley

you have 1 new message )


I'm having a few issues finding equivalents. Food, medicines, measurements, let alone law. However, there is something wonderfully exciting about discovering the things I do like. I'm really enjoying Austen, the seafood is excellent and I've re-discovered a childhood joy of ice skating.

[filter: susan]
    You were right about Glimmer being interesting. She is definitely going to require a lot of extra-curricular help. Have clubs formed among the student body?

Jan. 10th, 2013


Is anyone here good at finding lost people things?

Dec. 29th, 2012


I happened upon a shop called Tribeca Treats today. The truffles must be crafted by angels. They tasted like pure joy must taste. The truffles are very good. And the ice cream sandwiches. My gods, why has no one thought of this before? Ice cream, inside biscuits. With sprinkles. Chocolate sprinkles! Ice cream sandwiches are also nice.

[Filtered to Logan, Ororo, Alaric, Charles X, Silas, Padme, Peter P.]

As promised in last night's meeting, your new files are on your desks and waiting for you at your convenience.


[Filtered to Mindy Macready and Peter Parker]

Miss Macready,

My name is Susan Sto Helit. While you are on this side of the Tesseract, I will be your curriculum advisor. That means I will assist you with choosing courses to continue your education while you are in this world. I will also be in contact with your guardian Mr. Parker about your educational progress.

I would like to meet with the two of you for a discussion of your previous educational experience on Monday afternoon. Would a bit after noon suit your schedule?

Miss Susan


[Filtered to Sadie Kane]
Hello, Sadie. How did you discussion with Dr. Xavier go?

[Filtered to Primrose Everdeen, James Rogers, Henry Mills, Reyna, and Hazel Levesque]
Good morning, all. I fear you have become victim of a failure of record-keeping. Would you be so kind as to respond with a list of your courses?

Thank you,
Miss Susan

[Filtered to Matty]
On Monday, we shall begin fractions. Come hungry.

[Filtered to Torunn]
Good morning, Torunn - how are you finding your Modern Culture course?

Dec. 21st, 2012


[Filtered to Peter Parker, Logan, Ororo, Padme, Silas, Alaric, and Dr. Xavier]

New students this week:
Erica Reyes (Logan)
Anne Shirley (Munroe)
Lily Luna Potter (Saltzman)
Cassie Lang (Xavier)
Neville Longbottom (Silas)

I shall see you all at the faculty meeting this evening.


Dec. 19th, 2012


What is the nature of Christmas? I have Googled at it, and I'm still puzzled. The celebrations for it don't appear to have a thing to do with the religious significance of the holiday, other than the exchange of gifts.

[Filtered to Dr. Banner]
You know about science, do you not?

Dec. 18th, 2012


Network Post; Fox Mulder

I'm just curious; How many of you are not from Earth?

Dec. 14th, 2012


[Filtered to Logan, Ororo Munroe, Alaric Saltzman, Charles Xavier, Silas, Padme Amidala, and Peter Parker]
Good morning.

More children have arrived in the past few days. I've placed the files for your new Advisees on your desks.

Since the number of students keeps increasing and all of our schedules are inconsistent, I am calling a weekly faculty meeting to occur every Friday at 5 p.m., at Sam's. That time should be sufficiently after or before classes for everyone, and safely after sundown. Inform me if this time presents issues for any of you. The purpose of the meeting will be to check in regarding student progress, discuss any issues as necessary, and have a pint or two. The business of it should be able to be conducted in an hour or less, with no need to linger afterward if you are not so inclined.

[Filtered to all volunteer teachers]
Good morning.

If you have not already been contacted about students interested in learning from you, it is likely that you will soon. The number of children here is steadily increasing.

To all who have Volunteered: thank you. You are Appreciated.

With regard to Student Discipline: Killing is Unacceptable, and Maiming is to be considered a Last Resort. This maxim also applies to the Violent Classes.

Your students' advisors will be in regular contact with you to discuss their progress. Should you have an issue you cannot resolve with a student, his or her advisor should be your first person to contact.


