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Nov. 14th, 2015


To those who came down to VA beach, I think we've avoided quite the calamity it could have been, and it appears the gravitational singularity is closed for now and the swarm of unknowns from the sea has been stopped for now.

SWORD, SHIELD, and those who came on their own, we've done good work this past 48 hours. Those who want to stay and clean up are welcome, but if the Avengers have brought anyone under 18. Please do not speak to the press, and if you do, you're 18.

[Filtered to Brand, Danvers (EMH), Weaver, Fury (MCU), Coulson, & Romanoff (MCU)]
Did anyone catch what the hell that was with DoD rushing in? I thought we were the ones who stonewalled other agencies.

Nov. 9th, 2015


cut for gif )

Now I want Pop-Tarts.

Oct. 12th, 2015


Network Post: Phil Coulson

So this book everyone's talking about. The Keys To The Kingdom. Is it worth a read? Or should I skip it?

Sep. 28th, 2015


[Filtered to San Juan group (Coulson's team + Red Team (616 Rogers, P. Carter, 616 Barnes, Fontaine, Dugan) + LEOPARD]
Anyone know what happened down there?

[OOC: Can double as a comms post for the Terrigenesis at the end of Season 2B AoS]

Sep. 22nd, 2015


I guess you're off the mailing list after last time, because guess who I got a call from this morning who wants another meeting?

How much do you know about Raina?

Sep. 21st, 2015


hi pleas escan csomeoene help me put my organs back in thansk

where they go nut jsut sanyhwehre



So I take it Potts Tower is back to normal now?

[Filtered to Anne Weaver, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill]
I was thinking about those former agents that turned up last week with the symbols carved into them.

SWORD picked up a painting this summer when we were helping Thor search for that sceptre with the Infinity Stone. On the back it has similar etchings which Fandral and Carol Danvers recognized as part of a map. I can send over pictures, but if you want to come see it in person, Anne has some passes to the base she can work up.
[Filtered to Agents Mulder & Scully]
If both of you are in town right now, I'd like you to go over Potts Tower and see what remains of whatever happened this weekend: structurally, physically, electronically, radiologically, whatever emissions spectra you can think to measure.

Communicate if you have further needs. If there is structural damage, communicate with Stark Industries, but I'm particularly interested if there are any xenobiotic samples to be collected.
[Blandvers (Blake/Brand/EMH Danvers)]
I've seen intermittent posting by Ascension crew, so I'll give a preliminary report here.

There was an incident at Potts Tower wherein everyone those in the Tower on Friday morning were locked inside and perceived the Tower to be a Hell-like dimension with regenerating monsters. There is some evidence to suggest that this was the action of an unidentified powered individual, and Tesseract readings were largely normal. In fact, we've had very little spontaneous generation by the Stone since its surge last month.

While there may not be anything, I have sent Agents Mulder and Scully to investigate the tower and see what evidence of this weekend remains.

Additionally, SHIELD may have a lead on that Chitauri map that was found in June. I'm consulting with a specialist in the matter to see if our finding helps with theirs.

Sep. 16th, 2015



So how dead to you am I?


How's the new team working out for you?

[The Kids(Jasper, Maria, Phil, Natasha, Clint)]

I've settled into the new office. I should be stateside more often than I've been in the past year.

Sep. 15th, 2015



We might have a situation. I'm not sure. Can you meet me at the Playground as soon as you can?


[The Old Guard(Coulson, Weaver, Blake, Hartley, Hill)]

Gentleman have you heard of any old contacts disappearing as of recent? Some new intelligence has come onto my desk.

[White Team(Peter, Anakin, Jaina)]

I'm afraid we've lost Rocket for now it seems. However he has appeared again before so I remain optimistic.
Cut for crime description(murder) )
Our task is to infiltrate the current investigations and to gather as much information as possible. If former agents are being targeted by a force outside of HYDRA or usual sources than we need to find out who.


cut for toast gif )

Sep. 7th, 2015


There's something about holidays on Mondays that always make me want to sleep all day.