Dec. 11th, 2012


It's fascinating to see which traditions stick, which evolve, and which are forgotten to time. I dismissed the mistletoe as holiday frippery, but it's still quite popular. I doubt anyone these days could describe a proper La Mas Ubhal without putting it to their smart telephone. I suppose the Christmas tree might persist, though it is quite young. Only three-hundred years before and someone would call you a Prussian barbarian if you thought it proper to hack up some arbor and decorate it with painted toys and sugar ornaments, but the Living seem to enjoy the notion now.

I suggest that those wishing to partake in the festivities take care to watch their belongings, and do not go out alone at night.

There are many who would take advantage of a merry soul, even in this Holy month.

Dec. 8th, 2012


In case any of our young people or advisors are wondering what sort of education opportunities are available, here is a list of subjects we currently have resources for:

Science, Mathematics, and Engineering
Computer Science (various levels)
Advanced Mathematics
Basic Mathematics
Human Anatomy
Principles of Space Flight
Introduction to Air Planes and Flight Procedures
Introduction to Present Day and Place Technology
Advanced Biology: Genetics

Cultural Studies
History of This World
Geography of This World
Ancient History of This World
Philosophy (Broad View)
Philosophy (Greek and Roman)
Literature in English
Philosophy of the Elves
Elven Culture
Music of the Soul
Political Science
Etiquette and Courtly Manners
Earth History: An in-depth look at the 19th and 20th centuries

Mandarin Chinese
Ancient Egyptian
Abadonian Egyptian
Goa'uld Egyptian
Middle English
Norse Runes
Linear A (Written Minoan)

Practical Skills
Energy Manipulation (students must already possess some energy control powers)
Private Study in the Control and Use of Superpowers (students must already possess superpowers)
Hand to Hand Combat
Small Firearms
Sword Combat
Combat with Supernatural Beings
First Aid and Battlefield Medicine
Trident Combat
Lance Combat
Dagger Combat
Horse Things

If any students have interest in any of the above topics, you should speak with your advisor about connecting you to the appropriate resource. If you are under eighteen and have not been assigned an advisor, please let me know; several files have been lost in the shuffle due to the large influx of refugees and the reduction in SHIELD's administrative staff.

Dec. 6th, 2012



[Filtered to Reyna]
Hello, Reyna. My name is Susan Sto Helit. I am the Headmistress of the SHIELD Educational Services Division.

Mr. Dedalus has been shifted out of Curriculum Advisor duty, so I will be working with you to determine what direction your education and training should take, and which instructors will be best suited to help you with it.

Could you tell me a bit about your education so far?

[Filtered to Professor Xavier]
A few lost files just appeared on my desk. Add Miss Lily Evans to your advisee list, please. She seems eager to get started.

[Filtered to Peter Parker]
Some lost files appeared. Add Miss Rikku to your list, please.

[Filtered to Logan]
New arrival for you: Nick Ryves. More trouble, since you love it so.

[Filtered to Padme Amidala]
I have one more to add to your advisee list: Marlene Aristades


Call for Volunteers


Do you have an Area of Expertise? Are you Highly Educated in a particular Discipline? Would you like to share your knowledge with others?

The SHIELD Educational Services Division is updating its Resource List. If you would like to make yourself available as a Volunteer to teach young people or adults, please respond here with the following information:

Your Name
Your Area(s) of Expertise
Your Amount of Patience, on a Scale of 1-10, Where 10 is Patina, Ephebian Goddess of Wisdom, and 1 is a Rabid Badger

Volunteers are most likely to be put to use Immediately, due to sudden High Demand, unless they are Experts in something exclusively Boring or Useless, such as Stamp Collecting.

[added after Carol's reply]
All Volunteer positions are Part Time.


[Susan Sto Helit]
I've spoken to my "advisees", though I'm not sure what I'm meant to do with them now. Two of them keep talking to me about culture but I don't think they know what the word means at all, to be honest. They think they're very adult and only want to learn about the world here, as though culture can be cut up and spoon fed to them like carrots.

When I was teaching in Ireland, students, children used to have some level of respect for those that had been placed in authority over them. They'd sit there leaned over their books with their tangled hair and lean necks and stare off with blank expressions as their minds drifted and rolled over everything, everything besides what I was saying.

And that's well, and that's good and people can think whatever they like. Thinking is important, it's so nice to be young and full of ideas. It's good to be defiant and challenge the world and all the parts of it. It's the only way anyone can strive to find any sort of identity before they all realise that individualism is the greatest lie they were ever told and it all comes crashing down in waves strong enough to break the pressure in their ears.

I'm beginning to think I may be better suited to teach at one of the universities in this city, or one of the schools or somewhere where students know how to speak to their professors that isn't calling them names.


Filtered to Susan's Advisees

[Filtered to Sadie Kane, Primrose Everdeen, Hazel Levesque, Matty, and Henry Mills]

Good morning.

My name is Susan Sto Helit. You may call me Miss Susan. I am the Headmistress of the SHIELD Educational Services Division, which I realise is utterly meaningless to you, but it is important to make proper introductions.

I am your assigned Curriculum Advisor. That means I help you determine what education you need and either provide it or find someone who can. You are all with me because you are the youngest arrivals here, and I have the most experience working with the under-15 set.

I do not intend to treat you like children. Children generally hate that. I shan't tell you what to do unless you need me to. However, I have a very low tolerance for nonsense. Extremely low, in fact.

So, let's meet for lunch at the deli tomorrow - I'm buying. We can have a chat and determine where everyone needs to go.


Filtered to Susan Sto Helit and Torunn

I don't think the guy you assigned us to, Stephen Dedalus, is going to work as our Curriculum Advisor. We'd like to be switched to someone else. Thank you.

Filtered to Steve Rogers

Can we spar?

Filtered to Natasha Romanova (616)

Okay weird question.


Emails to Alaric Saltzman and Logan

To: [Alaric Saltzman]
From: [Susan Sto Helit]
Subject: One more for your advisees

you have 1 new message )

To: [Logan]
From: [Susan Sto Helit]
Subject: New arrival for your list

you have 1 new message )

Dec. 5th, 2012


Filtered to ESD CAs

[Filtered to Logan, Ororo Munroe, Alaric Saltzman, Stephen Dedalus, Charles Xavier, Silas, Peter Parker, and Padme Amidala]

After spending the day juggling files and workloads, I have finally

Welcome, new faculty. Given the sudden influx of young people, we're especially glad to have you. If you have any questions or issues, come to me or to Mr. Logan with them.

I've updated the roster and made assignments of students to Curriculum Advisors. See me in the office to pick up the files for anyone who's newly arrived or assigned to you. If you have any issues with anyone assigned to you, too bad, they all had to go somewhere.

Logan: Clove No Last Name, Loki Laufeyson, Peter Harkiss, and Jace Wayland. You have a few new ones from very violent worlds. Don't turn your back on them.

Peter Parker: Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase, Maria DeLuca

Ororo Munroe: Gabrielle Delacour, Ty Lee, Isabelle Lightwood, Thalia Grace.

Alaric Saltzman: Bonnie Bennett, Frank Zhang, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson

Stephen Dedalus: Torunn No Last Name, Reyna No Last Name, James Rogers. Also, with the troop of Greek and Roman demigods who have appeared in the last few weeks, you're probably also about to get a rather large class in your favorite subjects.

Charles Xavier: Kate Bishop, Clary Fray, Piper McLean, Moya, Jubilation Lee, Humberto Lopez. Note - Moya is a special case. She's not actually a child, but she's new to a human body and would like to learn how to use it. I suggest introducing her to Tali'Zorah vas Normandy or Garrus Vakarian.

Silas: Will Herondale, Simon Lewis, Madge Undersee, James Carstairs, Rose Hathaway, Lissa Dragomir.

Padme Amidala: Ginny Weasley, Remus Lupin, Claire Danvers, Mae Crawford, Michael Guerin

Susan Sto Helit: Sadie Kane, Primrose Everdeen, Hazel Levesque, Matty No Last Name, Henry Mills

Please arrange to meet with your new advisees by the end of the week. I hope to have an updated Teacher Resource List by Friday. If after meeting with your advisees you find that they have interest in a subject we don't currently have a resource for, tell me and I'll find one.

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