Especially after last ni

Sep. 6th, 2015


Network Post: Phil Coulson

[Coulson's Team: Clint Barton (MCU), Skye, Claire Wise]

We've received word from an old friend. Raina wants to meet, she says she has something for us. I'm meeting her at [insert name of restaurant] at six. I want you there. Barton, find a place out of sight and listen in. Skye and Wise, be ready if we need you.

I don't think I have to tell you that we can't trust her.

[Jade Team: Ashley Williams, Mara Jade, Georgina Kincaid, Jaye Sheppard, Meetra Surik]

I'd like you to be back up on this. I have no idea if Raina is coming alone, if she's bringing friends or who she's working for this week. I don't want to take any chances though. I'm meeting her at [see above] at six tonight. My team will be on site. Williams, position your team wherever you think is best in case we need them.

Aug. 27th, 2015


What kind of ridiculous attempt at a weapon is this? It's so flimsy, it could be snapped in half. It's also impossible to ignore how terrible it smells. It was worse than the trash in that alleyway. Why would any planet provide its elderly creatures with such a thing?? And who told them it was smart to run around with it?! Or run at people with it! Who does that kind of thing?

Aug. 25th, 2015


[Filtered to Brandvers + MCU SHIELD]
There's our answer.

Though surprisingly the question seems to be less "what happened to the hammer?" and more "When will the Avengers destroy a city next?"
[ETA: Filtered to SHIELD Counter-Intel & Emerging Threats Zlakob (Jessica Drew (616), Nick Fury (616), "Bucky Barnes (616), Sharon Carter (616), Meetra Surik, Ashley Williams, Oliver Queen, Steve Rogers (616), & Anakin Solo)]
You two teams have the highest density of Avengers on our current teams. Get ahead of this Thor versus Hercules fight, get it out of the public eye, and contain it.

Aug. 19th, 2015


[White Team]
Go team Good working with you guys.
[Coulson & Ashley Williams]
Seen the report yet?
[Grant Ward]

Apr. 12th, 2015


network post: natasha romanoff

Filtered: Phil Coulson & Melinda May
I'd like to make a proposal for Grant Ward.
Filtered: Fandral
How much did you enjoy being Melinda May? I eluded those shenanigans again.
Who even believes HBO didn't leak Game of Thrones themselves?

Filtered: Grant Ward
You're coming home with me.

Aug. 20th, 2014



I just wanted to take a second to acknowledge all the hard work we've been doing for, well let's face it mostly glory and getting to punch HYDRA in the face. So far France is warming up to us, which I guess happens when you kick Nazi's out. And with Nick's new information on our little incident with the catacombs, we might just makes them like us even more. Hopefully.

If we're going to stay working this side of the Atlantic though we're going to need more than just tolerance from France. In general it looks like Europe is at least a little less likely to brand us terrorists, Howling Commandos meme aside. Which is more than we can say in the US. Still, we have a lot of allies in New York and figuring out an easy way maybe back and forth wouldn't be the worst idea we've come up with. Hell they managed to make a direct line to Asgard, Paris isn't nearly that far.

So anyone have any bright ideas?

[Coulson, Blake, Fury(616)]

So by the sounds of things we all want the same thing. Which means that from now on, we should at least keep each other sort of in the loop.

Or as much of a loop as Nick's capable of. Which is probably vaguely loop like.


So... I miss you. And I'm an awful wife.

Please tell me you haven't given Winston back to Carol.


So. How's New York treating you?

Aug. 18th, 2014


Network Post; Mara Jade

[Jemma Simmons]
I don't know if you remember me, Agent Simmon, but I thought I would check in and see how Agent Fitz is doing?

[Phil Coulson]
It's been a while - I trust you're still well?

[Nick Fury (MCU)]
Three people from home in the last two weeks and you've got me country hopping. What is this?

Also, Buenos Aires.

Jul. 24th, 2014


RP Log; Phil Coulson & Mara Jade

Who: Mara Jade & Phil Coulson
When: July 17(ish), 2014
Where: New Mexico
What: A conversation between two former SHIELD agents.
Rating: Low

I’d be stupid to pass up a lightsaber as long as it’s wielded by the right kind of person. )

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